4543 Uppsatser om Bullying and treatment plan - Sida 8 av 303
Plan- och bygglagen : Skådeplats för konflikt mellan intressen
I takt med att ett samhälle utvecklas förändras de krav som samhällets invånare har på användningen av marken. Istället för ett koloniområde behöver kanske viss mark användas till studentboende. När ett nytt behov konstaterats skall, enligt plan- och bygglagen (1987:10), en intresseavvägning mellan allmänna och enskilda intressen ske. För planering och till viss del även genomförande av en förändring av markanvändningen är den svenska plan- och bygglagen central. Syftet med plan- och bygglagen är att främja en samhällsutveckling med jämlika och goda sociala levnadsförhållanden och en god och långsiktigt hållbar livsmiljö.Denna uppsats är inriktad på den intresseavvägning som enligt plan- och bygglagen skall ske vid förändrade krav på markanvändningen.
Ändliga projektiva plan
SammanfattningDenna rapport ¨ar ett examensarbete p°a kandidatniv°a. Vi b¨orjar med att introducerade n¨odv¨andiga algebraiska koncepten som beh¨ovs. D¨arefter introducerar vi projektivaplan och g°ar igenom de grundl¨aggande egenskaperna f¨or dessa. Vi forts¨atter med attdefiniera och unders¨oka kollineationer, f¨or att sedan konstruera projektiva plan ¨overkroppar. Vi ger exempel p°a ett Galoisplan av ordning tre och minikvarternionplanet?.
Vindpark Vänern : Fundamentteknik och Logistik
An analysis of a specific application of anaerobic wastewater treatment at a pulp and board mill, Stora Enso Skoghall, was carried out. A literature study was done and effluent wastewater from CTMP pulp production was analyzed. The analysis consisted of a broad constituent analysis and an anaerobic treatment trial. Results from these test where used to calculate the treatment effectiveness and resulting energy potential at the mill.The literature study and constituent analysis showed that toxicity of the water to be treated, due to wood extractives and sulphur content, was of concern. Detoxification chemicals targeting these constituents where used in the anaerobic treatment trial.
Skadeståndsrätt - kränkning : Om grundskolelärares möjlighet att erhålla kränkningsskadestånd
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if elementary school teachers are a vulnerable professional group and if elementary school teachers should be mentally prepared for abusive treatment. Thus determine whether the reduced possibility for certain professionals such as police officers and order guards to obtain compensation for abusive treatment also shall apply for elementary school teachers.To reach that purpose, first the concept of abusive treatment and how compensation for abusive behavior becomes topical have to be straighten out. Then follows an analysis of both the lower possibility to obtain compensation for abusive treatment, but also how elementary teachers can be mentally prepared abusive treatment.It turns out in the conclusion that elementary school teachers are considered vulnerable in relation to the specifications of their work environment and because of that elementary school teachers must be deemed to have knowledge of that they may be subject to abusive treatment. Therefore I believe that elementary school teachers as certain professionals like police officers and order guards may not be granted compensation for every situation of abusive treatment, a lower limit must apply..
Arbetsplanens användande och dess inflytande på pedagogers undervisning : En uppföljning av Arbetsplan för studie- och yrkesvägledningsverksamheten i Enköpings kommun 2008-2010
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects ofWork plan for study- and vocational guidance in Enköpings municipality 2008-2010 to see how it has affected the educators in the municipal primary schools. Questionnaires to teachers and interviews with principals have been made and it came out that the teachers are not very familiar with the plan. Of the few teachers who considered themselves to be familiar with the plan, the majority replied that they had benefited from the plan.The study´s analysis indicates that one of explanation for why so few educators are aware of and working according to the plan is partly in implementation efforts. Weaknesses are shown according to the equivalence of the implementation, but also the importance of the existence of an engaging and driven person, located at the primary schools, that continuously inspires and motivates the teachers to work with this plan. Educators also indicate that they already use study-and vocational guidance in their teaching..
Patienters upplevelse av multimodal smärtrehabiliteringsprogram : En intervjustudie
Background: Chronic pain is a condition that approximately 18% of the Swedish population suffers from. This condition affects many aspects of a person´s life and causes psychological, physiological and social suffering. Multimodal treatment is considered the most effective treatment for patients with chronic pain. Patient participation and motivation are very important to treatment. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore patients´ experience of a multimodal chronic pain treatment program regarding their experience of patient participation and interaction with the rehabilitation team.
Förväntningar på IUP : Analys av vilka förväntningar lärare, elever och föräldrar har på Individuell utvecklingsplan
AbstractMy purpose of the investigation is to enter deeply into the knowledge of the Individual plan of the development and to examine how teachers, pupils and parents look at the Individual plan of the development and the purpose of the Individual plan of the development in school. My question of the main problem in this investigation was to examine the expectation on the Individual plan of the development from teachers, pupils and parents and if the Individual plan of the development has been influence the cooperation of parents and the influence of the pupils also how and if teachers, pupils and parents apprehend some kinds of changes.The review of the literature begin with a closer study about our document of control, witch are the curriculum of the compulsory school (Lpo 94), The National Agency for Education General Advice for the Individual plan of the development (2005), a study of the development of the cooperation of the parents and the influence of the pupils under the years of research about it.I have in my investigation used qualitative interview in different forms like the ordinary interview, interview on telephone and focussed group interview with teachers, pupils and parents. The result of my conclusion from the investigation is that the information and the knowledge of the Individual plan of the development are important to be able to increase the influence from the pupils and a different cooperation from the parents in the development of the school with the Individual plan of the development. My examination is small and not generalised but I believe that it still can represent the attitude of the Individual plan of the development. The consequence of the investigation shows that pupils and parents have vague idea of the Individual plan of the development.
Drabbades syn på mobbning med fokus på vägen ut ur den
Studien syftar till att leda till en bättre förståelse för utsattas erfarenheter av mobbning och att öka kunskapen om vad som kan göras för att motverka mobbning samt hur de utsatta kan hjälpas och stöttas. I studien har fyra kvinnor och fyra män deltagit, som alla har upplevt mobbning under skolgången, men som inte längre är utsatta. Metoden som använts är en innehålls analys. Resultatet av intervjuerna tyder på att det upplevda stödet från skola och hem inte var tillräckligt. Att mobbningen pågick under en längre period utan ingripande från vuxna i omgivningen.
Mobbning : en undersökning om antimobbningsarbete
Detta examensarbete belyser hur svenska skolor arbetar mot mobbning. Mobbning är ett stort problem som orsakar stor oro bland skolbarn. 1969 ville läkaren Peter-Paul Heinemann uppmärksamma mobbning då han upptäckte att många barn blev mobbade och att vuxna inte brydde sig. 1973 forskade psykologen Dan Olweus kring pojkars beteende kring mobbning. Detta var början till antimobbningsarbetet.Det finns ett flertal antimobbningsprogram och jag har valt att undersöka Friendsprogrammet och Olweusprogrammet.
Sjukgymnasters syn på en ny behandlingsmetod med vibrationsträning som exempel: en kvalitativ studie
The aim of the study has been to investigate physiotherapists? view on a new method of treatment in physiotherapy. In this case we have studied Whole Body Vibration training as an example of a new method of treatment. Semistructured interviews were performed with five physiotherapists. The study was carried out as a qualitative content analysis study.
Behandlingsmetoder mot övervikt och fetma hos barn
Overweight and obesity among children and adolescents is increasing. Diseases which earlier occurred exclusively among adults are now also observed among children. There is an urgent need for new treatments that can change this negative trend. The aim of this study was to describe existing treatments for obesity among children in the age of 6-12 and the effect of those treatments. This descriptive literature study is based on 17 research articles published between 2000 and 2007 from different parts in the world.
Upplevelser av ätstörningsbehandling: en uppföljning av de långsiktiga effekterna av en dagvårdsbehandling.
The aim of this essay is to examine which help a group of women with eating disorders had from thier treatment in daycare in 2004. The aim is to examine how the women have experienced this treatment and how they live today. The central questions are: what was their life situation like before the treatment, what was their experience of the treatment, how could the treatment have been better and how are their lives today? The method is based on qualitative interviews with seven women who were all in the same treatment for eight weeks at Capio AnorexiCenter in Malmö. The women have also redone tests that were done right before and right after the treatment.
Bemötande och inflytande inom äldreomsorgen är ju bra, egentligen. : En kvalitativ studie om bemötande och inflytande ur ett brukarperspektiv
In this study we have investigated how care users in a nursing home experience their possibilities for influence and treatment from the staff. The study was conducted through focus group interviews with six participants who we met on four occasions. Questions the study departs from are: How do users experience their opportunity to influence? How do the users experience the treatment from the staff? The study has a qualitative approach and has been analyzed by means of symbolic interactionism, with an emphasis on the Self. Our results demonstrate that in situations of good treatment there is also a good influence.
Om anhöriga och relationers betydelse vid psykossjukdom i det psykoterapeutiska arbetet
The purpose of this study is to better understand patients suffering from psychotic illness along with their family members, and to identify treatment factors that have been helpful for these patients and their families by investigating how their relationships have been affected by treatment. In this way, treatment methods can be put in a theoretical context, treatment efforts can be clearer, and the therapist can develop professionally.The research method used is a semistruktureted interview conducted with tree patients and their families. One conclusion one can draw in the successful treatment with psychotic patients is strongly based on the therapist?s ability to build a safe and secure treatment alliance with both the patient and his family members. Meeting with patients in situations outside of the therapy room have been of great importance for the therapeutic process.Important themes for recovery that come forth during the interviews with the patients are the quality of the therapy session as healing factor.
What works? : Grundläggande komponenter för ett positivt behandlingsutfall på institution med särskilt fokus på Kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) och dess tillämpning.
In Sweden there are many kinds of effort given youths with behavioral problems, one is institutional care. International research display a varying kind of results from this type of treatment. The aim of this study is to examine and illustrate which central components that results in positive treatment, but also starighten important components in KBT. On the basis of research results, important components for positive treatment have been illustrated as; the therapeutic relationship, the integrity of treatment, prosocial-contacts, positive climate in treatment, the continual of treatment, how to bring treatment to an end, the responsivity principle-the principle of need-the risk principle, learning and KBT. Research also aims to investigate whether these components could be identified in the daily work of youth treatment on institution. This through a qualitative approach including six interviews held with staff working in treatment facilities.