

1126 Uppsatser om Audit outcome - Sida 56 av 76

Fundamentala faktorers förklaringsgrad och simuleringsmöjligheter gentemot elspotpriset på Nord Pool : Utsläppsrätternas betydelse för elspotpriset under andra handelsperioden

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relation between certain chosen fundamental factors (emission trading rights, hydrological balance, interaction with continental Europe, fuel prices) and the spot price at Nord Pool. Particular focus has been put on the trade with emission rights since it is only now their actual impact on electricity prices can be studied. The relationships are measured with regression analysis which includes both R2 and the simulation possibilities of ARX models. The studied period covers 2008 and 2009 with partly daily data and partly weekly data. Owing to the expected higher importance of the fundamentals during the winter months the winter 2008/2009 has been studied separately.

Val av energisystem för en hållbar stadsdel : En fallstudie av Östra Sala backe

Uppsala County has ambitious environmental aims for the planned residential area inÖstra Sala backe. In this thesis different energy sources have been evaluated todetermine which system that would be most favorable given currently availableinformation about the project. Planned energy usage has been divided into tap waterheating, space heating and power. Three base case scenarios were made with districtheating, small scale bio fuel and heat pump. Solar power and solar heating were thensimulated and the production from the two could individually be deducted from theenergy need in the base cases, constituting 9 different scenarios.

Värmeslag hos hund : Förebyggande åtgärder, djurägarråd och omvårdnad

The objective of the essay was to identify the nursing care required by a dog suffering from heat stroke and how to educate and advice the owners how to start treating their dog and prevent the condition from occurring in the first place. The essay is based on a literature study. Several databases were searched for scientific research to try find answers to the issues. Keywords concerning the subject were used and mixed in different combinations to sort out the suitable studies. The results of the study indicate that the dog should be cooled by the owner directly after detection. The most crucial issue is to reduce the body temperature as quickly as possible or the morbidity will worsen.

Innovationsprojekt i en klinisk miljö : Utvecklandet av en designprocess för Sister Kenny Research Center

The Sister Kenny Research Center is part of the Sister Kenny Rehabilitation Institute locatedat the Abbott Northwestern hospital in Minneapolis, USA. The Sister Kenny RehabilitationInstitute provides rehabilitative services, treating more than 70,000 patients a year.The Sister Kenny Research Center strives to optimize the service to patients by nurturingnew innovations in rehabilitation care and treatment. Research projects are conducted ininterdisciplinary so-called Clinical Innovation Teams. As the Sister Kenny Research Center isrecently started, it did not prior to this thesis project have a design process or structured way ofworking in design projects.The outcome of this thesis project is a comprehensive innovation strategy package with a set oftools to enhance the innovativeness at the Sister Kenny Research Center. The strategy packageconsists of three interlinked parts:?A design process adapted to the work environment at the Sister Kenny Research Centerensuring projects are conducted in a structured and innovative manner.?An Innovation Handbook describing the design process to the Clinical Innovation Teamsand providing step-by-step guidance to designing.

Försvarad eller försvagad demokrati? : En intervjustudie om hur globaliseringen har påverkat demokratin i Kenya.

The main purpose of the examination research project is to analyze and describe how democracy and globalization is understood when they are integrated in the developing country of Kenya. This has been reflected by interviewing Kenyan teachers in history and government, to receive their view on globalization and its affects on democracy. Another purpose is to discuss this in didactic terms as a way to see how it can be practically used for upper-secondary schoolteachers in the subjects of civics and social studies. The procedure of the project and the method of use are interviews that have been analyzed in all with theoretical perspectives. My queries to be answered for the research are:1.

Motiverad? : en reviewstudie på motiverande samtal med fysisk aktivitet

AimThe aim of this study was to find out whether Motivational Interviewing can affect people to change their behaviour in form of increasing physical activity. What results do studies conducted at healthy adults using Motivational Interviewing with physical activity as an outcome present?MethodTo fulfil the aim of the study we chose a review process. During the research two data-bases were used, PUBMED and CSA. Studies including participants under the age of 18 or studies where the participants suffered from diseases were excluded.

Minskad miljöpåverkan av kapslar för kaffe, te och choklad : med avseende på materialval och utformning

During the spring semester of 2012 did Petra Hollsten independently a thesis on reducing the environmental impact of capsule for coffee, tea and chocolate. The work was performed at Karlstad University, Faculty of Technology and Science under the Bachelor of Science program in innovation, technology and design. The project's scope is at 22.5 points.The employment for this project is the company Löfbergs Lila AB in Karlstad. Supervisor at the Principal has been Maria Herou Wallner and Sandra Lyxell, product managers. Supervisor at Karlstad University is Monica Jakobsson, lecturer and program leader for innovation and design engineering program.

Utveckling av Materialförsörjning : En studie av Sandvik Coromants försörjning av stål

This report is a master thesis performed by Adam Lundin at the company Sandvik Coromants production facility in Gimo. The work started in January 2013 and went on for the duration of 20 weeks, which is equivalent to 30 hp. The project was executed at the department GVR10. The scope of the project was to create a base for improvements in the purchasing process of direct material to the production. The background to the project was that the centralized purchasing department has gone through changes and decision was taken to decentralize the purchasing of direct material to Gimo.

Effekten av frukostens glykemiska index på energiintag hos barn och ungdomar

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionTitle: The effect of the glycemic index of breakfasts in energy intake inchildren and adolescentsAuthor: Charlotte Olofsson, Cornelia Johansson and Maria NordbeckSupervisor: Fredrik BertzExaminer: Ingrid LarssonProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 16, 2013Background: The glycemic index (GI) and it´s effect on energy intake is a debated subject.Research has been done whether food with lower GI decreases hunger and lowers energyintake, which could be an effective tool to prevent overweight in children and adolescents.Breakfast eating is successful for maintaining a healthy weight and it´s therefore interesting tosee if the quality of the carbohydrates matters.Objective: To evaluate the scientific evidence regarding the effect of GI of breakfasts inchildren?s and adolescents energy intake.Search strategy: To find relevant articles, a systematic literature search was made in thedatabases PubMed, Scopus and Cochrane. Search terms that were used were: breakfast,breakfast quality, children, glycemic index, energy intake, obesity.Selection criteria: Randomized controlled trials and cohort trials, breakfast eatingindividuals, children and adolescents under 18 years old, reported glycemic index. Outcomemeasurements: Energy intake.Data collection and analysis: Six original articles met the inclusion criteria and werereviewed by the SBU audit template for randomized and controlled studies. There after onearticle was excluded because of very low quality of the study.

Korttidsfrånvaro ? en pilotstudie av alkoholens betydelse

Bakgrund: Många arbetsplatser har haft upprepade problem med korttidsfrånvaro hos arbetstagarna. Arbetsgivaren kan då kräva sjukintyg från första dagen.De företag som har Feelgood som företagshälsovård ansåg att det fanns ett stort behov av att ta reda på orsakerna till detta.Syfte: Denna pilotstudie undersökte hur stor andel av korttidsfrånvaron som var kopplad till sannolik överkonsumtion av alkohol. Utvärderingen utfördes med frågeformulär i kombination med alkoholmarkör i blod. Arbetsgivaren och arbetstagaren fick också uppge sin uppfattning om tänkbar orsak till denna frånvaro.Undersökt grupp: Studien omfattade 10 patienter varav 6 män och 4 kvinnor, där arbetsgivaren hade begärt sjukintyg från första sjukdagen. Patienterna kom från 10 olika företag som under ett halvår hösten 2007 till våren 2008 hänvisades till Feelgood för utredning.Metoder: Vid utvärderingen träffade företagsläkaren arbetstagaren för en kartläggning med anamnes, status och provtagning.

Beslutsprocesser i fastighetsbolag vid energiinvesteringar

Municipal Real Estate Companies runs by a political boarder who makes decisions in large investments. In some cases the municipal counter have to take the decisions about big and expensive investments. A successful investment needs to be built on solid ground.Media has lately focused on energy topics as a part of the environmental discussion and the real estate companies tries to use the new technology that the market has provided. Energy investments in new buildings are not longer a small part of the energy saving program. Long-term investment demands needs large knowledge and awareness about the energy topics that have recently grown in the municipal real estate companies.

Avskaffandet av revisionsplikten ? Hur påverkas intressenternas förtroende för små bolag?

En ny lagförändring medförde att revisionsplikten avskaffades, vilket kom att beröra bådebolag och intressenter, såsom revisionsbolag, banker och myndigheter. Den borgerligaalliansen lämnade ett vallöfte år 2006 om avskaffad revisionsplikt och den 1 november år2010 blev revisionen frivillig för ungefär 250 000 småbolag. De krav som ställs för attbolag skall vara skyldiga att ha revisor är att de har mer än tre anställda, omsättningenskall vara mer än 3 miljoner kronor och balansomslutningen skall vara mer än 1,5miljoner kronor. Minst två av dessa krav måste vara uppfyllda.Revisionspliktens avskaffande är en fördel för de små bolagen, då det handlar omkostnadsbesparingar, men det kan också innebära en nackdel. När ett bolag väljer attavskaffa revisorn innebär det att Skatteverket kommer att ha mer kontroll och bolagetkanske inte anses vara lika förtroendefullt som när de anlitar en revisor.

Den accepterade anpassningen : Hur tolv barn tillhörande etniska minoritetsgrupper upplever sin vardag i skolan

KALMAR UNIVERSITYDepartment of Health andBehavioural Sciences.Education of Social Work 21-40 p.C-essay, 10 p.Title: The Accepted Adjustment ? How Twelve Children Belonging to Ethnic Minority Groups Experiences Everyday Life in School.Authors: Kristin Lundin & Karin SwartlingSupervisor: Jesper AndreassonExaminer: Ulf DruggeABSTRACTThe aim of this C-essay, using a qualitative method and from a child prospective, explore how children belonging to ethnic minority groups participating in the Swedish education system at an intermediate level, experience everyday life at school and the interactions with their teachers. We have interviewed twelve children between the age of eleven and thirteen years old. The children have either immigrated (adopted children are included) or are born in Sweden but have at least one parent who has immigrated.The outcome from our study is that immigrant children have a positive experience of their daily life in school and in their interactions with their teachers. The majority of children state that they view their teachers as good educationalists.

Revisorers oberoende : Analysmodellens påverkan på revisorers oberoende

Mo?ten som forum fo?r att tra?ffas, sprida information eller lo?sa problem har alltid funnits och det a?r en fo?reteelse som finns pa? alla arbetsplatser idag. Da?rfo?r a?r det ocksa? vanligt att alla har en a?sikt om just mo?ten och hur de fungerar pa? deras arbetsplats. Enligt tidigare studier a?r upplevelsen av effektivitet under mo?ten viktigt fo?r positiva jobbattityder och just attityder och emotionella upplevelser av ett mo?te pa?verkar deltagande och da?rmed hur mo?tets ma?l uppna?s.

Bearbetning av GPS-data vid Flyg- och Systemprov

At Flight and Systems test Saab AB, a post-processing software is used to process GPS data. A new software by the name GrafNav has been purchased and the purpose of this master thesis therefore became, partly to make a judgment regarding GrafNav?s ability to estimate position, velocity and accuracy, partly to if needed improve the estimate and finally find one or several methods to estimate the position and velocity accuracy. The judgment of GrafNav was performed partly by a comparison to the former post-processing software (PNAV) and partly by a comparison to the airplane?s inertial navigation system (INS).

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