

98 Uppsatser om Coffin bone - Sida 5 av 7

Ragdolls - En verletimplementation

Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna rapport är att genomföra och testa en implementationsteknik för ragdolls ämnade användas i spelsammanhang. Implementationen sker genom en kombination av en verletimplementering tillsammans med en fördefinierad bone-hierarki i meshen som skall användas. Verletimplementeringen programmerades som en grund till en enklare fysikmotor och parsningen och struktureringen av meshen sköttes parallellt utanför fysikmotorn. Rotationsmatriser för samtliga större kroppsdelar, såsom över- och underarmar, överkropp, huvud etc. beräknas sedan i fysikmotorn och används för att vrida mesh-kroppen rätt.

Visualisering av hovleden hos häst med magnetresonanstomografi

Lameness localized to the hoof is a common problem in horses. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a diagnostic tool is becoming more common and is well suited for examination of the distal limb and the hoof capsule. Today there are two different methods of MRI where in one the horse is under general anesthesia and in the other the horse is standing and only sedated. In this study we have compared the visualization of the distal interphalangeal joint using these two methods in two different groups of horses with unknown clinical problems referred to two different equine hospitals. The width of the joint structures including thickness of joint cartilage and joint fluid and also the width of the dorsal pouch of the distal interphalangeal joint were measured.

Det sjuka benet och de friska människorna : en studie av osteoporos och osteoartrit i kvarteret Banken 1 i Visby

This essay deals with the diseases osteoporosis and osteoarthritis in a medieval population from Visby in Sweden. The aim has been to evaluate to what extent and in what way these diseases have influenced the people of a relatively large harbour town during the Middle Ages. 24 individuals were analysed osteologicaly and 19 of them became subject for measurements of bone density through DEXA readings. Furthermore four individuals were x-rayed based on external differences due to osteoarthritis and a change in the depression at the base of the medial surface of the greater trochanter. Similar studies have been made in Trondheim, Norway and Wharram Percy, Great Britain.

Viskningar från en grav. Att se ett förhistoriskt samhälle via gravmaterialet

Since the down of archaeology much of the resurges has focused on graves andgrave materials. This essay is an attempt to interpret a grave material to the society of the living, to investigate what a megalithic grave material can tell us about the society that made them and the people that were buried in them. The study is focused upon two megalithic graves in Löderup; Ramshög and Carlshög. A study of the bone materiel, building construction and building material at Ramshög and Carlshög is done and then compared with different theories that are made of Ramshög and Carlshög and of other megalithic graves. By studying different theories of megalithic graves and comparing these with Ramshög and Carlshög I have tried to evaluate which ones that are relevant in this case.The megalithic graves primarily shows some kind of change, in society or in their way of looking at the dead or the life after this.

Hovbroskförbening hos svenska ardennerhästen :

Ossification of the collateral cartilages of the distal phalanx has been studied primarily in cold blooded horses. The clinical relevance of this condition is unknown. Despite this fact, since 1939, all Swedish Ardenner stallions have had to be classified as being free from this ossification to be approved for breeding. Initially, palpation was used as a diagnostic method, but since 1982 radiology has been the only method used. The aim of this study was to assess the outcome of 68 years of breeding program. Dorsopalmar radiographs were taken of the front feet of 58 Ardenners (30 mares, 8 geldings and 20 stallions) and the ossification of the collateral cartilages was evaluated and graded according to three different scales; - Ruohoniemi (grade 0-5), - Swedish University of Agricultural Science (grade 0-3), - and a new scale (grade 0-3), developed for this study.

Förbättrad muskelfunktion och balans hos äldre kvinnor efter sex veckors funktionell träning

Sweden is the country that has got the largest amount of elderly in the adult population in the world. The physical activity level decreases as we grow old and we experience muscle mass loss and a bone density reduction. This leads to an increased risk for falls and subsequent fractures. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether an exercise program could affect muscle function and balance ability to prevent falls. 17 women (age 64-79) participated in this study and was assigned to a control group (n=7) and an intervention group (n=10).

Aktinos : genomgång av aktinosproblematik hos nötkreatur

Actinomycosis is a rare, deep-seated infection of the jaw of cattle that include the progressive enlargement of bone structures. It is caused by Actinomyces bovis, a gram-positive rod found as a normal commensal of the alimentary canal in otherwise healthy animals. This paper shortly describes Actinomyces bovis and its ability to cause "lumpy jaw" or actinomycosis in cattle. It will describe its pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and some clinical presentations. The incidence of symptomatic actinomycosis infection is quite low in Sweden today.

Genetisk variation av betydelse för adenosinsignalering vid nydebuterad reumatoid artrit

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, where joints are attacked by the own immune system, leading to chronic inflammation and destruction of bone and cartilage. Inflammation is a complex process, controlled by many different substances. One of them is adenosine, which has anti-inflammatory properties. In this project, three polymorphisms in different genes, involved in synthesis and signaling of adenosine, were genotyped for 188 patients with RA and 362 controls without RA. The results shows that for the polymorphism in A2a, a gene coding for an adenosine receptor, there was no significant difference in genotype distribution between the groups.

Framtagning av normalt referensintervall för RDW och retikulocyter på hematologiinstrumentet ADVIA 2120

Erythropoiesis is a complex and carefully controlled process which is mainly regulated by erythropoietin. Using flow cytometry cells in a blood sample can be analyzed one by one. ADVIA 2120 using flow cytometry for analysis of red blood cells (RBC) and reticulocytes. Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is a component of the RBC method. RDW indicates size variation on erythrocytes and is measured as a percentage of the mean cell volume (MCV). By measuring the RDW anemia can be divided into makrocytic, microcytic or normocytic. Reticulocytes refract light more strongly than red blood cells because they contain some cellular debris. The number of reticulocytes in the peripheral blood reflects erythropoiesis in the bone marrow. The purpose of this project was that by approved methods to establish reference ranges for the parameters, RDW and reticulocyte counts.The individuals who participated in the study, n=124, were considered healthy and had varying ethnicity. Reference subjects had not donated blood the last six months and participation in the study was voluntary.The statistic evaluation includes examination of distribution, and reference ranges for both men and women were established using the 2.5:t and 97.5:t percentiles. The calculated reference interval for RDW was between 12.0 ? 14.3% and the calculated reference interval for reticulocytes was between 38.0 ? 112.8 x109 cells/L. The results showed a significant difference between males and females for the parameter reticulocytes was seen. The difference indicates that different reference ranges should be established for men and women (p<0,0001). No significant difference between males and females were seen for RDW (p=0,74) indicating that the same reference ranges can be used for both men and women. .

Fysträning för ishockeyspelare

To become a successful athlete requires several different components in which one of themost significant is the ability to develop their own physical strenght. What weight exercises has the best transfer effects for skating?Participants in the study were 20 male senior hockey players from Div. II in the Västra Gö- talands Regionen in which all participants had at least 10 years of hockey experience.Test subjects had to perform a five-minute individual warm up followed by an opportunity to familiarize with the upcoming exercise. The first on-ice test was a 35 meters sprint test and the second test was an S-cornering agility test.

En undersökning om fallolyckor med gångtrafikanter

The purpose of this study was to investigate different relations between the damages of falls and background variables as well as the relation between the falls and the weather condition to later be able to use this report to expand the knowledge among workers at VTI about the pedestrian fall injuries. All of the fall injuries in the data that this study is based on have occurred in Sweden during the time period between January 2003 and December 2011.To be able to answer the questions that this report is based on several statistical methods are used. The statistical methods that have been used during the making of this report are multiple linear regression, binary logistic regression, correlation analysis, association analysis and descriptive statistics as well as visual analysis.The results of the study show that women around menopause age have a tendency to get a big increase in the amount of injuries compared to men of the same age. The study also suggests that men on average tend to have a lower level of injury compared to women.Age also seems to affect both the amount of injuries and the level of injury negatively. The study suggests that the most likely reason for this is both that the intake of ?Fall Risk Increasing Medicine?, which is medicine that increases the drowsiness, is higher among older individuals as well as lower estrogen levels among older women and lower amount of testosterone among older men, which causes a loss of bone density in both sexes.The weather seems to have a strong effect on how many injuries occur but also a noticeable effect on the scale of the injury.

Preventiva åtgärder mot osteoporos och osteoporosrelaterade frakturer

Osteoporos är en sjukdom som under de senaste decennierna ökat. I Sverige inträffar det cirka 70 000 osteoporosrelaterade benbrott varje år. Den största gruppen som drabbas är kvinnor efter menopaus. Syftet var att belysa faktorer som är av betydelse för prevention av osteoporos och osteoporosrelaterade frakturer hos postmenopausala kvinnor. Metoden var en systematisk litteraturstudie bestående av 10 vetenskapliga artiklar varav 9 baserade på kvantitativ och en på kvalitativ forskning.

Livskvalitet 2-7 år efter allogen stamcellstransplantation

This is an empirical cross-sectional study with the aim to examine the patient?s comprehension about their quality of life within two to seven years after their stem-cell transplantation with reference to physical, social, emotional, psychological and functional wellbeing and to investigate if the patient groups have disease specific problems. Differences in quality of life between men and women and also between allogeneic and stem cell transplantation with an unrelated donor (URD) were studied. The measurement Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT) and the bone marrow transplant subscale (BMT) is a 49 item, valid and reliable measure that was used. The questionnaire was answered by 43 of 47 patients (91%).There is a significant difference between men and women in physical, social and functional wellbeing.

Sjuksköterskans stöd till vuxna patienter med rheumatoid artrit - empirisk studie på reumatologmottagningar

Background: Rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease worldwide. The disease is described as a chronic inflammation that afflicts mainly the joints, the tendrons and the synovial joint. The inflammation breaks down cartilage, ligaments and bone. When the patient gets the diagnosis he/she frequently reacts with chock, denial or/and dissociation. Active support from the nurse can have an important impact on the patient in accepting and processing that he/she suffers from disease.

Myt och vetenskap om kastration av tik

This is a literature study in which I investigate if there are scientific studies that form the basis of the Swedish dog world views concerning the spaying of bitches. The positive impacts are said to be reduced problems with pseudopregnancy, reduced risk of pyometra, reduced risk of mammary and uterine tumors, an earlier cease of bone growth, a more active and happier dog and a bitch who is more tolerant of other dogs. The negative consequences are said to be urinary incontinence, increased aggressiveness, lower metabolism and the increased risk of obesity, a more lethargic individual and altered coat.There are studies indicating that spaying reduces behavioral problems associated with heat and pseudopregnancy. Assuming no ovary tissue persists after the procedure, and there is no progesterone production, the risk of pyometra decreases. Early spaying, before the first heat, reduces the risk of mammary tumors.

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