

6888 Uppsatser om Business to business relationships - Sida 26 av 460

Marknadsstrategi för lead generation : En studie om digitala marknadsstrategier och dess effekt på marknadsleads

Titel:                                 Marknadsstrategi för lead generation: En studie om digitala marknadsstrategier och dess effekt på marknadsleadsNivå:                                 C-uppsats, kandidatexamen i FöretagsekonomiFörfattare:                        Anna Pettersen och Emma StåhlHandledare:                     PhD Agneta SundströmExaminator:                     PhD Lars-Johan ÅgeDatum:                             2014-JuniSyfte:                                Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för hur företag planerar, tillämpar och utvärderar strategier för digital marknadsföring med avsikt att generera leads.Metod:                              Flerfallstudien är av kvalitativ karaktär. Empirin samlades in genom en primär datainsamling av tio semistrukturerade intervjuer utförda på tio olika företag med verksamhet inom svenska IT-industrin. Genom ett rutnät har vi kodat och analyserat insamlad primär data för att finna teman och mönster som mynnade ut i en kärnkategori; Effekt.Resultat & slutsats:        Studien visar att de medverkande respondenterna anser att lead generation och digital marknadsföring är viktiga områden för deras företag. Respondenterna väljer att basera sin planering för marknadsstrategier på intuition och tillämpar strategier genom ?trial and error?.

Kunskapssystem - ett nytt sätt att betrakta företag

Title:Knowledge system - a new way of observe the company Authors:Malin Pärmborn och Susanne Gidlöf Tutor:Anders Nilsson Department:Department of Business and Management Blekinge Institute of Technology Problem:How can processes of problem solving in a project contribute to generation of organizational knowledge in a knowledge company? Course:Master thesis in Business Economy Purpose:By describe the processes of problem solving in two different projects of our two chosen knowledge companies, we will clarify whether problem solving contributes to the generation of organizational knowledge. The purpose of this research is to increase the management consciousness concerning everyday processes that will contribute to the creation and transfer of knowledge. This is a condition to transfer human capital to structure capital and thereby decrease the company?s vulnerability. Approach:We gathered the data we needed through conversations and interviews with people on the two knowledge companies.

Going Green - Why and How Thule Should Make Environmental Issues a Part of Their Business

Problem: When opening a newspaper today there is a good chance that the headlines have something to do with recent developments in the global climate debate. This development is forcing companies to take action. The problem for many companies, including Thule, is that they are unaware of the environmental work conducted throughout their value chain and also what they need to do to become green. Thule, a company with a strong focus on profitability and growth, will not make environmental issues a part of their core strategy unless it can be shown that economic incentives exist. With this thesis we will try to build a case that will help Thule, and also other companies, see the possibilities a green venture brings with it.

Samordnad varudistribution : Jämförelse mellan två logistikmodeller med nuläget i Sundsvalls Stenstad

As the cities are becoming more crowded, the urban distribution has become a major logistical challenge. Some commonproblems in the inner cities arelimited accessibility and idling. Many of Sweden's municipalities are above the limit values for PM10limit set by the EU.Sundsvall is one of these municipalities and has the vision to create a sustainable city and region. Sundsvall LogistikparkAB is part of an EU project, SMARTSET, which is collaborationbetween several cities in Europe. SMARTSETSundsvall is about to develop a market-based sustainable model for city logistics.

Förväntningar och övergångar från skolans värld ur ett mångfaldsperspektiv - en jämförande studie mellan elever på handelsprogrammet och på Ky-utbildningen inom Haninge Kommun

I have chosen in my study, to do a comparison between pupils´ expectations of the future, how they would meet adult life or working life after their education. These pupils are ending their programmes during this term. One program is Business and Administration Programme and the other programme is Qualified Vocational Education in Business, which is a post-secondary education and training programme. This investigation is done in Haninge municipality.The purpose of this study has been to investigate if these students´ expectations differ between each other, compared with factors such as age, sex, ethnical origin and different study programmes. Further it has been interested to see how teachers and future employer meet these pupils´ expectations in education or in their planning working life.There have been two other important questions to investigate in this study.

Internredovisning och beslut - En fallstudie av Boverket i Karlskrona

Slutsatsen på vår problemformulering är att Boverket använder sig av olika standardiserade rapporter (mallar) som säkerställer information. Rapporterna är uppföljning av: Finansiär, kostnadsbärare och kostnadsställe. Genom att rapporterna är standardiserade innebär det att som avsändare/mottagare använder/ talar samma språk. Det innebär att när informationen från rapporterna ska kommuniceras vidare (uppåt och neråt) inom organisationen, sker det på ett mer effektivt sätt. Det i sin tur underlättar för snabbare och mer välgrundade beslut.

Skapa och leverera kundvärde i ett teknikkonsultföretag /

The increased specialisation and complexity in products and services has created the need for Swedish companies to focus more on their core businesses. This has resulted in them opting to buy services and products that lie outside of their core business from consultancy businesses or other types of suppliers. When companies describe their offers in internal and external marketing it is done often in terms of company or service attributes that are not based on customer value or offered value for the customer. The reason for this is that companies have not adapted their services to the different needs of their customers. As a result of this, they run the risk of offering the same services as their competitors and communicate values that the customers either do not understand or experience as value adding. By using the theory on the data collection from the case company we have an understanding and shown how the customer values can be developed from a service company?s internal and external prerequisites and competitive advantages.

IT som marknadsstrategiskt hjälpmedel - en studie om långsiktiga relationer

The most dominating channel for communication, connecting companies and customers, during the 1900 century was those who included either physical contact or phone contact. However, when Internet started to make its way as a channel for communication, a whole new opportunity opened up for the companies. Since then Internet has grown to be an important part for any company that wants to gain market shares. One of those markets is the market of travelling.This paper discusses the Swedish industry of travelling, and different travel organizers use of Internet as a mediate for long-term relationships. The paper is built on a comparison between three companies that all distributes journeys, this is to examine the Internet communications effect on the electronic relationship (e-relation) with customers.Three travel organizers with similar visions and objectives are compared in this paper, these are Apollo, Fritidsresor and Ving.

Upplevelser av rektorsrollen : en studie av tre rektorer

 This report is about the principle and his / her role at the school it?s also about how the principle understands the role, its expectations and the demands connected. The facts are based on deep detailed interviews with three different principles. The theoretical approach is coming from ?hermeneutiken? and ?Gadamers? ideas regarding how an individual is creating the world and the surroundings to act within.

Om att kreativt charma B2B

Previous research has recognized that advertising creativity can result in positive signaling effects for consumers, thus proving creativity to be a useful tool and not a wasteful effort within marketing. However, research within this matter has only lightly touched upon the outcome of signaling effects within a business-to-business context. Since other implications prevail within a B2B market - for instance the professional position in which individuals act, the existence of buying centers, and the heavy weight placed on most decisions - the conception and influence of advertising creativity may be altered. This paper aims to give an overview of whether increased advertising creativity results in positive signaling effects among individuals employed within a B2B context. Furthermore, the paper aspires to examine the potential influence of aspects prevailing within B2B markets, such as the need for contemplating the desires of numerous individuals involved, on the outcome of advertising creativity.

Utveckling av affärsmodeller på laddningsmarknaden : En studie av elbilsladdning i Sverige

This paper covers a study of the Swedish charging market for electric vehicles from both the perspective of stakeholders and car owners. By interviewing representatives of four key stakeholders on the market; commercial parkings, malls, service stations and working places, data regarding their business models of today is examined. At present electricity is provided for free, but all stakeholder point out that this business model is not sustainable in the long run. The result of the interviews shows that electricity won?t be offered for free in the future ? the question is which factors affect how long it will take for the different stakeholders to find a suitable business model.

Hur arbetar mikroföretag med ekonomistyrning?

Sammanfattning: Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga hur mikroföretag använder ekonomistyrning. Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ ansats med intervjuer som undersökningsmetod. Det empiriska materialet är hämtat från delvis strukturerade intervjuer med 23 företagsledare för mikroföretag. Analys av det empiriska materialet är sedan gjord mot befintliga teorier för att kartlägga hur mikroföretag arbetar med ekonomistyrning. De slutsatser vi drar av vårt arbete är att mikroföretagare använder ekonomistyrning utan att egentligen vara medvetna om det. De använder enklare modeller och andra benämningar för att få dem att fungera i den verklighet de lever i..

Gränslösa nätverk : En studie av företags internationalisering till Kina ur ett nätverksperspektiv

This thesis follows a qualitative method and aim to describe firms? international business at an emerging market seen from a network perspective. The purpose of the thesis is to study in what way business relations and networks influence the process of internationalization and describe the way in which companies handle the external network in relation to acquisitions. Further does our purpose include analyzing if a firm?s network may be the main factor for why international business occurs.

Supply Chain Optimization for Sourced Production

Abstract. Title: Supply Chain Optimization ? for Sourced Production. Authors: Patricia Möller and Andreas Paulsson. Tutors: Jan Eskil Hollen ? Business Developer, Lilleborg as, Orkla, Everth Larsson ? Department of Industrial Management and Logistics, Division of Engineering Logistics, Lund University, Carl-Henric Nilsson ? Department of Economics and Business Administration, School of economics and management, Lund University.

Ägandeskap av data i molnet - En studie om företags attityder och resonemang kring ägandeskap när de placerar sin data i molntjänster

Cloud computing has become a very publicized and popular concept in recent years, both in business literature and research, where data ownership is the security aspect which has usually been ranked the highest of the disadvantages that can be identified with cloud services. Today there is a lack of research on information ownership from an informatics perspective, as it is most often discussed from a legal perspective.In our study we interviewed six different companies that use cloud services, on which attitudes and reasoning they had on their information ownership. We compared these attitudes with the attitudes we identified in business literature and research on the subject. In business literature we found four recurring themes which were very clear about how a company should govern information ownership.Overall the results of our interviews showed that there is widespread ignorance at the companies on how information ownership in the cloud is regulated between the company and the cloud provider. All companies expressed that they had not experienced any change in ownership when they placed their data in the cloud, and they expressed no major concerns about how the ownership was handled.

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