

6119 Uppsatser om Child health nurse - Sida 21 av 408

"...allt i mitt hjärta blir lugnt" : En fallstudie av Förskoleteamet Tummen ur ett utvecklingsekologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to, from the preschool teachers? point of view, deepen the knowledge about influential factors regarding a mandatory report from preschools to the Child Protective Agency (CPA) when suspecting child maltreatment and feeling uneasiness regarding the child. The purpose is also to furthermore investigate collaboration between preschools and the CPA in Hagfors municipality. The study has the following questions: How do preschools teachers handle their suspicions and uneasiness about a child being maltreated? Which factors can be influential on whether or not the suspicions are reported to the CPA? Which experiences do preschool teachers have of collaboration with the CPA?The study is based on qualitative methods in the formof individual interviews.

Distriktssköterskors upplevelser av att kunna främja hälsa hos patienter med venösa bensår - En kvalitativ intervjustudie

I Sverige lider ca 50 000 människor av svårläkta bensår och av dessa är ca 50 procent or-sakade av venös insufficiens. Patienter med bensår upplever ofta att de påverkas negativt fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt. Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskors upple-velser av att kunna främja hälsa hos patienter med venösa bensår. Metoden som valdes var kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Data samlades in genom intervjuer med nio distriktssköterskor.

"Det adopterade barnet" : Konstruktionen av adoptivbarn i barnlitteratur

With the increasing number of adoptees in Sweden, so has the amount of literature regarding different aspects of adoption. The aim of this study is to explore the construction of adoptees in children's literature. It takes on a social constructionism view, by regarding language as a narrative tool in which human beings construct versions of different phenomenon. By exploring the different discourses in the data within the context adoption, we can identify different versions of "the adopted child" and their needs as it is constructed in the literature. Also, by putting them in a bigger context, we are allowed to see the social structures and the discursive conditions that allow a certain child perspective of "the adopted child" to take place.

Parental experiences when children are undergoing emergency surgery/Föräldrars upplevelser i samband med att deras barn genomgår en akut operation

When a child is hospitalized, it is usually more than one person who needs attention ? i.e. the child as well as its parents. The emergency ward environment and surgery rooms are unfamiliar and the parents feel anxious, insecure and uncertain about how to act. They are expected to participate in the child?s care, cope with their own anxiety and simultaneously convey a sense of security and stability to the child.

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnad av patienter med myelomatos och associerad kronisk smärta : en litteraturstudie

Background: Multiple myeloma is a malignant incurable cancer disease associated with severe chronic pain. The nurse has several important roles in the management of patients with multiple myeloma. This study focuses on nurse´s roles including the caring of pain relief.Aim: The aim of this study was to elucidate the nurse?s role in giving care to patients with multiple myeloma and associated chronic pain.Method: This literature study was based on scientific articles.Results: The nurse is in a key position to facilitate ongoing adequate pain and psychosocial assessment of patients with multiple myeloma. The study presents ways of relieving pain and suffering via different ways of caring management.

Arbetshälsa en helhet - En kvalitativ studie om delaktighet

Background/Literature: Workplace environment has a significant influence on the livelihood of many in today?s world. In Sweden one million employees feel the effects of ill-health due to a dissatisfactory workplace environment. Consequently there has been a recent focus on the promotion of health in the workplace with an emphasis on physical activities. However scientific research has shown that psychological and social aspects need to be addressed in addition to the physical aspects.

Svårläkta sår : Sjuksköterskans kunskaper om omvårdnadsåtgärder vid svårläkta sår

In the nurse's profession ulcer care is a common nursing intervention. Being inserted in methods of treatment and updated with evidence-based knowledge is therefore an important part of the nurse's work. Chronic ulcers are expensive for health care and occupy a lot of time. Knowledge is therefore important for ulcer healing, for the patient comfort and to reduce costs. The aim of the study was to illustrate the nurse's knowledge of nursing interventions of chronic ulcer.

Kulturella värden, tro, levnadssätt och livsstil : faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans möte med muslimska patienter

There are over 1,5 billion Muslims living on earth and the religion is one of the world´s most increasing. Sweden is a country with a cultural diversity where about 300 000 Muslims lived in 1999. Today, the requirement for knowledge about caring for Muslims and the need of culturally competent nursing care are increasing.The aim of this study was to define cultural factors which the nurse has to recognize to be able to give culturally competent care to the Muslim patient. The method that has been used was a The Sunrise Model, which illustrates Leininger´s theory of culture care diversity and universality, provides a theoretical framework for the study. The results are presented on the basis of Leininger´s three cultural factors; cultural values, beliefs and lifeways.

Hinder och möjligheter för företagssköterskor vid införandet av goda matvanor hos företag

Abstract Emma BergdahlObstacles and opportunities among occupational health nurses when implementing healthy eating habits.C thesis in Public Health. Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies. University of Gävle. Autumn 2012 Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate which obstacles and opportunities nurses within occupational health find when trying to implement healthy eating habits among the employees in their respective company. Another objective was to see if the nurses worked according to the Guidelines, issued by the National Board of Health and Welfare.Method: The study was a quantitative study and conducted among nurses in central Sweden.

Makten, skolan och Johnny

The workplace has a direct impact on the physical, psychological, economic and social well-being of the workers. A healthy workplace leads to increased health among the employees which also makes the employees more productive (Källestål, 2004). A poor working environment can have negative consequences for individuals, companies and society (SOU, 2009:47).This is a qualitative study that investigates companies? view of health promotion and how they practice health promotion in working life. Five private and five public companies, with representatives from the management were interviewed.

Hälsa i skolan : En studie om hur elever i grundskolans årskurs åtta beskriver ämnet idrott och hälsa i skolan.

AbstractMy purpose with this composition was to investigate how the pupils at the nine-year compulsory school year eight describe the subject sport and health in school. The results from the interviews were compared with some of existing ideas and theories that are used in work for health of today. The studies that earlier has been done in the subject have in the most cases had focus from an adult perspective, with a view to look at the subject sport and health. I choose to examine what possible experienced health factors from a perspective of pupils, witch are important for the pupils to reach physical between the subject, what did they learn about health at the lessons and how they define the conception of healthIn my qualitative study I used interview to investigate the pupils describe of the subject sport and health in school. The choice of method was inductive in purpose to develop ideas and hypothesis in the subject.

Spädbarnsanalys : När samspelet mor - barn inte fungerar

The aim of the study is to investigate the practice of psychoanalysis with infants, and its effect on mother and child. With psychoanalytical thoeries and contemporary research on infants interaction as a basis, five interwievs with psychoanalysts in practice has been done. Also taking part of a clinical meeting with nine psychoanalysts has been done. Two of the interwieved analysts where part of this meeting, therefor the total sum of twelve psychoanalysts who reports their thoughts about the process i infantanalysis. The study also includes three participating observations of infantanalysis.

"På det viset får vi ju någon sorts ofrivillig insikt, i deras ekonomiska problem då" : En kvalitativ studie om förskolechefers tankar kring barnfattigdom i Uppsala

This essay is included as a sub-study of a survey about child poverty, which the Department of Sociology at Uppsala University, the Ombudsman for Children and Gillbergska Stiftelsen (the Gillberg?s foundation) has been commissioned by Uppsala Town to implement. The intent of this essay is to investigate how three pre-school managers in the municipal preschool in Uppsala describe child poverty, how they see the preschool?s social responsibility and how they manage child poverty in their practical operation. The essay is a qualitative study and informants' responses has been analyzed and related to symbolic interactionism, the thesis theoretical basis.

All were still; all were real : transmedieringen av Virginia Woolfs text om Nurse Lugton

Explores the difference between the two versions of Virginia Woolfs short story about Nurse Lugton..

Arbetsplatsmobbning : - Är inte att kleta senap på någons brallor!

The focus of this thesis is on what is considered to be a suitable foster home. For the study to be carried out an application had to be made to get access to the foster home assessments in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden. With the support of attachment theory and theory of standards different categories have been picked out and analyzed in foster home assessements that have been approved. The conclusion to what is considered to be a suitable foster home is a complex issue, as there are many factors that are interacting. Social workers seem to focus on the importance of a family?s ability to provide some kind of stability and security for a child who is considered to be placed within their home.

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