5077 Uppsatser om Cognitive Hearing Science - Sida 20 av 339
Vetenskapskommunikation till barn och ungdomar genom textskyltar på Universeum
Universeum är ett upplevelsecentrum för naturvetenskap och teknik, ett så kallat Science Centre.I vårt arbete undersöker vi hur vetenskap bäst kommuniceras till barn och ungdomar via textskyltar på ett Science Centre. Vi analyserar vilket språk som bör användas och hur skyltarnas layout ska utformas för att väcka intresse, ge information och lust att lära mer inomnaturvetenskap och teknik. Baserat på denna analys ger vi även förslag på skylttexter och skyltlayout till Universeums avdelning Explora..
Utvärdering av kognitiv beteendeterapis (KBT) effektivitet : En systematisk replikation
AbstractA systematic replication study was conducted at the training site at the University of Karlstad. Student therapists performed cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) as a part of their master?s degree in psychology. The systematic replication that took place was based on the work of Hiltunen et al. (2013), who evaluated the efficacy of CBT treatment conducted at the training site previously mentioned.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression - MBCT : Litteraturstudie om effekter utifrån Christine Padeskys femfaktormodell.
Depressioner återkommer ofta och varje ny depressionsepisod ökar risken för en ny beroende på en allt större känslighet för inre och yttre triggers. Mindfulnessbased Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) har utarbetats av Z. Segal, M. Williams och J. Teasdale som en gruppbaserad behandlingmodell för att förebygga återinsjuknande kombinerar mindfulnesstekniker och kognitiv terapi (KBT) för depression.
När en patient flyttar : Patientens upplevelser inför förflyttning från högsäkerhetsenhet till annan vårdenhet
The aim of this essay is to create an understanding, of how teachers comprehend knowledge, grades and tests in a school context. It is important to get a grip of the different parts of the teacher?s reality. The test, the grades and knowledge are deeply connected as a part of a whole. The teachers view on knowledge can not be understood without asking about the practical parts of their work and understand how the different parts are dependent on each other.The main material consists of interviews with four teachers that work in a public mandatory school in the south suburbs of Stockholm.
Pedagogiskt arbete på folkbibliotek. En hermeneutisk studie av Biblioteksbladet under trettiotalet, sextiotalet och nittiotalet.
The aim of this masters thesis is to examine how the educational work of the Swedish public library was regarded in the Swedish library journal Biblioteksbladet at three different periods of the twentieth century, i.e. the thirties, the sixties and the nineties. Using a theoretical framework from the field of professionalization and a methodological framework of hermeneutics, it is shown that the educational work of the thirties can be described as having a focus on free learning whereas the educational work of the sixties can be described as having a focus on public utility. The educational work of the nineties focuses on the information seeking process of the user. It is noted that this development during the century can be understood as a shift of the cognitive authority of the public librarians.
Nya vägar till ett nytt jobb
The purpose of this study is to describe how unemployed persons in a work-program experience their participation in the project and how they feel about the possibilities to find a new job. It is a qualitative study with a social psychological perspective and the research is based on nine interviews. The theories used cover both social psychological and cognitive perspectives such as those of Charles Cooley, Johan Asplund and Thomas Scheff..
Nature of science i skolans tidigare år - Intervjuer med lärare som integrerat Linnés 300-årsjubileum
För att alla elever ska kunna uppnå scientific literacy bör man utgå från barnens erfarenheter där naturorienterade ämnen, NO, knyts till ett sammanhang ? en kontext. I kontexten synliggörs naturvetenskapens mänskliga sida, och därmed visa att NO är mer än fakta. Elever behöver lära om naturvetenskapen, vilket kallas nature of science, NOS. Vårt syfte är att ta reda på hur lärare aktualiserar nature of science genom ett Linné-tema.
Utformning av laboration inom Fourieranalys vid Vetenskapens Hus : Musikens matematik - En matematisk förståelse av ljud- och musikinstrument
This report documents the process of designing a laboratory exercise in Fourier analysis at Vetenskapens Hus (House of Science) in Stockholm. The lab is designed for high school students studying science or technical education. It focuses on the physicalunderstanding and mathematical description of sound, in particular music. A model of such a lab is presented in this work; containing a review of the mathematical theory, summary of educational research in the field, descriptions of the design process and of the investigativework that led to the final result. The designed material for the lab includes developed computer programs, visit leader tutorial and description for teachers. .
ADHD och fetma hos vuxna personer : En litteraturstudie
ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to describe various methods of treatment and effects of treatment of ADHD, and to investigate wheater there is an association between adults with ADHD and obesity. Method: Literature review. Twelve quantitative scientific articles were found in the data bases PubMed, Cinahl and MedLine. Result: ADHD is a cognitive impairment that can lead to serious complications such as obesity. Studies show that drug treatments of adults with ADHD have positive effects in terms of reduced symptoms, increased efficiency and improved quality of life, but drugs can also cause side effects in form of loss of appetite and insomnia. For adults with ADHD and obesity drugs that affect metabolism have a significant impact on patients ability to lose weight.
Hur maten blev begriplig : En analys av matens diskursiva formationen bland Slow Foodmedlemmar i Göteborg
The aim of this essay is to analyze the discursive production of Food, within the Slow food movement, by its members. Through a discourse analysis inspired, theoretically and methodically, by Michel Foucault, this essay examines how the idea of food ? that is ?what should be eaten? ? in opposite to what can be eaten, is constructed within by Slow Food members in the Gothenburg area. The essay analysis how Slow Food?s food discourse is structured and what results this formation has on food within this discourse.
Kreativa föräldrar - En fallstudie om föräldraskapets och föräldraledighetens effekt på förälderns kreativitet i arbetet
Parenting and parental leave in a career context is a highly topical subject in which discussions about gender equality and corporate discrimination against parents occur daily. Media has recently raised the theory of parenting and parental leave as having positive impacts on personal development, such as creativity enhancement, which may promote the individual's work performance. Despite the subject's significant value for society and organizations, no scientific research is to be found. This paper examines how an individual's creativity at work is affected when becoming a parent and if parental leave has any contributory effect. Furthermore, the paper identifies and scrutinizes four creativity theories that may help explain these changes in creativity.
Språk som maktutövningsmedel En studie om försök att rättfärdiga Operation Iraqi Freedom
The purpose of this study is to investigate the way George W. Bush used the language as a means to exercise power in an attempt to justify Operation Iraqi Freedom. The theories used to answer the purpose are discourse analysis and three different moral metaphors that are applied on the data.The collected material for the metaphors is constituted of cognitive linguistic books from prominent linguists, such as George Lakoff, Alan Cruse and William Croft, and the material for the discourse analysis is also collected from prominent discourse analysts such as Michél Foucault and Norman Fairclough. The official White House website provides the material for my data. The scientific method used in this study has been qualitative text analysis where the hermeneutic approach has been an essential part of it.The main question: In what way did George W.
Battlestar Galactica : Ett mänskligt universum
Science Fiction har sedan sin uppkomst gestaltat samhället och de samhällsfrågor som för sin tid är aktuella. Alltifrån ifall människans existens är kroppslig eller andlig, till vad som händer när livsformer från andra planeter kommer till Jorden, har diskuteras i Science Fiction. I tv-serien Battlestar Galactica gestaltas och problematiseras vår samtid. Genom att flytta mänskligheten från Jorden och ut i rymden, där de konfronteras med en mängd etiska och moraliska frågor ? tvingade att se över vad de själva är och vad de håller på att bli.
Hur agerar pedagoger utomhus? : En studie i förhållningssätt till barn i förskolan och deras utemiljö.
The following essay or thesis is a study over scientific endeavors in the fringe. It is a study of Riksorganisationen UFO-Sverige, whose proponents aim to make the UFO phenomenon (or phenomena) a subject of scientific scrutiny. To achieve this, the ufologists first have to redefine common concepts of ufology as pseudo science or religion, mainly by challenging definitions given by scientific sceptics on the one hand, and proponents of conspiracy theories or the new age environment on the other. Thus UFO-Sverige seeks to construct an alternative scientific identity in contrast to adversaries on both sides, each unwilling to give the UFO phenomenon any further examination. Following the work of Tomas Gieryn's sociological grip on questions of epistemology, especially concerning the social boundaries of science from other cultural categories through what has been labelled as epistemic boundary work, during which proponents of a particular field aim to achieve epistemic authority and thus the legitimate right to define what is and what is not science, I seek to analyze how questions of science and legitimacy are actualized in an intellectual environment or culture not broadly accepted as scientific.
Demokrati och vetenskap - ett problemfyllt förhållande
What role should science play in democracy? Political scientists often assume that it is possible to demarcate between ?instrumental? and ?moral? knowledge, and argue that citizens and/or politicians should use their moral knowledge to agree upon political goals and then apply the instrumental knowledge of scientists to achieve them. This straightforward view is challenged by writers in science studies, who identify three major problems in the use of science in democracy: uncertainty, risk and hidden values. They suggest that these problems could be solved through citizen participation.In this essay I perform an analysis of the internal logic of their suggestion. Is it likely that citizen participation enhances the democratic decision making process so as to reduce the problems? The internal analysis shows that it is rational to advocate citizen participation by reasons of legitimacy.