

639 Uppsatser om Balance - Sida 2 av 43

Jobbgarantin för ungdomar : En studie kring deltagarnas upplevelse av jobbgarantin för ungdomar

Abstract"The Care of Work" is a study whose background comes from the problems surrounding work-life Balance and equality that permeates social debates today. The problematic work-life-Balance and gender equality are just as relevant today as they were 35 years ago. The aim of the study was to investigate whether or not men and women have a satisfactory work-life Balance and if the organization they work for is doing something to make their life puzzles function. Last, but not least, the purpose is to see if gender equality is in the interest of the individual or the state.The study is based on work-life Balance, gender equality and gender as the theoretical frames of reference. Eight respondents, four men and four women, from established IT companies were interviewed.

Brikettillverkning på gårdsnivå :

In my work I have chosen to examine the profitability for small scale production of hemp briquettes. My study also includes a review of which briquette technique that is the most common one among small scale producers. The reason that I have chosen this subject is because of the discussions about climate and energy that we face almost every day. I also think the subject is extra interesting in these days when the grain prizes are at a historic high level. In order for me to achieve a reliable report, a hemp and briquette producer has given me the actual data from his farm. In that way I have been able to make my calculations from a concrete perspective.

USA och Indien: ett växande strategiskt partnerskap och makt som balanserar

The study focus on the development of the bilateral relationship between India and the United States and the Next Step in Strategic Partnership (NSSP) from 2004 and the change in U.S. approach to India's neuclear program. With the rise of China to potential great power status I argue that the cooporation between the two is an act to Balance the Chinese influence and to prevent future rivalry and a Chinese dominance of the East Asia. For the study I have used concepts and theorys from the realist tradition, in particular theorys of Balance of power and alliance forming..

Negotiating Work-Life Balance: Working Time Preferences and the European Working Time Directive

This thesis examines why working time preferences differ between workers and nations, and explains the effect of working time regulation and working time flexibility on negotiating work-life Balance. In five separate sections the following working time issues are examined: the number of hours worked by workers in Europe; factors affecting individual working time preferences; how working time preferences are negotiated in the national industrial relations systems of Sweden, France and the United Kingdom; how the institutions of the European Union have influenced working time negotiations through the Working Time Directive; and the benefits and practices available to organisations implementing working time flexibility. Broadly this paper views working time preferences as being a highly personal and influenced by factors such as wages, taxation, culture (national and workplace) and non-work responsibilities. It is argued that negotiating a preferred working time pattern is essential to achieving work-life Balance and when such a Balance is achieved, workers are more healthy, motivated and committed to their employer. Essentially this provides an incentive for businesses to voluntarily implement working time flexibility beyond the regulatory standards..

Att få tid och rum : Holländska familjers flytt till Värmland sett ur ett work-life balance perspektiv

Det här är en undersökning om holländares val att flytta till Värmland och att starta eget företag sett utifrån ett work-life Balance perspektiv. De teorier som har använts är främst work-life Balance teorin men även teorier som behandlar flexibilitet, arbete och att starta eget företag återfinns. Inom work-life Balance går jag igenom hur olika typer av förändringar i samhället har påverkat och påverkar balansen mellan arbete och fritid. Det tas även upp olika typer av beslut och gensvar som individen kan ta och göra för att motverka obalansen, men dessa individuella beslut är på något sätt relaterade till andra, som till exempel, kommunens gensvar.Jag har använt mig av kvalitativ metod där jag intervjuat nio respondenter i min undersökning. I analys och resultat kapitlet redogör jag för mina upptäckter utifrån den analys jag gjort av mina respondenters berättelser och kopplar det till de teorier jag använt mig av.

Effekten av sex veckors coreträning enligt det förkoreograferade programmet Fokus

Core strength is important in order to be able to do all types of daily activities. One way to exercise ones core muscles is according to the pre- choreographed program Fokus. Previous studies have shown that core training gives better Balance and stability in the core and also improved techniques, body awareness and control. Aim: To evaluate the core endurance strength, the Balance and the studied individuals self estimated body awareness and control after six weeks of training according the pre- choreographed program Fokus. Methods: A total of 14 people volunteered to participate in the study, six of which completed the study.

Effekten av sex veckors coreträning enligt det förkoreograferade programmet Fokus

Core strength is important in order to be able to do all types of daily activities. One way to exercise ones core muscles is according to the pre- choreographed program Fokus. Previous studies have shown that core training gives better Balance and stability in the core and also improved techniques, body awareness and control. Aim: To evaluate the core endurance strength, the Balance and the studied individuals self estimated body awareness and control after six weeks of training according the pre- choreographed program Fokus. Methods: A total of 14 people volunteered to participate in the study, six of which completed the study.

Energi- och exergiflöden i stålframställningsprocesser vid
SSAB Tunnplåt AB i Luleå

Energy costs are high nowadays and that is the reason why the energy consumption needs to become as small as possible in most of the companies. To accomplish the small energy usage one needs to map the energy flows, study them and monitor them. One method that can be used for this is energy Balance calculation. The method gives an opportunity to separate different energy flows and see where each flow is heading. There is also another method which is more advanced than energy Balance calculation.

Effekten av träning för ökad rörelsemedvetenhet enligt Feldenkraismetoden på kvantitativa rörelsetester hos friska kvinnor

Bakgrund: Medvetenhet om kropp och rörelse nämns ofta som en viktig fakor i att öka prestationsförmåga, undvika skador, nå högre livskvalitet och förbätta sjukdomstillstånd. Det har länge funnits ambitioner att förbättra rörelse genom ökad medvetenhet. Feldenkraismetoden är en metod för att förbättra rörelse genom förhöjd rörelsemedvetenhet och är förenlig med nutida vetenskap men förhållandevis lite empirisk forskning stöder metodens effektivitet. De flesta tidigare studier har varit på någon form av dysfunktion och ofta subjektiv upplevelse snarare än objektiva värden. Det har varit svårt för Feldenkraispedagoger att finna rätt mätmetoder för att utvärdera metoden.Syfte: Studiens syfte är att utvärdera effekten av träning för ökad rörelsemedvetenhet enligt Feldenkraismetoden på rörelse hos friska personer genom kvantitativ mätning.Metod: Friska kvinnor i en experimentgrupp (n=4, 30±7 år) och en kontrollgrupp (n=4, 26±2 år) testades med fem kvantitativa rörelsetester; one-leg standing Balance, one-leg standing long jump, standing triple jump, star excursion Balance test och upper quarter Y-Balance test, innan och efter en intervention ledd av en auktoriserad Feldenkraispedagog där experimentgruppen genomgick tio träningsfällen enligt Feldenkraismetoden under fem veckors tid.Resultat: Signifikant förbättring (P?0,05) i förhållande till både förtest och kontrollgrupp sågs vid star excursion Balance test för vänster ben.Slutsats: Träning för ökad rörelsemedvetenhet enligt Feldenkraismetoden verkar kunna leda till förbättring i kvantitativt mätt rörelse hos friska kvinnor.

Socialarbetarens livspussel - En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie

The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the various factors that influence the Balancebetween the working lives and family lives of social workers. The research questions posedwere: Do social workers consider there is a conflict between their working lives and familylives? Which factors make maintaining a Balance between working life and family life moredifficult and which make it easier to do so? How do social workers describe equality betweenthe sexes in their own family? Regarding methodology, the selection method is strategic andcombines data sources with quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The material collectedand via online survey, targeted to 120 municipal employees social workers in a district councilin a big city, and through interviews with four social workers in a rural community. The studywas performed using gender theory and the demand-support-control model.

Feng shui i trädgården :

Our environment affect us, not least gardens. By practising the ancient Chinese art feng shui, one could find tools how to create harmony and Balance in gardens. By paying attention to different energies working with colours, shapes and materials one can create a nice garden with good feng shui. The philosophy, however, includes much more than what plants or what hard materials to choose in the garden. It describes different energies, the movement of energies, which we can learn to live in harmony with.

Cefskap och familjeliv - en kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga chefer i socialt arbete

This essay is a qualitative study whose aim is to see how to find a good Balance between family life and managership. The result could give concrete proposals on how help can be designed to prospective female managers. The study is based on interviews with eight female managers. The interviews have been inspired by the narrative approach with the focus on how these women have tried to find a Balance between management and family life and which obstacles they faced and the support they have had. The results of the study has shown that the support that the woman has been given by their spouse / partner has been one of the best and most important support for her to full fill her mission as being a manager as well as a mother.

Vem får ställa ut på den samtida konstscenen? : Betydelsen av kön

This examination studies the gender Balance of contemporary art exhibitions in Sweden. To what extent genders are equally represented assumes to be based on how the curating process considers equality work. Three categories of art organisations are studied with the intention to determine differences in equality approach between the categories. Official documents of each organisation are examined to understand how they formally relate to equality work. Statistics of the actual gender Balance of each organisation are produced based on the last two years exhibition archives.

Samverkan mellan mark- och flygstridskrafterna : En nulägesanalys utifrån samarbetet kring Close Air Support

There are many kinds of joint operations and combinations of combined arms. This thesis puts its focus on Close Air Support, CAS. Throughout history there have been several cases of success, regarding these kinds of operations, but also failure. Much can be taught from organizational behaviour studies, applied on these military organisations in their cooperation with each other. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the cooperation between the Swedish army and air force to determine the functionality of their process.

Företag på Facebook. Varför är de där och vad gör de?

With the globalization, companies in the West chose to shift production to developing countries to cut down costs. This had a major impact when child labor and very poor working conditions in these factories were discovered and led many companies to take responsibility for their suppliers and the employees by adopting voluntary so-called Codes of Conduct.There is a subtle Balance to enforce improvement of working conditions for employees at suppliers´ factories and to keep costs down. On the one hand, companies would like to conduct extensive audits at their suppliers to ensure code of conduct compliance and thus protect their legitimacy. On the other hand, audits are expensive so companies would like to minimize audits to keep costs down. Companies thus have to strike a delicate Balance in relation to how many and what suppliers they choose to audit.

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