1287 Uppsatser om Bank regulation - Sida 50 av 86
Företagsrekonstruktion : En rättslig analys av franchiseförhållandet vid en rekonstruktion
A company reconstruction is an alternative procedure, for companies in payment difficulty, to receivership. Those in any kind of relationship with the ailing company ends up in a dif- ficult situation at a company reconstruction, as in any case when someone is in financial difficulties. Not only is there a risk for the providers not to get paid, the costumers are also at risk if the reconstruction company does not fulfil their agreement. These kinds of rela- tionships are controlled by a contractual relationship. Therefore the regulation has to con- tain how to deal with these contracts when the ailing company no longer can fulfil its obli- gations of the contract.
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan kvantitativ anställningsotrygghet (oron för att förlora arbetet) samt kvalitativ anställningsotrygghet (oron för att förlora värdefulla aspekter av arbetet) och hälsa respektive arbetstrivsel. Vidare kontrollerades det för hur och om socialt stöd från chef och medarbetare hade en modererande effekt i denna relation. Resultat av hierarkiska regressionsanalyser visade att kvalitativ anställningsotrygghet predicerade lägre arbetstrivsel men inget samband med ohälsa erhölls. Socialt stöd visade sig inte heller ha någon modererande effekt på anställningsotrygghet. Socialt stöd från medarbetare hängde dock samman med högre arbetstrivsel men inte med hälsa, medan stöd från chef inte predicerade något av utfallen.
Välbefinnande och positiva känslor i arbetslivet : En balansakt som kräver samspel
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vad som ger medarbetare välbefinnande ochpositiva känslor på arbetsplatsen. Studien genomfördes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sexmedarbetare på fyra bank- och försäkringskontor i mellersta Sverige. Resultatet analyseradesmed hjälp av tidigare forskning samt teorier.Resultatet visar att det som skapar positiva känslor och välbefinnande i stor grad är relationer,dels med kollegor men också med kunder. Positiva känslor kan ha en väldigt högspridningsförmåga bland kollegor, kunder och i organisationen. Det visade också att det ärviktigt att det finns en balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv samt mellan krav och kontroll.
Sparbankernas vara eller icke vara - En kvantitativ studie av sparbankernas bidrag till attraktivitet, företagande och regional tillväxt i de kommuner de verkar i.
This thesis investigates the 200 year old phenomena of savings banks and if they increase the economic growth (GDP) in the local region they act in. That is being done by testing three hypotheses; the savings banks increase the attractiveness of the region they act in; the savings banks increase the entrepreneurship in the region they act in; and the savings banks increase the economic growth in region they act in. This quantitative cross-sectional study with data from the year 2010, finds that the savings banks increase the attractiveness of the local region, most likely through the efforts and financials they put into different local projects. A positive result is also found for increased entrepreneurship in the regions that have a local savings bank. The result is explained by the savings banks relationship lending, which increase the likeliness for a company to get the credit they need to start and develop.
Kreditgivares agerande vid sjunkande skogsfastighetspanter
Background: The hurricane in the south of Sweden in January 2005 was the worst storm in Sweden for the last hundred years. The storm named Gudrun has blown down forest that according to estimation is corresponding to one year of cutting down in the entire country.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe how credit granters act when facing falling forest real estate mortgage and describe if they will make considerations due to the storm in the south of Sweden 2005.Method: With help of a qualitative method, we investigated how the credit granters act when facing falling forest real estate mortgage. Interviews were obtained with three credit granters, SEB, Landshypotek and FöreningsSparbanken in the county of Jönköping and Kronoberg.Conclusion: The conclusion is based upon the empirical study, the analysis and our own reflections and it shows that the credit granters do not change their policy concerning credit granting to forest real estate properties. The policy of the credit granters has proven to be valid even in this extreme situation..
Implementeringen av miljöansvarsdirektivet i den svenska rätten : En europarättslig studie om förvaltningsförfarandet vid miljöskador utifrån principerna om god förvaltning och processuell autonomi
The aim of this thesis is to examine how the EU directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability impacts the Swedish administrative legal order. The thesis examines the directive through two main EU principles - the principle of good administration and the principle of procedural autonomy. The EU principle of good administration as a concept contains various procedural and substantive obligations that make up the subject for examination of the directive, both as regulated in the directive and as general principles of EU law. The directive is analyzed using a comparative method to determine to what extent the procedural and substantive principles of the directive impacts the Swedish administrative law, and weather or not the Swedish regulations comply with the EU principle of good administration.The results of the study shows that, althought there?s a general principle of national procedural autonomy, the EU principles of good administration do affect the Swedish administrative regulation in various aspects, through the implementaion of the directive on environmental liability as well as general principles of EU law.
Passivhuset i det långa loppet : - hur påverkar brukarens kunskap energiförbrukningen?
The scope of this investigation is to decide how and to what extent the energy consumption of apassive house is affected by the users? knowledge and habits. To achieve this a literary study hasbeen made and as a complement the planning of a passive house was completed.The result of a primary study of the rules and regulations that effect passive houses in Swedenshows that the user?s influence on passive houses is a completely unregulated area. Even thoughthere is no regulation, a need for some general knowledge of the passive house concept has beenexpressed.To further investigate how the users? knowledge and habits affect the energy consumption and ifthere is a difference between different households? energy consumption , three main factors havebeen identified.
Moral distress och dess konsekvenser för sjuksköterskans yrkesutövning : Littersturstudie
The aim of the present literature study was to describe the significant factors contributing to the development of moral distress and the consequences of moral distress can lead to in the nurse profession. A literature search was performed in the databases Medline through PubMed and Academic Search Elite on the basis of in advanced defined criterions. A total of 19 articles was reviewed and included in the study. The main result revealed that nurses experience moral distress and that it is frequent within the nurse profession. The findings revealed that there seem to be several significant factors in the development of moral distress, such as providing life-sustaining care, competing loyalties, conflicts with the physician, communication barriers, emotional barriers, cultural barriers, regulation and rules and working environment that gives the nurse difficult or unsolved ethical dilemmas.
En effektivare källsortering för bättre materialutnyttjande - en behovsanalys
The waste fractions offered to households in Sweden differ depending on where you live. The responsibility for the waste are grounded by the Swedish law where the municipality are responsible for the collection of household waste and FTI are responsible for collecting all packages and papers that the households sorts out. A new waste regulation is under consideration where the responsibility for the household waste may change. The bulky waste from households is collected at recycling centers where the households leave it in different containers for different fractions. These recycling centers are formed different and the fractions offered in them also differ depending on in what municipality they are located.
Mer kreativitet med fler patent? En textanalys av förslaget till nytt EU-direktiv Patenterbarhet för datorrelaterade uppfinningar och anslutande dokument.
In February 2002 the European commission put forward a proposal for a new directive on The patentability of computer-implemented inventions, but which during my work on this essay has not been decided on yet. The directive has divided the decision-makers in the union, the commission and parliament, into two different positions regarding by which range computer-implemented inventions should be patentable. The parliament has amended the commissions proposal in a substantial way and the legal process has caused a heated debate both within the unions administration and among various interest groups both in favour of and against a patent on computer-implemented inventions. The loudest protests have come from a group that feels threatened by a possible software patent: Open Source. In this study I examine both the arguments by the decision-makers and by the lobbying for and against the proposal.
Varumärkespositionering i serviceföretag : En studie om skillnader mellan banker och fastighetsmäklarföretag
Bakgrund: De flesta är medvetna om att vi matas med och påverkas av varumärken, men sällan om det arbete som ligger bakom ett varumärkes uppbyggnad. Därför är det av stor vikt vid varumärkesuppbyggnaden att förankra de värderingar som företaget vill positionera sig med. För att i sin position kunna differentiera sig gentemot konkurrenter med ett starkt varumärke måste företaget kommunicera samma värderingar, både i den interna och externa marknadsföringen för. Det finns de som anser att man kan utföra detta genom marknadsföring på två skilda sätt, genom att agera ?marknadsförare? eller att agera ?försäljare? gentemot sina kunder, där ?försäljare? ofta är bättre på att skapa relationer där kunden rekommenderar företaget vidare än en ?marknadsförare?.
Corporate Social Responsibility i praktiken : En studie av hur Swedbank utformat sitt CSR-arbete
Det har blivit allt viktigare fo?r fo?retag att arbeta med CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, och da?rmed ta ansvar fo?r sin pa?verkan pa? samha?llet. Ma?nga fo?retag har dock inte kunskapen eller erfarenheten att arbeta strategiskt med dessa fra?gor utan a?gnar sig mer a?t va?lgo?renhets- arbete. Denna uppsats a?mnar ge nya perspektiv pa? hur fo?retag kan a?gna sig a?t CSR, genom att studera arbetet i Swedbank.
Ger Hedgefonder högre riskjusterad avkastning än Traditionella fonder? : En jämförelsestudie mellan Hedgefonder och Traditionella fonder
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine whether hedge funds generate higher risk-adjusted returns than traditional managed funds in Sweden.Methodology: This study was based on quantitative data about the funds historical returns. The funds historical returns were taken from the database Morningstar and the risk-free rate from the Swedish central bank. Random samples of 36 funds have been divided into three portfolios in the form of a hedge fund portfolio, stock portfolio and mix fund portfolio.Result & Conclusion: The study concluded that the stock portfolio has shown the highest average yield for the study period where all portfolios below market index. Hedge fund portfolio has achieved the highest risk-adjusted return calculated by the portfolios Sharpe Ratio. Of all hedge strategies, arbitrage had the highest average return and risk-adjusted returns..
The Sad Story of Regulated Markets: A study of relationships and networks on the Swedish market of alcoholic beverages
The purpose of this thesis is to create a greater understanding of relationships and networks on regulated markets. This includes what the climate are like on such a market and how different aspects within relationships and networks are affected by regulations. By the use of a deductive approach, a qualitative study was performed. This was carried out by interviewing different actors on the Swedish market of alcoholicbeverages. The theoretical framework includes relationship quality, consisting of power and dependence, cooperation,adaptation and trust.
Sakrättsligt skydd vid strukturerad finansiering. Särskilt om betydelsen av kravet på rådighetsavskärande för borgenärsskydd vid en helsvensk värdepapperiseringsstruktur
I det här arbetet behandlas ansvarfrihetsgrunder i tanzaniansk och svensk straffrätt. Eftersom ansvarfrihetsgrunder är mycket omfattande i båda straffrätter gör uppsatsen endast inblickar i ansvarsfrihetsgrunder i tanzaniansk och svensk straffrätt med fokus på nödvärnsrätten. Jag valde detta ämne för att få insikt i och förståelse för nödvärnsrätten i två länder med olika historisk juridisk bakgrund. Uppsatsen beskriver hur den historiska bakgrunden till tanzaniansk straffrätt, som bygger på straffrätten i tyska och engelska kolonialmakter, påverkar olikheten. Brottet definieras i båda straffrätter.