

1686 Uppsatser om Client participation - Sida 66 av 113

Delaktighet i genomförandeplan : Ur ett personalperspektiv

The study presented here is about how to make the special needs user who has a profound intellectual disability and additional disabilities more involved in their implementation plan. Based on a life story interview the study aims at analyzing perceptions of procedures to enhance special needs users? influence. The method used in this study was a qualitative research approach as an overall approach in order to use a narrative method where life history is the method. The focus has been to study a part of an individual life history - a specific domain in the life of the interviewee?s working career.

?Vi är allt från detektiver till terapeuter? : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare inom ekonomiskt bistånd upplever sin arbetssituation

AbstractOur purpose was to understand how social workers experience the possible complexities that working with economical aid can entail. As an example we chose to focus on long-term economical aid work. We aimed to address the question of which factors could affect their work. In a prior study, done by Dellgran & Höjer (2003) the conclusion was drawn  that  the combination of economical aid, healthcare and schools makeup a third of  practical social work in the terms of the proportion of the amount of social workers, but only 8 percent of the research is done in those areas. Other studies (Stranz, 2007) demonstrate that the research that is done on working with economical aid is deficient.

Patienters upplevelser av ett akutmottagningsbesök

The pressure is getting tougher on Accident and Emergency departments. Therefore it is crucial to study how the patient?s perceive their visit to the Emergency department. Knowledge about this enables improvement of routines, patient participation and patient safety. The purpose of the study was to investigate patient?s experiences of their visit at the Emergency department.A descriptive design was used.

Schweiz integration på den inre marknaden. En undersökning av Schweiz övertagande av acquin.

Standing outside the EU and the EES, Switzerland is a unique state characterized by federalism, direct democracy and neutrality. Though always focused on preserving these features and its sovereignty, Switzerland has managed to gain access to some sectors of the single market through bilateral agreements with the EU. The purpose of this thesis is to examine what level of integration Switzerland has reached in those bilaterally regulated sectors of the single market. As integration cannot easily be assessed, the extent of the Swiss adoption of the acquis is seen as an indicator of the level of integration and is thus examined. The conclusion is that Switzerland, mostly due to the economic interest of common rules, but partly due to pressure from the EU, almost completely adopts the acquis in the bilaterally regulated sectors, including the interpretation of the ECJ.

Tro, hopp och gatuterapi : En kvalitativ studie om hjälpsökandes upplevelser av gatuterapi

Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka vilka motiv som ligger bakom besökarnas val av gatuterapi och vilka erfarenheter de har av kontakt med offentliga myndigheter. Syftet var också att undersöka vilka upplevelser besökarna hade av gatuterapin samt studera vad som sker i mötet mellan gatuterapeuten och besökarna. Studien har genomförts utifrån en kvalitativ metodansats och bygger på intervjuer och observationer med 15 personer som besökt gatuterapin. För analysen har teorin om interaktionsritualer, teorin om transaktionella behov, stämplingsteorin, stigmatisering samt skam använts. Resultatet visar att motiven bakom valet av gatuterapi är att gatuterapeuten har erfarenhet av missbruksproblem samt att han har tystnadsplikt och heller ingen anmälningsskyldighet. Erfarenheterna av offentliga myndigheter är både positiva och negativa.

Status - Musikstil - Attityd : en enkätundersökning bland studenter och lärare på Kungl. Musikhögskolan och några utvalda grund- och gymnasieskolor i Stockholm

This study aims to determine whether pupils, students and teachers at various music schools feel that there is a difference in status between different music styles/genres, and if this has an impact on the individual level. The survey was conducted with a digital survey that was e-mailed to junior/high schools with music profile in the Stockholm area and to all the teachers and students at the Royal College of music in Stockholm (KMH). Due to low participation by students and teachers from the junior/high schools the students and teachers of KMH became the main object of the study. The results shows that a majority of the main group of this study feels that there is a difference in status between different music styles/genres. The study also shows that half of the participants believe that the difference in status affects them on an individual level.

Kvinnors upplevelser av smärta och blödning samt möjlighet att upptäcka fostret i samband med hemabort : En enkätstudie vid två kliniker i Sverige

The purpose of this study was to investigate women's experiences of pain, bleeding,to discover the fetus, hospitalization associated with medical abortion at home and toexplore differences in experiences between different groups of women, as age orprevious childbirth. The study was conducted at two gynecological clinics in Uppsalaand in Stockholm. A questionnaire was distributed and analyzed using a quantitativeanalysis method. The response rate was 30 %. Most women were satisfied with thepain relief given to them from the hospital.

Är äldre delaktiga i sin omsorg? : En kvalitativ studie om genomförandeplaner som verktyg för att öka äldres delaktighet på äldreboenden

A?ldres delaktighet och inflytande i a?ldreomsorgen beskriver Socialdepartementet sombristfa?llig. Fo?r att o?ka a?ldres delaktighet tillsattes ett verktyg, genomfo?randeplaner. I den ha?r uppsatsen sta?ller vi oss fra?gorna: Hur upplever personal a?ldres delaktighet pa? a?ldreboenden samt vad fyller genomfo?randeplaner fo?r funktion fo?r a?ldres delaktighet? Utifra?n sex intervjuer med personal pa? a?ldreboenden visar resultatet att personalen upplever a?ldres delaktighet som frama?tskridande och betydelsefull inom a?ldreomsorgen.

Som alla andra : Delaktighet och identitetsutveckling hos elever i gymnasiesärskolan.

Särskolan är idag en skolform för elever med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Syftet med denna studie är att få ökad kunskap om och fördjupad förståelse för hur tillhörighet till särskolan kan upplevas och påverka identitetsutveckling hos elever med lindrig utvecklingsstörning. Studien är kvalitativ med hermeneutisk ansats och bygger på semi-strukturerade intervjuer med elever i gymnasiesärskolan. I studien framkommer att eleverna i gymnasiesärskolan upplever tillhörigheten tudelat. Samtidigt som särskolan upplevs som en trivsam och trygg miljö, positiv för social delaktighet och kunskapsmässig utveckling upplever de en skam och sorg över tillhörigheten som de därmed försöker att hemlighålla.

Mångkulturell vägledning - särskiljande eller inkluderande? : En studie om vägledares syn på begreppet mångkulturell vägledning

Boström, Johanna & Fahlander, Ann. (2011).Friskvård på arbetsplatsen. En nulägesanalys på Fastighetsförvaltning AB (A workplace physical activity intervention. An analysis of the situation at Fastighetsförvaltning AB). Bachelor Essay in Swedish.

Styrningsmentalitet i socialt arbete En kritisk diskursanalys av KBT

This study is based on the will to understand the importance of a specific theory within social work. From the concept of neo-liberal governmentality, the aim is to critically examine and discuss how governance and self-governance is manifested in social work methods and interventions, exemplified by the theory cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). This will be accomplished through an analysis of:? How governance (and self-governance) is manifested in text through the advocacy of CBT and methods based on CBT.? How (governance and) self-governance is manifested in text through the contents of CBT and methods based on CBT. The study has a deductive approach including the hypothesis that the discourses inherent in social work methods and interventions, exemplified by the theory of CBT and methods based on CBT, may be related to the West?s development of a neo-liberal concept of governance.

Tolkningar av begreppet "tillgänglighet" på Värmlandsarkiv

This survey examines how a regional archive, Värmland Archives, interprets and works from the departure point of national cultural accessibility goal ?Everyone should have the opportunity to participate in cultural life?. And it is also a comporative study of discourse regarding accessibility between Värmland Archives and some other actors in the archival cultural system. Critical discourse analysis, according to Norman Fairclough, is used as a theory method. A discourse analysis is made on empirical data based on document study and qualitative research interviews. My conclusion is that if the term Accessibility is seen as a focal point the accessibility discourse in the documents of Värmland Archives and of the other actors studied can not be clearly discerned. Värmland Archives´s interpretation of terms regarding accessibility analyzed in the survey, varies among the staff regarding how the archives and its services should be accessible, and what accessibility means in the context of the archives.

Lokal demokratiutveckling - En studie om demokratiutvecklingens orsaker och förutsättningar i Hallands kommuner utifrån ett deltagardemokratiskt perspektiv

The aim of this essay is to study the development of democracy in the Halland province, with focus on participating measures. First and foremost to test earlier research about the causes of the development of democracy, which says that the work takes place with obvious variation between the municipalities and that it is caused by economic resources and experienced problems in the democracy. The purpose is also to conduct a general discussion about the conditions and effects of the development.Thus the method can be characterised as theory consuming because I as far as possible assume the method that has been used in earlier research. Still, my study is limited to the six municipalities of the Halland province and is therefore a study of few cases. One person in each municipality has been interviewed in order to collect a list of all the measures that have been carried out.

?Webbaserad visning av positioner på karta

Today there are a big need for a system that delivers overview of all available units for different municipalities and shipping- and security companies due to the increasing requirements for efficiency. The purpose with this graduation thesis is to find out which systems that is suitable to use while developing cost-effective software for positioning and to produce a prototype for such solution.This assignment has been done at the request of PocketMobile Communications AB. PocketMobile is a company that are specialized on delivering modern mobile software solutions and systems to companies with their own vehicle fleet or mobile workers.This master thesis can be split into two separate parts, the theoretic- and the practical part.The theoretic part includes producing a number of functional requirements in cooperation with PocketMobile and comparing the available systems against the function requirements.The practical part deal with the development of a prototype that demonstrates the software recommended. The development tools that best matched the functionality requirements when the selection was made in May 2007 were Map24 and OpenLayers. The system that was selected to use while developing the prototype was Map24, because this product matches all of the requirements and it is also suited for professional usage regarding support, scalability and reliability.

Arbetslöshetens (o)kända ansikten : Ett arbetsmarknadsprojekt i Rågsved i en tid av avancerad marginalitet och territoriell stigmatisering

This essay intervenes in the politics of urban segregation in Stockholm. The main aim of the essay is to analyze and describe how advanced marginality and territorial stigmatization are expressed in the lived experiences of four unemployed youths, that have participated in a labor market training program located in the ?social vulnerable? area Rågsved. With a theoretical framework based in Henri Lefebvre?s production of social space the empirical findings are interpreted in regard to how the youths produce social space in dialectical interplay with urban politics, advanced marginality, territorial stigmatization, and their local neighborhood.

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