

6119 Uppsatser om Child health nurse - Sida 22 av 408

Åtgärdsprogram och måluppfyllelse i idrott och hälsa

The workplace has a direct impact on the physical, psychological, economic and social well-being of the workers. A healthy workplace leads to increased health among the employees which also makes the employees more productive (Källestål, 2004). A poor working environment can have negative consequences for individuals, companies and society (SOU, 2009:47).This is a qualitative study that investigates companies? view of health promotion and how they practice health promotion in working life. Five private and five public companies, with representatives from the management were interviewed.

Derformitetskirurgi i växande barns ryggar : En intervjustudie om föräldrars upplevelser

Introduction:Children in early age diagnosed with scoliosis and in need of surgery will grow up to undergo several operations in the back. Parents play a major role in the care of their children during hospitalization.Purpose:The purpose of this study was to investigate parents´ experiences of having a child diagnosed with scoliosis before the age of five undergoing repeated surgeries in the back.Method:The study had a qualitative descriptive design. Five parents with children aged 5-15 years, who have undergone several operations were interviewed about there experiences of the child?s illness and treatment. Phenomenological-hermeneutical analyze where used.Results:The parents felt a sense of shock when they were told about their child?s diagnose and treatment.

Diabetes mellitus typ 1 i allmänvården

The aim of this literature study has been to investigate the general nurse's knowledge of diabetes type 1 and its complications. The questions were: What does the general nurse need to know about diabetes type 1? What does the general nurse know about diabetes type 1? To answer these questions, a literature study has been done of 8 scientific articles. The theoretical reference study on which the study has been based is Gustafsson's SAUK Model for affirmative nursing care. The result shows that the nurse lacks knowledge in the nursing care of diabetes patients and this reflects the fact that little research has been done on diabetes mellitus type 1 in recent years.

Hur ska en arbetsplats vara för att främja hälsan? - Intervjuer med 12 anställda på IKEA hemma

The aim of this study was to investigate how a workplace should be formed to promote health according to the employees. The study was made in IKEA handla hemma in Älmhult, Sweden. The aim of the study was to find out why people experience health at their workplace environment, from a salutogenetic point of view. The study is based on 12 strategically selected interviews and where analysed according to Grounded Theory. This resulted in a model where the core category was ?The prevailing spirit of the organisation? and the five main categories was ?That the organisation creates favourable conditions to promote health?, ?That there is a god atmosphere amongst the colleagues and the bosses?, ?The personal point of view about health?, ?The relationship to goals and responsibility? and ?The personal point of view about their surroundings?.

Vad är hälsa för män?

Abstract P. Hed. (2011) What is health for men? Bachelor thesis. Gävle: University of Gävle, Faculty of health and occupational studies; 2011.

Mötet mellan misshandlade kvinnor och vårdpersonal : En litteraturstudie

Men abuse women every day. It has become a Health Problem which we affects all of us. Help is available for those women who have the strength to seek it. Health care personnel are often these women?s only contact with the surrounding world.

Att blir förälder till ett barn som redan finns : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrar som adopterat och deras upplevelse av sitt föräldraskap

 Becoming an adoptive parent is not always easy. There are positive and negative factors affecting the parent?s experience. The aim of this study is to examine being an adoptive parent to an internationally adopted child based on association, parenthood and ethnic belonging. Frame of interpretation consists of attachment and separations, parenthood and family and ethnic origin and belonging.

En jämförande studie av kalvuppfödningen på KRAV-anslutna och konventionella mjölkgårdar :

In order to investigate if the KRAV-regulations have any effects on the health and welfare of calves, KRAV-affiliated farms were compared to conventional farms with respect to calf management and outcome. The dairy calf has had a low economical impact during history. Even today the value of the calf is low and a lot of calves have a poor health status. The calf breeding is built on tradition and on the fact, that cheap antibiotics have made it possible to ignore, the recommendations about good hygiene in the calf?s environment.

Barns och tonåringars välmående

This paper examined if childrens wellbeing affected their social and academic competence. The data was collected through an anonymous study using questionnaires, where the measuring instruments GHQ12 and EQ was used, and also a number of questions concerning academic competence. The population concisted twentytwo eight grade students, both girls and boys. The population had both Swedish and foreign ancestry. The result showed that wellbeing and the academic competence had a positive correlation.

Lyckade Familjehemsplaceringar : är SoL lika med en solig placering och LVU bara en lång väg ut?

Focusing of what´s best for the child has been a keyword in social work for a long time. That seems obvious for many people, but sometimes it lacks in the care of the children and the child may be taken in to care. The purpose was to find circumstances of success that can contribute to a successful placement of the child according to social workers and foster families. In which way does the cooperation between social worker, foster family and the origin family affect the placement? The study is based upon a qualitative method in form of interviews intending to get the respondents own knowledge and experience of foster care.

Värdet av vinglaset : En studie om hur vinglasets sensoriska och estetiska egenskaper påverkar gästens vinupplevelse

The aim of this study is to examine how preschools contribute to the forming of identity in children, with a specific focus on the quiet and socially withdrawn child. How do the teachers describe the quiet child and the socially withdrawn child? Are there any opportunities for children to be quiet/withdrawn in preschools? These questions have also been analysed from a gender perspective. The method chosen is qualitative method. Nine preschool teachers from two Swedish preschools have been interviewed.

Barnperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om hur handläggare i två kommuner beaktar barnperspektivet inom ekonomiskt bistånd

The purpose of this study was to examine social workers working process in social assistance with focus on the child´s perspective. We were interested in learning about the existence of variations in approach and attitude between two municipalities. Question to be answered about what methods and approaches used by social workers to include the child´s perspective in the process of social assistance. Another question to be answered about what the manner in which social workers took into account the child´s perspective when the families apply for social assistance in relation to the operations and requirement. To fulfill the purpose, qualitative methods were used.

En trygg bas i förskolan : En essä om två olika inskolningsmodeller ur ett anknytningsperspektiv

In our essay we examine the different introduction models that are practiced in preschool. The central question is if the different models have any importance (or consequences) for the children?s connection in preschool. In the two different cases we will present, one based upon preparatory training that was applied during the 1990s and another that is currently used today.The purpose with this essay was to get a deeper understanding for the child?s attachment to preschool and for how we, as educators should act during the preparatory training to create a secure foundation for the child.

Barns och tonåringars välmående

This paper examined if childrens wellbeing affected their social and academic competence. The data was collected through an anonymous study using questionnaires, where the measuring instruments GHQ12 and EQ was used, and also a number of questions concerning academic competence. The population concisted twentytwo eight grade students, both girls and boys. The population had both Swedish and foreign ancestry. The result showed that wellbeing and the academic competence had a positive correlation.

Kommunikationsstöd för cancerpatienter. Upplevelse, trygghet och säkerhet

Telephone counselling has been around for more than forty years and remains a widely accepted communication support, both in the primary care and the outpa-tient departments of our hospitals. In many cases, this form of communication might be the only way in which the patient will have contact with the health ser-vices, primarily the nurse. In this study, the authors have chosen the word com-munication support as a generic name for the various technology tools, which are already present or in the future, might be an important link between the patient and the nurse. The aim of this study was to examine which communication sup-port that is available and patients´ perceptions of those and the patients´ percep-tions. Our patients can sometimes be affected by their illness, which means that their perception might be influenced and the advices or the prescriptions given by telephone will not be correctly perceived.

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