

1126 Uppsatser om Audit outcome - Sida 61 av 76

Effekten av hormonsubstitution hos äldre män med åldersrelaterad testosteronbrist: en litteraturgranskning

Background: Testosterone is the most important androgenic hormone in the male. Aging is closely associated with reduction of serum testosterone which can lead to reduced muscle mass, muscle strength, bone density, and depression. These symptoms may be counteracted by administration of testosterone. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of hormone replacement in men with age-related testosterone deficiency. Method: We performed a systematic review using Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT).

Videodistribution och -konsumtion på mobiltelefoner

This report is the result of a master thesis carried out by the author, student at the Royal Instituteof Technology(KTH). The task was performed as a product development process at a companycalled Ameibo AB, located in Stockholm. It is the final task of the studies at the Master'sprogramme Design and Product Realization. The report is structured in a chronological order anddescribes the methods used, the implementation of these methods and a presentation of theresults given from these studies.Ameibo is a company located in Stockholm, distributing films on the internet. The aim of thismaster thesis was to investigate the possibilities of entering the market for portable devices.

Utveckling av dyksystem : Handhållen enhet för sökning under vatten

Ocean Modules Sweden AB is a small business active in the field of underwater technology. Thecompany was contacted by the Swedish Defense Materiel Administration (FMV) in order todevelop a new system that would conform to their specific requirements. Two students at theRoyal Institute of Technology (KTH) were consulted in conjunction of this project in order to aidthe development and conceptual design of the system.The primary users of the system are the divers of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal division (EOD)- a branch of the Swedish Armed Forces. The purpose of the product was to incorporate allnecessary functions required by the EOD divers into one single system. The main functions arecommunication between the surface operator and diver, video recording, still imaging, positioning,navigation and ocean floor mapping with sonar.

Utfasning av farliga kemikalier - Vid Banverket och Vägverket

Large quantities of chemicals are used in all areas of society. The chemicals can be toxic and dangerous for the environment if used incorrectly. To protect people and the environment from dangerous chemicals, a good control of them and an active work to phase out hazardous substances in all areas where chemicals are present, are needed. Banverket and Vägverket handle in production a wide range of chemical products. Many of the products are dangerous to the environment, for those who work with them and to others who may come into contact with them.

Träning med mål och coachning för patienter med knäartros

Aim: To investigate if physical exercise in combination with coaching will reduce pain and improve knee function in patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis in the knee compared to physical exercise alone.Method: The study consisted of 42 patients who were randomized to either an intervention group or a control group. Both groups followed a standardized training program at home, but the intervention group received additional support with regard to the aim of their training, as well as extra coaching during the training period of ten weeks. A Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was used to evaluate the patients? pain. A 10 metre walking test, the Index of Muscle Function (IMF) and the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) were also used to evaluate knee function.

Etisk medvetenhet i systemutveckling. En fallstudie av systemutvecklarens ansvar i systemutvecklingsprojekt

Many professions, such as doctors and psychologists, have a long history of work practice which have resulted that these professions have created their own ethical guidelines. The IT profession, which can be viewed as a relative young and somewhat immature profession, have yet to accommodate any clear guidelines regarding ethics. It?s therefore imperative to create discussions regarding ethical actions to raise the ethical awareness and also create ethical guidelines. The development of the IT profession is moving forward at a quick pace and it?s important to understand that this rapid advancement is not only changing the profession but also changing the society and the environment.

Hur påverkar professionell utveckling synen på allmänintresset? : en undersökning av revisorer, revisorsassistenter och revisorsstudenter

Revisorer anses utgöra en profession vilket kännetecknas av bland annat etiska riktlinjer och krav på utbildning och kunskap. Enligt de etiska reglerna, som IFAC och dess oberoende kommittéer sätter för revisorsprofessionen, ska revisorer arbeta för allmänintresset. Innebörden av allmänintresset kan uppfattas otydligt och det finns olika syner på vad det faktiskt innebär. Enligt IFAC innebär allmänintresset att hänsyn ska tas till organisationers samtliga intressegrupper i samhället men inom professionen finns det skillnader i syn beroende på rang. På vägen till och inom professionen sker professionell utveckling genom utbildning, handledning och struktur & bedömningar.

Utvecklingskostnaders påverkan vid valet mellan K2 och K3

Introduction: Bokföringsnämnden started the K-project in 2004. The purpose was to collect rules and standards for different categories of companies in a complete set of regulations. Small businesses were given the option to choose between K3 which is the main regulatory and K2 which is a simplified regulatory framework. One specific difference between the regulations is that companies may not capitalize development costs if the company applies K2, this may causes problems for the companies that can give rise to such costs.Purpose: The purpose is to explain the problems that companies have identified in the choice of regulatory frameworks and the implications that may follow the specific rule in K2 on the company's activities and financial report.Frame of reference: K3 contains definitions and requirements that must be met so development costs can be capitalized in a company. Information presented in the financial statements should be relevant to the reader.

Mötet med patienten vid klamydiasmittspårning : En kvalitativ studie om barnmorskans upplevelse av mötet

Background: Studies show that unsolved contact tracing of chlamydia increase in Uppsala County. Research shows that the meeting between patient and caregiver, when performing a contact tracing, may be crucial to the outcome of contact tracing. Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate how midwives describe the encounter with the patient during contact tracing in youth clinics in Uppsala County Council. Methods: A qualitative approach with semi- structured interviews was used to collect data. Nine midwives of varying age and work experience from seven different youth clinics in Uppsala County Council were interviewed.

Sätesförlossningar : Handläggning och utfall hos mödrar och barn vid vaginal förlossning och kejsarsnitt

Background: The incidence of caesarean section for breech presentation has reached approximately 90 % in Sweden. In many of these cases, by means of specific selection criteria, it would be as safe to plan for vaginal breech delivery. Aim: The objective of this study was to investigate differences in management and to compare maternal and fetal outcomes according to delivery mode of breech presentation; vaginal vs. caesarian section. The study included breech presentation in full term singleton pregnancies at the UppsalaUniversityHospital, Uppsala, Sweden (UAS). Method: The study was based on medical record data with a retrospective, descriptive, comparative design with quantitative approach. The method for data collection was a manual review of patient records using a structured questionnaire. Results: Of the women with children in breech presentation during the period studied, 11 % gave birth vaginally.

Företagsförvärv - Hur integrationsprocessen påverkar utfallet vid ett företagsförvärv

Abstract                - ?Mergers and acquisitions ? How does the integration process affect the result in mergers and acquisitions?Date:                              May 31st 2012Level:                             Master thesis in Business administration, 15 ECTSInstitution:                  School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology, Mälardalen UniversityAuthors:                       Mikael Hansson              15th May 1984                                         Jani Timonen                   12th June 1983Title:                              Mergers and acquisitions ? How does the integration process affect the result in mergers and acquisitionsTutor:                             Staffan BoströmKeywords:                   Mergers, acquisitions, synergies, cultural, competitive advantage, integrating, stakeholder theory and institutional theoryResearch questions:                   How has the integration process affected the outcome of the acquisition of Jokab and what can ABB do differently in future acquisitions?Purpose:                       The purpose of this master thesis is to identify the factors that affect a merger or an acquisition and the factors that make the integration process a success or failure.Method:                       The method used in this study is based on systems theory, this means that reality is explained as objective and completely as possible. The study is qualitative in nature, in which a deeper understanding of the subject mergers and acquisitions wants to be achieved. The study uses an abductive approach and the data used was both from primary and secondary sources.Conclusion:     The result of the study shows that the integration process is influenced by several factors. The most important factors from the acquirer are to have a time schedule, clear communication and a person in charge of the integration process.

Coach, vän eller både och? : En kvalitativ studie om coachning inom arbetslivet

AbstractTitle: Coach, vän eller både och? ? en kvalitativ studie om coachning inom arbetslivetAuthors: Jonas Näslund & David ÖhrlingTutors: Ulla Moberg & Larsåke LarssonPurposeThe purpose of this thesis is to examine how coaching in working life serves, aiming to find what influences the interaction between coach and client. To seek to answer the purpose we raised a number of research questions which discussed, among other the coach's intentions and the parties' relationship.TheoriesThis thesis is based on a number of different theories, where the Leader-member Exchange Theory is considered the main theory. LMX is used when studying the relationship between a manager and an employee. Other theories used in this thesis are for example the Social exchange theory and one-on-one-coaching.MethodThe methods used in this thesis are semi-structured interviews, observations and recordings of coaching sessions.

Energikartläggning och energieffektiviseringav Sörbyskolans förskola : Simuleringar genomförda med IDA ICE 4.61

Samhället idag är beroende av energi för att fungera och att eftersträva utveckling av förnybar energi bör ha högsta prioritet. År 2013 produceras 81,6% av världens totala energi av fossila bränslen. Bostads- och servicesektorn står idag för 38 % av Sveriges totala energianvändning. På grund av att bostäder och lokaler står för så stor del av energianvändningen är det väldigt viktigt att ha noggrann koll på energiprestandan av byggnader och lokaler samt vilka energieffektiviseringar som kan utföras.Sörbyskolan är belägen i södra delen av Gävle och fastigheten ägs och förvaltas av Gavlefastigheter. År 2015 planerar Gavlefastigheter en renovering av Sörbyskolan och vill ta fram energieffektiviseringsförslag.

Spin-off-fallstudier på Saab, Volvo Aero och Ericsson Microwave

Sweden is one of five nations in the world manufacturing fighter aircrafts. Highly advanced technology is needed in order to develop a fighter aircraft. When developing advanced technology, new applications, other than those initially intended occur, spin-off. Some of Sweden?s largest companies are spin-offs from the fighter aircraft industry.

Skönlitteraturens genrer: En analys av två universella klassifikationssystem

The main aim in this Master thesis is to analyse how an ideological view may have influenced the shape of hierarchies with a specific concentration on the concept of fiction genre in the latest versions of the systems SAB and DDC. Our thesis is that no theoretical classification scheme can be recognized as objective. With an ideological/institutional perspective we look at the structures behind these systems. As a vehicle we use the hermeneutic circle to show the play between part and unit by focusing and analysing three different levels: the content level the concept level the ideological level. The first level is in the shape of a historical background and an analysis of concept with focus on content.

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