

1423 Uppsatser om City visions - Sida 19 av 95

Biblioteksrummets förmedlande roll en studie av Malmö stadsbiblioteks ungdomsavdelning

This master thesis in library- and information science is about the intermediary function of the library room from an environment-psychological point of view. Young people are a group in society who often reduce their visits to the library when growing up. There are lots of reasons for this maybe more attractive activities occur outside the library doors, making the young choose not to use the library. But if the library interior is attractive in itself, and has a welcoming atmosphere, there might be a change and the young people may well choose to pay the library a visit. What is important to young people how do they want their library room to look? Our purpose is to see how the physical environment affects young people in libraries.

Implementering av Tjänstekvalitet - Din Bil Syd AB

Vårt syfte är att identifiera och analysera hur koncepten Slow Food och Slow City kan användas för att marknadsföra en plats och öka dess attraktivitet. Fokus kommer att ligga på de marknadsföringsstrategier som platserna använder idag samt de strategier som kan bli aktuella i framtiden. Vi har funnit att de italienska städer vi studerat har en genomtänkt strategi och har gjort tydliga avvägningar i arbetet med sin platsmarknadsföring. De har tänkt långsiktigt vid implementeringen av koncepten och fokuserat på att marknadsföra sig internt hos stadens invånare. Städerna har resurser som är väl knutna till koncepten Slow Food och Slow City, men använder inte själva begreppen i sin externa marknadsföring.

Tio år med stadsdelsreformen i Göteborg med omnejd. Synpunkter hos anställda vid sex folkbibliotek och inom kultur och fritid

This is a comparative study of six public libraries in the city of Gothenburg and its neighbourhood. The main purpose of this master thesis is to describe these libraries relating to a reform in the city council of Gothenburg and its neighbourhood. The comparison deals with a period of ten years, 1990-2000. In order to respond to this I formulated two questions: Are there any differences in the activities of these libraries? Has this reform influenced the librarians in their way of working and if so, why? I have studied relevant literature such as annual reports, investigations and analyses in order to be able to formulate the questions.

Diagnosens vara eller icke vara : En kvalitativ studie om speciallärares/specialpedagogers syn på fenomenen ADHD och DAMP

Aim & Questions at issueThe aim of our study is to study how special teachers/special educationalists in schools of Stockholm look at the phenomenon ADHD/DAMP. We have looked into their view on the diagnose, compared to the two different kinds of research visions about the diagnosis who are known in Sweden today. How do the special teacher/special educationalist work with the diagnosed children?This is our questions at issue:? Is there any optimal learning situation for children with ADHD/DAMP?? Is there something that distinguish all children with ADHD/DAMP?? What is positive and negative about giving the diagnose ADHD/DAMP to children?? Is there any external factors that influence that there is so many more children today who has been given a diagnose?? How does special teachers/special educationalists look on amfetamin-treatment?MethodWe have done qualitative interviews with special teachers/special educationalists in the city area of Stockholm. These have been worked up one by one and then been compared and evaluated together.ResultAll special teachers/special educationalists mentioned that when you educate children with ADHD/DAMP, a structured life underlies the possibility for the children to provide knowledge.

Trygghet i stadens offentliga rum : diskurser, makt och möjligheter till förändring

Women experience, in a vaster extent than men, unsafety in urbanpublic spaces. This is a structural phenomenon, based on unequalpower relations. The theoretical starting-point for my thesis is that howwe choose to express ourselves shape the ways we can think about andunderstand society. In my thesis I study depictions of safety in six ofMalmö city?s action plans and guidelines towards increased safety.

Bonden i Graven Bredvid - En osteologisk studie av den medeltida befolkningen i Norra Nöbbelöv och deras skador på skeletten

This paper is the result of an osteological study of the skeletal remains uncovered during an archaeological excavation of the medieval cemetery in Norra Nöbbelöv. The purpose of the study is to compare the material from the rural site (Norra Nöbbelöv) with materials excavated from the old medieval graveyards in the city of Lund. The aim is to try and shedsome light on the question of whether there is any difference in the occurrence and frequency of fractures and osteoarthritis in the materials compared. The first section of the paper consists of a short historical background of Norra Nöbbelöv and Lund, a chapter on ethics, general results of the analysis and the methods used. Thissection was co-authored by Ulla Zagal-Mach and Åsa Strandh.

Utveckling av Gamla hamnen i Reykjavik

In Scandinavia today many old harbour areas are developed into residential and commercial areas. For example are both Helsingborg city and Malmoe city in south Sweden planning to restructure some of their harbour areas to accommodate shops, schools, offices, residences et cetera. In Copenhagen in Denmark new plans for Nordhavn is also underway. In almost every plan proposal to redevelope an old harbour area the harbour activities are set a side to give room for new development. In Reykjavik, however, this has not been the case.

Sex and the city för män? -En kvalitativ studie om manligheter i förändring.

Titel- Sex and the city för män? ?En kvalitativ studie om manligheter i förändringFörfattare- Malvina BrittsAvdelning- Avdelningen för Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapProblem: Området som min studie rör sig inom är representationen av maskulinitet. Förändringar i representationen av maskulinitet diskuteras i olika sammanhang och en specifik drama/komediserie, Entourage, har på sistone utmärkt sig som ett nytt sätt att gestalta maskulinitet på. Den har beskrivits som en manlig motsvarighet till Sex and the city.Syfte: Mitt syfte med denna studie är att studera hur representationen av maskulinitet ser ut i denna specifika TV-serie, samt uttala mig om vad detta säger om den förändrade bilden av maskulinitet i vår tid.Metod: Jag har gjort en kvalitativ textanalys av Entourage med grunder i hermeneutiken och har studerat såväl innehållsmässiga teman i serien som genrekonventioner och tilltal. Jag har som jämförelse när jag ansett det givande även reflekterat kring TV-serien Sex and the city.Slutsatser:1.

Urban green in Vientiane, Lao PDR : a minor field study

This is a Minor field study addressing the current situation in Vientiane, Laos where focus lies on the green structures past, present and future. The city of Vientiane is growing rapidly and as a result of this there is a increasing development. The once peaceful capital known for it?s lush and green environment is standing in a crossroad where important decision must be made to preserve valuable areas. During 8 weeks inventories and observations where made resulting into a proposal for future development. The proposal is divided into three parts. The urban fringe and surrounding landscape are still quite undeveloped and have a great potential of green wedges etc. The city of Vientiane and the green network linking important recreational, commercial and cultural places. Detailed proposal over certain green objects such as parks and squares..

Rörelsemönstrets betydelse : Att öka attraktiviteten i en galleria med Space syntax

The functional connection between the building and the streetscape affects the city and its attractiveness. Stores located in shopping malls with their entrances facing internal walkways, creates segregation between the mall and the streetscape. This segregation implies that the shopping mall loses some of its attractiveness, which may result in a so-called Greyfield mall. The expression Greyfield mall is used for shopping malls that have lost its visitors. Competition from new modern malls and a lack of investments are examples of factors that influence the development of Greyfiled malls.

Litteratur - en nyckel till livet

This study is an investigation of newly arrived young Iraqis and their view on obstacles and opportunities available in a secondary school in Södertälje City. This is also a comparative study between the newly arrived Iraqis schooling in Iraq and in Sweden. We have used theoretical concepts such as culture, ethnicity, refugee, intercultural education, socialization and PTSD. These have helped us to provide distinct guidelines when we analyze newly arrived young Iraqis in Södertälje City. Our approach has been based on qualitative interviews with both students and teachers.

Internetbegränsning på stadsbibliotek

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how city librariesmaintain the intellectual freedom in their Internet service. Thediscussion about Internet filters has been quiet in Sweden forseveral years, so I wanted to see if there had been an increased useof filters. I also wanted to see if the city libraries regulated theInternet service in another way. I sent a survey to 100 libraries andgot answer from 83. To explain what intellectual freedom is, I usedStuart Hamilton?s theory about intellectual freedom in the librarycontext.

Analys av gåendes rörelsemönster på Stortorget, Nygatan och Drottninggatan i Gävle

The town square is an important public space and is often described as the city´s living room. By creating a lively city center a sense of security is developed among the citizens which makes them wanting to use the town square regardless the time of the day. One important meeting point in Gävle is the centrally located Stortorget, sited between Drottninggatan and Nygatan. The town square went through an extensive renovation followed by both positive and negative reactions among the City´s inhabitants.  The aim with the study was to investigate the main walking paths and meeting points as a planning support to Gävle Municipality in their work with a new city plan. By studying the pedestrian movement patterns at Stortorget, Nygatan and Drottninggatan, the main walking paths and meeting points during all hours of the day was obtained.

Helsingborg - en delad stad. Påverkar hyressättningen bostadssegregationen?

Helsingborg ? A divided city. Affect the level of rent the segregation of living?.

Screens : tävling om strandpromenaden i Helsingborg

The competition for the beach promenade in Helsingborg was announced in 2001 and was arranged by the city of Helsingborg. My contribution to the competition represents the main part of my thesis in the Landscape Architecture Programme. The competition entry is based on the concept of crossing screens of vertical elements which connect the pattern and structure of the city to the beach and the water. The different materials and designs of the screens relate to the various characters of the different parts of the area and they form a sequence and uniting theme along the beach. In addition to the competition entry which was made in 2001, the thesis contains a second part, made in the spring of 2006. It consists of an Introduction with the competition programme and a description of the starting points, a part called Method where the process is described, and the Conclusion with reflections on the competition entry and the process where I also introduce and comment on some other projects which in different ways have are connected to my concept. .

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