

3393 Uppsatser om Central venkateter - Sida 4 av 227

Föräldraskap och neuropsykiatriskt funktionshinder : upplevelse och påverkan av diagnos

The aim in the study is to search for a deeper understanding of how parents experience a neurological diagnose of the child and how this affects the parenthood. Parenthood was seen in a systemtheoretical perspective as a social construction. The narrative method was used in two lifestory parentinterviews. The analysis was made from parenthood. The result formed stories about parenthood with children having neuropsyciatric functional disability who even came to be a woman?s struggle.

Sjuksköterskans hantering av perifera venkatetrar

INTRODUKTION: Inom sjukvården är perifera venkatetrar (PVK) vanliga och ett av sjuksköterskans ansvarsområde. Den förs in i en ven med hjälp av en kanyl, för att kunna ge patienter läkemedel, blod, samt upprätta eller korrigera vätske-, elektrolyt- och näringsbalansen. SYFTE: Att beskriva sjuksköterskans kunskap vid hanteringen av perifera venkatetrar. METOD: En litteraturöversikt som innehåller 14 vetenskapliga artiklar, som har granskats och analyserats. RESULTAT: Resultatet presenterades i kategorierna: aseptik, val av insticksplats, val av storlek, dokumentation, regelbundna byten, förebyggande av tromboflebit och hantering av svårstuckna patienter.

Hydd- och huskonstruktioner från förhistorisk tid : En kronologisk översikt från stenålder till tidigmedeltid i östra Mellansverige.

This thesis is a chronological survey over the hut and house remains from the Stone Age to the Early Middle Ages in Eastern Central Sweden. The thesis also contains a test which I have conducted to see which investigation method had the best results in identifying house remains at an archaeological site. I subsequently discuss the result of this test, what it represents and also what may be done differently in order to get other types of results..

Miljökänslighet och modern hälsooro hos personer med fibromyalgi

Fibromyalgi är en sjukdom som med sin karaktäristiska smärta och många tillhörande symtom orsakar stort lidande för de drabbade. Orsaken till sjukdomen är ännu inte helt klarlagd. Central sensitisering har på senare tid fått ökat stöd i forskningen om fibromyalgi och innebär att det är ett onormalt smärtprocessande i det centrala nervsystemet som orsakar den ökade smärtan. Samband och överlapp mellan fibromyalgi och miljökänsligheter antyder att en mer generell sensorisk överkänslighet grundad i central sensitisering kan vara en gemensam bakomliggande faktor. Sensitiseringen är också relaterad till kognitiva aspekter som oro och uppmärksamhet.

Liv och rörelse på nya Kungsgatan : Ett arbete om framkomligheten på Kungsgatan i Eskilstuna

This report is about how accessibility in Eskilstuna's central trade street Kungsgatan can be improved, based on my background as spatial configuration designer, and by Eskilstuna's residents' opinions. In this report I explain what methods I have used, and how I attained my results. The goal of this project was to create ideal accessibility in the central part of Kungsgatan in Eskilstuna. Since Fristadstorget was rebuilt, and since the city is growing in terms of housing and residents, accessibility will in the near future be even more limited for visitors than it is today. My design proposal is designed based on street conditions, residents' opinions and Eskilstuna's existing ideas..

Städer i konkurrens? : Diskurs och politisk strategi i tre svenska städer

This study puts emphasis on an international discourse describing how cities frequently compete against each other, and also describing factors that cities should enhance to make themselves more competitive. The discourse in this study has therefore been used to seek understanding how three different municipalities Borlänge, Karlstad and Malmö strive for growth by applying central factors from the discourse on the municipalities strategic documents. What the study shows is that the central factors from the discourse strongly imprints the strategic documents, but the presence of the factors varies between the municipalities and also to what meaning that lies behind the strategic goals..

Empowerment: ett flytande begrepp?

The purpose of this study was to analyse the concept of empowerment and its meaning in the political document "En Förnyad Folkhälsopolitik" from the present Swedish government, containing guidelines and politics in the area of public health. The underlying question was if it could be considered as representative for some kind of general "empowerment approach" since the concept is central to the very definition of social work by the International Federation of Social Workers IFSW and International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW).By comparing its definition and consequences in the document with a historical review of different contexts of empowerment the conclusion was made that such a common approach doesn´t exist at all. The meaning of empowerment in the central document showed some similarities with the "northamerican" version of the concept represented by the social scientist Charles Murray, which is just one of the political meanings of empowerment. Alternative ways of understanding the concept was also presented such as being a tool of a constant conflict between central political principles or as a fashionable but not important word. Another alternative was to consider it a means of power through witch different political discourses tries to dominate the world..

Tidsintervall för byte av perifier venkateter.

Depression bland äldre är ett långvarigt och underbehandlat tillstånd. Sjuksköterskor kan möta en utmaning i att tillgodose behoven hos de äldre med depression då den äldre befolkningen ökar, vilket kommer att kräva särskild kompetens för att kunna utföra relevanta omvårdnadsåtgärder. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder bland äldre med depression. Studien genomfördes med deskriptiv design. Systematiska sökningar och fritextsökningar genomfördes i databaserna Cinahl, PubMed och PsycINFO.  Sökningarna kompletterades med en manuell sökning.

Konferens är inte bara ett möte det är även en upplevelse! : En undersökning av fyra konferensanläggningar i Stockholms län med olika koncept för framgång.

A conference is not only a meeting but an experience as well. The purpose of this study was to analyze and evaluate four conference organizers within the area of Stockholm Sweden, and to identify their range of activities. Studies were made regarding these conference organizers and how they cooperate with other companies to offer a wider aspect of range. The purpose was also to find out how the demand side of the market appears. The demand side of the market could give an implication of how the conference organizers appear from their perspective and how the conference organizers adjust to their demand.

Östra Aros : bebyggelsen i Uppsala och dess utveckling fram till 1270 i arkeologisk belysning

This thesis rewievs present day research on the settlement of Östra Aros in central Sweden. The thesis deals with the period from late Iron age to about 1270 AD, when the Swedish archdiocese moved to the already existing early-medieval settlement of Östra Aros, thus becoming the medieval town of Uppsala. The basis of the thesis is the study of a variety of source materials, such as artefact studies, runestones, topography and the prehistoric and early medieval hinterland. The thesis centers on archaeological excavation data and dating of settlement structures, particularly focusing on the settlements establishment. Through a critical review of primarily the written record and the archaeological data, the settlements characteristics and functions are discussed, emphasising when and if the settlement could be described as a town, central- or trading place..

IAS 40 ? förvaltningsfastigheter : Utformningen av redovisningen till verkligt värde

I resultaträkningen tycks praxis utvecklas mot att värdeförändringarna redovisas som en del av rörelseresultatet och att realiserade och orealiserade värdeförändringar redovisas som separata poster. När det gäller beräkningen och presentationen av värdeförändringar är en central fråga om de realiserade värdeförändringarna skall tas med i beräkningsuppställningen över fastighetsbeståndets värdeförändringar. Här är det dock svårt att se utvecklingen av praxis. En annan central fråga är oklarheterna kring redovisade investeringar. En bra lösning är att redovisa separata kolumner för sålda och helårsägda fastigheter.

Decentraliserat lager - ett steg mot flexibilitet

This study was conducted at Glimek AB, a company that has chosen to decentralize its central storage unit in order to increase production efficiencies. The purpose of the study was to identify the problems in the production cycle that lead to the decision to decentralize the central storage unit, as well as identifying what the decentralization entails. The effects of the decentralization have not been analyzed in the study, and consequently neither financial nor production disadvantages have been considered.Appropriate questions were formulated based on the chosen underlying theories, and were asked to selected individuals with relevant knowledge. The study is based on the information that was gathered from interviews with management as well as staff within the company. In addition, supporting information such as flowcharts, drawings, orders and decision support documents were supplied by the company.

'Occupy' ? värre än SARS? : Kritisk diskursanalys av rapporteringen om Hongkongs nya Occupy-rörelse i regionens engelskspråkiga press

This thesis uses critical discourse analysis to examine how the English-speaking press in Hong Kong constructs the conflict between the political movement Occupy Central and the Chinese central government. The empirical material consists of ten articles from the region?s two largest English-speaking newspapers, Hong Kong?s oldest newspaper, the South China Morning Post, and China?s only national English-speaking newspaper, the China Daily. Building on the works of Teun van Dijk, Norman Fairclough, Ruth Wodak and John E. Richardson it examines what political ideologies that are favoured by the press and what attitude the press shows for democratic development.

Brister vid handhavande av Perifer Venkateter : - faktorer som ger upphov till avvikelserapportering

I denna studie har trygghet och kommunikation inom äldrevården undersökts. Studien utfördes med syftet att undersöka hur kommunikation och informationsdelning mellan äldre vårdboende, deras anhöriga och deras vårdpersonal ser ut idag. Studien syftade även till att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar de äldre vårdboendes och deras anhörigas trygghetskänsla. Förhoppningen var att bredda kunskapen kring fenomenen trygghet och kommunikation inom äldrevården och att resultaten ska kunna främja utvecklingen av kommunikations- och anhörigportaler.Datainsamlingen utgjordes av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjudeltagarna bestod av tre olika målgrupper som tillsammans formade vad som valdes att kallas för en omsorgscirkel.

Media och Sverigedemokraterna : Kandidatuppsats i statsvetenskap 15hp, Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper

This study focuses on nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe. Anchored in theories that this region historically has been characterized by a nationalism that is based on the ethnic group rather than on liberal or civic concepts, it is the purpose of this study to explore whether these theories still apply in recent times when the region has been liberalized, for example manifested in the entry to the European Union. The research question has been tested through analysis of the constitutions of a number of Central and Eastern European countries in order to investigate what type of nationalism that the states have codified in their basic political documents. The results show that some of the states give expression to the historical ethnic nationalism in their constitutions, which indicates that the theories still are relevant..

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