

1889 Uppsatser om Brick structure - Sida 58 av 126

Yrke: Operaproducent : En studie av operaproducentens roll och betydelse i Sverige 2008

ABSTRACTSofie Haag: Yrke: Operaproducent. En studie av operaproducentens roll och betydelse Sverige 2008. Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för musikvetenskap, 2009.The aim of this essay is to provide a better understanding of the role of the Swedish opera producer (often called "production manager") and the opera organisation in which he/she works. Very little has been written about this role, in Sweden as well as internationally. To fill this apparent gap, this study presents the results of inteviews with representatives of ten of Swedens´opera organisations, as well as three case studies.

Kartläggning av tvärfunktionella verksamhetsbehov för framtida utveckling av OAS

The management of information is one of the key aspects within a successful andefficient product development process, particularly regarding complex products.Scania CV AB is at the moment developing a new IT-system, OAS, which aims tomanage the company?s product data. With this as a background, the purpose of thismaster thesis is to identify the cross-functional user needs within Scania?s organizationconcerning product data and the management around it.To fulfill the purpose, an empirical study consisting of 40 personal interviews with 50representatives from different functions within Scania?s organization was carriedthrough. The empirical data was then analyzed focusing on identifying thecross-functional needs and issues.The study points out that there is a big potential regarding improvement among themanagement of product data.

vem är journalisten : en samtalsanalytisk studie av partiledarintervjuer med fokus på journalistikens ideologi

Who is the journalist, a conversation analysis of interviews with party leaders during the 2006 election period, focus on the ideology of journalismÖrebro University, Department of Humanities, Media- and Communication studies, C-studySupervisor: Mats EkströmAuthor: Erica HellstrandIn contemporary society the media is part of the politics, or maybe, politics is part of the media. Whatever the case, they are important to each other, the media play a conclusive role in the connect between politics and citizens, and thus, results of election. The relation between the media and politics should continuously be studied and discussed in the continuously changing modern society.This paper examines the practice of news journalism in interviews with swedish party leaders during the 2006 election period. Focusing on how the ideology of journalism and the professional identity of journalists affect the practice the researcher hopes to contribute to the further understanding of the area. Steven E.

Konsten att kränga en kommun : en diskursanalys av en kommuns externa kommunikation

University of VäxjöSchool of Social SciencesBachelor Thesis in Political ScienceTitle: ?Sverigedemokraternas valframgångar 2006 ? En ulv i fårakläder??Author: Emma Haraldsson and Åsa NeuschützTutor: Emil UddhammarThe aim of this study is to explain Sverigedemokraterna?s electoral success in 2006 and the essay assumes that some form of change has occurred. To study this change two hypotheses have been constructed. The first hypothesis concerns the change within Sverigedemokraterna and the second hypothesis concerns the change of the Swedish voters attitudes.Kirchheimers catch-all theory is used to explain the change in Sverigedemokraterna. The catch-all theory states that parties have to change their structure to maximise the number of votes.

Klassifikationssystem på webben: Traditionella och nya

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the opportunities of classification of web pages. Two classification systems are compared; a library classification system traditional and a system that is developed for use on the web new. UDC is chosen to represent the traditional systems, and Yahoo! represents a so called new system. UDC is used by NISS Directory of networked resources, which is a directory that uses the system for organisation of electronic resources. Both systems are analysed from two different perspectives, a multidisciplinary and a timeperspective.

Konvertering från UDK till SAB

The main purpose of this thesis is to examine what problems may arise when converting class symbols from one classification scheme to another. In order to fulfill this purpose, a conversion table between parts of the Swedish online-version of the UDC and the Swedish classification system SAB was constructed. For main classes 0 and 3 every class number from this abridged version of the UDC was converted, whereas for the rest of the main classes only class numbers with fewer than four figures were converted. The conversion table was constructed using the alphabetical index of SAB and different UDC-indexed library catalogues. Various aspects of the conversion table were then analysed using methods mainly devised by the authors themselves, but inspired by lexicography and multilingual thesaurus construction.

Den moderna flerenhetsfranchisetagaren: En studie i utformandet av kontrollsystem hos växande franchisetagare

Franchise theorists have to a large extent failed to keep up with the actual development in global franchise chains. The recent emergence of fast growing multi-unit-franchisees has fundamentally been ignored, and it has been claimed that the new phenomenon can be regarded as a mere replication of the franchisors? structure and control system into sub hierarchies. This study however, suggests that the reality is more complex. Through conducting case studies of two Nordic multi-unit-franchisees, new theories are built explaining how and why control systems are designed the way they are.


?Re:Regional? is a diploma work by Sanna Alm and Ylva Hedin, for the Master?s Programme in Spatial Planning presented at the Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden. ?Greater Helsinki Vision 2050 ? International Ideas Competition? was the starting point of this study. The competition was launched the 15th of December 2006 and the closing date was the 31st of May.

Demokratiska verktyg i gymnasieskolan : - Elevdemokrati ur ett elevperspektiv

The study aims to investigate student participation as a tool for democratic development in secondary school from a student perspective. Furthermore, students' perceptions of the school's work with student participation in formal and informal contexts are also investigated, with basis in the teaching structure. The results are based on interviews conducted with students who all attend the same class in their last year of high school. Subsequently, an analysis is made based mainly on three different theories: democracy, curricula and sociocultural theory. The result shows that students feel that they are able to practice student participation but the amount of influence they get differs between individuals depending on devotion and commitment.

Socialtjänstens hantering av mäns våld mot kvinnor : En studie om könsmaktsperspektivets betydelse för socialarbetaren

Purpose: The aim of the study is to analyse why the socialworker at the socialservices havn?t implemented the perspective of woman as subordinate and men as superior.Questions: Is the perspective of woman as subordinate and men as superior significant for the socialworker? Is the organisation, colleagues or de individuals thought structure of importance when it comes to implement the perspective? Does the socialworkers view of the clients as victims have an impact on the fact that the perspective has been given interest? Method: Critical case study. Flexible design; The study is based on interviews with socialworkers and study of documents and statisticsConclusion: One of the central findings of the field study was that the implementation of the perspective of woman as subordinate and men as superior was of no use for the socialworkers as they saw it. The findings showed that the definition of a victim was not used or that they were unconscious that the definition of a victim did affect them in their work. The possibilities for the organisation to learn is of  importance for the implementation of the perspective of woman as subordinate and men as superior.

How to develop a pricing capability - A case study of Triton

Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate how a pricing capability can be developed on a general as well as on a practical level in an industrial company working on the international business-to-business market. Methodology: We have conducted a case study of the work on pricing at Triton. After mapping the events we have evaluated the results. We have conducted interviews with people with information concerning Tritons work in the Pricing area. Theoretical perspectives: The theory includes organization and structure, pricing for the market with emphasis on transactions and theories on how to understand the customer.

Att prata om, till eller med elever : En kvalitativ studie om lärares sätt att möta elever i svårigheter

To talk about, talk to or with children. A conversation between a child and its teacher should be more than the teacher telling the child what to do, how to act. It should be more like a respectful and reverent meeting between two people where the adult sets the tone. The purpose of this research is to investigate teachers' experiences of conversations with children in need of special assistance. Our issues: What do teachers say about how they meet children in need of support? How do teachers response to students who are in difficulty? What ability have teachers and their school's to meet children in need of support and what appear to be particularly important or problematic issues for them in that work? In order to find some answers to our questions we interviewed ten teachers at two schools.

Kloster och aristokrati i det medeltida Danmark - En studie i samhällsstrukturer, kön, makt och gåvor

This essay investigates, on the basis of the medieval letters, diplomas, how the medieval monasticism contributed to the maintenance of the Danish society's gender structures. The theoretical starting points for the study are gender and class structures and Marcel Mauss presented gift - giving theory. Finally, a continuous comparison is made with Catharina Andersson's results in her dissertation, in which she examines the social structure in the Swedish medieval society. The primary material in the study is the Danish diplomas. 41 diplomas were found relevant for this study.

Stavelsen som enhet i läsinlärningen : Ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv

The aimof this study is to contribute furthermore to understand the complexity of theprocess of learning to read and write in an inclusive environment. It focus on the syllableinstead of the phoneme as a unit in this process which is not the most common way ofdoing it. The report is based on a qualitative analysis of this task in pre-school and gradeone at a primary school in a small municipality.In the result, I have found, that the very structured working process and the diagnosticapproach helps the teachers to understand on what level pupils are at. The pupils whostart working this way in pre-school, feel safe knowing what is expecting from them andthey also learn from each other. All pupils in grade one have, before w 45 in autumnterm, very good letter knowledge and have learnt how to read words with two syllableswith a consonant-wovel-structure.

IGF II : structure, function and role in disease

Den insulinlika tillväxtfaktorn II (IGF II) är ett proteinhormon som reglerar cellers proliferation, tillväxt, migration, differentiering och överlevnad. Den utövar sin biologiska funktion via IGF I-receptorn. Dess tillgänglighet för bindning till IGF-1R regleras av en familj bestående av sex IGF-bindarproteiner (IGFBPs). IGF II kan också inducera mitos via en alternativt splitsad variant av insulinreceptorn (insulin receptor isoform A (IR-A)). De cirkulerande nivåerna av IGF II kontrolleras genom IGF II-receptorn, som saknar signalfunktion och är homolog med mannos-6- fosfatreceptorn. Tystad prägling av IGF II-genen är en återkommande observation vid en utvecklingsrubbning kallad Beckwith-Wiedemanns syndrom, vilket innefattar okontrollerad tillväxt och i många fall en njurtumör hos barn, Wilms? tumör. Tillväxthämning ses vid mutationer i genlocuset hos IGF II och den närliggande genen H19 vid en annan utvecklingsrubbning, Silver-Russells syndrom.

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