

1177 Uppsatser om Career ambition - Sida 28 av 79

Vad kan evidensbaserad praktik vara? : Några socialarbetare talar om evidensbaserat arbete

Denna kvalitativa studie belyser hur socialarbetare inom missbruksvården uttalade sig om evidensbaserad praktik. Syftet var även att få en förståelse i vad som kan hindra eller främja ett evidensbaserat arbetssätt. Studien utgick ifrån en socialkonstruktivistisk ansats genom Berger och Luckmanns tresidiga modell där även studiens resultat är tolkat i samma anda. Studien gjordes utefter semistrukturerad utgångspunkt med fem socialarbetare inom missbruksvården i sammanlagt tre kommuner. Resultatet visar att evidensbaserad praktik ses som något som är beforskat och beprövat.

Identitetssökandet hos unga flickor i 2010 års barn- och ungdomslitteratur

My ambition with his exam is to study how young girls are being depicted in swedish novels of 2010. I have analyzed how the identity and the search for identity are produced in these books. To be able to make my analysis of these books I have used Maria Nikolajeva?s book Barnbokens byggklossar. From wich I have worked out a few questions that I have used my analysis in the portrayal of these girls.

Ökat kompetensutnyttjande - en nyckel till att öka det ideella engagemanget i en brukshundklubb?

The basic intention of this study is founded on an ambition to make change within the competing activity at ?Svenska Brukshundklubbens Halmstadavdelning? (SBK Halmstad). This is a local association for owners of working dogs, where I am one of the members. A problem in engage a larger number of voluntarily working members in the association has been established and discussed over several years. My premier aim was to make the members award of different perspectives of the problem.

Klubba och Boll är allt som behövs för att ha skoj : En studie om kommunikationens och kommunikationskulturensbetydelse i ett elitsatsande ungdomsinnebandylag

Abstract: When playing in teams, communication is important, not just communication with words but also non-verbal communication such as gestures and body languish. The purpose with this study is to see how there is a co-op among communicating players , between leaders and players and to examine what meaning communication and culture got  in a youth team. The ambition with this study was to increase our knowledge about communication and communicationculture in the youth floorball team. This study is qualitative and was inspired by an ethnographical method so we got the information from observations of a youth floorball team, totally we made four observations. The result were analyzed and categorized from our observation papers.

Manöverkrigets förutsättning : En kvalitativ studie om förhållandet mellan praktik och teori

The term maneuver warfare is frequently used in western defense doctrines and theoreticaltextbooks. The ambition of the Swedish armed forces is to attempt maneuver warfare in allappropriate situations. Theories and doctrines indicate the importance of decentralized command and control systems. Mission command (Auftragstaktik) is one such system and should be applied to all situations of the Swedish Armed Forces. There are theoretical and doctrinal bases for warfare and command, but in practice, what are the preconditions for this? Previous research addresses many theoretical questions but there are flaws in existing studies investigating practical realities.The purpose of this study has been to reach a deeper understanding of armed forces ability to maneuver warfare by analyzing conformity of command and leadership perspectives in practice.This is an interview-based qualitative case study in which respondent´s statements were analyzed and interpreted in relation to a theoretical framework.

Det är långt mellan gårdarna. En studie om Sverigebilden i Sverige - en jämförelse mellan storstad och landsbygd.

The aim of this thesis is to illustrate the principal problem of the study of national self-images and by questioning the congruent existence of one in the case of Sweden. Through the use of qualitative method and semi-structured interviews the ambition of the study is to compare and to understand the national self-images portrayed in a major Swedish town, Stockholm and to that of a smaller town on the countryside, Sjöbo. A social constructionist approach in co-operation with key temporal and spasial dimensions are used to penetrate the interviews at hand. The main conclusions drawn from this study highlights the difficulties in addressing the concept of a congruent national self-image. Several major discrepancies appear in the analysed material, mainly in the past and the external dimensions, both from a regional approach, but also very much within the local entities themselves..

Från Rio via Kyoto, till Marrakech. Hur har rättviseproblematiken tolkats i anpassningsdiskussionerna?

Global climate change is one of the greatest challenges in our history. As the average temperature is rising due to anthropogenic emissions, impacts such as floods, droughts and hurricanes, affect the lives of millions of people. Though the least developed countries are least responsible for emissions, they are the worst affected. This thesis focuses on environmental justice in the adaptation discourse. By outlining the adaptation discourse from the United Framework Convention on Climate Change principles, to the Marrakesh Accords, via the Kyotoprotocol my ambition is to analyse how environmental justice has been interpreted in relation to the adaptation discourse.

Vägledarens Verktygslåda : En beskrivning av vägledares kompetens och vad som möjliggör att använda den

Studie- och yrkesvägledning är en profession vilken samtliga, som gått i skolan i Sverige, har en relation till. Vi har samtliga någon gång under skoltiden mött en vägledare. Lika många möten verkar generera lika många historier och de är inte alltid av god karaktär. Det hänger förhoppningsvis ihop med att det idag inte finns något krav på behörighet för att få arbeta som studie- och yrkesvägledare. Det gör att många möten med vägledare har skett utan de kunskaper, förförståelse och professionalism som en utbildad vägledare med behörighet medför.

VÄG, VAL OCH VILLKOR : Individer som tidigare begått kriminella handlingar berättar

This thesis, titled ?Change, choice and conditions?, is written by Lina Skantze and Bianca Zandén. The study explores the process in which individuals? attempt to end their criminal career, focusing on the interplay between path of life, choices, and conditions. The method is qualitative, and the empirical material consists of interviews with four young adults that all have experience of criminality.

Habitus - ett arbete om klass

 Why is it that we still live in a society where an individual's social background plays such a big part in their chances of reaching a higher education? Despite the numerous educational policy reforms, especially in Sweden, it still seems that an individual's career choices are pretty much related to what kind of social class they grew up in. Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu claimed that social class is reproduced in the school system, and that students from the lower classes are much less likely to reach a further education than students from the middle or upper classes due to injustice in the school system. One thing that plays a big part in this "Catch-22" situation is the concept that Bourdieu calls habitus. Habitus could be explained as an individual's taste, knowledge, ability to master the spoken language, etc. Your habitus is manifested in the choices you make, the music you listen to, how you dress and the way you speak, and it determines your relation to the education system and life in general. As part of my essay, I wanted to interview students from lower or working class at my school, Konstfack, to see if they have had any negative or positive experiences from their encounter with a higher education. And if so, could they be linked directly to their social background? As a reaction to my own and my interviewees? experiences and frustration, I use the concept of habitus in my practical work.

Effektivisering av kravspecifikationsprocessen

The goal of this project was to make the requirement process at the Swedish Coastguard more effective. The first step to achieve this was done by locating bottle necks in the process with value stream mapping method. The result of this study showed that the biggest restriction in the requirement process was while examining older requirement documents to understand what elements were suitable for the particular project. This was followed by a study of literature, interviews and theory of Lean Production with the ambition to investigate how the requirement process was handled on other companies and how to improve the process on the Swedish coast guard. This led to a number of potential enhancements of the process which later was evaluated.

Studenternas utbildningsval : En kvalitativ studie om nedärvda och förvärvade resursers betydelse i utbildningsvalet

This essey aims to investigate how inherited and acquired resources has influenced the choice of education. It is in this essays ambition to understand how the recources operates in a process from childhood to a certain education. The study was conducted using eight qualitative interviews with firstyearstudents in nursing and economics courses at Linnaeus University. By using Bourdieu's theories about habitus, capital and horizon of possibilities I wanted to understad how the students inherited and acquired recoures had operated in their choise of education. The main conclution is that the educational choice is strongly influenced by the individual's social belonging and must be understood as a result of the individual's history.

Det nya nordiska köket

Tio etablerade kockar signerade 2004 ett köksmanifest med en ambition att kunna stärka bilden av det nordiska köket. Detta manifest initierade ett projekt två år senare med målet att utveckla regionen Norden.Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka vad som menas med det nya nordiska köket, och att ta reda på vad det nya nordiska köket innebär för den nordiska matkulturen.För att klarlägga det nya nordiska kökets identitet gjordes en dokumentanalys på köksmanifestet och tre av de tio kockarnas restaurangers menyer. Genom att undersöka den nordiska mathistorien och vilka förutsättningar som regionen erbjuder, skapas underlag för att kunna analysera manifestet och de utvalda restaurangerna.De tre utvalda kockarna är ambassadörer för det nya nordiska köket och har erhållit utmärkelser som visar att de driver framgångsrika nordiska restauranger.Det nya nordiska köksmanifestet är strukturerat punktvis och beskriver vad det nya nordiska köket skall representera. I resultatet har manifestets innehåll analyserats och detta har gett en klarare bild av detta. Utifrån den analys som genomförts går det att konstatera att de nordiska råvarorna och tillagningsmetoderna står i majoritet på de menyer som återfinns på respektive restaurangs hemsida..

Sanning med skiftande resultat. En jämförande studie om sanningskommissionernas följder i Argentina, Sydafrika och El Salvador.

Sanningskommissioner inrättas för att dokumentera brott mot mänskliga rättigheter. På senare år har dessa blivit allt mer förekommande. Därför har detta fenomen väckt vår nyfikenhet. Vårt syfte med studien har varit att undersöka hur sanningskommissioner kan vara ett medel för ett land att gå vidare efter en konflikt samt vad som påverkar deras följder. Vår undersökning har en teoriutvecklande ambition där vi har utfört jämförande fallstudier av sanningskommissionerna i Argentina, Sydafrika och El Salvador.

Motivation att använda styrketräningsappar: en kvalitativ undersökning av motivationsfaktorer bland ungdomar

AbstractWorking with child and youth welfare is one of the most difficult challenges a social worker might face in the field of social work. Those who work with child and youth welfare are more exposed to stress and burnout than other comparable human service occupations. Research links the prevalence of stress and burnout to several key variables, such as demographics, working conditions and personality factors. In contrast, even though social workers in this field face many negative work-related problems they report a high job satisfaction. The aim of this study is to examine how uplifting and straining experiences affect social workers, who work with child and youth welfare, through the use of The Critical Incident Technique and interviews.

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