

250 Uppsatser om Brief Cope - Sida 9 av 17

Kan kombinationen av dehydrering, kronisk stress och/eller endotoxemi vara orsaken till träningsinducerad lungblödning?

Thoroughbred racehorses have suffered from exercise-induced haemorrhage for over 300 years. Almost all competing horses develop exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage (EIPH) at some point but most horses don?t suffer from reduced competing capacity due to the disease. The cause of the exercise-induced haemorrhage is unknown. The most believed theory today is that EIPH is induced by pulmonary stress failure caused by pressure over 100 mmHg in the pulmonary arteries during exercise.

Döden är livsviktig : fem kuratorers bemötande av obotligt sjuka och deras bild av de sjukas upplevelser

The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to explore how the welfare officers at palliative units in Stockholm respond to the patients? thoughts and experiences during the last phase of life, as well as exploring their picture of the patients experiences. The research questions of the study were:? How do the welfare officers relate to the patients? experience of their death? ? In what way do the welfare officers respond to the dying patient and his or her experiences?? What knowledge/experience do the welfare officers have and what knowledge/experience do they consider is needed in their profession?To answer the research questions a qualitative method was used where five welfare officers in three different palliative units were interviewed. The empirical material was analysed through meaning concentration and are presented using exact quotations.

Att drabbas av kronisk sjukdom : En studie om livsomställningen efter hjärtinfarkt

This study aims to highlight the crisis and adjustment process in individuals who suffered myocardial infarction. The research questions focus on the informants? experiences of the crisis and life adjustment process, and illuminate the coping strategies that the informants describe important. By using a narrative method and applyingthe crisis theory and coping theory as theoretical guidelines, this study endeavors to illuminate individuals' experiences of the disease from their own perspective. The empirical material consists of four life stories gatheredthrough semi-structured interviews.

Kartläggning av material flödesflaskhals i ICA butik.

In the spring of 2014 Sweco Systems AB were commissioned to design a ventilation system for a newly built preschool in Linköping. Terms from the client was that it cost efficiency would cope with the energy demands that are placed on the building. The unit chosen was a cross-flow heat exchanger, and this work is to compare it with two other heat exchangers to see if a more energy and cost efficient could have been chosen. The heat exchangers that was chosen for the comparison was a rotating- and a counterflow heat exchanger. Simulations have been made to the different heat exchangers by the manufacturers.

Stresshantering och välbefinnande : Fördisponerad copings betydelse för subjektivt välbefinnande

Trots en hög andel unga med psykosomatiska besvär visar statistiken även att ungdomar generellt upplever sig ha en god psykisk hälsa, ett gott humör, god självkänsla och en god framtidstro. Denna studie fokuserar på att utforska hur varaktiga mönster av stresshanteringsstrategier hos ungdomar kan relateras till deras subjektivt upplevda välbefinnande i termer av affektiva tillstånd och kognitiva bedömningar av livstillfredsställelse. En enkätundersökning genomfördes med 104 deltagare, varav 80 kvinnor, i åldrarna 15 till 19 år. Mätinstrument som användes var svenska versioner av COPE Inventory, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule och Satisfaction With Life Scale. Resultatet visade att emotionsfokuserade copingstrategier i högre grad än respektive problemfokuserade strategier predicerade välbefinnande, vilket skiljer sig från tidigare resultat där de senare stått för detta samband främst i studier med vuxna.

Det regionala partnerskapet - ett verktyg för Skåne att samverka?

Because of a more globalised world the national states have been forced to make structural changes at both national, regional and local level to cope with different challenges. The regional community has become an important area which has resulted in a policy of more self governing, both for the regional and the local level.The aim of the thesis is to study the relation between regional and local level in the partnerships organisation. To fulfil the aim of the thesis, a case study of Region Skåne is used. The analyse is based on expressions such as cooperation, conflict, power and influence.The result of the thesis confirms that the opinion between the regional and the local level is very different. The representatives from Region Skåne experience the cooperation as quite good because it creates an opportunity for discussions and a possibility to learn from the other actors which in turn creates a qualification in the exchange of knowledge.

Personuppgifteshantering och identifiering inom myndighet, skola och förtag

The authors of this thesis have studied the handling of personal information in various kinds of organizations, because the perception is that the knowledge in this area is weak relative to the weight of the subject.The purpose of this paper has been partly to shed light on how knowledge of this area in the organizations that we have visited during the study but also to answer questions about handling, knowledge and security, and identification of individuals in different systems. What kind of problems the processing of these data creates and why these problems occur.In the beginning of our study we understood the importance of using the correct identifier and therefore chose also to examine what the various identifiers used by the organizations and why they chose these particular identifiers.In the qualitative analysis, Datainspektionen´s general rules and advice has been used as a basis together with the laws applicable to the organizations to get a good picture of how management of personal information is in these organizations.What we have found in this paper is that knowledge about how personal data is handled and what laws and rules are saying is very much dependent on how central the information is to these organization's activities. The police use so many different types of records for their organization to function well and they have very good knowledge of laws and regulations. In contrast, schools that do not handle as much of personal data themselves nor have the same knowledge among staff and do not have enough resources to cope with keeping the same knowledge base as the police. This is something that applies to all types of handling, depending on how important the information is for the organization, the better the security and knowledge in handling the data is..

Att må bra i vardagen: en kvalitativ studie av upplevelser hos kvinnor med osteoporos

Every second woman in Sweden suffers in their lifetime of fracture that is related to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis and fractures affect the person´s everyday life. The aim of the study was to describe experiences of feeling well among women with osteoporosis. Six women were interviewed with semi- structured interviews. The interviews were transcribed and the text was analyzed with thematic content analysis.

Krishantering : New York Citys hantering av terroristattacken mot World Trade Center

ABSTRACT?Crisis Management? New York Citys management of the terroristattack against World Trade Center?Essey in political science, C-level, at Karlstad University, by Sara Kringsberg.Spring 2006. Tutor: Susan MartonThe purpose of this essay is to study New York Citys management of a larger crisis and to see how states are coping with stress. It is important to study how states manage stress so that states can learn to cope with larger crisis. That is important for the survival of the state and the protection of its citizens.

Fältskiktsarter i naturlika planteringar : vilka råd kan ekologer ge?

This paper appeals to professionals working with green questions. It intends to create a discussion about which plant species that can be established in a fieldlayer of a naturelike planting on fertile agricultural land. To initiate the essay, a studie of which values that can be connected with an establishment of a fieldlayer was performed . A part of Tor Nitzelius Park in Alnarp, a so called naturlike planting on fertile agricultural land, was used as a model for the choice of species. With the aid of soil values, photos and a list of current species, interviews with four ecologists were performed.

Psykosocial och sexuell hälsa hos unga män födda med analatresi. Att hantera sin livssituation med en medfödd missbildning

The aim of this study was to examine young men born between 1990-1995 with anorectal malformations (ARM) whom have undergone the new PSARP-operation starting in 1990, and how they experience their psychosocial and sexual health. The study also examines how they cope with their life situation and what their experience is of the health care and how they were responded to through out the years. This study is a qualitative research and consists seven semi- structured interviews with young men between sixteen and twenty years old. The analyses of this material resulted in three themes around which the study centers: psychosocial health, sexual health and the medical establishment and the informants thoughts about the proposition of counseling for themselves and other individuals born with ARM. The study shows that these young men have a good psychosocial health and a likely reason for that is good parental relationships and close friendships.

Effekter och upplevelser av aromaterapi, taktilmassage och akupunktur inom palliativ omvårdnad

The aim of the present literature review was to describe and evaluate the effects and experiences within the complementary approaches such as aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture amongst palliative care patients. Search through Medline (through Pub Med) database and additional manual search was conducted. In total 16 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. The result was presented under respectively category: aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture. Physical and psychological effects as well as experiences from the treatments were also documented under the different complementary approaches.

Pensionärers motionsvanor med fokus på styrketräningens roll för dem

Introduction: Elderly people have much to gain when it comes to physical activity andresistance training. Ageing is a process that every human being has to go through. The mostimportant physical attributes changes, when it comes to handle everyday life and ailment thatusually occurs in the later stages of life. Physical activity and resistance training may help thecommon problem among the elderly, when it comes to cope with issues of pain and strenuouseveryday life that occurs under this ailment. Objective: To identify a senior citizen´sperception about physical activity and attitudes about resistance training.

Värmeåtervinning på förskolan Rymdattacken 1 : En jämförelse av värmeväxlare

In the spring of 2014 Sweco Systems AB were commissioned to design a ventilation system for a newly built preschool in Linköping. Terms from the client was that it cost efficiency would cope with the energy demands that are placed on the building. The unit chosen was a cross-flow heat exchanger, and this work is to compare it with two other heat exchangers to see if a more energy and cost efficient could have been chosen. The heat exchangers that was chosen for the comparison was a rotating- and a counterflow heat exchanger. Simulations have been made to the different heat exchangers by the manufacturers.

Att umgås eller inte umgås, det är frågan! : Socialt umgänge och utveckling hos människor med psykosdiagnos

Background: A common view about people with diagnosed psychosis is that they are socially withdrawn and that they neither cope nor want to engage in social relationships. Newly published specialist books on this subject also support this view.Aims: To unveil further dimensions of the phenomena by explorative analyzing consumers? own depictions about their ?social relationships".Method: The material is taken from a larger study that followed consumers regularly during a lapse of 3 years. Within this material 15 interviews from three respondents were chosen, a selection which gives maximal spreading concerning age, sex and background. The interviews where analyzed by methods based on Grounded Theory.Results: Three main dimensions were identified: supportive relationships, difficulties and social withdrawal.

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