

6888 Uppsatser om Business to business relationships - Sida 64 av 460

Affärsvärldens kameleont : En studie på B2B nivå om interkulturella kompetenser hos en salesmanager

Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen för de kompetenser en internationellsalesmanager behöver för att hantera interkulturella möten. Därför ska de kulturellaskillnader som kan uppstå i interkulturella sammanhang samt olika sätt att hantera dessaundersökas. För att uppnå syftet med studien har följande huvudproblem formulerats: Hur påverkar en Salesmanagers kompetenser dennes förmåga att hantera kulturskillnader vid kommunikation av internationell försäljning? Det teoretiska fält som använts innefattar salesmanagerns roll i en global värld och de kapitalsom krävs av denne; kulturella lager samt interkulturell kompetens.Studiens metod har varitkvalitativ med en deduktiv ansats, kombinerat med en fallstudie på Norden Machinery AB. I den empiriska delen framställs respondenterna i en jämförelse till varandra, följt av analysendär empirin tolkas utifrån teorin.Studiens slutsats påvisar att en salesmanagerns kompetenser i hög grad påverkar dennes medvetenhet av och förmåga att hantera de kulturella skillnader som uppstår vid interkulturella möten.

Likviditetshantering - Har medelstora företag för stora kassor?

Uppsatsens syfte är att utröna om dagens medelstora kassor har för srora kassor. Intervjuer med finanschefer på olika företag samt en banktjänsteman angående företagens hantering av likvida medel..

It's all about you

The purpose of this thesis was to examine how to build a personal brand and how to use this brand. The method used was a case study with personal interviews. The persons who were interviewed was Jan Carlzon and Peter Wallenberg Jr, two of the most important persons in the Swedish business industry. The study has shown that the person as a brand creates benefits and can gain opportunities if used in the right way..

SwiftSense Wardrobe

Addressing increasing global environmental problems requires greater resource efficiency, and one way of working towards this is through industrial symbiosis. Industrial symbiosis means that companies collaborate through sharing of resources for collective benefits. The documented benefits of working with industrial symbiosis indicate that there is potential for companies to operate commercially with facilitation of industrial symbiosis. An interesting company to study within this context is Econova. Econova operates within the recycling and gardening industry and has been identified as a possible catalyst for industrial symbiosis.

How can the business potential of products with health claims increase?

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the influencing factors on the businesspotential of products with health claims, using PrimaLiv as an example. And togive recommendations on how a dairy producer, which is present in the Swedishmarket, could improve the sales rates of products with health claims. We have chosento put a main focus on the consumer, as he or she determines the business potential.This is an unusual approach since most studies cover the producer?s perspective. Wethereby wish to contribute with new knowledge on the area in question.

Reflektion i förskolan : en vetenskaplig essä om den handledda reflektionens nytta och skada i förskolan

The purpose of my essay is to highlight the various dilemmas that can occur in the preschool during the moments of guided reflection but also the opportunities it can provide. I am using my own practical experience from situations where care for the children can be questioned and needs to be considered in comparison to the further development of the preschool teachers and with them the entire organization. In my research, I have chosen to highlight the importance of guided reflection, the importance of reliable and secure relationships for children and how these can be eradicated, and finally the importance of ethics for the preschool-teacher?s actions in a given situation.Key questions in my text are; What role does the reflection have in the work at the preschool? How are children affected while this is happening? How important is close and secure relationships for young children and how can they be affected? How can one find a balance between care and learning?By writing my essay I reflect on myself and my own actions. This leads me to a greater selfawareness and greater understanding of my own feelings and my role in the dilemmas I face in my profession.The conclusion of my work is that the preschool organization is not given and it can be constructed in many different ways.

VD-byte och effektivitet: i en turbulent och en stabil bransch

Allt fler företag byter VD allt oftare. Många av dessa byten kan dessutom ses som ofrivilliga och orsaken till ett byte kan därför antas vara att få till en förändring för att öka företagets effektivitet. Enligt situationsteorin är det avgörande för ett företag ha en överensstämmelse med sin omgivning för att kunna uppnå effektivitet. När omgivningen som ett företag verkar inom snabbt förändras och förutsägbarheten är låg så ökar också behovet av förnyelse och förändring för att företaget för att bibehålla eller öka sin effektivitet. Frågan som denna studie vill försöka besvara är om ett VD-byte kan betyda en förbättring för företagets effektivitet.

Arbete med etiska och moraliska frågor i styrning av företag

Sammanfattning Syfte:Syftet med vår undersökning var att skapa förståelse för hur företag arbetar med etiska och moraliska frågor i samband med ekonomistyrning. Metod:Vår undersökning har gjorts i tre svenska företag genom personliga intervjuer med personer i chefs- eller ledarposition på varje företag. Den insamlade empirin har sedan sammanställts och analyserats genom att jämföra den med vårt teoriavsnitt. Slutsats:Vi har kommit fram till fyra punkter som enligt vår undersökning är centrala för arbetet med etiska och moraliska frågor i de företag vi undersökt. Dessa är värderingar, förståelse, ledarskap och företaget. Abstract Purpose:Our purpose was to clarify how companies work with ethical matters in relation to its management control system. Method:Our thesis has been prepared at three Swedish companies where we have completed personal interviews with people in management or leading positions in each of the companies. The collected data was analyzed and compared to the different theories presented in our theory chapter. Result:We have found four central elements, which according to our research are central for the work with ethical matters in the companies we have researched. They are values, understanding, leadership and the company itself..

Framgångsdrivare hos företagsekonomiska institutioner - en komparativ studie

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och skapa förståelse för vilka framgångsdrivarna är för företagsekonomiska institutioner.För att kunna uppfylla syftet har vi tagit fram BEN-modellen. Modellen består av ett antal framgångsdrivare som kan leda till konkurrensfördelar samt bestående konkurrensfördelar för en företagsekonomisk institution. Dessa leder i sin tur till framgång, något som vi själva definierat med fyra olika mätbara variabler; söktryck, genomströmning av studenter, ställning i arbetslivet samt forskningsproduktivitet.Studien har genomförts på tre olika företagsekonomiska instituitioner där intervjuer och samtal genomförts med personer i ledande befattning på respektive institution. Som komplement till intervjuerna har empiriskt material insamlats i form av statistik för att kunna utröna hur framgångsrika de är enligt BEN-modellen.Studien visar att ambition och entreprenörsskap är två viktiga framgångsdrivare. Dessa två drivare kan en institution erhålla genom finansiella resurser.

HVB för ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En arbetslivssociologisk studie

The purpose of this study is to examine how the work with young people at home to care and accommodation (HVB) are organized in a municipality outside Karlstad and how the staff perceive emotions in the workplace. The issues that are discussed are based on the concepts of social ties, emotional labor, roles, shame and pride. The number of people who are fleeing in the world is today about 51 million. There has not been this high since World War II. The Swedish Migration Board calculated that about 7,000 of these people were unaccompanied children and came to Sweden in 2014.

Boomerang/Filippa K : En studie i lojalitet till klädesmärken

Most of the clothes sold in Europe today are produced in developing countries where the production costs are lower. The exploitation of the developing countries has led to that the inferior working conditions in these countries have attracted attention from media and NGOs. Globalisation makes company activities more transparent and the absence of transnational laws calls for alternative regulations. Many companies in Europe has since mid 1990s developed codes of conduct to satisfy the demands of external and internal stakeholders. EU also brought Corporate Social Responsibility to it?s agenda in the beginning of the 2000s and subsequently signals of approaching laws were given.

"Är jag mig själv? Eller är jag en tjej med Asperger?" : En kvalitativ studie av bloggar om vilken betydelse parrelationer har för unga kvinnor med Aspergers syndroms identitetskapande

Author: Julia Falk and Linnéa LinderothTitle: ?Am I being me? Or am I being a girl with Asperger´s?? A qualitative study of the role relationships have for young women with Asperger´s syndrome identity [Translated title]Supervisor: Melker LaboryAssessor: Ulf Drugge During adolescence, relationships are important for young people and studies show that having a partner is something that becomes more important, especially for young women. Creating and maintaining good relationships can be problematic, but can this problem be different for a young woman with a neuropsychiatric disability as Aspergers syndrome? A person with Aspergers syndrome often has difficulties with communication and interaction with other people. But the syndrome is also characterized with special interests, different language management and difficulties with sudden changes.

Investeringsprocesser i kommunalägda bostadsbolag : En studie om lagen om allmännyttiga bostadsaktiebolags påverkan på investeringsprocessen.

Bachelor thesis in Business administration, School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University, Controller, 2FE13E, spring semester 2014Title: Capital budgeting in Municipal-real estate companies - A study of the law of public housing company impact on capital budgeting.Authors: Axel Erlandsson, Caroline Hellman and Niklas LundqvistTutor: Anders JerrelingBackground: Municipal owned real estate companies  has in the past been obliged to take responsibility for providing housing to Swedish municipal inhabitants. Municipal owned real estate company?s has in the past been prohibited to act in profit purpose. In January 2011 the previous law of public housing was replaced with the new law on public municipal housing companies. The municipality may not provide the municipal owned company with any financial advantages against a private owned real estate company.

''Jag lever i ett förhållande där min kvinna slår mig'' : en kvalitativ studie om kvinnors våld mot män i nära relationer

The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of women's violence against men in intimate relationships, get an idea of ??what forms of expression that this type of violence has and to highlight the men's experiences of violence.There is little scientific research in the field in Sweden. Crime Prevention Council has determined that eight percent of all complaints involving domestic violence in 2010, reported by men over 18 years. You can only speculate on how large number of unreported cases is among abused men. The international studies highlight that the abused men feel ashamed of having been subjected to violence by a female partner.I have been based this essay on two theoretical premises, Per Isdal theory of "violence perspective" and Elaine Bergqvist's definition of the suppression technique.The study was conducted through a qualitative content analysis.

Yoga; spiritual balance of contemporary consumers

This research study constitutes a critical stand, which departure from the increase in welfare, and decrease in quality of life, and is further directed to the sphere of consumption. Contemporary consumers appear to seek for components to construct their self with through consumption, consumerism has become a sphere of life, and has consequently also become a victimizing force steering the identity and self construction of consumers. The alarm bells however are echoing in Western society, and consumers are experiencing dilemmas such as fragmentation, powerlessness, uncertainty and meaninglessness.In this respect we have presented spiritualism as an applicable path of escape or alternative to the scheme of the material oriented consumption sphere. We intend to broaden the scope of the interplay between spiritualism and consumerism in the act of yoga, and we have therefore been researching: what yoga is doing to consumers, and what consumers are doing to yoga. The study is based on an existential epistemology paradigm, which emphasis on the meaning of the yoga experience attained from the subjects of research; the yoga practitioners, and therefore we have carried out three focus group discussions.

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