

1440 Uppsatser om Child neglect. - Sida 65 av 96

Pojkar leker rövare och flickor leker med Barbie : En studie om hur kön representeras och framställs språkligt i läseböcker för barn i årskurs 1

In this essay there will be four text books from grade 1 studied, the first one are from the year 1976 and it will be going forward to the year 2012. The aim of this study is to see how the genders are depicted and represented, as well as what roles the genders are given. I do also want to see if there is a notable change in this over time. I will be doing a study based on the quantity of the contents, and I will also be doing a critical discourse analysis.The result of the study showed that there were more gender-based constructions that referred to women in all of the four books, which indicates that women are represented more often in these reading books. It is most common to portray the genders in their stereotypical roles, which again are present in society, but sometimes these roles are depart from what?s present in society.

Feminism till höger och vänster? : En jämförande studie emellan Sverigedemokraternas och Kommunistiska Partiets feministiska teori och praktik

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate if the reading habits of teacher students are influenced by merit and descent. The empiric material consists of six questionnaires answered by students at the teacher training with Swedish at the upper secondary school as their first topic. The questionnaire comprised questions about reading habits in the childhood and today and information concerning merits and descent.Pierre Bourdieu?s sociological ideas about cultural capital transmitted from parent to child and the concept of habitus are used as a theoretical framework regarding descent.


Background:Alzheimer's disease is a disease that primarily affects the elderly but also younger people. Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia which means that you get changes in the cerebral cortex and cells gradually die. The disease causes memory loss and things that were obvious before will be difficult for the sufferer. Alzheimer's disease also affects next of kin to a large degree; they will have to take a great responsibility. The next of kin are entitled to support from healthcare.Aim:The aim was to highlight next of kin' experiences of healthcare to their family members with Alzheimer's disease.Method: The study was based on narratives, which in this case means analysis of autobiographies.

Missbruk i familjen : - behandlares uppfattningar och erfarenheter av hjälpbehov och påverkan av anknytning mellan barn och föräldrar

Studien syftar till att belysa behandlares erfarenheter av vilka hjälpbehov barn och föräldrar i familjer med missbruk kan ha, samt undersöka behandlares uppfattning om hur missbruk kan påverka anknytning mellan barn och förälder. Studien är kvalitativ med hermeneutisk utgångspunkt och semistrukturerade intervjuer användes vid insamling av data. Dataanalysen gjordes enligt meningskoncentrering där resultatet delades in i olika kategorier och kvaliteter.Resultatet antyder att barn och föräldrar i familjer med missbruk har olika hjälpbehov och behöver struktur och stabilitet. Signaler på en otrygg hemmiljö kan vara att barnen blir introverta, ansvarstagande, utåtagerande eller övertar föräldrarollen. Barnet kan känna skuld och skam och behöver kunskap om missbruk för att förstå förälderns beteende.

Socialtjänsten och mödrahälsovårdens arbete och samarbete kring gravida risk- och/eller missbrukare

The aim with my study is to highlight, illuminate and examine the social and maternal health care motivational work of pregnant women with a risk or abuse of alcohol and / or drugs, and what actions can be considered for these women. In addition, the aim is to explore how social services and maternity care might interact in this type of case. The aim is to convey the subjective experience of each of the interviewees. For the purposes of this study, I have chosen to use the qualitative research method. I have interviewed social workers in individual and family care, and midwives.

Att vara anhörig eller anhörigvårdare

The purpose of this essay is to describe and analyze experiences of how the daily rounds and a persons role is changing when you go from being a family member to being a family member as well as being a kinship carer.Essential questions at issue was:- Which feelings are associated to the roll as kinship carer?- What are the motivations for the relative/family member to become a kinship carer?- What is the change of the role like before and after the disease.Six persons have been interviewed on the subject and symbolic interactionism and role theory has been our theoretical perspective. The essay has been related to the ideas of Meads on social interaction and to Goffmans theatre theorem.The result of the essay showed that feelings and motivations as regards to the daily rounds and the role of the kinship carer were individual, where similarities and differences occurred. When ones partner, parent or child got a disease/functional disability it generated in some changes regarding their daily rounds and it led to altering of roles. To assume a role was a natural result and often happened when a relative/family member got a disease or an injury..

Föräldrars upplevelser av att barnen flyttar hemifrån : En kvalitativ studie där föräldrar beskriver sina personliga erfarenheter av barnens flytt

The aim of the study was to describe parents' experiences of empty nest. The sample consisted of individuals who had experienced one child moving out of the parental home. Data were collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews and were analyzed by using thematic analysis. The thematic analysis revealed four themes, Concerns about the new time in life, Changing roles, Socializing in the family and Testing the relations. Due to the themes participants' stories reveal anxiety facing the time that will come when children takes the step to leave the nest.

Läsningens funktion på sjukhus. En kvalitativ studie av sjukhusbibliotekariers syn på barn- och ungdomspatienters läsning

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out how a number ofhospital librarians look at child and youth patients' reading and itspossible role in a mental and physical healing process. We alsoinvestigate the knowledge, strategies and thoughts the librarianshave on bibliotherapy.Qualitative interviews have been used and seven librarians, at twodifferent hospital libraries with children's and youth activities, wereinterviewed during November and December 2011. The analysis isbased on one theory; we use Sten Furhammar?s model whichincludes four different categories of reading.We can see, according to the librarians? answers, that the mostcommon function of the patients? reading can be explained throughtwo of Furhammar?s categories. Our respondents believe that thepatients mostly read to relax from heavy thoughts and situationswhich can be connected to the category impersonal experiencereading.

Normalitet i adoption och föräldraskap : En kvalitativ studie av socialtjänstens medgivandeutredningar av ensamstående som vill adoptera

The aim of the study was to illustrate how single parents who want to adopt a child are described in consent investigations made by the social service. The methodology for this study was document analysis. The analysis material consisted of 23 consent investigations from family courts in 12 different municipalities and district administrations. The theoretical starting point of the study was the perspective of social construct of reality. Based on the issues of the study, background on international adoptions, theory of norms and deviation and past research the documents were analyzed.

? Genusdiskursens moderna verktyg

AbstractThe aim for this study is to establish how teachers and supervisors at the Child and Recreation Programme interpret the concept ?vocational knowledge?. It is also about how they substantially can see that the pupils are developing vocational knowledge, during their work placement training. The aim of this thesis is to create a base for teachers to work with continuing development in teaching practice. The empirical part of this study is based on interviews. Interviews were analyzed in three categories: definition of vocational knowledge, substantially developing in vocational knowledge and success factors. The result shows that knowing how and knowing why is salient in vocational knowledge.

När jag är stressad är jag inte den pedagog jag vill vara : Pedagogers stress på förskolan

AbstractThe purpose with the study is to contribute knowledge of teacher?s thoughts of, and actions in potentially stress filled situations at preschool. The methods I?ve been using are qualitative interviews and unstructured observations of hallway situation at dressing and the transit between lunch and rest.At the interviews with the teachers it showed that none of them feels stressed but there are stress filled situations. The lunch and transit between lunch and rest is a stressful situation, where there is a lot to do, like the dishes, the teachers break and the lie-down.

Anestesipersonalens peri-operativa omvårdnad av överviktiga och obesa barn

Children are a group of patients that require special knowledge from the anesthesia staff, both general and specific. Theoretical knowledge and practical experience is necessary to adequately care for the child as it anatomically, physiologically and mentally may differ from adult patients.A growing problem in the pediatric population is overweight and obesity. From a stagnation in the early 2000s the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children in the world are again increasing.The purpose of this study was to examine peri-operative care of overweight and obese children.Systematic searches were done in PubMed, CINAHL and Scopus. After the quality audit according to SBU, twelve articles were included for analysis.Results suggest that overweight and obese children have a higher risk of respiratory peri-operative complications. The risk of hospital admission after outpatient surgery was also greater in this group as well as higher costs for health care.Overweight and obese children are complex subjects with more frequent peri-operative risk factors than normal-weight children.

Behöver skolan skolbibliotek? Skolbibliotekets roll i skolans demokratiuppdrag. En kritisk ideologianalys.

The subject of this master thesis is the school library and how we find its potential unutilized. We look at this problem in connection to the democratic assignment that the Swedish school has. The purpose is to elucidate what the democratic assignment consists of and to establish the role that the school library ought to have in this assignment. To describe the democratic assignment we examine and interpret the documents that regulate school and library activities today, including UNESCO/IFLA School Library Manifesto and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. We use critical ideology analysis because we consider democracy to be a sort of ideology and have a critical view of how the school library is used or rather not used in school.

Högfettskost till obesa barn : Pilotstudie

Syftet med denna pilotstudie var att studera om man hos pediatriska patienter som lider av sjuklig fetma kan se förändringar i metabolismen genom att ersätta den traditionella kosten med en kost bestående av hög andel fett och låg andel kolhydrater. De frågeställningar som används är om den förändrade kosten leder till en gynnsam förändring av metabola markörer samt hur patientupplevelsen av de nya kostråden är. Studien har både en kvantitativ och kvalitativ design. Totalt ingår 4 barn i åldern 4-17 år. Två av dessa har under fyra veckor ätit en kost bestående av hög andel fett (50-60E%) och låg andel kolhydrater (15-20E%).

Förskolebarns möten med biologiämnet i naturmiljö : En observationsstudie med fokus på barnens perspektiv

Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på hur mycket biologi man kan få in i verksamheten genom att uppmärksamma när ämnet naturligt visar sig hos barnen under utomhusvistelse, i deras egna lekar, upptäckter och utforskande. Bakgrunden till min undersökning är att den svenska förskolan sägs befinna sig i en brytningstid, med större fokus på ämneskunskaper och att läroplanen samtidigt poängterar vikten av att ta tillvara barns perspektiv, frågor och idéer. För att få svar har jag gjort observationer på två olika förskolor/avdelningar. Även enkäter har skickats till de medverkande pedagogerna. Resultatet av mina observationer visar att barnen ofta uppmärksammar olika djur och växter och andra områden inom ämnet biologi när de vistas ute i naturen.

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