

1440 Uppsatser om Child neglect. - Sida 64 av 96

Affektreglerande förmåga hos mammor till prematura riskbarn

Affektreglering är ett begrepp som inom modern anknytningsteori används för att beskriva förälderns följsamhet, lyhördhet och stöd för barnet att reglera och organisera affekter, upphetsningsnivå och erfarenheter. Förälderns förmåga avseende detta antas kunna påverka barnets förmåga till självreglering. I syfte att studera om faktorer som att föda ett prematurt riskbarn och paritet påverkar mammans förmåga till affektreglering har en teoretiskt grundad skala skapats utifrån variabler som ingår i The Parent-Child Early Relational Assessment (ERA), ett kvantitativt bedömningsinstrument av samspelskvalitéer. I jämförelse mellan 17 mammor till prematurfödda riskbarn (VLBW/ELBW) och en matchad kontrollgrupp, videofilmade i samspelssituationer då barnen varit 3, 18 och 24 månader (korr. för prematurfödda), framkommer en signifikant lägre affektreglerande förmåga hos förstföderskor som har ett prematurt riskbarn.

Att ha ett barnperspektiv på en kvinnojour

Ambitionen i denna studie är att synliggöra hur en lokal kvinnojour i Malmö arbetar med ett barnperspektiv samt vilka faktorer som kan ha försvårat respektive främjat implementeringen av det. Detta då kvinnojouren under tre år haft ett barnprojekt, vilket syftat till att implementera ett barnperspektiv i jourens verksamhet. Denna kvalitativa studie är inspirerad av processutvärdering som metod och baseras på intervjuer med socialsekreterare, anställda på jouren och en representant från Rädda Barnen. För att analysera hur de arbetar med ett barnperspektiv har jag utgått från delaktighetsperspektivet och omsorgsperspektivet, båda centrala begrepp i Barnkonventionen. För att analysera vilka faktorer som kan ha främjat respektive försvårat implementeringen av ett barnperspektiv har jag bland annat utgått från organisations- och implementeringsteorier.

Flygfänas skog. Illustration möter rumslighet på barn och ungdomssjukhuset i Lund

Flygfänas skog is a project where illustration meets spatiality. The work is about how section 62of the Children and Youth Hospital (BUS), at Skåne University Hospital, in Lund can useillustration as a compliment to their premises. Today, the hospital has difficulties to deal with theolder children patients at the hospital in a good way because the expression that is there today,mostly only appeals to the younger patients. Previously, there has been some kind of decorationon the department and the staff thought that this is boring, is a problem in that in many placesthere are stickers of child characters posted on the walls. This and other installations that cut outletters, face off, and symbols have made sense in the department becomes fragmented, ill andchildish.

Barn med koncentrationssvårigheter : Om förhållningssätt och bemötande

Concentration problems have been discussed from a variety of angles and have been problemized in different ways. One approach is to place the major part of the problem on the child independent of its environment. The terms used as an explanatory model are ?attention disorder, impulsiveness, difficulty at finding suitable activity levels, difficulty in understanding rules and instructions? (Kadesjö 2007). Others place the root of the problem in the environment prevalent at pre-school and school.

Att komma ut när garderoben är låst : - HBT och heder

 Heterosexual individuals who live in a culture of honor are exposed to honor oppression in today?s Swedish society is well known. However, it is not equally recognized that LGBT-people from a culture of honor are exposed to honor oppression. The study aims to investigate how eight individuals belonging to the LGBT-group and the culture of honor feel about their ability to develop their true identity and live out their sexual orientation. The study is qualitative and the collected empirical material constitutes of chat interviews with young LGBT-people.

Kvinnofridskränkning - ett stort samhällsproblem : En fallstudie av hur ett par kommuner i Kronobergs län hanterar kvinnovåldsproblematiken

Equal opportunity issues are considered to have a clear position in Swedish policy and the making of Swedish gender policy is considered a precursor. Though many experts and scientists have shed light on the fact that the issue of women assault has had a less stable development than other gender issues such as child care, the labour market etc. within the Swedish society, and that it does not attract the wide political support it needs. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the Municipalities', in the county of Kronoberg, policy on the issue of women assault within their local policies of equality. In my thesis I have chosen a theoretical framework that is built on a dilemma of justice based on three different dimensions; the extent, content and influence of the local policies.

Det som syns men inte alltid finns : En diskursteoretisk analys av det svenska barnskyddet inom socialtjänsten

Enlig SCB (2010) så var andelen kvinnliga chefer i Sverige 32 procent år 2008 vilket är en ökning med 6 procentenheter på sju år Mycket av tidigare forskning har handlat om vilka hinder och problem som kvinnliga ledare möter. Denna studie vill däremot förflytta fokus från kvinnors hinder till deras möjligheter. Studiens syfte är att lyfta fram kvinnliga mellanchefers egna berättelser om vad de anser har lett till deras framgång i karriären. En kvalitativ metod användes i form av fem stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer som analyserades med hjälp av tematiskanalys. Fyra stycken teman återfanns i materialet och de representerar de framgångsfaktorer som kvinnorna la störst vikt vid.

God man är som en spindel i nätet : En kvalitativ studie om gode mäns roll och deras relation till ensamkommande barn, ur gode mäns perspektiv

This study is about a guardian ad litem mission, role and relation to unaccompanied children. On the basis of qualitative interviews the study aims to understand the trustees? role and relation to unaccompanied children. We chose to interview nine trustees to achieve a better insight of the trustees roll. We analyzed the interviews and tried to gain a better knowledge about a guardian ad litem mission, role and relationship to unaccompanied children with role theory and concepts off pastoral power and trust.

Ensamkommande flyktingbarn: en studie av ensamkommande flyktingbarns situation i Sverige i världen

The purpose of this study was principally to illuminate and describe how the alteration in law (1994:137) about the reception of asylum seekers and others has been implemented at some different authorities in Sweden, according to separated children; children who have fled to Sweden without their parents or other adult guardians. Beside this I want to, as a part, describe how the child perspective looks like at the authorities. The study refers to illuminate and describe the first time for the separated children in Sweden, which means from the arrival and about one year ahead. Qualitative interviews have been used as a method to especially investigate how the subjects of my interview understand their commission according to the separated children, how the practice situation looks like for and according to the separated children in relation to existing laws and instructions and finally how my subjects of interview think about the above mentioned alteration in law (1994:137), which means distribution of responsibility between Swedish authorities.My study showed that there were implementation problems according to the alteration in law (1994:137). The intentions to make it better for the separated children through the law alteration don't work in a good or satisfying way in the practice situation..

Examensarbete i fördjupningsämnet språk- Integrering av modersmål i förskolan

Swedish preschools have a variety of children of different ethnic origins. The intention of this thesis is twofold; firstly to deeply examine how preschool teachers work with languages and secondly how to integrate the Swedish language with other native languages in practice. Hence, the aim is to get a deeper understanding and knowledge about how to integrate multilingual children that have other languages than Swedish as their mother tongue. The data collection for this dissertation is based on observations and interviews with three preschool teachers and child minders. The theoretical background is taken from literature which describes the social cultural perspective.

Att både stötta och skydda : en diskursanalys av barnavårdens arbete med hedersrelaterat våld

The purpose of this essay has been to study the different discourses that are expressed in social welfare secretaries? assertions when they assess cases with elements of honour-related violence, intimidation and oppression. To do so I have used a discourse analysis theory and technique, based on three qualitative interviews with social welfare secretaries. The interviews were focused on vignettes, which were all fictitious cases with various elements of honour-related violence. One of the interviews was a focus groupinterview with four participants, while the other two interviews were individual.

Kan man upphandla innovationer?

The aim of this study is to examine how one can understand the experiences that social workers within the social service's have of children who have committed sexual assault against other children, and the social workers? thoughts about the choice of actions and the family involvement in those actions. The study has a qualitative character. Information was obtained through interviews with social workers within two Swedish counties, and the analysis of the results was based on earlier research findings as well as theoretical aspects, such as systemic theory and salutogenesis.Regarding the actions taken for the target group, the social workers have, in many ways, a systemic perspective as they emphasize elements within the child as well as within the family. It is also shown that the collaboration with other authorities affects the choice of actions, and that it is important to involve the entire family in any interventions, so that the effect of those interventions may last over time.

Ett barns behov av akut skydd : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens omedelbara skyddsbedömningar

The thesis had its starting point in the first paragraph of the eleventh chapter in the Swedish social services act, which discusses the immediate risk assessments that has to be made when the social services receive a report about a child. The thesis highlights an area that has received a lot of attention in media since the spring of 2014, when an eight year old girl was fatally abused by her legal guardians. The social services had at the time received a report about the girl but it was left unread. This tragic case has brought attention to the routines used by the social services for dealing with reports and risk assessments. This thesis was conducted through individual interviews with social workers working with children and families in the social services, with the aim to acquire an enhanced understanding of how social workers perform immediate risk assessments and what these assessments are based on.

Flickor och elektroniska spel: Fokusgruppintervjuer med flickor om deras syn på och användning av elektroniska spel

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine what part and importance electronic games play in the life of girls, how the girls use electronic games and what the girls think and say about their use of electronic games. We also intend to examine what girls have to say about electronic games at the public library. Our attempt is to illuminate and bring knowledge to those who work within the library with the selection, purchase and conveyance of electronic games. Method used in the survey is focusgroup-interviews with girls in the age between 12-14 years in three different schools. The findings are related to four different perspectives, theory of child development, from a gender perspective, theories of understanding how young people use computer games and theories to understand the purpose of public libraries.

De professionella och pedofilen : En kvalitativ studie av socionomers föreställningar och handlingsberedskap 

Although  ?naming and shaming? paedophiles are growing in Sweden, professionals working with the rehabilitation and treatment of paedophiles describe that the naming and shaming might not prevent child sex abuse. On the opposite naming and shaming alienates the perpetrator from any ordinary life. The alienation could lead them to only having other paedophiles as friends. Previous studies show that professionals are often distancing themselves from working with paedophiles, even if there is competence.

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