

1423 Uppsatser om City visions - Sida 18 av 95

Nelly, monsteragenten & Kalles nya klänning. : En studie om hur genusperspektivet används i böcker för åldrarna 6-9 i boklådor från stadsbiblioteket i Karlstad kommun.

This work addresses how the book boxes that are shipped to different schools, that don?t havelibraries themselves, from the city library are composed in Karlstad municipality and whatbooks they may contain. A case study is made to find out which books can be included in theboxes. An interview with staff from Karlstad City Library is made and two different kinds ofbook boxes are analyzed. There is one book box with children books that have a genderperspective and one with fiction children books.The books are analyzed and the conclusion of this work is that it is important to know whatthe children are reading and how books can influence them.

Den attraktiva stadens framväxt

The aim of this paper is to analyse how the term attractiveness is interpreted in Swedish contemporary urban planning. The focus is to analyse how the term is discursively constructed and by this highlight the conceptions that exist around what makes a city attractive. We want to emphasize the importance of a deeper understanding of how attractiveness is used in urban planning and how the term is a part of the development of our cities. Given the use of attractiveness as a part of visionary goals for Malmö´s and other Swedish cities future development, our intention, therefore, is to enhance the understanding of what the use of attractiveness means in respect of the creation and construction of power relations in time and place. The framework of our analysis is based on the discourse theory approach and used as a way of understanding how urban ideals is discursively constructed.

Flyttprocessens påverkan på identiteten ? utveckling eller avveckling? : En fallstudie kring flytten av Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården i Kiruna

The purpose of the thesis is to investigate and analyze how three different actors linked to the urban transformation in the city of Kiruna, in this case LKAB, the Municipality of Kiruna and the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten, believe that the identity of a historical monument that is marked cultural heritage is affected by future relocation. The second part of the study is to investigate the impact the building might have on the city in the future. This study is based on the relocation of Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården.The study is based on a qualitative approach in which five informants from the three actors were interviewed. The interviews have been analyzed through thematic analysis, where a combination of theoretical thematic analysis and empirical thematic analysis was used. The result shows that the new location of Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården is preferred to be in a suitable context close to other cultural buildings. All informants agree that accessibility is a fundamental element in, which a synergistic effect is an increase in visitor numbers.

Odefinierade platser i staden : med studie i Söderälje

The purpose of this master thesis is to attract attention to the undefined spaces of our urban landscape and emphasize the need of these spaces in the city. The different values of these spaces are here clearly presented so that they can be considered when real estate developers show a particular interest in any one of these undefined spaces. The term undefinied spaces can mean a lot of things. The spaces that I now choose to define as undefined spaces are neither planned nor designed. It could for instance be a piece of leftover land in between two residential areas, or as times change, a formerly planned area might be forgotten and left to its own.

Nya Slussen i dagspressen : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys och kritisk diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheters, Svenska Dagbladets, Expressens och Aftonbladets rapportering om Nya Slussen

The reconstruction of a central area in Stockholm named Slussen (The sluice) has frequently been portrayed and debated in media over the last few years, escalating around December 2011 when the major decision regarding Slussen was to be made by the city council. The area serves as a traffic node connecting the areas of Södermalm and Gamla Stan (Old town) together. The last major change of Slussen was completed in 1935, best described as a modernistic traffic and architectural piece of work. It is indisputably an area of importance for the city of Stockholm, its citizens and visitors. How has media reported the development of the New Slussen project?The analysis, and the conclusions drawn from it, will be based upon and performed with a quantitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis.

Höghus : En alternativ lösning på vår snabba stadsexpansion

Uppsala like many other Swedish cities is affected by heavy housing shortage, in terms of too few existing flats and residents within the city limits. Every semester thousands of new students are facing the same problems of finding themselves adequate accommodation. The waiting lists for flats and student-dorms are getting longer for each year, and the situation is just getting worse. Simultaneously, Uppsala?s ambition is to increase its population and expand as a Swedish metropolitan, according to the Swedish governmental environment goals. This paper investigates and analyses the possibilities of expanding a city?s population by building high-rise buildings.

City branding i med- och motgång : - En fallstudie av Örebro stads varumärke

Products and services have for a long time competed with their brands. For some time now, cities have begun to compete with each other to attract visitors and other stakeholders to come to their town. It is important that the citizens feel as they are a part of the message that the city sends out in its communication.Cities are today working actively with their brands, much like regular companies, in order to create the profile and image in order to be competitive against other cities and places. Cities and places are part of a dynamic process which includes both positive and negative events. These events might have an impact on the brands, and therefore it is a necessity to be able to react on these events to make the most of positive things and deal with the negative in a way that minimizes the effects on the brand.Citybranding as a research field is quite new.

Konceptgallerior - den nya trenden?

Vårt syfte är att identifiera och analysera hur koncepten Slow Food och Slow City kan användas för att marknadsföra en plats och öka dess attraktivitet. Fokus kommer att ligga på de marknadsföringsstrategier som platserna använder idag samt de strategier som kan bli aktuella i framtiden. Vi har funnit att de italienska städer vi studerat har en genomtänkt strategi och har gjort tydliga avvägningar i arbetet med sin platsmarknadsföring. De har tänkt långsiktigt vid implementeringen av koncepten och fokuserat på att marknadsföra sig internt hos stadens invånare. Städerna har resurser som är väl knutna till koncepten Slow Food och Slow City, men använder inte själva begreppen i sin externa marknadsföring.

Krav på servicepersonal

Vårt syfte är att identifiera och analysera hur koncepten Slow Food och Slow City kan användas för att marknadsföra en plats och öka dess attraktivitet. Fokus kommer att ligga på de marknadsföringsstrategier som platserna använder idag samt de strategier som kan bli aktuella i framtiden. Vi har funnit att de italienska städer vi studerat har en genomtänkt strategi och har gjort tydliga avvägningar i arbetet med sin platsmarknadsföring. De har tänkt långsiktigt vid implementeringen av koncepten och fokuserat på att marknadsföra sig internt hos stadens invånare. Städerna har resurser som är väl knutna till koncepten Slow Food och Slow City, men använder inte själva begreppen i sin externa marknadsföring.

Det nya Kiruna : tävlingsförslag och utopisk förebild

Kiruna står nu inför en unik omvandling då staden ska omlokaliserar på grund av utvidgningen av gruvdriften. En arkitekttävling har nyligen genomförts om utformning och användning av det nya Kiruna. Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera relationen mellan stadsbyggnadsutopin The Linear City och det vinnande tävlingsbidraget Kiruna 4-ever. För en ökad förståelse för dagens Kiruna är Hallmans stadsplan för Kiruna och dess koppling till svenska och engelska trädgårdsstäder viktig. I bakgrunden behandlas även arkitekttävlingens program och juryutlåtande. Arbetet har utförts som en litteraturstudie med fokus på de intentioner gällande fysisk form och användning som förslagsställare och teoretiker presenterat. Resultatet visar att beröringspunkterna mellan förslag och teori är många. Skillnaderna blir tydliga i framförallt synen på hållbarhet där Kiruna 4-ever till skillnad mot The Linear City tar ett grepp om den ekologiska hållbarheten. En annan skillnad är inställningen till höghus där Kiruna 4-ever använder dem för att uppnå en högre densitet. I The Linear City identifieras höghus som ett problem för social hållbarhet. I uppsatsen diskuteras också vad en utopisk förebild kan tillföra ett gestaltningsförslag. En möjlig slutsats är att en teoretisk grund underlättar för förslagsställare att presentera ett lättöverskådligt förslag.


Stockholm is constantly growing and changing. Despite this, for various reasons, it is difficult to execute large building projects. With starting-point in decision making theories we have tried to investigate these difficulties. More specifically we have chosen to study why it has not been possible to rebuilt Slussen in Stockholm. To help us structure our study we have based our research on another large comparable building project, the Globen City project.

Organisationen, ledaren, individen: vem ansvarar för hälsan? En kvalitativ studie om det hälsofrämjande och ohälsoförebyggande personalarbetet i Malmö stads stadsdelar.

The purpose of this study was to examine health promotion and ill-health prevention in the workplaces of the City District Committees in the City of Malmö. More specifically, we wanted to find what types of health problems there were and what kinds of strategies were applied to prevent them. Furthermore, the aim was to examine whether the leaders of the City of Malmö saw any effects of the strategies in use and if so, which. Finally, the intention was to compare our empirical results to previous research in the field of health promotion and ill-health prevention in workplaces. We conducted a qualitative study consisting of semi-structured interviews with five leaders in different levels, two personnel secretaries, two employees assigned to improve the health of the personnel in the City Districts, and one safety representative.

Externhandel och mellankommunalt/regionalt samarbete utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv med fokus på delregionen Södertörn

In Sweden according to the planning and building Act municipalities have planning monopoly. The question about shopping centres in the outskirts of cities is a regional issue, because they attract customers from a large area. Municipalities often find it hard to assert themselves against large commercial companies when it comes to their establishing new retail outlets on the outskirts of cities. Without a regional co-operation there is a risk that municipalities can be played up against one another, so that more and more companies are given permits without the municipalities having taken the strategic consideration necessary for a long term sustainable development. The focus in this work is on four municipalities in the Södertörn region (Södertälje, Botkyrka, Huddinge and Nynäshamn).

Arenans betydelse för en stad : En studie av en arenas tillförande av väde i platsmarknadsföring

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Mind the gap : the possibilities of the public space in the contemporary city

Mind the gap encourages you to beware of the interspaces. The project seeks to defend the gaps that occur in time and space and encourages the reader to care about the interruptions of the routine-like and planned, whilst also opening up a discussion about interaction and participation. Mind the gap is a project about the many opportunities the public space has in the contemporary city. What you have in front of you is the result of this project. As society constantly changes, new and different needs arise in the city and it is necessary that architects and planners understand and adapt to these changes. They have to be able to develop new ways of thinking and to challenge established perceptions of what the public space is and should be. This means being able to see that the public space could be different and to recognize the potentials for it to change. This project examines the underlying ideals of urbanism and investigates the potentials of the City when shaped by these ideals.

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