

7638 Uppsatser om Bosnien- och Hercegovina Global development - Sida 35 av 510

Överflyttning mellan intensivvårdsavdelningar på grund av resursbrist 2009 och 2010 : En jämförande pilotstudie av eventuella skador

Bakgrund: Svenska intensivvårdsregistret (SIR) sammanställer varje år fastställda kvalitetsmått där en av dem är ?Överflyttning till annan intensivvårdsavdelning på grund av egen resursbrist.? Flera studier har visat att de patienter som flyttas mellan intensivvårdsavdelningar har en högre mortalitet och längre vårdtid än de som inte flyttas. Enligt patientsäkerhetslagen ska vårdgivaren förebygga och utreda vårdskador. Ett sätt att mäta vårdrelaterade skador är Global Trigger Tool (GTT).Syfte: Att undersöka frekvensen av skador hos de patienter som överflyttats till annan intensivvårdsavdelning på grund av resursbrist jämfört med en matchad kontrollgrupp.Metod: En retrospektiv, deskriptiv och jämförande pilotstudie. Journaler från patienter som flyttats till annan intensivvårdsavdelning på grund av resursbristscannades efter skador med hjälp av GTT och jämfördes sedan med en kontrollgrupp som inte flyttats mellan intensivvårdsavdelningar.Resultat: I undersökningsgruppen (n=20) återfanns 67 skador med ett genomsnitt på 3,4 skador per patient.

Förskolebarns motoriska utveckling : -Hur en förskolegård bör utformas för bästa tänkbara utveckling av barns motorik

The purpose of this study was to interview different groups of people (preschool teatcher, parents and theire childen) involved in preschool about their view on outdoor activity and children´s motoric development, and how a preschool yard should be designed to promote childrens development.All parties regard outdoor activity as very important for the development of children. They also think that the outdoor environment today is good but that it could be improved by including some trees and hills. The yard should also contain soil, sand, clay and water. The children prefer grass on the ground over other substrates. This study also gives good indications to decision makers how to build new or to reconstruct pre-school yards in the future..

Utvärdering av lämpliga metoder för vattengenerering

This master thesis has been performed at the department of Machine Design at KTH, The Royal Institute of Technology. The thesis has been a part of a global development project in collaboration with Luleå University of Technology, Lund Faculty of Engineering and Stanford University. Corporate liaison and sponsor has been Immerse Global Inc. The project was also performed on sponsorship from the Product Innovation Engineering Program, PIEp. The thesis is a representation of some of the contributions made by the authors.The lack of clean drinking water is one of the key issues facing the world today.

Hur tjänstemän ser på folkbibliotekets IT-utveckling

The purpose of this essay is to examine how officials within the Swedish public libraryorganisation view the IT-development, how the IT-development progresses within theorganisation and if there is a need for a national IT-strategy for the public libraries in Sweden.Four unorganized interviews with officials within the regional- and county libraryorganisation and one within the national organisation where conducted. This study is aqualitative examination where the phenomenographic approach has been used as inspirationfor the analytic model. The analytic result has been compared to the system theory of how anoptimal system should be constructed to perform in an optimal way and to be able to producegood results. The results of this study show a wish for a better national cooperation regardingthe IT-development for the Swedish public libraries. Today?s library structure should bereviewed over in order to enable the libraries to produce even better results from the cooperation?s..

Verifikation av verktyget aspect analyzer

Rising complexity in the development of real-time systems has made it crucial to have reusable components and a more flexible way of configuring these components into a coherent system. Aspect-oriented system development (AOSD) is a technique that allows one to put a system?s crosscutting concerns into"modules"that are called aspects. Applying AOSD in real-time and embedded system development one can expect reductions in the complexity of the system design and development. A problem with AOSD in its current form is that it does not support predictability in the time domain.

Kuna Yala ? Effekter av lokal involvering inom destinationsutvecklingen : B-uppsats

This essay has examined how the local community is involved with the tourism development on the San Blas islands and how it effects the destinations development. The method of choice has been a qualitative interview with an operator that offers trips to the destination. Also there has been made a literature study where previous research about the San Blas and the subjects of choice is being presented. During the writing process of this essay it has become obvious to us that the local community (Kuna Yala) is very much involved in everything that concerns the destination. We can thereby establish that the local community of San Blas can be placed on the top step of Arnsteins (1969) ?Ladder of Participation?.

Corporate Social Responsibility : En studie av hur fem svenska företag följer Global Reporting Initiatives riktlinje

Den ökade globaliseringen och den stigande medvetenheten om hur vi påverkas av vår omvärld har gjort att fler företag insett vikten av att arbeta med hållbar utvecklig, inte bara ekonomiskt och inom företaget utan också för samhället där de verkar. 1994 myntades uttrycket ?The Tripple Bottom Line? av John Elkington. The Tripple Bottom Line innebär att företags prestationer ska mätas utifrån ekonomiska, miljömässiga och sociala grunder. Trenden är att rapportera dessa perspektiv i en hållbarhetsredovisning.

Att fånga flödet i kollektivtrafiken : En jämförelse mellan handelsplatser i Hong Kongs och Stockholms tunnelbana

The retail sector is in a continuous development. What demand looks like and where the consumers want to shop has changed during the last years. Market place, demand, supply, external factors and politics affect how the retail sector develops. To make a market place attractive a variety of factors have to be considered.In Hong Kong a model called Rail & Property is used, this means that the development of the subway is integrated with the development of the city. The model is both successful and economically sustainable.Today the supply of shops and services in Stockholm´s subway stations is rather small.

Ett lustfyllt lärande där inga stjärnögon släcks : hur sju lärare arbetar med den tidiga läs- och skrivinlärningen med inspiration tagen från Arne Tragetons teori om Att skriva sig till läsning

The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers practice Arne Tragetons theory of using computers as the first writing instrument in reading and writing development. We wanted to clarify how the work from using Tragetons theory was applied while investigating if and how other methods of reading and writing instruction were used. Our interest lays in how the teachers accomplished the knowledge of this theory and also how the choice of this approach came about. To investigate this we used interviews with a qualitative nature, where seven active teachers were interviewed. They worked in three different schools in years one to three, they were all women and had various long experiences of work on the computer writing tools.

En ledarutvecklingskurs utvärderas

Purpose: To evaluate the management development course held at FöreningsSparbanken in Ronneby during 2000. The evaluation aims to map and describe what effects the course has had on the participants. We will assess to what degree the effects meets the objectives of the course set by the manager of the bank (future management recruitment, leadership, change catalyst, aligning the strive towards a shared organisational objective). Above mentioned also implies that the organisation should be influenced in some regards. Conclusion: Our conclusion is that all of the participants have as a result of the course increased their emotional intelligence in varying levels.

Finanskrisen : några erfarenheter från tre av Sveriges största banker

Sedan sensommaren 2008 har en global finansiell kris drabbat världen. Det blev turbulens på den finansiella kapitalmarknaden vilket även har drabbat de Svenska bankerna. Syftet med denna uppsats är följaktligen att beskriva hur de svenska bankerna har agerat för att hantera den finansiella krisen. Undersökningen innefattar tre av de största bankerna i Sverige, Handelsbanken, Nordea och Swedbank. Teorier inom krishantering ligger till grund för den modell i fyra steg (Krisförberedelse, Krisidentifiering, Krisåtgärder och Lärdomar) som sedan jämförs med hur bankerna har agerat.

Förebygga läs- och skrivsvårigheter genom språkstimulerande arbete i förskolan

The purpose of my examination is contributing with knowledge about the relation between language- stimulation in preschool and read- and writes developing and teachers thought about that. In order to meet the purpose I read literature that deals with my matter and is based previous research. I also made qualitative interviews with three elementary school teachers and three preschool teachers who work within preschools that concentrate on development of language in a town in the middle of Sweden.  In this way I find out about their thoughts about what they think is important to work with about language in preschool and how the preschool teachers can work with the development of language to make it easier for the children in their read- and writes developing. The result shows that it is important to work with children?s development of language in preschool.

Styrelsearbete över tid - En studie av företagsutvecklingens påverkan på styrelsearbetet i ett onoterat svenskt familjeföretag

In this study we have focused on how board work is affected by companies growth and development. This research has been conducted through a case study of Teleopti AB, a private Swedish family-owned company, together with theory and literature studies. We have studied the development of Teleopti since its founding in 1992 until today and what impact this company's development has had on Teleopti's board work and composition during the same period. Through the study we came to the conclusion that Teleopti's board work has gone from being supportive and advisory to more professional with a higher degree of board involvement. This change has been caused by the reduced information asymmetries, the increased need for board's expertise, the new board dynamics and the CEO change caused by the company's growth..

Utvärdering av grafisk utvecklingsmiljö för programmering av signalprocessor

This work aims to evaluate the possibility of using a graphical programming language to develop software for a digital signal processor. A fixed-point digital signal processor called Blackfin BF-537 is used for this. Instead of using conventional programming languages, like C or assembler, for software development the possibilities to use a graphical environment to fill the same purpose are examined. The development environment primarily used is NI LabVIEW, but also the use of Mathworks Matlab Simulink is investigated. A variety of programs consisting of various signal processing operations and utilities are developed using these development environments.

Stakeholderperspektivet och utestängandet av det politiska: Om stakeholderperspektivets begränsade möjligheter att förändra miljöpolitiken

In contemporary global environmental governance stakeholding, as a means for defining legitimate participants in democratic decision-making, has become of great importance. In this essay I deploy the concept of ?the stakeholder perspective? to denote arguments that all stakeholders ? defined as carriers of particular interests ? should be able to participate in political decision-making affecting their interests. The purpose of the essay is to analyze the stakeholder perspective's potential to change environmental politics. Departing from the philosophy of Heidegger, I develop a theoretical approach that separate the concept of the political from that of politics.

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