

808 Uppsatser om Cognitive dysfunction syndrome - Sida 30 av 54

Ett Excel-baserat informationssystem för IKEAs personalavdelningar

IKEA HaparandaTornio employ some two-hundred people in its furniture retail store.Keeping track of staff statistics and employee information has previously been achievedthrough the use of a basic Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet. The store?s human resourcesdepartment requested an upgrade to this system with the hope of speeding up andsimplifying the administrative process, as well as to make it easier to monitor HR-relatedtarget statistics. The following report documents the development process of that upgrade ascarried out by the author. The project draws on research in usability design and cognitivepsychology to develop a user-friendly interface.

Känslor hos föräldrar till barn med Downs syndrom : Skillnader mellan mödrar och fäder

Studien bygger på en sammanställning av tidigare insamlad och ej bearbetad data. Syftet med studien var att jämföra om det fanns några skillnader kring känslor hos mödrar och fäder till barn med Downs syndrom (DS). 80 mödrar respektive 79 fäder deltog i studien. De fick svara på en enkät gällande känslor under en tidsperiod på tre månader tillbaka. Barnens medelålder var 4,7 år då föräldrarna besvarade enkäten.

Att berätta med ord och bilder: Relationen mellan återberättande och och bildsekvensering hos barn

Storytelling is a complex action that requires many linguistic and other cognitive abilities, like memory and attention. Resent research has shown a correlation between oral story retelling and picture arrangement among children with neurodevelopmental disorders. The present study analyzes if this correlation exists among a convenience sample of children from the general population. 77 children between 3:11 and 9:0 years old accomplished Bus Story Test and a picture arrangement task from WISC III. Significant correlations was found between picture arrangement and Bus Story Test?s subscores sentence length, subordinate clauses and information.

Vem förstår mig? : En essä om hur vi pedagoger i förskolan kan bemöta och hjälpa barn med språkstörning

This essay covers the subject of children with language disorders. We are two educators writing an experience-based essay on our preschool experiences and the literature with the subject of speaking disorders and verbal development. The main focus of this essay is how educators can recognize and stimulate children with language disorder. The starting point in the essay is two experience-based events from preschool which tells of two different boys, aged three and four. Both boys have some kind of verbal disorder and one of them also has Down´s syndrome.

Musikens inverkan på personer med demenssjukdom : -en litteraturstudie

Då befolkningen blir allt äldre ökar andelen personer som drabbas av demenssjukdom. Att drabbas av demens innebär att kognitiva funktioner försämras. Kommunikationsproblem och problem med daglig livsföring, personlighetsförändringar, brister i empatisk förmåga och svårigheter att kontrollera känslor kännetecknar sjukdomsbilden. Det är av betydelse att finna icke-farmakologiska behandlingar då medicinering inte ger önskat resultat. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att få ökad kunskap om hur musik påverkar personer med demenssjukdom.

Granskning av Solibri Model Checker - En Svenskanpassning : Ja?mfo?relse av tva? egenkontrollsystem

The building industry are currently going through a huge alteration. The introduction of BIM (Building Information Modeling). Which also implements a lot of new ways of solving problems that building modeling can cause. This report is written for Uppsala University in cooperation with Temagruppen in Uppsala. However, it contains a comparison between two different systems that checks building models.

Att arbeta laborativt : Ett arbete om laborativt material riktat till addition

Abstract The purpose of this degree project is to examine what impact working with physical objects has on children?s learning process concerning addition. We want to explore what addition strategies can be exercised using the game ?Twice as much?. We have observed children in school year 1.

Ett speciellt föräldraskap : Levda erfarenheter av att ha ett barn med autism eller Aspergers syndrom

Studien syftade till att utifrån en fenomenologisk utgångspunkt undersöka föräldrars erfarenheter av att ha barn med diagnos inom autismspektrumtillstånd, där bl.a. autism och Aspergers syndrom ingår. Detta paraplybegrepp ingår i sin tur i den medicinska termen neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. Vi ville förstå hur föräldrarna uppfattade sin situation och hur både den och diagnosen tillskrevs mening.Vi intervjuade tre mödrar till barn med autismspektrumstörning. Resultatet analyserades utifrån metoden Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.

Fråga mig! En trygg bildmanual alltid till hands.

Technology has grown rapidly in recent years. At present, almost all social interaction are through computers and telephones. It is, however, not everyone who can manage these media. This applies mostly to elderly people who have not kept pace with technological developments. A major contributing reason is that the manuals are usually bulky and too technical for this group.The purpose of this paper is to develop a concept/prototype into a product that will facilitate the use of mobile phones for seniors.

Att bryta en kriminell livsstil : En kvalitativ undersökning av KRIS-medlemmars erfarenheter av att bryta med kriminalitet

Belöningssystem används flitigt i arbetslivet men forskningen kring dess effekter på anställda ha varit snål. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ekonomisk belöning uppfattas av fastighetsmäklare samt vilken effekt det kan ha på deras motivation, prestation och lojalitet gentemot företaget. Sex stycken kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med fastighetsmäklare från olika lokalkontor i stockholmsområdet. Tematisk analys gjordes med teoretisk grund i Cognitive Evaluation Theory (CET) samt Self-Determination Theory (SDT). CET utgår ifrån att människor bedömer händelser utifrån en kontrollerande och en informerande aspekt medan SDT handlar om hur motivation kan vara mer eller mindre externt reglerad.

Att vara arbetssökande : Motivation och känslomässiga upplevelser hos arbetssökande individer samt upplevelser utav kontakten med arbetsförmedlaren

Research shows that unemployed´s motivation to seek work affects their health and social life. Employment officer?s motivational work should be based on strengthening the individual's confidence in their abilities. Five motivational theories underpinning the study is Cognitive Theory, Self-determination theory, Expectancy Value Theory, need theory and Goal Theory. The purpose of this study was to investigate individuals' job motivation, and emotional experiences, also in relation to contact with the employment officer.

Gym ombord på fartyg : Behöver sjömän träna och hur?

Background: Stroke is one of the leading causes for longlasting sequelae, among themloss in cognitive function, like aphasia. Aphasia effects the patients ability to understandand express themselves in speaking and writing. To be able to reach a good level of care,the careproviders and patients ought to have the same goals and values. This requires agood communication between the careproviders and patients. Which can be problematicfor the caregivers when they don't feel secure in their way of getting close to these patients.Aim: The purpose of this study was to illuminate caregivers experience of caring forpatients with the diagnosis aphasia following stroke.Method: This is a literature study where nine studies, with qualitative design, has beenanalyzed and compiled.

"Omstart" : En studie om co-creation inom scenkonst

The process of value creation is rapidly shifting from a product- and firm-centric view to personalized consumer experience today. Informed, networked, empowered and active consumers are increasingly co-creating value with the firm. The interaction between the firm and the consumer as well as the experience factor plays an increasingly important role in determining the success of a company?s offering. In this study, a special type of co-creating experience is investigated - ?omstartspex? - where the audience is interacting with actors during the play.

Copingstrategiers och det sociala stödets samband med upplevd stress hos vårdpersonal

IKEA HaparandaTornio employ some two-hundred people in its furniture retail store.Keeping track of staff statistics and employee information has previously been achievedthrough the use of a basic Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet. The store?s human resourcesdepartment requested an upgrade to this system with the hope of speeding up andsimplifying the administrative process, as well as to make it easier to monitor HR-relatedtarget statistics. The following report documents the development process of that upgrade ascarried out by the author. The project draws on research in usability design and cognitivepsychology to develop a user-friendly interface.

Vem får ansöka? : En kvantitativ vinjettstudie om biståndshandläggares benägenhet att ta emot ansökan från anhöriga.

This essay is about needs assessors within public elder care. The method is a quantitative vignette study. The aim of the study is to find out whether there is an existing consensus among the needs assessors when a relative to a client with reduced cognitive functions wants to make an application even though the client does not want to. We also wanted to find out whether there are any underlying circumstances which have influence on the needs assessors? reactions to this specific situation.

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