5077 Uppsatser om Cognitive Hearing Science - Sida 21 av 339
Forskningsfronten och forskningsbasen inom informationsvetenskap ? en bibliometrisk undersökning
The purpose with this study is to map the research front and the research base in information science, by using the bibliometric methods bibliographic coupling and author-co citation analysis. The research questions are: 1. What is the nature of the research front in information science, regarding which areas that are being studied? 2. What is the nature of the research base in information science, regarding which authors who are most cited, and how they can be grouped? The data used in the study were gathered from articles published in the journal Journal of the American society for information science and technology, published between 2004-2006, respectively 1986-2006.
Change Lab - Att arbeta med lärande förändring
In order to be able to change, to maintain competitiveness as a company in a
world where rapid changes is part of the daily life, it is crucial to have
knowledge and methods in how to change. One method, originally developed in
Finland, is the Change Laboratory. This method is said to be efficient, not
only concerning change aspects but also learning, since change and learning in
this method is intertwined.
This Master Thesis (20p.) tells about the process of conducting a Change
Laboratory with a Swedish high-tech company and analyses factors in the process
that makes change possible..
Lika makter leka lika? Sanktioner eller dialog, varför skiljer sig USA respektive EU handlingsplaner från varandra angående Irans kärnvapen?
In this thesis I will discuss how US respectively EU general international security policies are formed with the scientific theories Rational Choice and Cognitive theory in mind. I?ll discuss how come US tends to go towards a more sanction orientated strategy while European Union seems to prefer a dialog and diplomatic problem solving strategy. I?ll exemplify respective security strategy through the qualitative cases study of Iran and analyse why they have taken different cores of action while trying to solve the problem with Iran's alleged nuclear weapon.
Konstruktion av analysverktyg för studie av Nature of Science i fysikläroböcker - En studie av fem gymnasieläroböcker
I examensarbetet har läroboksserier inom fysik för gymnasienivån studerats med avseende på Nature of Science. Begreppet Nature of Science, NOS, handlar om naturvetenskapens epistemologi och de sammanhang som påverkar skapandet av ny kunskap inom naturvetenskap. Aspekter från andra vetenskapsområden som, historia, filosofi, ekonomi, och sociologi lyfts fram som viktiga i kunskapsutvecklingen av naturvetenskap. Som grund för studien har ett avgränsat avsnitt, som i examensarbetet benämnts vad är ljus, undersökts. Inom detta område har det studerats om och hur NOS används i läroböckerna.
How Does Ego Depletion Affect Moral Judgments and Pro-social Decisions?
BACKGROUND: Today?s societal changes, including high rate of change and increasing information flows, are increasing the demand on the individual mental capacity. It becomes increasingly difficult to analytically process all the different dilemmas and everyday decisions as individuals have a limited mental capacity available to make these decisions. Thus, it has been suggested that ego-depleted relies more heavily on intuition, which is less burdensome, when making decision. However little is known about to what extent intuitive decisions differ from analytic.
Till storms, till havs, var man på vakt : En jämförande studie om förhållandet mellan uppgifter och teknik hos Sjöräddningssällskapet
Precis som många andra domäner har frivilligorganisationen Sjöräddningssällskapet (SSRS) påverkats mycket av den tekniska utvecklingen som skett de senaste decennierna. Den har bland annat inneburit att SSRS båtar har fått mer och mer högteknologisk utrustning. Samtidigt har de frivilliga sjöräddarnas kompetens och kraven på deras kompetens, förändrats i takt med att den svenska fiskeflottan förminskats. Idag består SSRS aktiva medlemmar av personer med huvudsysselsättning bortom den marina domänen. Den här studien gör en bred kartläggning över organisationen för att kunna jämföra förhållanden mellan vilka uppgifter och mål som finns hos SSRS med vilken teknik som finns tillgänglig och hur arbetet utförs i praktiken.
Återinläggning av patienter 80 år och äldre på medicin- och kirurgklinik
ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to describe various methods of treatment and effects of treatment of ADHD, and to investigate wheater there is an association between adults with ADHD and obesity. Method: Literature review. Twelve quantitative scientific articles were found in the data bases PubMed, Cinahl and MedLine. Result: ADHD is a cognitive impairment that can lead to serious complications such as obesity. Studies show that drug treatments of adults with ADHD have positive effects in terms of reduced symptoms, increased efficiency and improved quality of life, but drugs can also cause side effects in form of loss of appetite and insomnia. For adults with ADHD and obesity drugs that affect metabolism have a significant impact on patients ability to lose weight.
Industriforskning och informationssökning: en användarstudie av en grupp forskare vid ABB Corporate Research
The thesis aims at, from a user perspective, examining how a group of industrial researchers understand the information seeking in their every day work. A qualitative method is employed. The empirical material consists of open-ended interviews with in all ten researchers. All of them work at the Swiss-Swedish Technology Company ABB's research laboratory in Västerås. The thesis is based on the opinion that the scientific knowledge production has become commercialised and that the scientific communication is going through certain changes.
Silversurfarna med hela världen i en låda Användarundervisning i internet för sju ålderspensionärer
Today, librarians tasks may sometimes take on an educational aspect, e.g. when designing educational courses. Our aim with this paper has been to extend our knowledge of peoples learning and learning processes in order to better adapt our educational courses for different user groups. We have investigated what eight senior citizens wanted to learn about the Internet, and followed seven of them during their course. We have examined how the group experienced a course about Internet use, and how they described their learning and learning processes.
Implementering av forskningsprojektioner om havsnivåhöjning i kommunal planering : Gränsorganisationer som redskap vid riskkommunikation mellan forskning och praktik
Climate change and the sea level rise that it contributes to is an ever more pressing issue for costal municipalities around the world. Today there is a great deal of scientific reports and projections on what these changes could entail. However, resent studies on south Swedish costal municipalities have shown great discrepancies when it comes to how these scientific projections are implemented in the municipal planning and adaptation strategies. In an effort to understand the underlying reasons for this lack of concurrence, this paper has applied Rolf Lidskogs theory of the hetrogenity of science. The theory gives an explanation to the complications in the science-policy interface, by describing complicating factors in the communication between these actors.
Hur science parks och inkubatorer kan stötta kommersialiseringen av idéer sprungna från näringslivet: En studie av Science Park Jönköping samt några företag i regionen
This master thesis has been written in collaboration with Science Park Jönköping and is based on a problem related to corporate innovation. Science Park Jönköping believes that there is an untapped potential in existing industry in the form of ideas that are never commercialized. These theories are also supported in the research in which other authors have perceived that the ideas and inventions which do not belong to the core business risk ending up in drawers. If more of these ideas could be spin-offs or other forms of enterprise instead of staying in the drawers it would lead to growth, both for companies and for the society in large.The purpose of the thesis work is to, based on the case Science Park Jönköping, analyze how science parks and incubators can support the commercialization of ideas that derive from industry, who otherwise had been left lying. The work began with a mapping of the Science Park Jönköping operations and the skills they possess, and then other initiatives that aim to commercialize more ideas from companies were examined.
Utemiljöns betydelse för små barns utveckling och lärande
The study concentrates on which significance the pre-school?s yard and the outdoor environment has and how it influence the young children regarding their development and learning. The study is carried out through observations of the children complimented by interviews of them. The results show that children?s outdoor environment is important for their development of mobility, language, social competence and learning about nature.
Webbdesign för synskadade
Science center har visat sig vara en utmärkt plats för undervisning. Detta är en studie av på vilket sätt ett skolbesök på ett science center kan bidra till att målen för år 9 uppnås och om ett besök på ett science center kan utgöra ett komplement till den vanliga skolundervisningen. Särskilt studeras ämnesområdet astronomi och kosmologi (universum och vårt solsystem) i ämnet fysik. Undersökningen är gjord på Universeum i Göteborg. Metoden i undersökningen är intervjuer och observationer.
Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap i praktiken? En studie av nio bibliotekariers förhållande till fackinformation
This Master thesis aims to illuminate nine librarians relation to professional information. This is accomplished by focusing on five questions: How do they communicate and acquire professional information, and how do they evaluate its relevance? What are their experiences of continuing professional education? What are their opinions on the academicalisation of the education? Is it possible to perceive something of the librarians professional project in the informants statements? What is their relation to the academic subject of library and information science and the research on the area? The analysis is based upon the interviews with nine librarians and carried out with profession theory in order to study the role of theoretic knowledge in our participants professionalisation processes. We also use different context oriented theories to study the contextual dimension of information need and seeking. The conclusions of this Master thesis reveal that the communication between the theory of library and information science and the practice need to be improved if we want to see more of an evidence-based librarianship.
Psykoakustisk påverkan av basfrekvenser : Blir vi påverkade av låga basfrekvenser som vi inte kan eller knappt kan höra med örat?
This survey tries to find out if and how we can be influenced of extreme low and strong frequencies in the area 0-40 Hz. A group of 52 teachers/musicstudents and non musicstudents was trying to assess what they thought, experiences and tried to describe why they thought as they did, when they listen on three different versions of same musical piece. Without low frequent bass, original and strengthened bass, randomly mixed. Several different musical pieces was used in same survey. The work also makes a commitment to theories about the people's hearing and the will of ?selfmotion?.