
Skogsbränsleuttag vid förstagallring och dess påverkan på beståndsutveckling

simulering i Heureka med olika skötselprogram

Stands where pre commercial thinning has been ignored or inadequate often tend to have high stem density and low average diameter when they reach heights of thinning. In such stands, it can often be expensive to do a conventional pulpwood harvest as a first thinning. This study investigates the development of the stands and the economic outcome of forest fuel extraction, or a combined harvest as alternatives to the ordinary pulpwood harvest. Simulations in Heureka StandWise were performed for two thin and dense stands, which were constructed by data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory. The simulations show that the extraction of forest fuel in first thinning at an early stage can provide higher net revenue compared to conventional pulpwood harvest at the same time or later. An early forest fuel extraction or a combined harvest resulted in higher present value for the entire rotation period. The study indicates that forest fuel prices and productivity of forest fuel harvest has a major impact on which option should be selected.


Erik Olsson Sebastian Helgée

Lärosäte och institution

SLU/Dept. of Forest Ecology and Management


"Kandidatuppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla kandidatexamen.

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