712 Uppsatser om Broadcast Standards - Sida 40 av 48
"Zlatanfenomenet" : "Only God can judge me" : En interkulturell studie om individualisters socialisering inom lagidrotten och skolans idrottsämne.
Our starting point has been to use the football player Zlatan Ibrahimovic as a model person for individualism that seams to break the ordinary socialization pattern in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to examine how the team leaders handle the socialization of more individualistic focused individuals/young persons into groups, since the Swedish School Curriculum is designed to meet each individual on his or hers former experiences. Is the socialization of individuals within team sports affected by their cultural background? And, in that case, should those facts have consequences for the sport subject at school? Those are the questions we want to explore. Besides a survey of documents, we have been seeking answers to our questions through interviews with the team leaders Roland Nilsson and Peter Bergander, the pedagogues/teachers Karin Jutterström and Håkan Jensgård and the professional football player Abgar Barson.Our study shows that the leaders and teachers of today have begun to change their view about individualists.
Värdering till Verkligt Värde : En jämförande studie mellan värdering och fastighetsprisindex
Allt sedan 2005 skall svenska bolag noterade på börsen upprätta sin redovisning enligt International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS/IAS. Innan införandet av standarden redovisades förvaltningsfastigheter enbart i balansräkningen och till anskaffningsvärde med avdrag för värdeminskningar. Den nya standarden innebär dock att värdering och värdeförändring numer skall tas upp till verkligt värde i balans- och resultaträkning. Redovisning och värdering till verkligt värde för dessvärre med sig en del komplikationer. Enligt teorin förutsätter metoden en perfekt och fullständig marknad, en marknadssituation som i realiteten aldrig uppstår. Samtidigt krävs, för att överhuvudtaget kunna genomföra en värdering, antaganden om marknadsutveckling och framtida kassaflöden.
Från Policy Till Praktik -en studie om textilföretags uppfattningar om utmaningar vid implementering av CSR-policies
From policy to practice - a study of textile companies view about challenges with implementing CSR policies examine the textile companies awareness of which challenges there are with the implementation of codes of conduct in a global supply chain, as well as to analyze how the companies deal with the challenges. With increased globalization many companies have chosen to outsource entire or parts of the production in various developing and newly industrialized countries. However, the working conditions in these countries do not always fulfill the labor standards that are defined in various conventions. The society began demanding companies to take social responsibility. The social responsibility goes under the term Corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Fotots väg från arkivboxen till allmänheten : En dokumentation av DiBiS digitaliseringsprocess samt en studie av digitaliseringens följder
The purpose of my one year master?s thesis is to add a documentation of a data processing-process of photo- graphs to the administration of archives. The thesis is written from an archival science perspective which is to be seen in my choice of literature, method and questions at issue. To be able to form a documentation of a data processing-process I studied DiBiS, a company specialized in digitalizing old photographs and publish them on a online database. I also added a chapter where I studied how archival institutions used to handle their old photo- graphs in a traditional manner so the reader of this thesis will be able to understand and see the differences be- tween traditional and modern photograph management.
Föräldrar, barn och genus : Föräldrars tankar och funderingar kring genusfrågor vid lån av barnböcker
This paper intends to examine how parents think and reflect on gender issues when they borrow books for their children at the library. The theory applied is Yvonne Hirdman?s theory of a gender system. A questionnaire was made available at the Children's department of Uppsala City Library in February, 2010. The material was compiled and analyzed with the intention to try to detect trends, patterns and themes, rather than statistics and hard data.Parents in the study perceive themselves as gender-conscious.
Att utveckla en kurs i miljösäkrade inköp
Today we see a growing need and interest in working towards sustainable development. To be able to contribute to a sustainable development as individuals/business we need to emphasize the importance of education and contextualisation that learning occurs in a sense that is relevant to the learner.This is the background to this study, which in turn is the basis for an education that focuses on how to environmentally secure your purchases, an opportunity for us to set environmental standards purchasing products and services. The process for purchase is considered by many to be a key factor in businesses work towards sustainable development. Key people in this process and target audience for this education is environmental, purchasing and procurement managers.The purpose of this study is to design an education calledMiljösäkrade inköp from the target audiences? knowledge, interests and attitudes, together with literature.
Införandet av ISA - En förändringsprocess
Ett flertal revisionsskandaler runt om i världen har skakat revisionsbranschen de senaste åren. Detta har medfört hårdare reglering för revision, både i Sverige och runt om i världen. Även affärsmarknaden har globaliserats och vuxit med stor kraft under den senaste tiden, vilket medförde behov av harmonisering av regleringen på revisionsområdet. Detta resulterade i International Standards on Auditing (ISA) som är de generella riktlinjerna för revision inom EU. 2004 implementerade Sverige Revisionsstandard i Sverige (RS), vilken var i överrensstämmelse med ISA.
Beräkningsmall för väggskivor enligt Eurokoder
The regulatory framework for constructional calculations in Sweden did expire In January the 1.st, 2011.Since then the constructional regulatory that originally were composed by Boverket (BKR) has been replaced by new common range (Eurocodes) for the entire European Union. This transition has led to changes in existing rules and standards regarding dimensioning area in Grids and has forced a need for updating to structural Engineers.The new calculation system has caused time-consuming studies of the new rules and a proper understanding of all the advice and regulations for the entire profession.This study has been carried out in cooperation with the firm "Knut Jönson Ingenjörs AB i Stockholm?, that has been affected by this transition as all other consulting firms. The firm has requested for a calculation method of wall beams according to Eurocodes. The study's focus is therefore to clarify the rules and guidelines regarding the design of wall beams according to the new regulation.
Förutsättningar för hantering av kemikalierisker i förskolor : En fallstudie av Haninge kommun
Goods that children come in contact with on a daily basis for example toys, electronics, textiles, household items, have attracted an increased attention in recent years because of a common occurrence of residues of potentially hazardous chemical substances. Some municipalities in Stockholm have developed plans for managing chemical risks and work systematically to phase out products containing hazardous substances. This thesis aims to contribute to an improved knowledge base for any future work with non-toxic nursery schools in Haninge. The study's focus is on the challenges encountered by conditions and problems of preschool personnel to manage chemical risks in early childhood environments. Primary data was collected through a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with both the preschool staff and practitioners working in the central organization of the municipality.
Revisorn och revisionens roll i ideella föreningar - en studie på idrottsföreningar
Background: Non-profit organizations have a large and significant role in Swedish society and Thunberg (2006) choose to express it like Sweden stops without nonprofit effort. But in several non-profit organizations, and then perhaps especially in sports, there exist problems with the economy. Tate (in Vermeer, Raghunandan & Dana, 2009) explains that the audit of non-profit organizations differs from the audit of for-profit companies as they often have differences in culture, organizational structure, financial requirements, accounting standards, financial reporting, financial statements and the auditor's risk environment. While the audit is different, it should also be noted that in the vast majority of non-profit organizations, there are no statutory requirements for audit, but despite this, 99% of all non-profit organizations have some form of audit regulated by their statute (Lunde?n & Lindblad, 2011).
Väsentlighet : -en studie i praktisk tillämpning
Syftet med uppsatsen är att titta närmare på hur väsentlighetsbedömningen går till i praktiken och i teorin, och framförallt att studera de delar av bedömningen som kan ha mer kvalitativa inslag, det vill säga där alla siffror inte beror på modeller eller byråspecifika regler, utan där revisorn snarare använder sitt professionella omdöme i bedömningen. Uppsatsen bygger på ett antal kvalitativa intervjuer där frågor gällande väsentlighetsbedömningen ställts om både teknikanvändning, praktiskt tillvägagångssätt, byråspecifika regler och bedömningsgrunder. Intervjuerna är gjorda på byråer av varierande storlek i stockholmsområdet där alla respondenterna huvudsakligen arbetar med ägarledda aktiebolag. I våra samtalande intervjuer har vi ställt frågor rörande tillvägagångssätt, teknikanvändning i samband med fastställande av väsentlighetsnivå. De har fått tillfälle att dela med sig av sin syn på revision samt hur revisionsarbetet förändrats den senaste tiden.
Nötköttsproduktion i Västerbotten
Beef production in Sweden has traditionally been about rearing of dairy calves to slaughter. With reduced number of dairy cows and accordingly less dairy calves for slaughter, there has been a need for new forms of beef production in Sweden. In Västerbotten there are good conditions for beef production with a high feeding level of roughage due to favourable climate. The aim of this thesis is to, through interviews with ten farmers with beef production in Västerbotten, study what and with how much they feed their animals and link the results to production level. The thesis begins with a literature review where the general feeding standards and feeding recommendations for beef cows and growing cattle are examined.
Demokratisk innovation eller ett spel för gallerierna? : En demokratiteoretisk utvärdering av Participatory Budgeting i en svensk kommun
The aim of this thesis is to explore the institutional design of Participatory Budgeting (PB) in Sweden and how the design may contribute to realize central democratic goods. The study records the different PB experiences in Sweden and focuses on one particular case, which is the only case that successfully qualifies as a genuine PB-process according to international standards and definitions. To examine this, the following questions are asked: which municipalities in Sweden have implemented Participatory Budgeting? How can the institutional design of Participatory Budgeting be described and to what extent does it enable the realization of central democratic goods? To what extent does the institutional design enable the realization of the democratic goods inclusion, popular control, considered judgment and transparency? To what extent does the institutional design enable the realization of the institutional goods of efficiency and transferability?The study is based on an institutional theory of democracy. The method used is a mixed method ideal type analysis that combines document analysis, surveys and interviews.
Förvaltningsfastigheter - redovisning av värdeförändringar : Är omvärderingsmetoden enligt IAS 16 att föredra?
IAS ? International Accounting Standards är en internationell redovisningsstandard inom EU som i Sverige blev obligatorisk för börsnoterade bolag år 2005. Första utkastet till IAS 40 innehöll två kontroversiella förslag, att värdering skulle ske till verkligt värde och att värdeförändringarna skulle redovisas över resultaträkningen. Vårt syfte är att beskriva redovisningen av förvaltningsfastigheter enligt IAS 40 och dess redovisning av värdeförändringar. Det vi fokuserar på är huruvida redovisningen av värdeförändringar enligt verkligt-värde-metoden i IAS 40 är det bästa sättet eller om omvärderingsmetoden i IAS 16 är att föredra.För att få djupgående information och åsikter i ämnet valde vi att använda oss av en kvalitativ metod.
Dramawebben: Att välja tekniska lösningar för digitalisering
This study is predominantly qualitative. It is also descriptive to a large extent and notoriented towards hypothesis-testing. The study aims at studying what has influenceddigitization of old Swedish dramatical works through the Dramawebben projekt, whilefocusing on the technical solutions. Four different data collection methods have been applied.Interviews and a questionaire with open-ended questions were the two primary tools. Adocument analysis and observations were applied as well.Examples from earlier research to relate to questions about digitization as an institutional andsocietal practice are presented.