

444 Uppsatser om Behavioural Finance - Sida 10 av 30

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The token economy program, which is a method for behaviour modification, has been used worldwide for different groups within different settings in order to vhange behaviour.Research has found the token economy program to be effective. However, research is limited to quantitative and experimental studies, and Swedish research in this field is brief. Nevertheless, the program is used in several institutions n Sweden. A qualitative study in Swedish settings could therefore be useful. The purpose of this paper is to examine the experiences of a token economy program using qualitative interviews.

Prediktioner och förklaringsmodeller för konkurser i aktiebolag - en studie av tre svenska aktiebolag i konkurs

Title: Predictions and explanation models for bankruptcy in stock-companies ? A study of three failed Swedish companies Author: Tim Svanberg Supervisor: Emil Numminen Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of technology Course: Bachelor?s thesis in business administration, 10 credits Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to find explanation for bankruptcy with the help of prediction models. The purpose is also to add explanation by using Behavioral analysis Method: Quantitative research of bankruptcies using financial prediction models and qualitative study of psychological pitfalls. The study is deductive. Results: I found that it is possible to explain the bankruptcies using the prediction models. The behavioural perspective adds further explanation.

Volatiliteten som hjälpmedel vid teknisk anals

Den 1 juli 2007 infördes en ny lag till byggbranschen som innebär att handel av byggtjänster numera ska behandlas med omvänd skattskyldighet. Därav ska inte längre säljare av byggtjänster redovisa moms på sina utgående fakturor utan säljaren ska redovisa både in- och utgående moms. Orsaken bakom laginförandet är den mängd momsfusk som uppmärksammats där säljare av byggtjänster fått inbetalt moms för sina tjänster men inte redovisat den vidare till Skatteverket utan behållt den i egen ficka. Vår uppsats har beskrivit de olika positiva respektive negativa följder laginförandet har medfört..

Driver hushållens skulder konsumtionen? : En jämförande studie av Sverige, Norge, Danmark och Finland

The consumption levels in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway have been rising fo r the last decade. Even after the financial crisis of 2008, consumption levels continued their upward trend, regardless of the recession. The explanation seems to be, at least partly, that households tends to increase their debt ratio in order to continue the same standard of living as before in terms of consumption. It is clear, based of our results, that there is a connection between increased consumption and debt ratio for households. And the consequences of allowing loans to finance a sustained or increasing consumption may ultimately be difficult to manage.

Securitization as An Alternative Tool of Financing Student Loans ? A Case Study for CSN

The purpose of the study is to highlight the issue of student loans securitization, and assure the importance and benefits that could be realized by performing such a transaction. The methodology is a case study for The National Board of Student Aid. It is a qualitative study, mainly using interviews, literature and scientific articles. By using this information we construct a securitization transaction structure ?CSN 2006-1?, and conduct a cost/benefit analysis.

Inverkan av leasingklassificering på konkursrisk - en studie av hur redovisningsbaserade prediktionsmodeller påverkas av en ny leasingstandard

The purpose of this bachelor-thesis is to investigate the possible effects of lease accounting on the estimation of bankruptcy. This is done by estimating the risk via prediction models based on accounting ratios for a sample of 43 listed firms in Sweden. Estimation is conducted twice for each firm, once base on unadjusted data as it is presented in the annual report of 2012, and one with data adjusted for operational leases (that is data is treated as if all leases present were to have been reported as financial leases). In the next step it is tested weather the predictive ability of the models is affected by this adjustment or not. For this purpose translation of bankruptcy risk into synthetic credit ratings via interest coverage ratios is done.

Kunskapssammanställning om behandlingsmetoder i ungdomsvården : En jämförande studie om tre metoder

The aim of this study is to describe and analyse the knowledge of three of the treatment methods used in youth welfare and this is accomplished through a knowledge review. This study contains an analysis of three different treatment methods described in eleven different peer reviewed articles. The articles are all internationally published between the years 2006 to 2012 and they are all effectiveness evaluations. The articles deal with treatment methods concerning Motivational interviewing (MI), Aggression Replacement Training (ART) and Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and these are three of the most common in youth welfare in Sweden. There is not much knowledge of Swedish conditions and that is why this study focuses on international research.

Effekter av transport och buller på grisars aktivitet samt aggressiva interaktioner i väntan på slakt :

During pre-slaughter handling of pigs the animals are often subjected to methods that induces stress and are a threat to the wellbeing of the animals, such as mixing of groups, loud noise and transportation. A new law will be implemented in 2006 in Sweden that prohibits mechanical noise exceeding 65 dB in abattoirs. The purpose of the research presented in this paper was to examine the effects of noise and transportation on pig behaviour. The activity and aggressiveness of the pigs were examined with behavioural studies during transportation and during three different noise levels: 55, 75 and 95 dB. Before the noise treatments took place the groups were mixed and half of them were transported for approximately 2 hours. In the study 432 pigs were used.

Att förändra och förändras med tecken : En kvalitativ studie om uppleveser av teckenekonomi

The token economy program, which is a method for behaviour modification, has been used worldwide for different groups within different settings in order to vhange behaviour.Research has found the token economy program to be effective. However, research is limited to quantitative and experimental studies, and Swedish research in this field is brief. Nevertheless, the program is used in several institutions n Sweden. A qualitative study in Swedish settings could therefore be useful. The purpose of this paper is to examine the experiences of a token economy program using qualitative interviews.

Bankernas räntesättning och dess påverkande faktorer

Since the financial crisis of 2007, the global financial market has been characterized by instability. At the same time the banks? lending rates and its link to the reporänta have been in the spotlight in various debates in the media. The government with Anders Borg leading the charge has criticized the banks for not lowering their lending rates when the reporänta has been lowered. The banks defend themselves by saying that the reporänta does not have a direct link to their lending rates anymore.

Överreaktion på aktiemarknaden - Myt eller verklighet?

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to assess whether the overreaction found in ?Does the Stock Market Overreact?? by DeBondt and Thaler still persists today, and by equivalence test if a trading strategy based upon these assumptions would generate abnormal returns. MethodThe research has been carried out by studies of the stocks that for a prior period of one year has over or underperformed their benchmark. The stocks used in my study are all part of S&P500 index, and the period of study runs from three to five overlapping years over the last twenty years. ResultsMy tests indicate that the type of overreaction proposed by DeBondt & Thaler still is present, at least considering the stocks that during the formation period were winners..

Att designa för beteendeförändring / Designing for behavioural change

Jag har utforskat hur en beteendeförändring kan genomföras med hjälp av existerande teoretiska modeller och centrala metoder inom interaktionsdesign och tjänstedesign. För att specificera mig har jag samarbetat med banken SEB och inriktat mig på kvinnors ekonomiska beteende och hur man kan få dem att öka sitt intresse för det privata sparandet. Den litteratur som jag har granskat berör till största del kvinnors ekonomiska beteende och hur en förändringsprocess av ett beteende kan gå till. Mina egna empiriska undersökningar har varierat mellan olika typer av intervjuer och observationer där jag främst har granskat vad kvinnor finner motiverande, både ur ett generellt och ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. Genom en designprocess har mitt arbete resulterat i ett koncept på en banktjänst som innefattar de beståndsdelar som en sådan, enligt min undersökning, bör ha för att få kvinnor att bli motiverade till att spara pengar.

Sleepless in Örebro : Effekter av kognitiv terapi med beteendeexperiment på ungdomar med primär insomni

Sömnsvårigheter hos ungdomar är ett växande problem i Sverige men det saknas forskning om behandlingsmetoder för åldersgruppen. Syftet med studien var att testa kognitiv terapi med beteendeexperiment (KT-I) på gymnasieungdomar med primär insomni. Studien genomfördes enligt en Single Subject design med för- och eftermätning. Tre ungdomar i åldern 16-18 genomgick en sju veckor lång behandling efter 1-2 veckors baslinjemätning. Resultatet visade att svårighetsgrad av insomni minskade, att funktionsförmågan dagtid förbättrades och behandlingsmålen uppfylldes i hög grad.

Sleepless in Örebro : Effekter av kognitiv terapi med beteendeexperiment på ungdomar med primär insomni

Sömnsvårigheter hos ungdomar är ett växande problem i Sverige men det saknas forskning om behandlingsmetoder för åldersgruppen. Syftet med studien var att testa kognitiv terapi med beteendeexperiment (KT-I) på gymnasieungdomar med primär insomni. Studien genomfördes enligt en Single Subject design med för- och eftermätning. Tre ungdomar i åldern 16-18 genomgick en sju veckor lång behandling efter 1-2 veckors baslinjemätning. Resultatet visade att svårighetsgrad av insomni minskade, att funktionsförmågan dagtid förbättrades och behandlingsmålen uppfylldes i hög grad.

Teknisk analys inom aktievärdering : En studie om glidande medelvärde och volatilitet

Syftet med studien är att undersöka om man kan förutspå köp- och säljsignaler genom glidande medelvärde och volatilitet pa? den svenska aktiemarknaden.Denna studie utgår från en deduktiv ansats som genomförs med den kvantitativa metoden. Glidande medelvärde och volatilitet kombineras fo?r att visa de köp- och säljsignaler som uppstår mellan perioden 2007 till 2010.Studien baseras på vetenskapliga studier om glidande medelvärde och volatilitet. Den inkluderar även Radom Walk, Den effektiva marknadshypotesen och Behavioral finance.Empirin visar att kombinationen av glidande medelvärde och volatilitet ger hög avkastning i de flesta fallen.I studien framgår det att teknisk analys kan användas som ett analysverktyg vid aktiehandeln.

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