

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 33 av 100

Berättandets betydelse i förskolan : En undersökning av pedagogers syn på och tillämpning av berättande för att främja barns språkutveckling

AbstractThis study investigates the impact of storytelling for children's language development in preschool from a sociocultural perspective. The purpose is to find what narrative methods teachers use to promote children's language development. I also want to examine whether the children are involved in the storytelling. To get answers to my questions which include what methods teachers use, narrative meaning and function, and their children's participation, I have used qualitative interviews with four preschool teachers at four different preschools.The results of my survey show that teachers use a variety of methods at storytelling. The most common methods were reading, rhymes and daily storytelling while eating.

Perspektiv på läsning : En högstadielärare och sex av hans elever om skönlitteratur i svenskämnet

This essay is about literature instruction in the last three years of Sweden?s compulsory school from one teacher?s and six of his pupils? perspective. The research is analysed from a socio-cultural perspective on learning and literature reception.The empiric material is based on interviews with the teacher and six of his students.The research shows that there is a difference between what the pupils read on their spare time and what they read during Swedish instruction. It also shows that the pupils wants literature full of action where descriptions of people and the setting don?t slow down the reading experience.The teacher is successful in finding literature the pupils appreciate but sees the value of literature on another level ? in the processing of the reading experience.

Pojkars och flickors värderande uttryck i narrativa texter. : En studie av elevtexter i årskurs nio.

This study is based on my work as a teacher of Swedish language and literature to upper secondary school students, and my interest in developing the teaching of literature by using both new criticism theories and theories of literary perception focusing on reader response. The purpose of the study is to examine the learning process in trying to develop literary competence and to find out how to describe the competence shown by the students. My starting-point is a discussion about literary competence and the theory and model of literary competence by Örjan Torell. In examining literary competence, by how students use their constitutional competence as well as performance and literary transfer competences, Torell´s model shows the possibility and the need for both knowledge of literature and personal reception by focusing on the dialogue between author and reader.The method is qualitative and the empirics are material collected in one senior high school class in the Social Science programme during their second and third year. The material contains written reading logs, written answers to tasks and transcribed recordings of discussions of literature.The analysis shows a variety among the literary competence shown and developed by the students and points to the complexity of understanding the concept of literary competence.

Boken som bot och bildning : En studie av biblioteksservice inom kriminalvården med fokus på kontakten mellan fäder och barn

This two years master´s thesis examines how books and literature can strengthen the contact between imprisoned fathers and their children, and the connection between the treatment of offenders and education in Sweden. The methods used are interviews and textual analysis. The theoretical starting points are influenced by Bernt Gustavssons works concerning the concept of education (the Swedish term ?bildning?) and Foucaults thoughts on the subject of power and its relation to knowledge and resistance.Through history many attempts have been made to ?cure? those who commit criminal acts by educating them, at first to enable them to get employed after serving their sentence, the education thus being for the greater good of the society in general, but since the 1940?s the aim has shifted towards education for the individuals own personal development and readjustment to society.The findings indicate that the service provided to prisons by public libraries play an important role for the inmates, as a source of books for amusement and diversion as well as providing the means for education. This thesis examines four reading programmes in prison, in order to establish their place in the tradition of education within the Swedish penal system.

Läsförståelse i skolan : En kvalitativ enkätstudie om lärares undervisning i läsförståelse i årskurs 1-3

I denna rapport baserad på kvalitativ enkätstudie presenterar vi lärares syn på undervisning i läsförståelse.  Studien har genomförts på 9 olika skolor med lärare från årskurs 1-3. I kunskapsöversikten belyser vi vikten av att ha läsförståelse, samt hur detta kan uppnås med olika metoder och arbetssätt, detta presenterar vi utifrån flera forskare, bland annat Lundberg (2010), Lundberg och Herrlin (2009) och Westlund (2009). I kunskapsöversikten framgår det även hur svenska elevers läsförståelse framstår i ett internationellt perspektiv, utifrån undersökningar som PISA 2009 och PIRLS 2006 som skolverket har publicerat. Elevers läsförståelse har enligt undersökningarna sjunkit till en lägre nivå jämfört med tidigare år.  Vidare erhåller studien en teoretisk inramning utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv i relation till Vygotskijs proximala utvecklingszon.I resultatet framgår det att lärarnas främsta inverkansfaktor på val av arbetssätt och metod är elevens individuella utvecklings- och intressenivå.

Läsutveckling : En studie av elever i år 4

Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka, analysera och diskutera lärarens, elevers och föräldrars medvetenhet och engagemang om elevernas progression inom läsinlärningen. Analys och slutsatser byggde vi på våra resultat och modern forskning om barns språkinlärning. Detta gjorde vi med hjälp av en klass bestående av 1 lärare, 19 elever och deras föräldrar. Vi använde oss av kartläggningsmetoderna God Läsutveckling och Ordkedjor, enkäter och intervju. Resultatet av vår studie visade att kartläggningsmetoden var betydelsefull, men metodvalet inte var det avgörande för läsutvecklingen hos eleverna.

skönlitteratur i det flerspråkiga klassrummet

The aim of this paper is to examine why Swedish teachers and multilingual secondary   school pupils think it is important to read fiction, how Swedish teachers work with fiction in the multicultural classroom and how they motivate their multilingual pupils to read more by adapting fiction to their capabilities and experiences. We have done interviews with four Swedish teachers and 12 multilingual pupils. The following questions are the starting point of this essay:Why do Swedish teachers and multilingual pupils think that it is important to read fiction?  ?How can the Swedish teachers in the multicultural classroom motivate their multilingual pupils to read more fiction?The result of this paper showed that both the Swedish teachers and the multilingual pupils thought it was important to read fiction because it partly gives themselves the opportunity to acquaint with other cultures and it helps them to improve their language. The teachers motivate their multilingual pupils by reading out loud, reading in groups and by minimizing language difficulties that may occur in the fiction.

Att undervisa i läsförståelse : En studie om lärares uppfattningar om läsförståelseutveckling och läsförståelseundervisning

Studien syftar till att undersöka lärares uppfattningar om läsförståelseutveckling och om hur läsförståelseundervisning. Det är en kvalitativ studie inspirerad av fenomenografisk metodansats med halvstrukturerade intervjuer som datainamlingsmetod. Resultatet visar att det finns en variation i lärares uppfattningar om vad som utvecklar läsförståelse och hur läsförståelseundervisning ska genomföras. Det som framkommer i intervjuerna med pedagogerna är att de flesta vill och försöker arbeta medvetet med sin läsförståelseundervisning men att det till stor del förekommer mest implicit undervisning. Resultatet påvisar en tendens till att eleverna blir sittande att genomföra uppgifter på egen hand eller i par och pedagogen blir instruktionsgivare och kontrollant istället för undervisare och övervakare av elevernas läsning.

Vuxenstuderande med funktionsnedsättning

More and more people in our society take part in adult education. In this study, eight students in adult education, the majority with a diagnosis such as ADHD and/or reading- and writing disorders/dyslexia,have been interviewed about their current study situation. The interviews have so party treated topics related to earlier schooling and the future. Earlier studies and available literature is to a large extent written from the perspective of children?s and adolescents? study situation and the question is if this is applicable to students in adult education.

Bygga broar mellan kulturer: En studie av skönlitteratur, identitet och integrationsprocess

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to explore the meaning of literature forliterate immigrants in regards to identity and integration. The study is based onqualitative interviews with eight Swedes of various backgrounds, but with thecommon experience of an immigration process. In addition to being migrants, therespondents are also public library users who have an interest in literature and whoread literature during their leisure time. To analyze the empirical material ananalytical framework, consisting of a number of analytical concepts from Libraryand Information Science, Literature Science, and Sociology, has been used.

Med små steg in i kommunalpolitiken : Kvinnors politiska intåg i Katrineholm 1922-1994

This essay is about literature instruction in the last three years of Sweden?s compulsory school from one teacher?s and six of his pupils? perspective. The research is analysed from a socio-cultural perspective on learning and literature reception.The empiric material is based on interviews with the teacher and six of his students.The research shows that there is a difference between what the pupils read on their spare time and what they read during Swedish instruction. It also shows that the pupils wants literature full of action where descriptions of people and the setting don?t slow down the reading experience.The teacher is successful in finding literature the pupils appreciate but sees the value of literature on another level ? in the processing of the reading experience.

Barnlitteratur och läslust : I vilken utsträckning används barnlitteraturen inom nya zeeländska läsmetoden

Läsning av barnlitteratur anses i den svenska läroplanen vara en viktig del av undervisningen då den kan bidra till personlighetsutveckling, kulturell förståelse och motivation till vidare läsning. Att lära sig läsa är en förutsättning för att kunna tillgodogöra sig skönlitteraturen. Ett sätt är genom läsinlärningsmetoden whole language som med hjälp av kiwiböckerna fått genomslag i flera svenska skolor. Kiwimaterialet är ämnat för att skapa läsförståelse samt läsintresse och är baserat på småböcker från Nya Zeeland. Då både val av läsinlärningsmetod och barnlitteratur är viktiga delar i elevers läsutveckling, väcktes en undran om det går att sammanföra traditionell barnlitteraturläsning med kiwiböckernas systematiska upplägg och färdiga bokmaterial.

Det berättande spelet : En studie om berättande datorspel och dess filmatiseringar

A paranoid and shameful reading of Inger Christensens novel Azorno.The contagious feelings of paranoia and shame played a vital part in my first reading of the novel Azorno, written by the Danish poet Inger Christensen. In this essay, I?m letting those emotions direct the ?understanding? and analysis of the novel. In earlier research the focus has been to comprehend what the novel ?really is about?, and even though it has been mentioned that the form probably is a way to make the reader a visible constructer of  the novel?s ?meaning? the understanding has never been created by the affects that occurs during the reading.

Att få upp ögonen för faktaboksfrågan : En kartläggning av bibliotekariers förmedling av faktaböcker på bokprat

The purpose of this Master's thesis is to study how children's and youth librarians mediate non-fiction books in public libraries. Our overarching research question is as follows: to which extent, how, and for what reasons do children's and youth librarians mediate non-fiction? We have chosen to limit our study to the practice of booktalking.In order to answer questions on extent we conducted a quantitative survey of booktalking children's and youth librarians in Skåne. To answer our other questions on behaviour and attitudes we conducted observations and interviews with six librarians who include non-fiction in booktalks for children in primary school. As a way to study behaviour we examined librarians' selection criteria and methods.

"... som om varje tonfall bävade av dold rörelse..." : Om debutsamlingen Från Skåne av Victoria Benedictsson ur ett maskulinitetsperspektiv

The aim of this essay is to examine how men is portrayed in three short stories, ?En omvändelsehistoria?, ?Far och son? and ?Jeppa?, from the debut Från Skåne by Victoria Benedictsson. I also investigate the ideas of masculinity during the 1880s. Unmanliness, paternity and manly tears are other concepts that I have been examining with close?reading as the method.

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