

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 31 av 100

Handel som vapen mot fattigdom : Är Economic Partnership Agreements en dröm, en lögn, eller en möjlighet?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa olika uppfattningar om den internationella handelns betydelse för fattiga länder, samt att undersöka om EU:s Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) är en möjlighet eller ett hinder för fattiga länders utveckling. Frågeställningarna är:1.Hur kan internationell handel påverka fattigdom och utveckling?2.Hur kan EPA påverka de fattiga länder som avtalen berör?Det finns många olika teorier om hur handel uppkommer och fungerar. Merkantilismen menar att export är bättre för ett land än import. Liberalismen ligger i grunden för hur det ekonomiska samhället är uppbyggt med handel och konkurrens.

Läsa för att lära : Om lärares och elevers inställning till skönlitteratur som verktyg i främmandespråksundervisning på gymnasiet

The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers and pupils experience the use of fictional literature as a tool for language development in the teaching of English as a foreign language. Through surveys and interviews and with Vygotsky?s theory on development in a social environment as a theoretical base, I examine which methods are used to promote language development and also which functions pupils and teachers consider fictional literature to have in the teaching of English. Results show that teachers consider fiction to be among the top methods to get pupils to learn English. Teachers and pupils both favour the use of fun and stimulating reading activities as well as group activities where learning is social to go along with the reading of fiction.

Dyslexi : En studie om huruvida klasslärare i f-3 anser sig ha tillräckliga kunskaper om dyslexi

The purpose of this study is to investigate if the class teachers believe that their education has given them enough knowledge about dyslexia in order to succeed a successful education for these pupils. It will present what four class teachers and two special education teachers has answered what they know about dyslexia. The study aims to find out if class teachers believe that they have enough knowledge to determine whether a pupil has dyslexia. If they have knowledge of appropriate methods and if they know how to prevent that pupils fall behind in their literacy and also what factors they believes makes it problematic to implement a literacy for these pupils. I propose the following questions:Do the class teachers consider that their education has given them sufficient knowledge of dyslexia and its characteristics?What methods does the class teachers and special education teachers considers as useful for pupils with dyslexia?What does the class teachers consider can prevent that pupils with dyslexia fall behind in their reading and writing skills?What factors consider class teachers and special education teachers is problematic to to succeed a reading and writing education for pupils with dyslexia?This study is based on a qualitative method and my theoretical approach is based on Høien and Lundberg established view of what dyslexia is.

Alla olika, lika unika : En litteraturvetenskaplig studie med utgångspunkt i begreppet ?vi och dem?

I denna uppsats undersöks hur begreppet ?vi och dem? manifesteras i tre romaner med utgångspunkt i en samhällskontext. I studien används Franco Morettis (Elektronisk källa: 8.10.2012) analysmetod, ?distant reading?, vilket innebär att man bortser från detaljer och istället fokuserar på helheten. Syftet har således varit att belysa begreppet ?vi och dem? i romanerna Om jag kunde drömma (Meyer, 2005), Hungerspelen (Collins, 2008) samt Ett öga rött (Khemiri, 2003).

?Faktion? eller ?dubbelkontrakt?. en studie av receptionen av Den högsta kasten och Regissören

This essay concerns the fantastic and its position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.

Skenet från den nedåtvända facklan. Analyser av tre dikter av Bruno K. Öijer

This essay concerns the fantastic and its position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.

Bookcrossing ? vad är det? En kvalitativ användarstudie av bookcrossare

The purpose of this thesis was to explore the phenomenon called bookcrossing. To fulfill this I have asked the following research questions: Why do people participate in bookcrossing?What functions do books have for bookcrossers? The method used is qualitative, semi structured interviews. Four active bookcrossers have been interviewed. These interviews revealed that bookcrossing as an activity in a medium sized town is very small.

?Man försöker haka på något? - Om gymnasiebibliotekariers professionsroll i arbetet med elevers läsförståelse och deras roll i skolans pedagogiska verksamhet

This paper conducts a qualitative examination based on interviews with four high school librarians. The purpose is to illustrate their professional role in proportion to that of the teachers from working with students? reading comprehension and from their role, if any, in the school?s educational activity. The work is based on the following questions:- How does the high school librarian describe his or her work to increase the students' reading comprehension and contribute to their reading development?- How does the high school librarian describe his or her involvement in the schools? educational activity?- How can one understand the high school librarians' relation to the teachers with reference to the librarians? jurisdiction and the formal and actual legitimacy of the school library profession?The theoretical framework constitutes of the concept of jurisdiction and of formal and actual legitimacy.

Läsinlärning och läsinlärningsmetoder : En kvalitativ studie om verksamma lärares val av läsinlärningsmetoder för läsinlärning hos barn i klasserna Fk-3

This study centres on learning to read and methods for teaching reading skills. The aim is to provide a survey of the concept reading skills and the methods developed on the basis of different theories and the methods preferred when teaching children in primary school and why. The study is based on interviews with eight teachers who are working on a dailybasis teaching Swedish in preschool class or lower primary school. The result of my study is that the majority of teachers do not use a specific method, but rather combine several different methods, thus adapting instruction to each individual pupil. .

Mångkultur i litteratur och i skola : Hur arbetar lärare med barn- och ungdomslitteratursom skildrar mångkultur?

Abstract Our society is becoming increasingly multicultural and so are our schools. This study raises the question of how teachers are working to promote multi-culture and how they can create an understanding of the diversity in the classroom. One way is to use the literature. Literature is already well integrated by many teachers and widely used by pupils. By making use of literature related to multi-culture, pupils can get a deeper understanding of our society.

Modersmål genom barnböcker : en kvalitativ studie om modersmålsstödet på en förskola

The purpose of my study has been to find out how mother tongue teachers working in preschools where a majority of the children have a mother tongue other than Swedish make use of fictional children?s books during the mother tongue support lessons. In order to determine this, I am asking the following questions:- What is the range of children's books in the children's mother tongue available at the preschool?- In what ways are the native language teachers encouraging literacy development through the usage of children's books?- How do native language teachers view the childrens? linguistic development as well as the enhancement of cultural identity through the usage of the books?These questions have formed the basis of the methodical approach, which is based on a qualitative research method. The data collection consists of three parts; the observation of mother tongue support, interviews with language teachers as well as with the nursery manager and lastly a survey of children's books in languages other than Swedish at the preschool.The essay has as its theoretical basis the socio-cultural view of learning and development.

Språkförmågor hos barn som deltar i läsfrämjande aktivitet

In a school for children from 6-9 years in a small town in the southeast of Sweden, is areading activity program in progress since 8 years. The original purpose of this program wasto enhance the student?s reading interest. All of the students read at least one book a week andthen they review the book in front of the class.The purpose of the present study was to examine vocabulary, word retrieving, narrative skillsand grammatical abilities in children in this school. The objectives were to investigate if thechosen language abilities in these children were different compared to normative data andearlier studies in children at comparable ages.

På väg att bli vuxen: unga flickors upplevelser och uppfattningar om bibliotek

The purpose of this Masters thesis has been to examine the importance of libraries for girls leisure time in secondary school. Focus has been on the use of the library as a leisure activity. Interviews were carried out with six girls of the ages 13 to 16. The conclusion of the study is that the library is of importance for the girls mostly through its books. Reading turned out to be an important leisure activity for the girls and the books provided by the library were of significance for their identity development.

Gör skolbibliotekarien någon skillnad? En studie av skolbibliotekariens betydelse för unga elevers läs- och språkutveckling

The purpose of this study is to investigate? how a professional librarian can support the work with pupils, age six to twelve years, in their reading and linguistic development? how the conditions at the school have to be for this to become possible? what kind of attitudes the teachers have, and how they relate to the impact of a librarian for the pupils reading and linguistic development.The methods used are analyses of steering documents concerning school libraries and analyses of the means of the local school culture. The latter has been carried out by literature studies and through interviews of eight teachers and two school librarians. The result of the interviews showed a limited insight into how a professional librarian can support and assist teachers and pupils in the work with reading and linguistic development. They also showed the influence of existing traditions and local school culture for the use of a librarian?s services, and also how all the teachers, once they have become used to the services a librarian can provide, now find their support invaluable.

?? att betjäna den vördnadsvärda allmänheten med nonsens.? En uppsats om Clas Livijns roman Spader Dame

This essay concerns the fantastic and its position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.

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