

138 Uppsatser om Certification - Sida 8 av 10

Att märka turism? : En undersökning om marknadsföring av kvalitetsmärkning inom ekoturismen

Kvalitetsmärkningen Naturens Bästa arbetar för att marknadsföra upplevelser som inte är bra enbart för turisten utan även för miljön och omgivningen. Idag blir vi som konsumenter mer och mer medvetna och måna om vår miljö och den värld vi lever i. Således borde en kvalitetsmärkning som Naturens Bästa kunna vägleda oss till att finna arrangemang inom turismen som hjälper oss att välja arrangörer som verkligen lever upp till de krav vi ställer. Problemet som finns är dock att denna kvalitetsmärkning inte syns i den gemensamma marknadsföringen av destinationer i nuläget. Utifrån detta är syftet med uppsatsen att undersöka varför kvalitetsmärkningen Naturens Bästa inte har någon framskjutande roll i marknadsföringen av destinationer.Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ insamlingsmetod i form av personliga intervjuer i vår undersökning för att få fram varför kvalitetsmärkningen inte syns i marknadsföringen.

Östra Kvillebäcken En gröna stadsdelen? En fallstudie över Östra Kvillebäcken i Göteborg

The study is a case study about the green urban district, East Kvillebäcken, located in Gothenburg, Hisingen. East Kvillebäcken is the first urban district in Sweden with ambition to build sustainable according to the Certification system Miljöbyggnad, which make it a pioneer project. The purpose is to investigate the upcoming and the meaning of the green urban district in East Kvillebäcken and show how public employees think the urban district can affect social, ecologic and economic aspects in the area. Dialogue interviews were done with four public employees, one estate agent and two residents. Local plans and other authority documents were used to get a deeper understanding for the case study.

Hur nya företag skapar konkurrensfördelar på marknaden för fordonsbesiktning

The Swedish market for vehicle inspection is re-regulated since June 2010. More than four years after the re-regulation there are eight companies in the market. Two of these companies are a result of the former monopolist's owners divided the business among themselves. The remaining six companies have entered the market through acquisitions or by building up their business from scratch, these are known as new entrants in the study. The competition has developed slowly and the former monopolist still has the highest market share.

Programvaruapplikation som stöd vid granskning i Dimensions

AbstractThe control of quality standard ISO 9001 has made the internal audit to be experienced as police authority and paragraph control. Because of that, motivation for internal auditors is low. To counteract the experience, there is a possibility to integrate internal audit with improvements in company?s processes. Theory has shown that a qualified and competent auditor can provide information that can help the organization's managements to make the right decisions that will improve product quality and result in new customer contracts.An opportunity to observe an internal and external audit at one of the case companies gave rise to this study.

Körskador i gallring : en studie av 21 drabbade objekt i södra Sverige

To guarantee the customers a job satisfactory executed Sydved has been certified by the ISO 14001 standard. One part of the Certification is the standards of soil damages. The soil damages were over represented during 1999 and 2000. It was therefore a need to study the problem in order to see what could be done to reduces these damages. A filed study was carried out on 21 subjectively selected stands from the following five districts: Vänersborg, Falköping, Borås, Jönköping and Åseda. As the study is a descriptive study of the soil damages, their character and extension, only stands were tracks were reported were considered.

Hållbart agerande inomFacilities Management ? Fem förslag på förändrade arbetssätt vid outcourcing

Sustainability is a term that is constantly gaining focus in our society and we are becoming more and more aware of the need to take the next generation into consideration when making decisions. The sustainable activity within the core business is growing and is also connected to profitability in ways that have not been seen before. However, the activities that are not included in the core business have not yet reached this long-term perspective. These non-core businesses within an organization goes under the term Facilities Management (FM).This paper focuses onReal Estate businesses, FM-suppliers and the relation between them.The purpose is to investigate current knowledge regarding outsourced FM-services and the real estate organisation?s use of these services.

Undersökning av utökade användningsområden för Lotsbroverkets slam

Lotsbroverket is the largest wastewater treatment plant on the Aland Islands and it isdesigned for handling wastewater from approximately 30 000 persons. In 2011,Lotsbroverket produced about 2800 m3 of dewatered sludge. The sewage sludge that isproduced is transported to a contractor where it is processed to eventually be used e.g.in the construction of green space. This study aims to investigate available applicationoptions in terms of the sewage sludge that is produced in Lotsbroverket. The main aimis to study the feasibility of using the produced sewage sludge as a fertilizer in theagriculture of the Aland Islands.The sludge already fulfills limit values for heavy metals in accordance with the Act"The Aland Government´s directive on the use of sewage sludge in agriculture." Inorder to clarify the sludge content of pharmaceutical and organic substances it isrequired that the substances are identified and a risk assessment is performed.

Värdet av att bygga grönt för kommunala bostadsbolag

AbstractThe real estate sector is today responsible for 40 per cent of the total amount of energy consumption within the members of the EU. All over the world there are collaborations within research and projects to find ways of reducing the amount of energy consumed by the real estate sector. In Sweden, a directive from the European Union has posed demands on authorities as well as on the private sector to reduce the amount of energy consumed by new building constructions. Together with the directive from the EU there are also new requirements and demands from Boverket for the real estate sector.  These requirements mostly concern the energy consumption of kilowatt-hour per square metre and that the consumed energy also should be renewable.  The aim of this study is to explain what kind of value municipalities experience in using Certifications and environmental investments for new and existing buildings. Within the chapter theory, essential areas are described such as; environmental Certification systems, economical viability, proceeds connected to building green, difficulties with building green, the performance of green buildings when affected by the behaviour of tenants and customer value.  The following chapter describes the methodology with which we have conducted this study.

Rollen som intern kvalitetsrevisor för ISO 9001. : Hur synen och förväntningarna på internrevisionsrollen påverkar kvaliteten på interna revisioner.

AbstractThe control of quality standard ISO 9001 has made the internal audit to be experienced as police authority and paragraph control. Because of that, motivation for internal auditors is low. To counteract the experience, there is a possibility to integrate internal audit with improvements in company?s processes. Theory has shown that a qualified and competent auditor can provide information that can help the organization's managements to make the right decisions that will improve product quality and result in new customer contracts.An opportunity to observe an internal and external audit at one of the case companies gave rise to this study.

Processkartläggning : - Att kartlägga ett snabbväxande mindre företag

Bactiguard is a Swedish company within the field of medichal technology. The company has been very prosperous since it was founded in 2005 and was electedÅrets MedTechföretag 2008 ?MedTech Company of the year 2008. According to a definition by NUTEK, Bactiguard is still considered a minor company ? despite high market value and international expansion.

Vilka kvalitetsfaktorer anses viktigast vid inköp av grönsaker och frukt för återförsäljare i Sverige :

Since Sweden joined the European Union all Swedish fruit and vegetables are classified according to EU Quality standards. One important function is the product description and how it can facilitate the trade; for example in better comparing prices and also to guarantee the quality of the product. This quality standards or product descriptions are written as words of an Act and obligatory for all countries that has joined the EU. It?s often a demand from the customers to be certificated according to some of many certificating systems. One example is the common worldwide GLOBAL GAP-Certification system created by the organisation EUREP which represents the leading European retail traders.

Incitament för fastighetsägare att omvandla bruna kontorsfastigheter till gröna - När och varför de väljer att investera

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.

Ekoturismens natur- och miljöpåverkan i polarområden

Tourism in the Arctic and Antarctic is increasing rapidly. In both Polar Regions, the cruise tourism is predominant. Several of the tour operators arrange trips under the banner of ecotourism, meaning that the trips should be ecologically sustainable. To ensure ecotourism standards there are different types of Certifications; for cruise travels in the Arctic there is AECO (the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators) Certification, and for travels to the Antarctic IAATO (the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators). Promoters of ecotourism argue that these trips are important because they create support for conservation work among tourists making them ?polar ambassadors?.

Månadskostnader vid investering i ny bostad : En jämförelse av olika investeringsalternativ och deras ekonomiska påverkanvid införskaffning av ny bostad.

This is a work that look at the factors that affect future monthly costs when buying a house in Sweden and which options are the most financially favorable over a 30 year period. The work also examines whether it is economically beneficial to invest in a low-energy house regardless of geographic location in Sweden, and discuss about whether a calculation template can help individuals to choose more environmentally friendly options. The work has been limited so that a certain number of predetermined factors and its measurable values have been developed with the help of a literature study. The factors chosen are building type, climate, heating systems, loan interest rates, energy prices, energy price increases, inflation rates and down payment. These are then combined into 72 different calculation cases which get put in a calculation model made in excel.

Katten på råttan, råttan på repet : Certifiering - ett konkurrensmedel

SammanfattningMiljökraven på varor och tjänster har idag slagit igenom på allvar, vilket har påverkat handeln på många sätt. Det har lett till att krav på märkning och information om varorna och tjänsterna har ökat och standarder, ledningssystem och kontrollsystem har fått större betydelse Det var ur detta som certifieringen uppstod.I vår studie ville vi därför undersöka om certifiering är det rätta verktyget för att företag ska bidra till en hållbar utveckling eller om certifiering kan anses som en nödvändighet för att överleva på marknaden. Detta innebar att ett antal företag kontaktades som ansågs som lyckade företag vad gällde hållbar utveckling.Cheferna på dessa företag intervjuades personligen eller via mail. Vid sammanställningen av svaren inspirerades vi av en metod som heter Grundad teori. Denna metod innebär att nyckelmeningar plockas ut ur intervjumaterialet som sedan kategoriseras i huvudkategorier, underkategorier och subkategorier.

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