712 Uppsatser om Broadcast Standards - Sida 41 av 48
Hela världen i en matris:
Of all observable societal trends, the proliferation of standardizing processes is striking. Auditing standards are an illustrative example of this. Not only privately owned companies must today make available numbers and key figures to satisfy needs of information and knowledge. Government agencies are increasingly conforming to this trend, adopting standards for quality assurance and monitoring, producing numbers and annual reports ? despite their somewhat ambiguous task and role.
Utvärdering av metoder för framställning och kontroll av digitala terrängmodeller
Today there are many applications of digital terrain models (DTM) and the requirements of low uncertainty increases. Most of the DTM are produced with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), airborne laser scanning (ALS) and total stations. Guidelines for the preparation and verification of DTM are found in Swedish Standards Institute ? Technical Specifications (SIS-TS) 21144:2007 and SIS-TS 21145:2007. These were defined in collaboration between Swedish National Rail Administration, Banverket, and Swedish Road Administration, Vägverket, to satisfy the needs of requirement formulations in the production of DTM planning, design and construction. The purpose of this paper is to produce and control DTM over Åkermans kulle, located west of the University of Gävle, according to SIS TS 21144:2007 using GNSS with network-RTK, TLS and ALS.
Domänanalys av Kart- och bildenheten vid Uppsala universitetsbibliotek : dess verksamhet, samling och kunskapsorganisation
The purpose of this paper is to carry out a domain analysis of Section for Maps and Pictures at Uppsala University?s Library and investigate its business, collection and knowledge organization. Birger Hjørland?s socio-epistemological domain analytic paradigm is applied. As methods, Hjørland suggests eleven approaches, and from them he emphasizes especially the importance of the historical and epistemological approaches.In this paper three questions are analysed.
Bestyrkande av hållbarhetsredovisning : kostnad & nytta
Sustainability reports have during the last decade had a strong development. Both in terms of establishing a sustainability assurance, in its form, and get it assured together with standards, principles and regulations which organisations and accountants have utilized. The growth of sustainability reports and the choice of getting them assured have in particular favoured the accounting business. Due to this result, some critics have voiced that assuring a sustainability report gain accounting firms more than it gains the actual organisation. Other say that it is necessary in order to increase the credibility and the eligibility of the report, while it also has become a requirement from stakeholders.
Ekoturismens natur- och miljöpåverkan i polarområden
Tourism in the Arctic and Antarctic is increasing rapidly. In both Polar Regions, the cruise tourism is predominant. Several of the tour operators arrange trips under the banner of ecotourism, meaning that the trips should be ecologically sustainable. To ensure ecotourism standards there are different types of certifications; for cruise travels in the Arctic there is AECO (the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators) certification, and for travels to the Antarctic IAATO (the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators). Promoters of ecotourism argue that these trips are important because they create support for conservation work among tourists making them ?polar ambassadors?.
Utvecklingen av rekommendationer för årsredovisningen : ur ett samhällsperspektiv -
Bakgrund: Redovisningen är inte längre enbart en teknisk angelägenhet utan intresset för att uppnå kunskap om de samhälleliga faktorerna som påverkar redovisningen har ökat. Samhällsutvecklingen har lett till ett ökat krav på öppenhet i redovisningen vilket i sin tur har lett till mer kontrollerad redovisning. Med en ökad reglering följer dock problem med efterlevnaden av rekommendationerna. Syfte: Syftet med vår studie är att beskriva utvecklingen av rekommendationer för årsredovisningen genom att undersöka vilken genomslagskraft Redovisningsrådets rekommendationer har och hur företagen tillämpar rekommendationerna. Vi ämnar även undersöka hur företagen idag förhåller sig till öppenhetsbegreppet samt hur företagen ställer sig till standardsättning.
Inhysning av struts :
The Swedish ostrich production started about thirteen years ago and still there are no Swedish recommendations regarding ostriches? space requirements. The European Council give recommendations and the Swedish Board of Agriculture (SJV) has a proposal, but so far the producers follow Danish regulations regarding space requirements. The Swedish Animal Welfare Agency are about to set standards for the ostriches? space requirements, and therefore the Swedish ostrich producers, together with The Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF) ask for a scientific background to these decisions.
This thesis is a preliminary study at the prospect of a future experiment on which factors important for ostriches? space requirements and welfare will be examined more thouroughly.
Komfortsanalys med hänsyn till vibrationer orsakade av människoaktiviteter. : Ett modernt dimensioneringsproblem för huskonstruktörer
Comfort analyses regarding human induced vibrationsIt is not too common among civil engineers in Sweden to perform comfort analyses considering the vibrations caused by human activities. In addition, the Swedish standards lack requirements to be used for comfort analyses in design of floor-systems. The demand for large spans in combination with slender slabs, is today a reason to investigate the floor-system constructions, in order to prevent disturbing vibrations and oscillations.The purpose of this thesis is to create a guide for how a comfort analysis, considering vibrations, should be implemented. Göran Svedenbjörk who is an expert in structural dynamics has been interviewed where he presents his latest project Värtaterminalen and answers some questions about vibrations due to human activities.Floor-systems, consisting of concrete slabs supported by steel or concrete beams, have been investigated with simulations in the finite element program Abaqus. In the simulations, the influence of various factors on the natural frequency of floor-systems and the acceleration level caused by dynamic loads, is studied.
Skillnader mellan länsstyrelser ? takhöjd för häst
To ensure that animals are treated well and kept in environments fitted for them, Sweden has animal welfare legislation. One of the requirements in the legislation is that horses are kept in spaces that has a ceiling height that measures at least 1,5 * the height at the withers of the horse, but always a minimum of 2,2 m. But a minor derivation can be accepted from these measurements if certain criteria are fulfilled. If the ceiling height is to low the ventilation in the stable can be negatively affected. It can also affect the posture of the horse and may increase the risk of the horse being injured.
Deep Green i oceana strömmar - en konceptstudie
With growing economies and better living standards in many parts of the world today, there is a need of expanding the capacity of generating electricity. The alternatives for renewable energy technologies are not fully developed and have still some problems to conquer.The company Minesto has developed a technology that is called Deep Green. It is designed to gain electricity from tidal currents. Deep Green works in a similar way as a kite that is attached to the seafloor with a moving wire. It contains of a wing that moves due to the water current.
Redovisning av finansiella risker enligt IFRS 7 ur ett analytikerperspektiv.
Konvergerande ekonomier har gett upphov till nya behov såsom ett internationellt standardiserat redovisningssystem. I EU gäller sedan den första januari 2005 för noterade företag International Accounting Standards Boards (IASBs) system kallat IFRS. Detta regelsystem styr bland annat vilken information som företag ska lämna kring sina finansiella instrument. Just dessa regler är dock i en utvecklingsfas, vilket ledit till att företag för 2005 års årsredovisningar fått välja mellan att redovisa efter den äldre standarden IAS 32 eller den nyare vid namn IFRS 7. Svenska storbanker har genomgående valt att redovisa efter den nyare standarden.Trots att införandet av IFRS 7 till stor del är motiverat av en strävan efter att öka användares förståelse för hur finansiella instrument påverka företags exponering för finansiella risker så varnas det för att 2005 års årsredovisningar inte alltid blir jämförbara, då bland annat på grund av den valfrihet som företag har.
Familjehem och sexualitet: Familjehemssekreterares resonemang kring familjehem bestående av homosexuella par
New family stuctures are constantly emerging in society. Are these changes mirrored in foster care practice? The aim of this study was to explore to what extent homosexual families are represented when a child is given a foster home. The nuclear family has throughout history been assured a stable position both in society as well as in the foster care practice. During the last ten years a homosexual relationship has been legaly accepted through different amendents and it has also been more integrated and accepted in society.
CE-ma?rkning av produkter under byggproduktfo?rordningen
The purpose of this study is to achieve an understanding of how a CE- marking process is conducted and to identify the relevant factors that must be considered in such a process. We have conducted our study at Lo?vhults Svets & Smide AB (Lo?vhults) in Skruv, Sma?land Sweden, which are manufacturing brackets for small covering constructions.To understand how a CE-marking process is conducted several documents and provisions have been reviewed to achieve a basic understanding and insight of the subject. It thus led to that guideline ETAG 015 were studied and the factors to be considered in the CE-marking of brackets were identified. Together with Jan-A?ke Johansson at Lo?vhults we agreed on four different brackets to investigate for a potential CE-marking.
Aktivering av immateriella tillgångar : En rättvisande bild?
Idag utgör immateriella tillgångar en allt större del av företagens tillgångar och de får därmed en allt större betydelse. I takt med att den här trenden fortgår blir traditionell redovisning mindre och mindre användbar för investerare, analytiker och kreditgivare.Vi har i uppsatsen delvis utgått från en artikel i tidskriften Balans. I artikeln ifrågasätts om redovisningen inte bör anpassas efter var värdet skapas i företaget. Vårt huvudsakliga mål är att utreda om nuvarande hantering och värdering av varumärken och övriga immateriella tillgångar ger en rättvisande bild av företagen. Detta skall vi göra genom att se på och undersöka utvecklingen inom området.
Recipientundersökning av Ensjön : Bedömning av sulfidmalmgruvan Enåsens eventuella påverkan på sjöns vattenkvalitet
Ensåsengruvan is a mine situated within Ljusdals municipality in central Sweden. Themine was in use from 1984 to 1991 and has since been undergoing a remediation program. Mine tailings from sulfide rich ore is a potential environmental hazard due to its tendency to cause acid waters and heavy metal leakage. Lake Ensjön is situated one kilometer from the mine area. Due to the hydrological conditions it was not expected to receive inflowing water from the mining area.