

3407 Uppsatser om Central venkateter - Sida 3 av 228

Processkartläggning samt förbättringsförslag vid Götene Stål & Verktygs AB

The purpose of this report is to come up with possible improvement suggestions to the distribution central at Götene Stål & Verktygs AB (GSV). GSV is a wholesale dealer located in Götene. The company doesn?t produce anything it self, it buys in products and sells them to customers.The distribution central at GSV is the place where the products comes in and gets ready to deliver.To come up with possible improvement suggestions we started with process mapping over the main process and the distribution centre process. The main process here is from the point where the customer gives GSV an order to the point where GSV deliver the order.Our result shows that the major problem in the distribution central at GSV is the big volume differences in the incoming goods.

Change or die Bilden av folkbiblioteket i den nationella bibliotekspolitiken i Sverige och Danmark utifrån teorier om det postmoderna samhället.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to investigate how the image of the Public library is described in the Swedish national library politics, and compare it with the image given of the public library in the Danish national library politics. The method used for this analysis is a comparative discourse analysis of the homepages produced by the Swedish central government Regeringen and Kulturrådet and its Danish counterpart Kulturministeriet and Biblioteksstyrelsen. Theories on postmodernity have been used to analyze how the Swedish and the Danish central governments image of the Public library corresponds with a changing society and the changing behaviour of the public library users. Our analysis concludes that the traditional view of the Public library as an institution mainly concerned with literature and reading still is of great significance in the discourse of the Swedish central government. In contrast, the Danish central government presents a more postmodern view of the public library as an institution that is part of the Information- and the Knowledge society.

Stickrädsla : Omvårdnadsåtgärder för att motverka uppkomsten av stickrädsla hos barn

Patienter med stickrädsla uttrycker ofta svår ångest och oro inför provtagning, insättning av perifer venkateter, diverse injektioner samt inför vissa medicinska ingrepp. Det är därför relevant att beskriva detta närmare och av stor klinisk betydelse att problemet uppmärksammas.Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva de omvårdnadsåtgärder sjuksköterskan kan använda för att motverka stickrädsla hos barn. Resultatet baseras på tolv vetenskapliga artiklar, tio kvantitativa och två kvalitativa. Artiklarna kartlägger aktuella studier inom området och författarnas analys av artiklarna mynnar ut i tre huvudkategorier av omvårdnadsåtgärder: att avleda barns uppmärksamhet genom distraktion, smärtlindring med topikal anestesi och motivera användandet av coopingstrategier.Studiens huvudresultat är att en kombination av resultatets samtliga tre omvårdnadsåtgärder, där även föräldern engageras, samt ett kommunikativt korrekt förhållningssätt, anpassat till barnets utvecklingsnivå, är det bästa sättet att reducera barnets smärtupplevelse, rädsla, oro samt ångest och därmed minska risken att stickrädsla utvecklas..

Än papporna då? : Om att få vara invandrarfar i Sverige

This study aims to illuminate central aspects of immigrant fathers' experience of fatherhood in Sweden, a subject that has been widely debated but has garnered scant scientific information. Three informants of Middle Eastern background were interviewed. Central aspects that surfaced during the interviews are family and the cultural/religious group as a basis for individual's lives. Thus the informants prioritize the survival of the family and group through boundary strategies, but these boundaries consists of several layers, some of which are flexible..

Adoption av en kommunikationslösning : En kvalitativ studie

The modern workplace is dependent on effective communication in order for the employees to be able to execute their tasks. Despite this over half of the new communications-solutions that are inserted to handle an organizations communication needs fail. Therefore this study focuses on the adoption of communication-solutions in the context of the modern workplace. This with the intent of identifying factors that are central to the individuals? adoption of new communication-solutions.

Cantralasiens strategiska betydelse:Den nye stora kampen mellan USA och Ryssland

The aim of this thesis is to assess the strategic importance of Central Asia as a whole and interests of great powers in the region in particular within the theoretical framework chosen. The work shows Central Asia as an area of the New Great Game, analogue of the original Great Game which was played out between the British Empire and Tsarist Russia in XIX century. The parallels between the original Great Game and the New Great Game are drawn in order to understand the scope and the true intentions of the players of the latter one. Also, the security issues in the contemporary Central Asia are explored and analyzed to provide with the background for future predictions. Furthermore, the indirect purpose of the thesis is to examine whether the international system has changed from that of two centuries ago by comparing the structure of the international systems at the time of two Games.

Yngre järnålder till medeltid i Blekinge Östra Härad : En järnåldersbygd längs med en ådal i ett lokalt perspektiv

In this essay I have chosen to write about graves, settlements and historical, important central places during the late Iron Age and the introduction of Christianity in the east of Blekinge. The reason why I have chosen to write about this is because the area has many ancient monuments and not much have been written about the area. The main question is who where the people who lived there and why did they choose to settle there..

Folkhälsopolitikens praktik - En studie av tre kommuners implementering av folkhälsopolitiken och dess syn på befintlig styrning

The purpose of this study is to analyse how the local governments have implanted the new public health policy, which Sweden adopted in April 2003. The new health policy stakes out a new direction for national public health policy. Instead of focusing on diseases the new public health policy focus in factors that determine health.Important factors to study are the role of central steering from the central government. The method used is a case study of three Swedish local governments. The main material used is interviews and different policy documents within the area of public health.The conclusion of the study shows that the local governments are fairly satisfied with the steering of public health policy by the central government.

Då kulten flyttar in : Guldgubbar och deras betydelse

In this essay I have chosen to do a cursory study of the spread of the figural gold foils. Emanating from foremost the Vendel time (550 ? 800 e Kr) in the Scandinavian countries Norway, Sweden and Denmark. I will also discuss their relationship to so called central places. Three central locations are in focus in this essay: Borg in Lofoten, Slöinge in Halland and Uppåkra in Skåne. I will also discuss when and why the religious cult changed during the Vendel period to Viking age..

Den bortglömda krisen ? en kritisk diskursanalys på nyhetsrapporteringen av Centralafrikanska republiken

Central African Republic has partly been portrayed in the media as a forgotten crisis, but also as something that is completely natural for how it is in Africa. The society has perceptions about Africa, which has been reproduced and reconstructed in the selected articles. The discourses in particular have appeared in articles are discourses about: us and them, the confidence in experts, social representations especially (emotional roots), ideological inequities and power relations between different parties..

Sjuksköterskans roll och upplevelser vid förberedelser av barn inför perifer venkateter sättning och blodprovstagning : En intervjustudie

The purpose of the study was to describe the nurse´s role and experiences aroundpreparation of children in front of peripheral venous catheter (PVC) placement andblood draw. The study used a descriptive design with qualitative approach and wasperformed on a pediatric clinic in Sweden. Semi-structured interviews were performedwith seven nurses of whom the first was a pilot interview, which was included in theresult. The recruitment of nurses was made by a purposeful sampling, maximumvariation sampling, with help of the quality coordinator of the pediatric clinic. Thecollected data was analyzed with the manifest qualitative content method.

En studie av åkermarkspriserna i tre regioner år 1995 - 2009 : Sveriges åkermarkspriser, påverkande faktorer

Since Sweden joined the EU in 1995 there has been a noticeable increase in the value of arable land occurred. This paper is intended to study the inflation of farmland prices. In order to ascertain what affects the market prices so much since Sweden affiliated with the EU three regions has been selected for a detailed study on the subject. These three regions are selected because each of them represents different parts of the Swedish farmlands. The time period that has been examined is the year 1995 until 2009.The price raises in the three observed regions was overall fairly even at the end of the studied period.

Vad påverkar påverkansprincipen? : En kvantitativ studie om påverkansprincipens förekomst i svenska organisationer

This study puts emphasis on an international discourse describing how cities frequently compete against each other, and also describing factors that cities should enhance to make themselves more competitive. The discourse in this study has therefore been used to seek understanding how three different municipalities Borlänge, Karlstad and Malmö strive for growth by applying central factors from the discourse on the municipalities strategic documents. What the study shows is that the central factors from the discourse strongly imprints the strategic documents, but the presence of the factors varies between the municipalities and also to what meaning that lies behind the strategic goals..

Kan entreprenörskap samexistera med central styrning? : En fallstudie som söker det lokala entreprenörskapets karaktärsdrag inom MQ

Uppsatsen undersöker om MQ har lyckats behålla entreprenörskapet efter denstrukturförändring som skedde 2006, när företaget blev uppköpta av CapMan.Strukturförändringen innebar att MQ gick från en franchiseliknande kedja med ett lokaltägarskap till att bli en helintegrerad kedja med många centralt styrda funktioner,samtidigt som ledningen ville behålla entreprenörs- och affärsmannaskapet. Enligt teorifinns det en paradox i att ha central styrning, som behövs för samordningens skull,samtidigt som utveckling måste bedrivas och beslut måste tas lokalt och nära kunden.Denna fallstudie undersöker om det är möjligt att kombinera dessa två arbetssätt, samtvilka karaktärsdrag av entreprenörskap som går att återfinna inom MQ efterstrukturförändringen. I samband med entreprenörskap används begreppet intraprenörskapi uppsatsen, vilket beskrivs som en annan benämning för entreprenörskap inom storaföretag. Resultatet visade att två av tre karaktärsdrag går att identifiera i viss utsträckninginom MQ men att dessa inte är tillräckliga för att kunna föda entreprenörskap..

Civil-militära relationer - förutsättningar för samverkan

Civil-military relations ? conditions for cooperationAbstract: Civil-military cooperation is a branch of current interest, both in studies and research. The importance has also increased after the government´s demands in a more developed and efficient coordination of national contribution to international peace support operations. Several studies show that there is a lack of ability to cooperate between different levels of command and other actors. The Swedish tradition of state administration is strong and the responsibility to cooperate lies within the hands of the different authorities.

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