

138 Uppsatser om Certification - Sida 7 av 10

Effektivisering av miljöcertifieringsprocessen med hjälp av BIM

Syfte ? Att skapa en ny produkt inom kategorin mingelbord, som erbjuder fler användningsområden för att bli mer anpassad för privatpersoner och i hemmamiljö. Att genom en innovativ konstruktion och en kombination av moduliserade- och hantverksdelar skapa en unik produkt på marknaden.Metod ? Grundmetoden för det här arbetet är den första fasen i en produkts liv: produktutvecklingsprocessen; identifiera behovet, planera designprocessen, ta fram kundkraven, utveckla konceptet och till sist utveckla produkten.Resultat ? Designkoncept på ett mingelbord har tagits fram och redovisas i bilder. Dessa bilder är resultatet av en uppmodellering i datorn med hjälp av 3D-progam.

Grön Flagg : En kvalitativ studie kring barns delaktighet i de tre dimensionerna i hållbar utveckling

It is important to work with economic, social and ecological dimensions in order to reach sustainable development. Furthermore, these dimensions are supposed to work opon together. Green Flag´s aim is to process these dimensions in the thematic work in preschool, where children are involved. The aim of this study is to find out how certificated Green flag preschools work with the three dimensions in the education of sustainable development practically and how the children participate in this work. I have used a qualitative semi-structured interview to find out preschool teachers´ thoughts and opinions about how they work with sustainable development and how they make the children involved.

Den nya kassaregisterlagen

The government appointed in 2004 a special investigator with the objective to investigate the possibility of introducing a new law concerning implementation of obligatory cash registers with certain Certification. This resulted in SOU 2005:35 ?Krav på kassaregister - Effektivare utredning av skattebrott? (Proposition 2006/07: 105). Following advice received from the respondents, the government has drafted a bill submitted to parliament in March 2007. Government bill 2006/07: 105 proposals for new law on cash registers, and submitted to parliament 2007th Act (2007:592) on the cash register was adopted by parliament in March that year and came into force on 1 January 2010.

Att kommunicera miljö ?Sällan ett papper på väggen? : En undersökning om kommunikationsstrategier vid implementering av miljömål i två högstadieskolor

AbstractHeadline To communicate the environment, ?Rarely a paper on the wall?, a study about communication strategies when it comes to internalize a policy in two secondary schools.Number of pages 42 (61 including enclosures)Author Fanny PerssonTutor Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse Media and communication CPeriod Autumn 2007/spring 2008University Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/aim The purpose of this work was to see what channels of communication are to prefer when working with secondary school pupils, more concrete when speaking about the environment, about the profile of the school and democracy among the pupils.Material/method I am going to visit two secondary schools in the middle of Sweden, one that has an environment Certification, and the other one is a regular secondary school. To answer these questions I am going to interview totally four teachers, two from each school, and 12 pupils from each school divided into two groups per school.Main results One of the main results was that the pupils prefer to mix the tutoring for a better way to learn. Another result was that they see their teachers as paragons and that it is more important what the teachers do than what they say.Keywords Environment, Communication, Environment Certifikation, Secondary school, Karl Weick, Communication theory, Understanding, Internalize, Identification, Profile.

Plusenergi och dess installationer : Kvarter Trettondagen

The latest thing in the area of environmental building today is energy-plus-house. The idea behind the energy-plus-house is to create a house that produces more energy than it consumes. To accomplish this, the house uses renewable energy, in this particular case solar energy. With the help from a proper construction and thoughtfully projected installations you can achieve a surplus of energy. The surplus energy can then be sold to the surrounding buildings and thereby conduce to a financial profit for the household.

Mångfaldsarbete : En jämförelse mellan privata och offentliga sektorn

The aim of this thesis is to study whether social welfare secretaries experience occupational pride and what affects this feeling. Previously made research indicate that occupational pride is essential for performance and work-related health. Research has also shown that social welfare secretaries often experience unhealthiness due to working conditions and a lack of professional self-esteem.This thesis is based on four qualitative interviews which have focused especially on critical incidents, according to the critical incident technique. This study has a hermeneutic, interpretative approach. As a theoretical framework, Pierre Bourdieu? s theory on social space and positions aswell as Aaron Antonovsky´s theory on Sence of coherence have been used. The result shows that the interviewed social welfare secretaries do experience occupational pride.

Vattenkemin i Fyrisån under snösmältningen

Chemical substances are spread diffusely and uncontrollably as a result of the increased consumption of goods. REVAQ is a Certification system that works to reduce the flow of hazardous substances to Swedish treatment plants and to create a sustainable nutrient recycling. According to REVAQ, the yearly accumulating rate of metals should not exceed 0.2% in soil per year. Silver and bismuth are two metals that do not fulfill this requirement. The silver concentration in sludge decreased during the last decade, however the last few years, it has leveled off.

Några svenska virkesaktörers system för skoglig planering

The purpose of this degree project is to give an overview of the planning system of four Swedish forest companies. The involved companies are ATA TIMBER, SYDVED, BERGS SKOG and VIDA SKOG. The study is based on information from a literature study and by interviews with personals from the four companies. Each company is described to get a better insight of the companies work and what potential they have. The description of the planning process comes after that. The companies are described separate from each other and will be compared later in this essay.

Socialsekreterare och stolt? : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares yrkesstolthet

The aim of this thesis is to study whether social welfare secretaries experience occupational pride and what affects this feeling. Previously made research indicate that occupational pride is essential for performance and work-related health. Research has also shown that social welfare secretaries often experience unhealthiness due to working conditions and a lack of professional self-esteem.This thesis is based on four qualitative interviews which have focused especially on critical incidents, according to the critical incident technique. This study has a hermeneutic, interpretative approach. As a theoretical framework, Pierre Bourdieu? s theory on social space and positions aswell as Aaron Antonovsky´s theory on Sence of coherence have been used. The result shows that the interviewed social welfare secretaries do experience occupational pride.

Vad skulle få en lantbrukare att ställa om från konventionell till ekologisk mjölkproduktion? :

The Swedish government has proposed that 20 % of the cultivated land in Sweden should be organic by the year 2010 (The Swedish Board of Agriculture, 2008). In addition to this the production of organic food like milk, meat and egg should increase considerably. To reach the government?s goal it is necessary that the Swedish farmers get motivated to convert their production from conventional to organic. Milko is a dairy association that has chosen to focus on organic products, they want to be the leading organic dairy association, and therefore they have a large need for organic milk (Milko, 2008).

Silver och vismut i plaster och färger : Källor till förhöjda halter i slam?

Chemical substances are spread diffusely and uncontrollably as a result of the increased consumption of goods. REVAQ is a Certification system that works to reduce the flow of hazardous substances to Swedish treatment plants and to create a sustainable nutrient recycling. According to REVAQ, the yearly accumulating rate of metals should not exceed 0.2% in soil per year. Silver and bismuth are two metals that do not fulfill this requirement. The silver concentration in sludge decreased during the last decade, however the last few years, it has leveled off.

En studie om förutsättningarna att certifiera sig enligt ISO 14001 är desamma för stora och små företag

As the environmental awarenesshas increasedin recent decadessohas the society?s demand forenvironmentalresponsible companies(Ammenberg, 2004).One way for companies to take responsibility and work with environmental issues is to implement anenvironmental management system(EMS). EMSserves as a tool for companies to systematically work with environmental issues and develop the company's environmental efforts. ISO 14001 is theEMSaccording to whichthat the majority of companies today choose to get certified(Brorson & Almgren, 2007). The introduction and operation of the ISO 14001 requires significant financial and human resources and it can therefore be questioned whether the environmental managementsystem is adaptable forall companysizes.The purpose of this studyis to examine whether EMScan provide environmental and economic benefits for companies of all sizes and ifthe conditions to get certifiedaccordingto ISO 14001 is the same for large and smallcompanies.A literature study was made to collect information on company'simplementation of ISO 14001.

In search for something "real" - consumers' perceptions of authenticity in regional food brands

Marketing research has acknowledged the concept of authenticity. It is argued that consumers in modern society increasingly search for something real, in contrast to what they perceive as mediated and distorted. Producers of regional food brands has acknowledged this trend, and started to market their products as being authentic. Given the potential practical and theoretical contributions in studying the concept of authenticity in this context, this study aims to explore how consumers perceive these claims of authenticity. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to extend knowledge on how consumers come to perceive a regional food brand as authentic.

Det norska energideklarationssystemets konsekvenser för äldre byggnaders karaktärsbärande värden

Roughly 130 000 dwellings have been officially registered since Norway as of summer 2009 passed their bill ?Energimerkeforskriften? on energy performance certificates in buildings. The main objective is to decrease the total amount of national energy consumption by producing a methodology of calculation of the integrated energy performance of buildings as well as proposing cost effective measures to lower each building?s energy consumption. As the measures should not contravene nor be incompatible with the intended quality and character of the building, the ?Energimerkeforskriften? exempts buildings that due to their historical and cultural values are protected cultural heritage legislation. The current system offers a couple of professional Certification alternatives, but when two online semi-automatic methods developed specifically for non-professionals are by far the most used, and since the methods of calculation primarily have focused on modern building materials and construction, the rest of the historical building stock stands literally unprotected by incorrect performance certificates and high-risk energy efficient measures. The objective of this thesis is to identify if the current Norwegian energy certificate system poses a threat to older buildings.

Skötselåtgärder vid nyetablering av skyddszoner vid bäckar i södra Värmland :

Buffer zones play an important role for the water quality in our watercourses. When harvesting a forest close to a watercourse a buffer zone should be left. When it's not left, it will lead to radical changes in the environment for the water organisms. The overall purpose of this thesis was to illuminate the production- and environmental thinking when establishing new buffer zones in south of Värmland. The partials goals were to determine choice of tree species, ways of regenerate, occurrence of soil scarification and the occurrence of machine tracks in newly established buffer zones.

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