
Mångkultur i litteratur och i skola

Hur arbetar lärare med barn- och ungdomslitteratursom skildrar mångkultur?

Abstract Our society is becoming increasingly multicultural and so are our schools. This study raises the question of how teachers are working to promote multi-culture and how they can create an understanding of the diversity in the classroom. One way is to use the literature. Literature is already well integrated by many teachers and widely used by pupils. By making use of literature related to multi-culture, pupils can get a deeper understanding of our society. A fiction book can be more exciting than a textbook. The reader can identify with the characters in the book and have the opportunity to make a thrilling way to knowledge. By reading and discussing relevant literature, the pupils get a chance to hear others' reflection concerning multi-culture. They may also enhance their vocabulary by reading literature. In the result, we read that it differs a great deal in how teachers make use of literature related to multi-culture. According to an interviewed librarian, there are a lot of titles dealing with this topic.


Kristina Bengtsson

Lärosäte och institution

Karlstads universitet/Estetisk-filosofiska fakulteten


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