

6193 Uppsatser om Business controller - Sida 27 av 413

Internets effekt på skatteplanering - en fallstudie

We have seen a revolution in the area of communication on a worldwide scale. We begin talking about terms as globalisation, integration and deregulation of the financial market. Companies have been tax planning for decades, the questions is if Internet has made an increase of companies than uses tax planning and which roll Internet plays. It is hard to really pinpoint all the effects of the Internet because of the relatively new area of research. This thesis will take various factors under study such as globalisation, development of the offshore industry and the fight against harmful taxation by the OECD and other organisations in order to describe the effects of Internet.

Kvalitetsmodeller och dess potentiella användning i ett bostadsföretag

Aim: The purpose of this study is to show models from the literature which can underlie appraisal and development in the real estate business of Gavlegårdarna.1. Gavlegårdarna should be able to use the study in their work with quality assurance off their services.2. Company?s in real estate business and other students should be able to use the study for an overview of quality models.Method: To collect data I chose to use a qualitative method based on the hermeneutic research method. The collected data was a result of literature and interviews.Result & Conclusion: From the literature there are two models that are suited for analyses of quality, that is the Housing quality model and the Gap model.

VoIP Revolution - strategies to survive the future of telecom

This essay is a study of the market strategies and situations in the telephone business. Our problem was to examine the telecom companies´ strategies to stay competitive and cope with the new VoIP technology. We chose to do a qualitative study and four telephone interviews were made with Swedish and Dutch companies. We investigated three different categories of companies in the market; industry leaders, cable companies and broadband companies to get a broad view of the market. The theory chapter is based on different strategies that companies have to or can apply to get ahead, stay or survive in a hypercompetition.

På rätt spår i en osäker miljö? : En fallstudie av Banverket Telenät

Background: Today, the environment of a company is characterized by quick changes like leaps of technology and market shifts. The problem is how this turbulent environment and an uncertain future affect how a company creates strategies and how its structure is adapted. Can a certain choice of strategies or a certain structure be a way of dealing with an changing environment? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore if and how Banverket Telenät, as an example of a company in a turbulent business like the Swedish telecom industry, tries to deal with an uncertain future through strategy and structure. Procedure: We have carried through a qualitative case study with interviews and gathering of additional information concerning the business.

Inträdes- och utträdesbarriärer : småföretagens rörlighet på den gotländska bankmarknaden

The main purpose of this study was to investigate which enter- and exit barriers that exist on the banking market for small enterprises located within the region of Gotland. The reason was to examine and identify which barriers that could affect the mobility among small enterprise bank customers on the bank market. To identify the barriers, the study was carried out partly by a quantitative survey with 33 small business owners respondents located at three different concentrated small enterprise areas within the region of Gotland. And partly by qualitative interviews that were conducted with two employees at Länsförsäkringar Gotland Bank.The result indicated that the enter barrier mostly depended on the aspect that business owners of small enterprises believed that bank switching were complicated. The business owners did also consider bank switching as time demanding.

Grön olja? - En fallstudie av ett oljebolags miljöprofilering

While the call for regulations against greenhouse gas emissions are louder then ever before, demand for oil is also at an all time high. Oil companies face the dilemma of making sound business without being perceived as environmental villains. In this essay I will examine how BP, one of the largest companies in the world, broke rank with the industry and devoted itself to being an environmental friendly oil company. The actions and motives of this change will be evaluated through up-to-date theories about company motivation to environmental adaptation. We see that BP:s transformation can be well explained through Simone Pulvers theory about the socially embedded company.

Framgång både på och utanför fotbollsplan : En benchmarking studie om AC Milans intäktsmöjligheter

As the football industry develops into a highly competitive commercialized industry, football clubs must step up and improve their business strategy. This study focuses on the famous Italian club AC Milan, a club with many international titles but with declining revenues. The purpose of this thesis is to study how AC Milan can generate higher revenues by comparing its marketing and business strategy with the most profitable clubs in the world, the benchmarking partners Real Madrid and Manchester United. By using a benchmarking model, following the five steps of this process, conducting observation studies, an interview and examining secondhand information, gaps between the clubs were evaluated and analyzed. These evaluations became together with chosen theoretical references, the basis for the improvement suggestions and conclusions shown by the authors.

LOCAL ADAPTATION IN EMERGING MARKETS ? in theory and reality. Study of the Swedish subsidiaries in China

Some MNEs encounter frustration or failures when they enter a new market. The main reason is due to a lack of adaptation. There is a lack of theoretical study about the local adaptation phenomenon of Swedish MNEs in China. Most studies are at the level of experience. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the dimensions subject to local adaptation and their degree for the Swedish MNEs in China.

Faktorer som påverkar tre små och mellanstora företag vid implementering av affärssystem

AbstractTitle: Relevant factors that affect three small and midsize enterprises during an ERP-system implementationAuthors: Fredrik Dreimanis and Thomas JylhäTutor: Peter EkmanKeywords: ERP, implementation, SMEProblem: Which factors has relevance for small and midsize enterprises during an ERP-system implementation?Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to describe and analyze what distinguishes an implementation for small and midsize enterprises.Methodology:The authors have answered the problem with help of theories and articles within the subject of IT and economics and five interviews with companies in different areas of business.Theoretical framework:The most difficult part with adapting a new ERP- system is the implementation phase. (Muscatello et al. 2003) The reason is that the standardization and changing of business processes is a common occurrence during an implementation. (Gattiker and Goodhue.

Valutariskhantering vid exportaffärer : - en studie av stora svenska exportföretag

AbstractBusiness, or business decisions always involves an endangerment from the company?s aspect, but when it comes to business with foreign countries the risk profile looks quite different from the profile the company has when its doing business inside the country. Therefore, it is extremely important for an export company or import company to carefully consider the risks that are enclosed with the deal, before he makes the decision to enter a deal. One of the most important risks a company have to considerate when doing business with foreign countries is the currency risk. A company is exposed to currency risk when either long-term or short-term changes in the exchange rate may affect the result of the company, competitive position and growth.

VD-byten : Hur påverkas ett företags aktiekurs vid ett tillkännagivande av en ny VD?

This essay which is an event study aims to examine if an announcement of a CEO exchange actually is course-affecting information. The essay study?s if a variation can be detected in the share price in relation to an announcement of a CEO exchange. The study also aims to examine if the characteristics; age, number of years at the post, and compensation to the CEO effects the share price progress. The study embraces 46 companies from eight different line of business.

Business Intelligence inom avfallshantering : Effektivisera sophämtning genom att analysera avvikelserapporter

I stort sett alla hushåll och företag använder sig av sopor och vi är beroende att det sköts på ett korrekt sätt. Avfallshantering i Östra Skaraborg rapporterar idag in avvikelser på ungefär var tionde soptömning vilket förhindrar effektiviteten. Denna studie handlar om att analysera dessa rapporter för att kunna effektivisera sophantering och på så vis minska antalet avvikelser. Med Business Intelligence (BI) har det skapats en relationsdatabas för att kunna lagra intern och extern data på ett ställe och utföra analyser på dessa. En stor del i studien är extrahering, transformering och inladdning (ETL) där fokuset legat på transformeringen för att få så bra datakvalité som möjligt.

Svårigheterna med försäljning av kläder på Internet

This thesis has enlightened how consumer behavior is when buying clothes via the Internet and the problems and difficulties that could face the companies. This study was conducted through interviews with people that have bought clothes through the Internet, traditional catalogues and real stores. The conclusions showed that the Internet is as suitable as traditional catalogues for buying clothes. Another dimension were put to the aspect of availability to a virtual mall in the design of the catalogues. Finally, it is in the best of the e-business companies interest to study how e-catalogues should be structured and designed for the consumers..

Samarbete i nätverk : En studie om hur främjande av samarbete realiseras i ett orkestrerande affärsnätverk

The network with its virtual business structure challenge the established vertical business structure. Part of the network theory that has developed focuses on relationships that forms B2Bnetworks. One way to create a B2B-network is for independent businesses to form a organization promoting co-operation. For co-operation to be successful it requires well thought-out actions, but a lack of how these actions are implemented have been noticed. This study explores how encouragement of co-operation can be done practically.

Borta bäst? : En studie om affärsmodeller och tidig internationalisering

Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilken affärsmodell som born globals använder vid internationalisering och vilka faktorer som påverkar valet av modell. Studien har använt sig av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och har genomförts som en fallstudie. Vidare utgörs studien av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien kommer fram till att born globals vid internationalisering har en affärsmodell som a?r freemium och att det resursbaserade synsättet samt bransch är viktiga bakomliggande faktorer till valet av affärsmodell. Faktorerna globalisering och entrepenören har mindre direkt påverkan medan nätverk endast har en begränsad påverkan i valet av affärsmodell för born globals vid internationalisering. .

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