

1126 Uppsatser om Audit outcome - Sida 31 av 76

Musikterapi för patienter med schizofreni och annan psykossjukdom

The aim of the study was to illustrate how music therapy can be used in the care of patients with schizophrenia and other psychotic illness.The method used was a literature review. Scientific articles were searched in PubMed, Cinahl, PsycINFO och Scopus databases with an outcome of ten articles, with in total 330 participants, that underwent quality and outcomes analysis.The results showed that music therapy could provide potential improvement in the patients' social functions and that it could also improve negative, some positive and general schizophrenia and psychotic symptoms in some patients. The form of music therapy used was often creative music activities with music therapist, with or without structure, or individually customized. The length of treatment varied widely. It was not possible to draw conclusions about which type of music therapy was best.

Interkulturell pedagogik : En studie om fem lärares förhållningssätt i en mångkulturell klass

The aim of this essay is to study five teachers' perceptions and experiences of a multicultural class. I want to find out how they relate to intercultural education and how they experience that they may apply it.Sweden is a multicultural society. This fact is even reflected in the school and this imposes on teachers finding new ways to educate and prepare their students for the multicultural society.I chose to carry out a qualitative survey and interviewed five teachers having contact with a multicultural class. The study also offers suggestions to future teachers who can benefit from it in terms of adopting convenient attitudes in multicultural classes with better understanding.The outcome reached shows that the interviewed teachers try to make use of intercultural pedagogy by addressing differences between students, adapting teaching to supply for the needs of students, and also by having good contact with parents. But teachers also experience difficulties.

Förståelighet och självskattad kommunikativ förmåga hos unga vuxna födda med och utan läpp-käk-gomspalt

In this comparative study, intelligibility (as measured by SWINT; SwedishIntelligibility Assessment) and self-rated communicative ability (as measuredby SOK; a self-report questionnaire concerning communication) were investigatedin 29 young adults with repaired cleft lip and palate (CLP) and in 50 age-matchedcontrols. The purpose of the study was to investigate if the outcome of these measuresdiffered between groups and/or with regard to sex, and also to identify possiblecorrelations between SOK and SWINT. Results show that young adults withrepaired CLP had a more positive attitude towards their communicative ability thancontrols, as did men with repaired CLP compared to male controls. Intelligibilitydid not differ between the two groups. A correlation between degree of intelligibilityand self-rated communicative ability was found in young adults with repairedCLP.

Avancerad scenarioanalys för ambulansplanering

This paper describes the development of a simulation model for the ambulance flow in the Västra Götalands-region of Sweden, and an analysis tool for the output of the simulation model. The aim of the simulation model was to be able to evaluate the outcome from changes in the ambulance operations, such as a reorganization of ambulances or an increase in intensity of the ambulance calls. This evaluation is meant to serve as decision support for the strategic planning of the ambulance operations. The analysis tool was developed to visualize the abundant geographical data produced by the simulation model in a meaningful way. The simulation model was validated against historical data which showed that the dispatch time for the highest prioritized ambulance calls corresponds well with historical data.

Sjuksköterskans alkoholspecifika screening och rådgivning till vuxna personer som har ett riskbruk eller missbruk av alkohol

 Bakgrund: Personer som har ett riskbruk av alkohol har en måttligt förhöjd risk för sjukdom, sänkt livskvalitet och förtida död. Vid riskbruk ökar risken för att utveckla alkoholmissbruk. Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test [AUDIT] är ett frågeformulär för att screena överdrivet alkoholdrickande. Socialstyrelsen rekommenderar rådgivning vid skadlig alkoholkonsumtion, t.ex. kort rådgivning.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva betydelsen av sjuksköterskans alkoholspecifika screening och rådgivning till vuxna personer som har ett riskbruk eller missbruk av alkohol.Metod: Studien var en systematisk litteraturstudie.

Skogsbränsleuttag vid förstagallring och dess påverkan på beståndsutveckling : simulering i Heureka med olika skötselprogram

Stands where pre commercial thinning has been ignored or inadequate often tend to have high stem density and low average diameter when they reach heights of thinning. In such stands, it can often be expensive to do a conventional pulpwood harvest as a first thinning. This study investigates the development of the stands and the economic outcome of forest fuel extraction, or a combined harvest as alternatives to the ordinary pulpwood harvest. Simulations in Heureka StandWise were performed for two thin and dense stands, which were constructed by data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory. The simulations show that the extraction of forest fuel in first thinning at an early stage can provide higher net revenue compared to conventional pulpwood harvest at the same time or later.

Identifikation av produktionsstörningar och obalanser vid tillverkning av golvskenor

Our report procedure identification of instability and disturbance in an automatic manufacturing line of processing and assembling of chair sliding rails at Sapas manufacturing department in Vetlanda.To obtain a stabile ground we have mapped the material flow to receive a comprehensive view and to visualise connections.We have examined cycle times at different stations in purpose to identificate bottlenecks. The result of our examination showed that the bottleneck of the line was the brush station. This leads to that the expected bottlenecks identificated by Sapa gets a delay time and by that a longer cycle time.Interruptions has a clear negative influence at the line performance so we have also assemble data through the operators report list and compiled these in order to find out the interruptions effect on the line. The outcome during our assembled period was that the reported interruptions corresponded about 30 percent of the total available production time. This has a clear negative effect on the line productivity and efficiency as we have calculated in order to get the present status..

"Kunskap är inte tungt att bära" : Hur nedskärningar kan påverka en lärande organisation i ett industriföretag

This has been a practical innovation graduation project withthe focus of studying the impacts of downsizing on a learningorganization. The study took place at Karlsson Spools in Sala.This has been a part of an ongoing EU project funded by theEuropean Social Fund, ESF. We have, with the help ofinterviews and surveys, gathered information on the presentsituation and with the help of theoretical studies built aframework on how a learning organization is viewed intheory.During our study we found that there are many componentsto a learning organization. The company in question hasdisplayed some qualities that characterize a learningorganization such as a plan to train and further develop theiremployees. The problem we found was lack of communicationand how this has resulted in a less successful outcome of theongoing courses.

Public service-uppdraget i italiensk television : En innehållsanalys av nyhetsprogrammet Tg1

The main question this bachelor thesis aims to answer is how the public service program Tg1?s news broadcasts may look. The following questions were used to discuss thetendencies of the result: How can the distribution of the news categories appear in Tg1?sbroadcasts? Can the main news be considered as impartial and objective in its linguisticand pictorial representation?To answer the aforementioned question I chose to do a combined study, using aquantitative content analysis and a qualitative content analysis.To lead my research, I focused on two requirements underlined by public servicebroadcasters, namely, objectivity and impartiality, and diversity. The outcome shows thatthe diversity in Tg1?s broadcast is disproportionate and that the pictorial representation isnot impartial and objective without the linguistic part.

Trafikstyrningsintäkter : Revisorers riskbedömning

Bakgrund: Internet har sedan dess introduktion utnyttjats för dess massiva potential som marknadsföringsverktyg. Utvecklingen har gått mot sofistikerade interaktiva marknadsfö­ringssystem vars främsta mål är att styra trafik på internet. Trafikstyrningsbranschen på in­ternet omsatte ca 6,5 miljarder dollar år 2006 globalt och förväntas växa kraftigt. Denna studie ämnar undersöka problematik som har identifierats i aktuella rättsfall vid intäktsre­dovisning från trafikstyrningssystem. Risk kan föreligga främst genom manipulation av in­formation och transaktioner.


Fiscal policy and its consequences have attracted much attention on both academic and societal level, in Sweden and elsewhere. However, the dependence between fiscal policy on municipality level and business cycles has only recently sparked a debate among Swedish economists. Studies point out that a law which came to force in 2000, balanskravet, may have caused municipalities to lower expenditures, alternatively raising taxes, during recessions. This thesis examines how the level of municipality taxes depends on business cycle fluctuations and the impact that balanskravet has had on this correlation. We employ econometric regressions, with annual data covering the period 1980-2014, to enable an analysis of the dependence between taxes and business cycles, both before and after the introduction of balanskravet.

Bolibompa-draken behöver inte springa hem längre : En studie i hur anställda på Barnkanalen upplever anpassningen till det nya medielandskapet

Today?s media consumption and viewing behavior has led to an expansion in the marketand resulted in a media convergence. The competition gets fiercer with each player andthe outcome for the linear TV channels has to be to change in some way. This is aqualitative interview study with producers at Sweden?s leading children channel?Barnkanalen?, how they experience the adoption to this new media landscape.

"Öppna jämförelser"- morot eller piska? : En fallstudie av hur förändrad styrning av sjukvården påverkar läkare i deras yrkesutövning

The governance and control of healthcare organizations has traditionally been run byprofessions inside the organization (Fölster et al., 2003). During the last decades Swedishhealthcare has undergone an institutional transformation where the governance has changedfrom professional governance to a more market like one (Sahlin-Andersson, 2006). Governingof healthcare can however be problematic as professional work is characterized by a highlevel of autonomy and tacit knowledge (cf. Tsoukas, 1997, Freidson, 2001). An expression ofthe new kind of governance is the annually published report ?Öppna jämförelser av hälso- ochsjukvårdens kvalitet och effektivitet?.

Skolans arbete mot alkohol och droger : Lärarnas uppfattning om det alkohol- och drogrelateradearbetet.

This research aims to determine teacher perceptions on alcohol- and drug use among students, as well as how they implement the municipality framework against alcohol and drugs. The research was carried out in a midsized town in the centre of Sweden. It is characterized by an inductive approach and was performed through a qualitative method. Results were analyzed from a hermeneutic approach, and theories used are system theory, salutogenic approach and Mead?s symbolic interaction theory.

Marknadsföring i maktens korridorer : En studie om sociala mediers funktion i riksdagsvalet 2010

The current election is causing a debate in the Swedish media. The parties are trying to convince voters by spreading interesting and informative messages through different kind of media. Social media has emerged as a new way of reaching voters. All the current parliamentary parties have implemented this communication channel into their marketing strategy. People have both admired and judged the channel´s applicability in election campaigns.

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