

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 52 av 100

"Är en omogen människa grön?" : Lärares strategier och tankar kring ordinlärning för elever med svenska som andraspråk.

Learning words have shown to be a very crucial part of learning a second language and the one most important factor to make pupils with Swedish as a second language succeed in school. To make sure that all pupils get the right conditions to learn from all subjects and their entire content a wide vocabulary is necessary. Even so it is found that there are shortcomings regarding this kind of teaching in Swedish schools.Through interviews and observations of two teachers that teach pupils with Swedish as a second language, and also with a short reading test for the pupils, the possible strategies that these teachers use for learning words have been studied. The result shows that the teachers are using several strategies and that they are actively working with transmitting these to the pupils, but there are some areas that need developing..

Kommunistisk press i Sverige : En undersökning av tidningen Gnistans skildring av Vietnamkriget

Syftet med det här arbetet var att ta reda på vad jag som lärare kan lyfta fram i exempeltexten The Old Man and the Sea för att främja elevers förmåga att tolka innehållet i en text. Detta har jag framfört i en analys av romanen med hjälp av Peter J. Rabinowitz teori om konventionella regler i hans bok Before Reading (1997) genom att tydliggöra hur romanen kan förstås med hjälp av de konventioner som Hemingway såväl som hans läsare har att förhålla sig till. Vad jag visat är hur dessa konventioner som jag framlagt i analysen, till exempel avvikande detaljer i texten, förhåller sig till ett mera litterärt kompetent sätt att tolka genom att koppla dem till Örjan Torells (2002) teoretiska modell för litterär kompetens..

Motstånd - inte tröst. En studie om förståelsen av motståndsbegreppet

Based on hermeneutic tradition, the goal of this thesis is to further my understanding of what the concept of resistance means in a psychoanalytical context today, primarily within clinical practice. My methodology has been to seek an understanding of the concept of resistance by reading excerpts from the original texts of Sigmund Freud, as well as conducting interviews with practicing psychoanalysts that focus on how they relate to the notion of resistance. The idea was to then present my understanding of these sources in relation to one another. The results suggest that an understanding of the concept of resistance in a clinical context is highlighted by a dichotomy between theory and practice..

Faktorer som påverkar barns läsutveckling

AbstractThe purpose of the study was to examine if manual signs used as support to spoken and written language can be a god mnemonic for learning of word-pictures. I performed my study as an experiment in which I made a Memory game with word-pictures. I played the game with the children twice. The first time, we played without manual signs and the second time I used sign as a support. I observed the children and noted the words they learned to read with and without the support of manual signs.

Textens inverkan på matematiska uppgifter : En undersökning om elevers textförståelse av matematikuppgifter i årskurs 5

The purpose of this study is to show the importance of task texts for students in grades 5 when solving mathematical problems. It was conducted in a class 5 (where the children are 11 years old). The pupils were assigned two different tests with mathematical problems; one where the problems were described in text and one where the problems were presented with numbers and mathematical signs. Previously done research, done on bilingual children, (Bernardo, 2002) shows that pupils tend to do better on mathematical tests when no text is presented. My research supports that theory even though the correlation is not that strong.

Läs- och skrivsvårigheter : Elevers upplevelser av sin studiesituation på gymnasieskolans yrkesförberedande program

 Den här studien vill synliggöra elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och deras situation på yrkes­förberedande gymnasieprogram. Studien är baserad på kvalitativa halvstruktu­rerade intervjuer med kvinnliga elever som studerar vid yrkesförberedande gymnasieprogram. Resultatet belyser det stöd och bemötande som eleverna upplever från skola, familj och kamra­ter. Ett tydligt re­sultat i denna studie är brist på information från lärare till elever om tillgängliga kompenserande hjälpmedel. I slutsatsen presenteras förslag på utvecklingsprojekt mellan be­rörda parter i skolan för att förbättra måluppfyllelsen för elever i behov av särskilt stöd..

Ansvarsfrågan vid fuktspärrsarbete i våtutrymme

This final project is an investigation about the responsibility in rooms where the walls and floors are exposed or partly exposed to irrigation of water, as a bathroom, laundry room and WC. The cost for all water damage is valued for 5 000 000 000 SEK each year. How is this possible with all information about the problem and good materials? Who is responsible? Incites had been made in the subject throw reading reports and participation in courses about how to make a room mention above. Discussions have been made with workers in the trade of making the walls waterproof.The conclusion in the rapport is about who´s responsible for the damages and will pay the cost of the renovation. The responsibility is discussed between the contractor and the insurance company.

Hemsida för ett musikbolag : Website for a music company

The purpose of this report is to answer the question:How do you create a media player that can stream music for a website?We started the work by searching the web and reading books about the subjectand found several technologies to use to stream media files over the internet.We decided upon using the http protocol and created the media player itself inMacromedia Flash.The website is mostly developed with PHP, JavaScript and CSS templates andthe websites design was created with Macromedia Dreamweaver and AdobePhotoshop. We also created an administrative system for the media player withPHP programming.The website contains a simple guestbook; the guestbook makes use of adatabase created with MySQL.Our work resulted in a webpage with a fully functional media player thatstreams audio files together with a corresponding administrative system for it..

Den vanmäktige allsmäktige : Framställningen av Gud i två senmoderna svenska romaner

Both contemporary research in History of Religions and current public debate tell us that Christianity as a religious form is challenged in today?s society. Nevertheless, Christianity is often present in secular artistic expression such as fictional literature. The purpose of this paper is to examine how God is portrayed in two late-modern Swedish novels, Djävulen och Gud by Mare Kandre (1993) and Boken by Niklas Rådström (2013).The examination is based on a hermeneutic method using close reading in order to answer the questions asked. The result of the examination shows that God in the late-modern novels is portrayed as a figure with shifting emotions, and in both novels God goes through changes which are in some ways similar.

Krishantering : Granskning av krisarbete i grundskolan

My purpose in this paper is to study teachers' work in reading and writing in primary school and special school. I want to find out if they use the same methods, strategies and materials to help students learn to read and write. I will find out the answer to my purpose by performing two qualitative observation and two qualitative interviews. Lundberg (2010) is the researcher I relate to during my study. Through observation, I see how teachers work with students in the classroom during a lesson in the Swedish language. During the interviews, I received answers to how teachers work with language, the materials, methods and strategies they use. I found out that teachers use specific strategies when they help their students. They use a work material that is tailored to curriculum in Swedish language and it is based on the phonics method. .

Räknar vi med barnboken? : Ett tillfälle för läraren att prata matematik med förskolebarn utifrån boken Fia och djuren.

Syftet med arbete är att undersöka hur lärare använder sig av barnboken Fia och djuren (Kruusval 2007) för att synliggöra matematik för barn i åldern 5-6 år på förskolan. Vi observerade lärarna i en högläsningssituation, därefter intervjuade vi dem för att få en djupare bild av hur de tänkte kring högläsning och matematik. Resultatet på undersökningen visar att lärarnas kunskaper och erfarenheter kring ämnet matematik har en avgörande betydelse för vilken form av matematik som synliggörs i högläsningen. Resultatet visar också att det är av stor vikt att lärarna utmanar, uppmuntrar, stödjer och samtalar med barnen om den matematik som är både synlig och dold i boken. .

Alternativa verktyg, tillgänglighet och måluppfyllelse för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En fallstudie i årskurs 8 och 9

This study investigates how assistive technology tools are used in the classroom by students in reading and writing disabilities in the school years immediately prior to moving to gymnasium. Through observations and interviews with two students and two teachers this study also considers if the use of these tools can lead to increased accessibility and goal fulfilment, and whether these elements are prerequisites for success. The result shows that the students use laptops in the classroom, primarily for writing longer texts, and that in order to be successful, an early start, equipment, time and positive attitudes towards the tools are important. The students use the tools in the classroom, but they have very different feelings about how included they are in the class. The participants see a clear link between the use of assistive technology tools and increased goal fulfilment. .

Varför finns det soffor i biblioteket? Ett rumsligt perspektiv på barnbibliotekslokaler i Sverige.

The purpose of this study is to examine the physical space of children?s libraries in Sweden, and also to see which influences there are in the literature about the same subject. What ideas exist in the literature about the physical room of children?s libraries? We have studied how and if these influences can be seen in a selected number of children?s libraries. Our theoretical perspective is based on Anthony Gidden?s theory of construction.

Läsförberedande arbetsböcker i förskoleklass och skola : Arbetsboken, en ö i havet

Workbooks are used and has been used for a long time in teaching context with younger children. Given that children start grade 1 after one year of preschool, I will in my study examine what type of activities that are presented in textbooks used for teaching younger children in pre-school and school grade 1. The purpose of the study is, through a selection of published skill-training materials investigate its pedagogical basic view related to reading and write form of education in pre-school and school grades 1. In line with the aim of the study and to answer the study questions, a qualitative text analysis and pictures analysis was carried out. The result shows that there are more similarities in content than the forms of the textbooks, there are assumptions about language as well as how images should be interpreted in a right way.

Utveckling av Publits widgetshop : Hur Publits widgetshop kan utvecklas med hjälp av Valobox APIer.

I denna rapport så redogör vi för vårt arbete med att ta fram en prototyp till bokföretaget Publit. Vi fick i uppgift av Publit att undersöka möjligheterna för dem att med hjälp av sina egna API:er och API:erna från två andra företag i samma bransch, Valobox och Jellybooks, ta fram en ny produkt eller tjänst. Vi redogör för de olika faserna som vi har gått igenom och de beslut vi tagit angående grafisk design, interaktion och kodning. Resultatet av projektet blev en fungerande prototyp som visar hur Publit med hjälp av Valobox kan skapa en ny funktion till sin widgetshop som gör så att användarna kan provläsa böcker innan de köper dem. .

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