

98 Uppsatser om Coffin bone - Sida 6 av 7

Inhysningssystem för växande ungtjurar

The purpose of this study was, if possible, to find a housing system for growing bulls that was as optimal as possible for the animal welfare. In order to select housing systems you must take into account the size of the group, body weight and the type of floor. Seven of the international most common housing systems were compared, straw bedding, deep straw bedding, sliding straw bedding, concrete slatted floor, rubber coated slatted floor, cubicles and feeding cubicles. Studies that have examined the proportion of tail, claw and leg injuries and the presence of unnatural behavior in the different systems. In summary, all studies showed that soft underlay were beneficial for the animals in terms of the proportion of bone lesions and swellings.

Byggnads- och investeringskostnader : Robotmjölkning eller konventionell mjölkning?

This project is based on my fathers farm which lays outside Löberöd, twenty kilometres south of Eslöv in Skåne. While my family for some time have thought about building a new milkingstable with AMS(Automatic milking system) I decided to compare the AMS with a conventional milkingstable. We are abit concerned about how many cows we should have in the new stable. Because of that I calculated with two different number of cows. I have compared three different types of milking stables: One alternative is 180 cows milked in a double eigth hearing bone milking stable. The second alternative is 128 cows milked with two DeLaval VMS-robots. The third alternative is 171 cows milked with three DeLaval VMS-robots. One salesman from DeLaval and one salesman from A-betong helped me to get marketprices on the milkingrobots, building, ventilation and prices on all the concrete. In all the costs labour is included. The rest of the costs are calculated in a softwareprogram called K-data 03 which is a program with predicted costs. The calulations from the program showed that the price in the milkingpit system was 51 000 sek per cow.

Kraftig anemi hos tax :

The Clinical Pathology Laboratory at SLU in Uppsala has analysed several blood samples from Dachshunds with severe anemia. As there are no previous studies on this topic, a study was performed to evaluate if Dachshunds are more prone to severe anemia compared with other breeds. In addition, a retrospective case study on Dachshunds with severe anemia was done to search for common risk factors or diseases. Hemoglobin values in samples from 1272 Dachshunds and 2269 German Shepherds analyzed from September 1994 to October 2007 were used to compare the frequency of severe anemia in Dachshund and German shepherd. The samples were identified by laboratory information system.

Hur inverkar sömnmedel i form av bensodiazepiner och bensodiazepinbesläktade medel på dagtrötthet och frakturrisk hos äldre?

Insomnia is getting more prevalent with age, both because of natural changes in the sleep pattern and because of increased morbidity. It can cause dysfunctioning and sedation during the day. Therefore it is often treated with hypnotics. It is possible though that hypnotics can cause daytime sleepiness as well, not to mention increased risk of falling and fractures because of sedation and prolonged reaction time. Benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine related drugs, the subjects of this study, are commonly used as hypnotics.

Brandgravar : Yngre järnålder i Broe, Halla socken, på Gotland : en studie i olika metoder, med fokus på kremeringen

This essay concerns the osteological cremated skeletal remains from Broe, Halla parish, Gotland of  The Late Iron Age.The focus of this essay is to determine the position of the corpse on the pyre, whether the cremated bones were crushed after or prior to the cremation and if the individual was buried in the pyre. In addition the species, age, sex and skeletal abnormalities of the bones in question will be studied.The result of the research has yielded that the cremated bones did not need to be crushed to result in the small fragment sizes. Crushing of the bones may have happened during the cremation, this conclusion has been drawn through the comparison of a pyre experiment were bone fragmentation is evident with cremated foxes, and dogs in the cremation graves from Broe. The construction of the pyre and the position of the corpse could not be determined through colouring and fragmentation of the bones.The human's were commonly buried in the pyre, and in some cases it is possible that the "grave" in fact is the remainder of a pyre. The species found are dog, horse, cow, sheep/goat and bear.

Behandlingseffekt av rituximab jämfört med infliximab vid reumatoid artrit

The aim of this study was to compare the effect between the drugs rituximab and infliximab in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA is an autoimmune disease that affects the peripheral joints and is associated with exacerbations. Various immune reactions in the body cause inflammation of the joints which further results in cartilage and bone damage. The diagnosis is made by the classification system "The 2010 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) / European league against rheumatism (EULAR) classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis", which is an update of the older system called "The 1987 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for RA". Approximately 0.5-1% of the population is developing the disease, but it varies slightly between different parts of the world.

Hund lämnad ensam i bil :

This project was initiated by a desire to improve our knowledge about animal welfare. It is a part of a series of projects involving the way dogs are kept in today?s society. The aim of this project was to investigate the dog?s behaviour when left alone in a parked car.

Hur livshistoriekaraktärer hos Europeisk abborre (Perca fluviatilis L.) påverkas av cykliska förändringar i populationsstrukturen

This report deals with life-history variation for Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.), with special emphasis on age and size at maturity in females, in perch populations that have changed in size distribution. The collection of fish samples was made with multimesh gill nets year 2011. The perch?s length, height, weight, status of gonads has been analyzed, and by observing the opercular bone the age has been determined. In two lakes close to Umeå in northern Sweden, Fisksjön and Ängersjön, the live-history traits of perch have been studied.

Evaluation of two fixation methods after mandibulotomy for oropharyngeal tumor removal - A retrospective study

Bakgrund. Vid tumörresektion i de orofaryngeala vävnaderna, utförs mandibulotomi för att skapa åtkomst och möjliggöra kirurgiskt avlägsnande. Allvarliga komplikationer har rapporterats i litteraturen och bidragande orsaker är den kirurgiska tekniken, strålningsterapin samt en inskränkt näringstillförsel till mandibelkroppen. Syfte. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om bevarande av periost vid utförande av mandibulotomi, leder till färre patienter med komplikationer relaterade till mandibulotomin.. Metod. Patienter som genomgick mandibulotomi mellan 2003-2012 vid Skånes Universitetssjukhus granskades retrospektivt.

Vilken effekt har vassleprotein p? benmineraldensitet? En systematisk litteratur?versikt bland vuxna ? 35 ?r.

Syfte: Syftet med denna systematiska litteratur?versikt ?r att unders?ka om supplementering av vassleprotein har n?gon p?verkan p? bent?thet (BMD) hos vuxna ?35 ?r. Metod: Litteraturs?kningen gjordes i tv? databaser, Pubmed och Scopus. S?kord f?r blocken var vassleprotein, BMD och randomiserade kontrollerade studier (RCT). Deltagarna i de inkluderade studierna var m?n och kvinnor ?35 ?r d?r interventionsgruppen fick supplementering av vassleprotein medan kontrollgruppen fick supplementering med likv?rdigt energiinneh?ll som ej inneh?ll vassleprotein.

Lokalisationen av osteochondrosförändringar hos svenska halvblodshästar :

The aetiology of osteochondrosis (OC) is known to be complex and multifactorial. The occurrence of bone fragments in joints and their connection to osteochondral disease are no exception. In the hock and stifle joint of the horse this type of lesion has generally been considered to be of osteochondral origin, while the process behind these fragments in the fetlock joint has been up for discussion. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency and the localisation of OC in Swedish warmblooded horses. In order to do so all radiographs of stifle, hock and fetlock joints performed on Swedish warmblooded horses during the period of 1992-1999 at Regiondjursjukhuset in Helsingborg were examined and the material was divided into two groups.

Utveckling av QuickMove : Ett hjälpmedel för uppresning och flyttning av brukare

Designingenjörsstudenterna, Pedersen och Birkehag, på Högskolan i Skövde har i samarbete med hjälpmedelsföretaget Handicare AB arbetat med ett produktutvecklingsprojekt under våren 2012. Projektets syfte var att uppgradera företagets befintliga produkt QuickMove som är ett uppresning- och förflyttningshjälpmedel inom vården. Målet var att bibehålla QuickMoves funktioner och säkerhet samt skapa innovativa lösningar och minska transport- och tillverkningskostnader. Produktutvecklingsprocessen skedde iterativt och började med kundundersökningar i form av enkäter, intervjuer och fokusgrupper. Med hjälp av detta gjordes en kundkravsspecifikation som under hela projektet fanns nära till hands.

Osteoartrit hos tävlingshästen : hur diagnosticeras det idag och finns det några potentiella biomarkörer för benförändringarna?

Osteoartrit (OA) är en degenerativ och inflammatorisk ledsjukdom som drabbar både djur och människor och förkortar tävlingskarriären hos många hästar. Det är en komplex skada som troligen kan starta på olika ställen i leden och det är svårt att på ett tidigt skede ställa en diagnos. Idag används bland annat röntgen och MRI för att se ledförändringarna, men det pågår forskning kring om det finns mätbara biomarkörer för benvävnaden i serum eller ledvätska som tidigt skulle kunna visa ledförändringarna. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva OA på tävlingshästar och hur det diagnostiseras idag, med inriktning på kotleden, och undersöka forskningen kring tre potentiella biomarkörer avseende benförändringar vid tidig OA: bone sialoprotein (BSP), osteoprotegerin (OPG) och proteiner tillhörande Wnt-signalering. BSP är ett protein som har en roll i formationen och modelleringen av ben hos den unga hästen. Det finns i högst koncentration i övergången mellan brosk och ben och är därför en tänkbar markör för förändringar i den delen av leden.

MRT av tarsallederna hos den unga islandshästen

Utmattningssyndrom har blivit ett allt vanligare problem i Sverige. Rehabilitering kan hjälpa de drabbade tillbaka till ett välfungerande privat och arbetsliv. Rehabilitering med hjälp av naturen är en behandlingsform som blivit allt mer vanligt förekommande. I ett pågående forskningsprojekt där personer med utmattningssyndrom besöker olika skogsmiljöer i rehabiliterande syfte, är målet är att ta reda på om skogen, utan inblandning av annan rehabilitering, har en positiv inverkan på mental återhämtning. Under en tre månaders period gjorde utmattningsdeprimerade personer återkommande besök i olika skogsmiljöer.

Höftledsdysplasi och armbågsledsartros hos labrador retriever med känt radiologiskt status av höftleder och armbågar : en tredje uppföljande studie

Joint-related diseases including hip dysplasia (HD) and elbow arthritis (ED) can in advance cases lead to that the dog has to be put down, and these diseases are also the cause to expensive veterinary treatments of many large breeds, including Labrador Retrievers. The aim of this study was to make a follow-up study on the 271 Labradors, who previously participated in a study on the effect of nutrition and exercise on hip and elbow status in a birth cohort born year 2000. That study investigated the relationship between nutrition, exercise, and HD and ED. A follow up study on the same dogs at 5-6 years of age investigated the clinical effects of the radiological hip and elbow status at 1 years of age and if was effected by body condition score. This study took place in 2011-2012 and 187 Labrador retrievers participated.

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