

1256 Uppsatser om Brand valuing - Sida 15 av 84

Mincing the brand ? A study of the relationship between private labels and retailer brands

Purpose: To contribute to the understanding of the relationship between private labels and the retailer brand in grocery retailing. Methodology: We use structured interviews as a cross-sectional method for quantitative data collection. The existence of the relationship is tested through correlation analysis and regression analysis. Theoretical perspective: Perceived quality of private labels and of retailers are the main theoretical concepts for this thesis. Additionally, we introduce the concept of loyalty to show the benefits of a positive consumer image.

Gummistövlar hos IKEA och skolkritor hos Biltema - En kvalitativ studie av detaljhandelns utvidgning av produktutbud och dess band till varumärket

Denna studie fokuserar på att se till hur företagen resonerar i samband med val av produkter och brand extensions specifikt och hur konsumenterna ser på företagets agerande i det här sammanhanget, med avseende på produkterna. Vi utgår här ifrån problemformuleringen; hur väl överensstämmer företagets avsikt med en brand extension med kundernas syn på denna? Studien bygger på insamling av kvalitativa data genom intervjuer med företags beslutsfattare samt med fokusgrupper av konsumenter. Vi tillämpar här ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv och har inslag av både induktion och deduktion i vår ansats. Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av teorier inom dels aspekter såsom vad ett varumärke och en vision innebär men framför allt vilka fördelar och nackdelar respektive möjligheter och begränsningar som kan påverka varför företaget vill göra en brand extension.

Måste det vara så grönt? Ett visuellt Förpackningskoncept för ett ekologiskt livsmedelsmärke

»Does it have to be so green?« is a visual communication project focused on packaging design. I attempted to challenge the clichés of graphic design for organic products and designed a packaging concept for a fictional food brand. The project had a special objec¬tive which was to explore ways to use the package as carrier for in¬formation about the enviromental impact of the packaging itself.The process included research about packaging design and its ef¬fect on the consumer, an investigation of the Swedish market for organic foods, creating and defining a brand, and designing a cohe¬rent packaging concept for a product line which communicates the brand?s values and appeals to the intended target group.The project resulted in prototypes for a muesli package, tea car¬ton and honey jar, as well as a manual that explains the application of the graphic program..

Varumärket som konkurrensverktyg : Varumärkets finansiella inverkan på det globala företaget

Syftet med uppsatsen är att jämföra, undersöka, identifiera och urskilja de eventuella korrelationsmönster som uppkommer när brand value för ett antal globala företag står som beroende variabel i förhållande till en uppsättning utvalda nyckeltal. Arbetet kommer att utgå från en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats. Genom multipla och enkla linjära regressionsanalyser kommer korrelationen för de undersökta företagens X-variabler EBIDTA, EBIT, marknadsföringskostnad, nettoresultat, aktievärde och EPS att mätas gentemot den valda Y-variabeln brand value.Resultatet visar på att de variabler som överlag haft högst korrelation gentemot brand value är de som på olika sätt visar på företagens intjäningskapacitet. Verksamheter inom data- och internetbranschen har haft högst korrelationsvärden i studien. Främst visade dock regressionsanalyserna skillnader på individuell nivå.

Expander : En studie av Expanders kommunikation och varumärke

Communication can be heard in many different ways and it is important for all businesses, especially in B2B. The construction and maintenance of a brand plays just like the communication a very important part. These parts also have a lot to common and affect each other in a large extent. One problem that may occur in many companies is the failure to grow and gain a larger share of the market even if they in various ways are trying. Expander is one of those companies and in this research report we studied communication and brand building, focusing on brand management, relationships and integrated marketing. Here we drew the conclusion that all these areas are important for a company, especially in the Business-to-Business marketing in different ways.

Strategisk kommunikation inom franchising, en fallstudie av Gallerix

AbstractTitle: Strategic Communication within franchising, a case study of GallerixNumber of pages: 60 (65 with enclosures)Author: Charlotta Babington ThorszeliusCourse: Media and Communication DPeriod: Spring 2008University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University, SwedenPurpose/Aim: To find out, by doing a case study, how communication between the two parties in a franchising relationship works, and how communication can strengthen the concept and brand. By analysing the communication, identify strengths and weaknesses and make suggestions for improvement.Material/Method: Qualitative method by using interviewsMain results: The understanding of the concept and the relationship between franchiser and franchisees are vital for the success of the franchising chain. The main internal communication channel today is the Intranet, and more personal contacts and meetings are requested. The yearly meetings are appreciated by the franchisees, but the content of the meetings are of varied quality. The chains value words, which are important for how the brand is perceived by the customer, are slightly different from how the franchiser and the franchisees sees them.

Vart tog EMV vägen?: En analys av Marknadsdomstolens utvärdering av imitering i dagligvaruhandeln

This paper discusses the issue of trade dress imitation in the grocery sector. Our study has its starting point in the conflict that may arise between a brand owner and an imitator following an imitator?s marketing actions. In this study we look at the Market Court?s precedents in which this question has been addressed.

En studie om sociala medier och perception

Earlier studies and research on the subject of perception and social media during the working process resulted in a change of the problem. At first the focus of the study was to examine how social media affects the perception of a brand although later on the problem had to be developed to instead examine if social media reflects the perception of a brand. The purpose of this study is to figure out if social media reflects consumer?s perception of a brand. This will contribute to company?s knowledge on how important social media is in their branding and will give pointers on how many resources that is necessary to spend on branding in social media.

Samarbeten mellan modebranschens två olika världar : En varaktig företeelse?

The purpose of this study has been to examine how collaborations between clothingcompanies and fashion designers can influence their brands. Our ambition has been todescribe this phenomenon by describing how collaborations can affect and influencethe clothing companies? brand identity, image and positioning. Furthermore, we wantto describe how these collaborations have changed the fashion industry and what thefuture holds for it. We find this topic relevant since collaborations are becoming anadvantage for companies in a competitive industry that is constantly in change.

Hur påverkar sponsring ett varumärkes Brand Equity? : En studie av Brynäs IF:s sponsorer.

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom empirisk undersökning besvara frågan vilken mätbar effekt sponsring har på varumärkets värde, Brand Equity. Genom att besvara den frågan är också syftet att utveckla en modell som visar vilka faktorer samt vilka delar i varumärket som påverkas av sponsring.Metod: Vi har valt att genomföra detta arbete genom att använda fallstudier. Dessa har vi genomfört med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med representanter för Gevalia, Läkerol och Länsförsäkringar Gävleborg, vilka samtliga sponsrar Brynäs. Vi har bearbetat intervjuerna för att sedan analysera dem mot vår teoretiska referensram. Vi har valt att dela upp analyserna efter huvudområden som rör sponsring och varumärke.Resultat & slutsats: Vi har utvecklat en modell som visar sponsringens effekter på Brand Equity, men dessa är dock inga tydliga mätbara effekter då vi inte kunnat uttyda några genom studien.

Kreativ reklam attraherar och rekryterar

This paper supports the thesis that creative consumer advertising also can be used as a recruitment tool. By increasing the level of creativity used in their communication, a company can affect the attractiveness of themselves as future employers. The creative advertising influences the brands perceived creativity. It also increases the perceived social, development- and reputational value as well as the future intentions with the brand. By being more creative the brand is also viewed as making more marketing effort, which in turn affects the perceived potential of the brand in a positive way.

Varumärkets betydelse - en jämförelse mellan hur unga och äldre påverkas i köpprocessen

The thesis strives to answer the question whether there are any differences between how young customers, in comparison with older, are affected by brands when buying different products. The purpose is to get a clearer idea about the brands' importance in the future and in that way also to give guidance to companies about how to best market themselves and there products.To answer the question, an experiment was conducted with 480 respondents taking a survey where they had to rate a product after reading a short text about it. Some of the texts stated that a specific brand was behind the product while some said the product was produced by an unknown brand.The result of the study was that young people showed a greater propensity of rating products with a brand higher than products without brands, in comparison with the older respondents. This gives reason to believe that brands progressively will become an even more important tool for marketers and an unmatched asset for companies in the future..

Går det att sälja kläder via Facebook? : En fallstudie som undersöker ett företags möjligheter att använda sig av sociala medier i marknadsföringssyfte

This Bachelor thesis is a case study that explores the possibilities and complications to use social media in marketing purposes. The case involves a company that sells garments for men. The company, named Mouli, has decided to use social media as their marketing platform. The company makes an interesting case, since they are still quite new on the market and have all the possibilities to succeed.The purpose for the thesis is to examine Mouli?s use of marketing in social media and to evaluate what could be done to amend the communication.

Lägg märke till varumärket : En kvantitativ undersökning kring hur varumärket Hollister jobbar med kommunikation för att stärka sitt varumärke.

The purpose of the case study is to research whether the brand Hollister can establish themselves to their target audience working with communication. To achieve the goal with the study, the following theories has been applied: brand building, visual communication, two-way symmetrical communication and communication channels. The study was conducted by a quantitative online questionnaire survey. The online survey was aimed at teenagers aged 15-18 years old living in Täby or Umeå where one question was "What difference can be discerned between Täby, where there is a shop, and Umeå where there is no shop". The material was collected during a period of eight days between december 11th to december 19th 2013.

Nu a?r det dags att agera! : en analys av konsumentbeteende fra?n mjo?lkupproret i Ska?ne

At the end of 2008, Arla concluded agreements with several supermarkets in southern Sweden. The agreement with the supermarkets excluded Ska?nemejerier from the stores. This meant that Ska?nemejerier lost approximately 7% of sales volume.

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