

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 51 av 100

"Det är en bra idé att börja med det lättaste" : En studie av lärares uppfattningar av metoden "att skriva sig till läsning"

The aim of this study is to investigate teachers? experiences of working with Writing to Read (WTR), and their perceptions of how pupils develop in reading and writing when they write on computers or similar devices. Another aim is to study teachers? motives for using the WTR method. The material used for analysis is four interviews with teachers who use WTR.

När Imperiet Skakade : En postkolonial diskursanalys på The Sydney Morning Herald under åren 1947-1950 i relation till Indiens självständighet

This paper aims to demonstrate how the imperial attitude of the British Empire not onlycirculated within the British Isles, but also to and within the colonies, namely Australiain this case. It also shows how the discourse in an australian newspaper, The SydneyMorning Herald, might affect the people reading it and how thoughts about "the other"is reproduced in the media. The years 1947-1950 has been chosen because those werethe years of the Dominion of India, when India first became independent from theBritish Empire, to the formation of the Republic of India in 1950.All this is done by using postcolonial theory and discourse analytic method hand inhand to de-veil the structures of Empire within the media..

?minblogg.nu? ? en kvalitativ studie om bloggande utifrån ett individperspektiv

Abstract: This study is focused on blogging from the perspective of the individual. Weinvestigate why one uses the weblog format, functions on the blog that are seen to work asdriving forces, attitudes towards self-disclosure and anonymity on the weblog and how therelation between an online- and offline-identity is interpreted by the bloggers themselves, forexample to what extent it is possible to get to know the blogger by reading the weblog.Finally, we investigate the weblog-readers meaning to the blogger, as well as their possibleimpact on both his or her personal blog-content and the everyday-life.The empirical material consists of half-structured interviews via MSN Messengerwith nine informants, being bloggers found on the Swedish website bloggportalen.se. Thetheoretical framework behind the interview guide focuses on the identity concept, containingidentity theories in psychological and sociological perspectives, symbolic interactionismconcerning the concept of roles, as well as Bauman?s liquid theory on postmodern societytendencies. This material is further included in related previous research articles, derived fromboth international and Swedish databases.

Projekt - Malmö Aviation Underhållsprogram

An airline company that operates with its fleet needs to ensure that maintenance of a following and certain standard will be implemented. In this project we have sorted and divided the various working procedures of Malmö Aviation into Work Packs. These procedures are mandatory and must therefore be implemented in order to keep the aircraft airworthy at any time. Our task was to optimize and sort these working procedures by zone, panels, access and down time. We have created a maintenance program which Malmö Aviation can use and we have sorted their working procedures in B and C- Checks.Maintenance procedures that did not fit into our Work Packs have been gathered and sent back to Malmö Aviation for further inspection.This project has required a lot of extra reading in manuals and we have had a great insight into the complexity of a technical organization such as Malmö Aviation..

Strategiska partnerskap mellan banker och byggföretag. ? En studie av Stockholms aktörer.

This study is an initial attempt to investigate the relationship between banks and developers in Stockholm and its regions. It gives a good impression about the field of construction and project developments in terms of the finance and the negotiations associated with these types of projects. Main actors of the Stockholm?s construction financing market were of major interest for this study. On this regard, the relationships and ramifications of this group were investigated by using a qualitative and quantitative research method.

Konkurrensmedel inom Outdoorbranschen : En studie i hur man kan förbättra samarbetet mellan leverantörer och återförsäljare inom den svenska Outdoorbranschen

Problem: Vilka samarbetsfaktorer är viktiga för små svenska Outdoorleverantörer för långsiktig överlevnad på en konkurrensutsatt marknad?Syfte: Att analysera och utvärdera olika samarbetsfaktorer mellan leverantörer och återförsäljare inom den svenska Outdoorbranschen.Teori: Involveringsteori, Transaktionsmarknadsföring, Relationsmarknadsföring, Nätverksteori, Organisationsmodellen, Den värdeskapande processen och Totalkommunikation.Metod: Kvalitativ undersökning, deduktion, primärdata, intervjuer, semistrukturerad intervjuguide med kompletterande slutna frågor, strategiskt urval.Empiri: Haglöfs Scandinavia AB, Lundhags Skomakarna AB, Houdini Sportswear AB, Klättermusen AB, Playground Nordic AB, Addnature AB och Alewalds Sport AB.Resultat: Författarna upplever Ourdoorbranschen som en avslappnad och harmonisk bransch där social kompetens blir en viktig faktor för att skapa samarbeten över huvud taget. Leverantörer bör fokusera på leveranshantering, säljstöd och utbildning. Viktiga egenskaper hos leverantören för ett bra samarbete är ärlighet och öppenhet som bidrar till en bra kommunikation.Slutsats: Då vi lever i en föränderlig värld är den lojalitet som man bygger upp genom interaktion och samarbeten av stor betydelse för små Outdoorleverantörer på den svenska marknaden. Skall man som leverantör överleva långsiktigt måste man jobba mer kring förståelsen för att driva branschen in i en utvecklande fas och inte förlita sig helt på den tillväxt som branschen länge haft.

BAJT : Digital teknik i hemmiljö

The northern province of Sweden has in both literature and film been depictured as something foreign and mythical, unlike the rest of the country. It has been my purpose to show in this essay that the systematic categorization of Norrland and its literature reveals multiple criteria known to define the colonial era. By reading the novel Stallo by author Stefan Spjut with postcolonial structures in mind I aim to show how the author uses Swedish mythology and through the presence of The Other criticizes colonial structures in place to this day. By examining the gothic atmosphere I intend to indicate how the trolls in the novel figures as both a horror element as well as a representation of nature itself. It is my belief that the author by further reinforcing the mythological in relation to Norrland addresses the problem at hand.

Hur arbetar n?gra speciall?rare efter l?sscreening f?r att elever i ?rskurs F-3 ska utvecklas mot en god l?sf?rm?ga? En kvalitativ intervjustudie.

Nationella m?tningar visar att svenska elevers l?sf?rm?ga f?rs?mrats under 2000-talet trots att skolor har blivit b?ttre p? att identifiera elevers l?ssv?righeter. Syftet med studien ?r att unders?ka hur n?gra speciall?rare med specialisering mot spr?k-, skriv- och l?sutveckling som arbetar p? skolor med god m?luppfyllelse i svenska, beskriver att de planerar, genomf?r, f?ljer upp och vill utveckla insatser i l?sundervisningen i ?rskurs F-3 efter att l?sscreening gjorts f?r att elever med l?ga resultat ska utvecklas mot en god l?sf?rm?ga. De centrala fr?gest?llningar studien fokuserar p? ?r hur speciall?rare beskriver att de anv?nder elevers testresultat f?r att planera och genomf?ra insatser efter l?sscreeningen, hur de beskriver att de f?ljer upp insatser samt hur de skulle vilja utveckla detta arbete.

Bibliotekarier i Dagens Nyheter ? En diskursanalytisk studie

The aim of this thesis was to examin how librarians arepresented in the Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter.My research questions were: How are librarians and thelibrarian profession presented in articles in DagensNyheter? and What discourses can be identified in thearticles?I have analysed 69 articles from between 2012-01-01 and2013-01-01 by using discourse analysis as both theory andmethod.Three discourses emerged through the analysis: discourseabout librarians and litterature, discourse about librariansand censorship and discourse about librarians and thelabour market.The conclusions drawn from this study are that librariansare strongly associated with litterture and reading and withthe labour market. There are also clear tendencies thatlibrarians whish to change the old, stereotypical images thatthey are associated with, and do so by using humor..

Doktorander och e-böcker ? en användarundersökning

The purpose of this thesis is to study the usage of and attitudes towards electronic books among graduate and PhD students at Karlstad University. The main questions are: How do graduate and PhD students use electronic books? To what extent are electronic books used compared to printed books? To find the answers, a user study was carried out at Karlstad University library. The results show that a majority of the respondents are aware of the possibility to use electronic books but prefer to use printed ones if they have to choose. Many respondents also complained about difficulties reading a text on the computer screen.

Clashes and Education in Timor Leste

The purpose of this qualitative thesis is to describe and analyse the implementation of an education system in the newly independent state, Timor Leste. One question to be discussed is whether an emergency phase is still going on in the development of a functioning school system, or if Timor Leste already reached a capacity building phase? Via the participant's answers in field observations and interviews, the study analyses the clashes between generations, social classes and different levels in relation to the choice of Portuguese as an official language and the international environment in the country. The thesis concludes that a lot of work remains in creating a fully functioning education system. We enjoyed the writing - and hope you will enjoy the reading!.

Vem lånar vad? - En användarundersökning bland låntagarna av skönlitteratur vid Sundbybergs stadsbibliotek

The purpose of this study was to find out what kind of fiction 120 borrowers at Sundbyberg'stown library borrow and how they obtain information about the existence of the books theywant to borrow.I have carried out an inquiry among those visiting the fiction area of the library and alsointerviewed three librarians. To be able to compare my results with other more extensivesurveys, I have studied some literature about, e.g. reading and library habits. Furthermore, Ihave read articles about fiction at libraries and culture politics. I came to the conclusion thatcrime novels are the most popular kind of fiction whereas science fiction and fantasy fictionare the least popular ones.

Sight : Belysning för hotellmiljö

Projektet har haft som syfte att i samarbete med Örsjö Belysning AB ta fram en vägghängd armatur för hotell som ska ha funktion som ljus till att läsa vid sängen. Lampan har haft krav på hållbar utveckling. Lampan har en energieffektiv ljuskälla, vald med hänsyn till sitt syfte, och ingående material har valts med stark miljöhänsyn. Form och funktion har varit viktiga begrepp och har parallellt följts åt i projektet. Produkten har konstruerats för en okomplicerad isärtagning så att delarna enkelt kan sorteras och återvinnas vid armaturens avslutade användning..

"Rabarbers" - Processen med texten

The essay is an analysis of the theatrical and dramatic aspects to a playtext. Based on the production and manuscript Rhubarb by Maria Blom.With the essay I intend to answer the following questions: What happens to the manuscript Rhubarb during the transformation from being a dramatic text to becoming a theatrical text? What are the similarities and differences between reading a manuscript and watching the performance of a play?The essay is based on literature, two interviews with Maria Blom and the manuscript to Rhubarb by Maria Blom. Besides two versions of the script I also had the opportunity to watch videotaped material from the original production. And I compared the original cast of Rhubarb with twoamateurproductions of the play..

?Anti-vertigo-systemet behöver kalibreras? : En undersökning av Bamsetidningens läsbarhet i förhållande till målgruppen

Learning words have shown to be a very crucial part of learning a second language and the one most important factor to make pupils with Swedish as a second language succeed in school. To make sure that all pupils get the right conditions to learn from all subjects and their entire content a wide vocabulary is necessary. Even so it is found that there are shortcomings regarding this kind of teaching in Swedish schools.Through interviews and observations of two teachers that teach pupils with Swedish as a second language, and also with a short reading test for the pupils, the possible strategies that these teachers use for learning words have been studied. The result shows that the teachers are using several strategies and that they are actively working with transmitting these to the pupils, but there are some areas that need developing..

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