

24 Uppsatser om Biotechnology - Sida 1 av 2

Börsvärdering av bioteknologiska forskningsbolag

Background: The valuation of Biotechnology companies is difficult in many ways. Patent and human capital are hard to value and also there is a great uncertainty about the success of the compaines research programs. Are traditional valuation models really useful when it comes to research companies or do they result in false values of the companies? Purpose: To study what values different valuation models gives Biotechnology companies and how they correspond to the market value. Method:We have studied financial litterature och found the most common used models today.

Technologised Parenthood: An Ethical Implacation of Human Reproductive Cloning

Science and technology has been the bedrock of human growth and dynamism. Man has over the years distinguished his existence from all other beings by his ability to champion and fashion his existence. Among his tools is Biotechnology which actually attenuates the fears of aging and death.Human reproductive cloning stands out as one of the means through which Biotechnology plans to achieve this perfect existence for man. Technological advancements in the field of Biotechnology are now in the threshold of human procreation.Human reproductive cloning is seen as an assisted method of reproduction which creates a newborn that is genetically identical to another human being.Human reproductive cloning as a technology and as a means of reproduction is not without its pros and cons. In as much as the technology promises to mention but a few, hope for the infertile couples and single parents, as well as the hope of reproduction without passing on hereditary diseases; it at the same time beeps some flashes of worry.

Etiska aspekter av preimplantatorisk genetisk diagnostik och genterapi

The research in the field of Biotechnology is rapidly developing all over the world. Modern Biotechnology offers unique opportunities, simultaneously as it gives rise to a number of ethical issues. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), PGD/HLA (Human Leucocyte Antigen) and germline gene therapy (GLGT) are controversial techniques. PGD gives a possibility to identify a genetic disease prior to the embryo?s implantation in the uterus.

Underhållsarbete på krafttransformator : En studie på genomförande av underhållsarbete i transformatoranläggningen med optimeringsförslag.

This report is the result of a project in the course Independent Projekt in Molecular Biotechnology at Uppsala University during the spring of 2014. The foremost purpose of the course is to give students the opportunity to carry through exstensive work in a project environment. This project was formed based on a comission from the Biotechnology company SweTree Technologies, and the goal has been to compose a summary of the different techniques and methods that exist in the field of mass propagation of trees through the method of somatic embryogenesis.The project group has obtained information about the area mainly throgh reading patents, trying to find key components and bottlenecks in other companies? somatic embryogenesis technologies. This paper is divided into different sections, containing the patents of the automation of different steps in the process.

Human Stem Cell - European National Innovation Systems and Patents

The purpose of this paper is for the reader to realise how national innovation systems are deeply intertwined with the legal background of a country and to understand the processes that involves national innovation systems specifically regarding the stem cell / genetics research and how the need for specific community law must be considered targeting the stem cell patents. The legal part will try to answer: Why is it important given the actual state of the European stem cell national innovation systems for the European Commission to take a stand and tackle issues regarding the patenting of the human stem cell innovations? This is done from a country industry analysis (business approach) and then linking it with competition law from a community stand point of view (that tackles Biotechnology issues). In order to achieve this the paper is divided into three separate analyses beginning with a theoretical background of general Biotechnology / genetic terms that will enable the reader to have a general understanding of the importance of this kind or research ( genetics / stem cell research). The chosen countries case studies exemplify very diverse economies and development perspective from the traditionally R&D intensive to the least and from the biggest countries in Europe to one of the smallest, thus giving cultural, legal, economic and scientific variety..

Automatiserade metoder för somatisk embryogenes ger effektivare trädproduktion : En patentundersökning av befintliga metoder för processens flaskhalsar

This report is the result of a project in the course Independent Projekt in Molecular Biotechnology at Uppsala University during the spring of 2014. The foremost purpose of the course is to give students the opportunity to carry through exstensive work in a project environment. This project was formed based on a comission from the Biotechnology company SweTree Technologies, and the goal has been to compose a summary of the different techniques and methods that exist in the field of mass propagation of trees through the method of somatic embryogenesis.The project group has obtained information about the area mainly throgh reading patents, trying to find key components and bottlenecks in other companies? somatic embryogenesis technologies. This paper is divided into different sections, containing the patents of the automation of different steps in the process.

Ett nytt multiplext PCR-protokoll för identifiering och detektion av Shigella och enteroinvasiv E. coli (EIEC) från livsmedel

This report is the result of a project in the course Independent Projekt in Molecular Biotechnology at Uppsala University during the spring of 2014. The foremost purpose of the course is to give students the opportunity to carry through exstensive work in a project environment. This project was formed based on a comission from the Biotechnology company SweTree Technologies, and the goal has been to compose a summary of the different techniques and methods that exist in the field of mass propagation of trees through the method of somatic embryogenesis.The project group has obtained information about the area mainly throgh reading patents, trying to find key components and bottlenecks in other companies? somatic embryogenesis technologies. This paper is divided into different sections, containing the patents of the automation of different steps in the process.

Bioteknologins politik och berättelsernas transformativa makt

This thesis aims to respond to the need of adjust GMO politics for meeting the demands of the late-modern society and the changed condition that follows from an accelerating complexity. The central objective for this study is to contribute with a narrative understanding of Sweden?s GMO politics with the purpose of examine an alternative possibility for formulating and assessing the politics of Biotechnology. This is done by investigate Sweden?s politics of GMO through a narrative approach.

Studie för utveckling av fastställande av aminotransferaseaktivitet i Enzobact med isokratisk HPLC metod

Denna examensrapport redogör för en metodutveckling av aminotransferase aktivitet som är utförd för Medipharmv AB i Kågeröd som tillverkar Enzobact. Enzobact är en bakteriekultur som består av värmebehandlad Lactobacillus helveticus och används vid tillverkning av lågfetthaltiga ostar, vilket bidrar till att osten får en bättre smak och konsistens..

Bestämning av kotinin/nikotin i biologiska prover (urin och serum/plasma) med HILIC-MS/MS

I detta arbete presenteras en metod för bestämning av fri kotinin och totala mängden kotinin i urin och serum. Metoden bygger på hydrolys av prov (för total bestämning av kotinin) och extraktion i metylenklorid. Bestämning av kotinin har gjorts med HILIC-MS/MS..

Bestämning av den protolytiska aktiviteten hos Enzobact - en enzymatisk analysmetod

Detta examensarbete redogör för en enzymatisk metod för att analysera den protolytiska aktiviteten i Enzobact. Enzobact är en ostmognadskultur,som framställs genom värmebehandling av Lactobacillus helveticus, och tillämpas vid ystning av lågfetthaltiga ostar. Det är lämpligt att en ostmognadskultur har en låg protolytisk aktivitet för att den färdiga produkten ska ha samma smak och utseende som en normalfet ost..

Odlingens betydelse för laktobacillers hälsoegenskaper i surdeg.

När man bakar ett surdegs bröd är det viktigt att hålla degens egenskaper konstanta så att de inte ändras från dag till dag. Detta går att underlätta genom att använda sig av en starterkultur. Beroende på vilken kultur man använder sig av får degen dess unika egenskaper. Man kan till exempel använda sig av en bakteriocinproducerande bakteriekultur som stabiliserar degen.I detta examensarbete försöktes tillväxten av Lactobacillus gasseri 42 att optimeras. L.

Biomekaniska berättelser : En analys av forskningkommunikationen runt den biomekaniska armen

The pdf is excluding images, because of uncertainties regarding copyrights. Instead I have put links for each picture so you may find them on the Internet. For a list of links to the online sourcematerial, please visit http://del.icio.us/Cyborguppsats.

Visualisering och beräkning av hudkapillärer

The aim of this thesis was to develop an objective and automatic method for identifying capillaries in microscope images of the skin. Furthermore, statistical data about the identified capillaries and the capillary distribution should be computed and stored in a database. The method was implemented using the platform independent programming language Java. An analysis of microscope improvement using various polarization filter setups and wavelength filtershas also been performed, as well as a pilot study of the effect of applying a local anaesthetic cream on the skin. The method is developed and aimed at research on various pathological skin conditions affecting the capillary distribution.

Blinkbeteendebaserad trötthetsdetektering : metodutveckling och validering

Electrooculogram (EOG) data was used to develop, adjust and validate a method for drowsiness detection in drivers. The drowsiness detection was based on changes in blink behaviour and classification was made on a four graded scale. The purpose was to detect early signs of drowsiness in order to warn a driver. MATLAB was used for implementation. For adjustment and validatation, two different reference measures were used; driver reported ratings of drowsiness and an electroencephalogram (EEG) based scoring scale.

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