

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 32 av 100

Bibliotek + skola = sant? : Föreställningar och föreskrifter om samarbete mellan folkbibliotek, skolbibliotek och skola samt om barns läsning

AbstractIn this master´s thesis I primarily investigate librarians´ and teachers´ conceptions of collaboration between libraries and schools and their conceptions of childrens´reading. Secondary I investigate the contents of laws concerning libraries and schools and also the school curriculums concerning the subject field of the Swedish language. My theoretical point of departure is that of social constructionism. I use two models in my analysis. One is a model of collaboration created by Patricia Montiel-Overall, called TLC (Teacher Librarian Collaboration), which grades collaboration from the lowest level (A) to the highest (D).

God åkermark eller fet och fruktbar mylla? Om två sätt att översätta Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings till svenska.

This essay concerns the fantastic and its position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.

Jag bara lärde mig! : En studie om typografi i läromedel för läsinlärning

We studied the initial process of reading, with a focus on typography, whether it ispossible to increase childrens lust to read in the age six to seven years old, byadjusting the typography and graphic design. We conduct this study through qualitative and quantitative studies, mainlyinterviews with a main focus on children in this particular age were used. In additionto the interviews a questioniare were sent out to a selection of students. The studyalso contained an interview with a pedagogue as well as studies of the current andexisting textbooks and teaching aids that is used on the school we are looking into.During the study we consulted educated pedagogues to get an understanding of thechildren and their learning and to be able to approach them in a suitable way.The theories we have been using were mainly from a typographic point of view.Other areas we explored were theories about reading processes. This study showedthat every child needs a method that is suitable for them and that the materialprovided today is typographically inconsistent. The childrens and teachers needs andwishes in typography did not correspond with the current teaching aids design. From this study the followning points were made about how to design a textbook forchildren in the first grade:? The typeface should be a sans serif.? The point size should be bigger than 12 points.? Text should be aligned to the left.? Sentences should be short without becoming abstract.? To maintain focus on the text the layout should be simple and unbarked.? The format should be designed after the pourpose of the publication, forexample when it is a complement to the textbook, the format should be of suchcharacter that it is easy for the children to bring home.? There should be a typographical consistency through all of the materialsprovided to the children..

Testeffekten som medel för att förbättra läsförståelse?

Swedish school children exhibit deteriorating knowledge results in terms of reading comprehension. Previous research shows that a method to increase the level of knowledge is the use of evidence-based learning techniques. Test based learning generates what is commonly referred to as a test effect, which proved to strengthen the relationship between learning and memory, as well as being applicable to various test formats. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether test based learning, in terms of learning english words leads to increased performance in a reading comprehension test, more specifically a cloze test. The study was based on a within-group design and was conducted three times over four weeks.

USA och Indien: ett växande strategiskt partnerskap och makt som balanserar

The study focus on the development of the bilateral relationship between India and the United States and the Next Step in Strategic Partnership (NSSP) from 2004 and the change in U.S. approach to India's neuclear program. With the rise of China to potential great power status I argue that the cooporation between the two is an act to balance the Chinese influence and to prevent future rivalry and a Chinese dominance of the East Asia. For the study I have used concepts and theorys from the realist tradition, in particular theorys of Balance of power and alliance forming..

Varför läser pojkar så lite skönlitteratur? : Vilka orsaker ger de själva?

I have in this thesis looked at the reasons for why boys, in upper school classes, read so little fiction. Several surveys show that boys in their teenage years stop reading fiction. If they read fiction it is only as a school assignment and not as leisure. There has been research done in boys attitude towards literature, but there hasn?t been any research done asking them about why they don?t read fictionI have interviewed a group of boys about their reasons, and attitude, for why they don?t choose to read fiction on their spare time after school.

Det splittrade subjektet : En analys av Marx filosofiska grund genom Kritiken av Hegels Rättsfilosofi

In the Philosophy of Right Hegel develops the concept Sittlichkeit (Ethical life) that represents Hegel´s view of how the State should be constituted. In Critique of Hegel?s ´Philosophy of Right` Marx provides a critical so called ?Prussian? reading of Hegel as ultimately a defense for the Prussian empire of that time. The study focuses on a close reading of the chapter on the state, which includes the paragraphs 257-313 in the Philosophy of Right. It examines how Marx?s philosophy developed from this Criticism including some of his basic concepts, notably Gemeinwesen and Gattungswesen, that he takes over from Hegel and includes in his own theories of human alienation.

Fiktion och Icke-fiktion i Göteborgshändelserna är en roman som är skriven av Jörgen Gassilewski och utgiven av Albert Bonniers Förlag

This essay concerns the fantastic and its position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.

Informationshantering hos personer med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och dyslexi : Hur personer med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och dyslexi hanterar och bearbetar information i arbetslivet

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how individuals with reading- and writing disabilities and dyslexia handle their information need in the workplace. The method that has been used is a qualitative study made with interviews with individuals who have these problems, to see how they think and feel about the flow of information on their everyday basis. The study?s respondents are working women between the ages of 27 and 47 years old and they have reading- and writing disabilities and dyslexia. The most interesting results of this study are that the respondents are avoiding jobs where they need to read and write much and where they also do not like changes in their job situation.

Stor problematik på liten yta : Att skriva informationsmaterial för skattefinansierade verksamheter

The purpose of this thesis has been about processing an already existing folder for a tax funded organization which is also the employer for this mission ? Expectrum. The reason is that both Expectrum themselves and the recievers of the folder are unhappy with the existing material. The critic that has been directed to Expectrum is that the recievers have trouble understanding what Expectrum is and what they do. Based on qualitative methods such as interviews and text analysis I?ve been able to answer my questions for this thesis.

"Nu kommer hunden!" : Aktionsforskning om barn som läser för hundar med syfte att utveckla lässtunderna på svenska bibliotek

This master´s thesis in Library and Information Science examines the experiences of children who read to a dog. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the interactions between the librarian, the readingdog-handler, the child-ren and the dogs and what the benefits from the interactions might be. The aim is also to examine how the child-ren express their literacy during the readingsessions and how to develop the readingsessions at a specific library. The author follows a reading dog project for seven weeks, in collaboration with a specific school and library. Action research was used as a research strategy, and since action research is done on the basis of practice, a coll-laboration with the participating children, the librarian and the readingdog-handler was significant in this study.The theoretical framework concists of theory and concepts from the sociocultural theory developed by Ro-ger Säljö, and human-animal studies with concepts from Donna Haraway.

Hopp som i hare : Om undanträngningens roll i arbetet med min diktsamling

AbstractThe aim of this essay is to analyse what roll repression has had in the making of my unpublished collection of poems entitled Hopp som i hare. I examine how the autobiographical subject abortion has influenced the writing process and the outcome of the poems. By presenting literature that?s been important in the making of the collection I show some thoughts and ideas about Post Abortion Stress Disorder, a diagnosis without scientific grounds. In a discussion I go through the whole writing process from subject and genre choice through the revisions till the final version that were sent to be commented by the class in creative writing at Växjö University 2008.

Perspektiv på barns högläsning : En studie av barns felläsningar och läsförståelse i skolår 2.

Denna studie, som har en experimentell karaktär, handlar om högläsning i skolår 2. Syftet består i att ta reda på vad som skiljer starka och svaga läsares högläsning åt, samt att undersöka i vilken mån ett medvetet arbete med att göra en obekant text meningsfull kan påverka högläsningen och läsförståelsen i positiv bemärkelse. Dessutom vill jag ta reda på hur olika teorier om läsning kan redogöra för resultaten av ovanstående. För att uppnå dessa mål formulerades följande frågeställningar. (1) Vad skiljer starka och svaga läsare åt beträffande felläsningar och läsförståelse i deras högläsning av en obekant text? (2) Kan en vuxenledd preview-session (förberedande samtal) påverka felläsningarna och läsförståelsen i positiv bemärkelse? (3) Hur kan svaren på ovanstående frågor tolkas utifrån å ena sidan ett whole language-perspektiv och å andra sidan utifrån den nyare läsforskningen? Fyra barn, två starka och två svaga läsare, har deltagit i experimentet.

Stökiga, bråkiga, ouppfostrade och störande elever

I vårt examensarbete skrev vi allenast om elever som redan har diagnos ADHD. Vi valde att undersöka och studera de pedagogiska strategier som lärare använde sig av gällande läs-, skriv- och talutveckling hos elever som har ADHD. För att anpassa skoluppgifterna till elever som har ADHD fanns det många fakta, tips och idéer. Våra frågeställningar handlade om läs-, skriv- och talutveckling, undervisning, klassrumsmiljö och utbildning. Litteraturen som vi har läst poängterar vikten av att vuxna, såsom lärare och föräldrar, skall utbilda och vidareutbilda sig.

Läs-och skrivlärande i grundskolan och särskolan : Två lärare beskriver sitt arbete i svenska

My purpose in this paper is to study teachers' work in reading and writing in primary school and special school. I want to find out if they use the same methods, strategies and materials to help students learn to read and write. I will find out the answer to my purpose by performing two qualitative observation and two qualitative interviews. Lundberg (2010) is the researcher I relate to during my study. Through observation, I see how teachers work with students in the classroom during a lesson in the Swedish language. During the interviews, I received answers to how teachers work with language, the materials, methods and strategies they use. I found out that teachers use specific strategies when they help their students. They use a work material that is tailored to curriculum in Swedish language and it is based on the phonics method. .

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