

444 Uppsatser om Behavioural Finance - Sida 11 av 30

Revisionsplikten - Byråernas förändrade utbud av tjänster

Syfte: I november år 2010 avskaffas revisionsplikten i Sverige för mindre företag. Med den utgångspunkten grundar sig studien i att studera och identifiera de nya förutsättningarna på revisionsmarknaden efter att revisionsplikten avskaffats.Metod: Uppsatsen är inriktad i ett kvalitativt perspektiv. Empirin som samlats in via personliga intervjuer utgår från teori om revisionspliktens avskaffande, från Europanivå till den svenska lagen, för att sedan mynna ut i en analys och en slutsats.Resultat & slutsats: Undersökningen påvisar att såväl större som mindre revisionsbyråer har haft kundförluster, men bara i enstaka fall och har inte påverkat byråerna i någon större utsträckning. Studien är för tidigt ute för att se någon radikal förändring. .

Gotland ponies on extensive pastures ? a welfare assessment

Swedish farmers have the possibility to be subsidized by EU rural development programme for grazing animals on pastures to promote the biodiversity of flora and fauna. The environmental remedy sometimes does not allow supplementary feed and at the same time the Swedish Animal Welfare Act and the Swedish Agricultural Board?s regulations for animal welfare and protection states that animals, in this case horses, shall be fed with food of good quality and adapted for the species. The regulations also state that they should have an individual feeding regime that enables them to maintain a normal body condition. The aim with this master thesis has been to investigate if it is possible to keep Gotland ponies on extensive pastures, during late spring and summer and still maintain animal welfare. The horses were assessed every fourth week using a welfare assessment protocol developed in line with the Welfare Quality® project (submitted, Viksten et al) where physical, behavioural and resourcebased parameters were observed. Twelve one-year old stallions of the breed Gotland ponies purchased from different breeders were used in the study.

Varför träna?

Med fysisk aktivitet avses all kroppsrörelse som är en följd av skelettmuskulaturens sammandragning och som resulterar i ökad energiförbrukning. Det är bevisat att regelbunden fysisk aktivitet har en mycket positiv verkan på många av kroppens system. Därför är syftet med studien att undersöka samband mellan typ av motivation och fysisk aktivitet bland studenter. Fysisk aktivitet och motivation har därför kopplats till teorier, framförallt self- determination theory (SDT). Resultaten framtogs genom en kvantitativ metod som bestod av en enkätundersökning.

Behandlingsmetoder mot övervikt och fetma hos barn

Overweight and obesity among children and adolescents is increasing. Diseases which earlier occurred exclusively among adults are now also observed among children. There is an urgent need for new treatments that can change this negative trend. The aim of this study was to describe existing treatments for obesity among children in the age of 6-12 and the effect of those treatments. This descriptive literature study is based on 17 research articles published between 2000 and 2007 from different parts in the world.

Traditional market segmentation - an evaluating approach

The purpose of this research is to evaluate traditional market segmentation variables, as criticism has been directed towards these variables. Based on our problem discussion we find it motivating to undertake investigation in order to understand which connotations an ethnographic approach will provide. Methodology:We have applied an ethnographic approach, which has enabled us to attain under the surface knowledge from our respondents. Theoretical perspective:As we wanted to evaluate existing traditional segmentation variables, we decided to only include theory regarding these variables. Empirical data:In order to collect our data, we observed seven respondents at Ikea and conducted observations and in-depth interviews in their homes.

Preventiva åtgärder mot övervikt hos barn och ungdomar : Litteraturstudie.

Statistics regarding children, who are overweight, shows alarming results in many parts of the world. Overweight may cause serious consequences, as for instance heart- and vascular diseases. Research is pointing out that hereditary, social, behavioural and cultural facts may promote developing overweight and it is of great importance to find out how to prevent overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. The purpose of the literature study was to compile primary and secondary preventions against overweight/obesity in children and adolescents. The result showed that prevention through education, recommendations, healthy eating and exercise may be usable in the work to prevent overweight among children and adolescents.

Kapitalstruktur inom Svenska industriföretag : - en studie av Modigliani & Millers teorem

This paper?s objective is to investigate whether Modigliani and Miller (MM) I & II proposition from 1958 with regard to capital structure, is still valid among public Swedish firms.We have chosen the 63 firms on the Stockholm Stock Exchange (OMX) that Affärsvärlden magazine?s general index (AFGX) has categorized as industrial firms. We based this selection on the assumption that these firms are relatively capital intense and have a clear focus on production and, therefore, mainly uses capital structure as a mean to finance their production and not as a means in itself.To be able to fully evaluate these firms we have calculated the current key ratios based each firm?s annual report. To make the figures comparable across the entire population we adjusted them to each firm?s turnover.The results we have reached concur with MM?s proposition I regarding capital structures independence of the firm value.

Risk och osäkerhet på fastighetsmarknaden : London & Stockholm

Background and research problem: The former highly inflationary property market is currently undergoing a stagnation process. Investors have been used to annual growth figures in double digits,but now this is no longer considered to be a realistic outlook for future years. According to a report from PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Urban Land Institute, published by Avanza Wealth Management,the three most attractive markets for property investment in Europe are London, Paris and Stockholm. Because of this the authors have focused their investigation on two companies in the London andStockholm. The authors will additionally use an international bank, an estate agent and a consultancy firm for further information, with regards to the property market and risks associated with these typesof investment in particular.

Preventiva åtgärder mot övervikt hos barn och ungdomar. Litteraturstudie.

Statistics regarding children, who are overweight, shows alarming results in many parts of the world. Overweight may cause serious consequences, as for instance heart- and vascular diseases. Research is pointing out that hereditary, social, behavioural and cultural facts may promote developing overweight and it is of great importance to find out how to prevent overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. The purpose of the literature study was to compile primary and secondary preventions against overweight/obesity in children and adolescents. The result showed that prevention through education, recommendations, healthy eating and exercise may be usable in the work to prevent overweight among children and adolescents.

Ny betygsskala- för elevernas bästa?

This essay is a study of the government bills for a new grading scale in the Swedish schools. There have been many complaints about the current grading scale and the main problem seems to be that teachers are interpreting the criteria for certificates differently. There are two major challenges for Swedish teachers, one is how to interpret the criteria for certificates, the other one is the equality problem , students can not be sure of that two different teachers would give the same grades. The main point of the essay is to try to find out whether the new grading scale will solve this problem. To my help I have made an analysis of the bills of the Swedish government for the new grading scale.

Värdering av varumärkesstarka företag i samband med uppköp: - en empirisk studie av fem svenska företagsförvärv

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how a valuation of a company preceding an acquisition can be affected by the fact that a strong brand is attached to the target company. Techniques to value a company and theories of brands are well developed, but the link between them is partially missing even though the needs to value brands have increased. A case study of five Swedish acquisitions is conducted to identify possible complicating and simplifying factors and how these are handled in the context of a valuation of an acquired company with a strong brand. Important findings are that a decreased volatility of future earnings can lead to more accurate prognoses and valuations due to the existence of a strong brand. A strong brand can, on the other hand, also make the valuation of the target company more difficult due to the fact that it is a subjective asset which increases the overall risk of the company.

Riskpremien, vad ska man tro? : En studie med facit i hand

The market risk premium is one of the most important parameters in finance. Its value and the ways to calculate a risk premium for the market is a widely debated subject. This thesis examines numerous ways of calculating a risk premium for the Swedish market with regard to how good an estimation they make of a real risk premium. Estimations based on historical periods ranging from 20 to 85 years is calculated as well as a premium based on forward-looking estimates. The real risk premium is solved out for a selection of companies and an index with the help of CAPM.

Värdering av förhoppningsföretag en empirisk studie av marknadens värdering av internetrelaterade förhoppningsföretag

Bakgrund: Företag utan vinst, historia och jämförelseobjekt är svåra att värdera med traditionella värderingsmetoder. Debatten kring detta problem har den senaste tiden varit livlig, inte minst gällande internetföretag. Syfte: Identifiera de mekanismer som i huvudsak påverkar marknadens aktörers värdering av förhoppningsföretag, samt förklara hur mekanismerna påverkar aktörernas värdering. Avgränsningar: Vi studerar inte hur mekanismerna rankas av aktörerna eller hur vi ska kunna fastställa hur mycket de påverkar värdet på företaget. Genomförande: Intervjuer har förts med fem professionella aktörer.

Värdet av företagsrating

Background: Increasingly, companies choose to finance their business with corporate bonds which has resulted in an increased demand on credit ratings. As such the rating agencies have a very important role in the financial markets. Examining the value of a credit-rating can be very interesting for both issuer and investor. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify and define the value of rating. Execution: The study is built upon nine interviews with rated and non-rated firms and investors.

Diversifiering och fenomenet Home Bias

Denna uppsats studerar huruvida internationell diversifiering medför några vinster gentemot att följa en inhemsk strategi. Genom analys av dels sverigefonder och dels globalfonder slås det fast att så är fallet. En internationell strategi medför en lägre risk än en sverigekoncentrerad. Uppsatsen undersöker också fenomenet Home Bias, d.v.s. den snedvridning som innebär att en allt för stor andel av kapitalet placeras i hemlandet.

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