

1126 Uppsatser om Audit outcome - Sida 29 av 76

Hopp som i hare : Om undanträngningens roll i arbetet med min diktsamling

AbstractThe aim of this essay is to analyse what roll repression has had in the making of my unpublished collection of poems entitled Hopp som i hare. I examine how the autobiographical subject abortion has influenced the writing process and the outcome of the poems. By presenting literature that?s been important in the making of the collection I show some thoughts and ideas about Post Abortion Stress Disorder, a diagnosis without scientific grounds. In a discussion I go through the whole writing process from subject and genre choice through the revisions till the final version that were sent to be commented by the class in creative writing at Växjö University 2008.

Mångfaldsarbete, en intersektionell strategi? : En studie av kommuners kombinerade jämställdhets- och mångfaldsplaner.

The purpose of this essay is to investigate and analyze the term diversity in five Swedish municipality?s combined gender equality- and diversity plans. The purpose is also to investigate who or whom of the employers that are included in the term diversity and if gender equality is included in the diversity work. The material is analyzed on the basis of theory of intersectionality and discourse analysis. The outcome of the analysis indicates that the municipalities use the term diversity in many different ways in the combined gender equality- and diversity plans.

Jämställdhetsarbete - det lagstadgade arbetet som inte prioriteras : En studie kring jämställdhetsarbete i privata företag

The purpose of this essay is to investigate and analyze how widely and intensive genderequality issues are considered within Swedish companies. Qualitative interviews werearranged with personnel managers within each company, and complemented with aquestionnaire amongst the employees. The collected information was analysed on the basis ofgender theory, organization and change theory, theory of equal opportunities and historicalstatistics. The outcome of the analysis indicates that companies find gender equality of highinterest, and important to address within the daily work. However the analysis also shows thateven though the companies find gender equality important it is only adopted within few areas,and not across all departments.

Elevhälsan ? främst förebyggande och hälsofrämjande? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om skolkuratorers villkor att arbeta förebyggande

The aim of the study was, through qualitative interviews with school counsellors in Swedish primary schools, to study what the counsellors are experiencing condition their ability to work proactively according to the Swedish Education Act provisions on student health. During the study, six interviews with school counsellors who worked in the same suburbs, was conducted. The theoretical approach that was used is Michael Lipsky's theory of street-level bureaucrats and the term discretion. The overall outcome of the study was that the interviewed school counsellors felt that they did not have good opportunities to work preventively as the Education Act requires. The main reason for this was the school counsellor?s heavy workload.

What goes up must come down - Modelling economic consequences of wind turbine decommissioning

At the time being there is limited experience within turbine decommissioning in Sweden and the economic effects are unknown. Despite this, there are expectations that revenues generated by sales of materials will cover decommissioning costs. The model developed identifies thirteen parameters that vary between different types of turbines and that affect the economic consequences of decommissioning. The three most important parameters are turbine location, tower material, and the scope of decommissioning. Trends in the wind energy industry show that these three factors are developing in a manner that increases decommissioning costs dramatically.

Informationsmäklare i Sverige marknadsföringsstrategier och konkurrensmedel i en outvecklad bransch

A new line of business has arisen on the Swedish information market. The information broker is still quite an unknown actor but the future seems to hold a prosperous outcome for this kind of alternative information service. The information broker has many definitions but can generally be described as an intermediary between information sources and users. The Swedish market for this kind of information professionals has not yet developed into a big, well-established and lucrative branch as for example the one in the USA. The Swedish actors are still coping with resistance in form of insufficient support from the government, competitiveness from other more established information services and the clienteles lack of understanding the brokers purpose and utility.

Hjälpande relationer i psykiatrisk öppenvård : en intervjustudie

Background: During the last decades patient satisfaction has become an important measurement of quality in psychiatric care. However the patients are seldom asked to evaluate the treatments.Objectives: The aim is to determine which factors the outpatients regard as beneficial in their psychiatric treatment. The purpose is explorative. During the study another purpose developed; to present research on the importance of the relationship between the caretaker and the caregiver for the outcome.Method: 30 persons were interviewed about what they found helpful in psychiatric treatment. The interviews were open using Grounded Theory as methodological input.Result: The most prominent topic was the quality of the relationship between the caregiver and the caretaker.

"Jag såg att du såg" : En studie om lärares och skolkuratorers upplevelser och uppfattningar om självskadebeteende.

The aim of this study was trough qualitative interviews with teachers and counsellors in Swedish schools, to study their experiences and perceptions of non suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescents. During the study three teachers and three counsellors who worked in four different schools were conducted. The theoretical approach that was used is Michael Polanyis theory tacit knowledge. The outcome of the study was that schools did not seem to talk about NSSI as a problem and the teachers knowledge about it had come from own experiences meeting adolescents whit NSSI. The interviewed teachers and counsellors felt it hard to define NSSI, they mainly referred it to someone who cut themselves.

Översvämningsanalys med hänsyn till Länsstyrelsens handbok : Planering för stigande vatten i Kristinehamns kommun

This thesis has been adjusted because some parts are classified, some sentences might have been changed. Electric bikes are a convenient mode of transport, a good choice when long distances or tough slopes can be an obstacle.The goal of the project was to create a prototype on a locking mechanism with an inductive charger for electric bikes.The idea behind the project was to develop a user-friendly locking mechanism, where the bikes would be charged inductively when they were locked. To implement the project facts about induction, battery charging and locking devices was needed to be acquired. Circuits for induction charging were created and a lock device was constructed. A microprocessor was used to control the entire system.A prototype was designed with a locking device and an inductive charger fixed in a bike rack.The entire project became very wide which resulted in that not all of the parts of the project could be completed.

Japansk Biståndspolitik - Implementering av Japans ODA-deklaration genom positiva och negativa sanktioner vid internationellt bistånd.

The aim of this study has been to, through a couple of chosen theories, examine in what way and for what purposes Japan has used its international aid system, How can the nation have been said to have implemented and acted in lines with the philosophies and principles set forth in the ODA declaration. What approaches, concerning positive and negative aid sanctions in the matters of aid to Cambodia and Burma, have been chosen and what have the motives for these choices been. What have been the determining factors of the outcome related to these sanctions - economic, political and/or matters of identity? I have found that a concern for possible decrease in economic profit and investment related areas, combined with a feared loss of political prestige and worsened diplomatic relations to the neighbouring countries in the Asian society, have come to overtrump the notion of advocating democracy, human rights, environmental and anti-militaristic issues..

Effekter av muskeluppbyggande träning på muskelstyrka och funktionsnivå hos personer med Multipel Skleros: en litteraturstudie

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of our most common neurological diseases. The development of the disease often make the affected persons live with it for a long time. There are two types of the disease, the first is a progressive type and the other is relapsing remitting. Strengthening exercises isn?t commonly used as a treatment method although muscle weakness and fatigue are common symptoms.

Barns delaktighet i frågor om umgängesstöd : en studie av elva tingsrättsdomar

The purpose of this study was to examine children's participation in court proceedings on supervised visitation and to analyse the descriptions of children in court verdicts. Eleven verdicts concerning supervised visitation resolved in 2014 were collected from two district courts in Stockholm County and studied with a qualitative textual analysis. The material was analysed with participation levels influenced by the ladder of participation for children developed by Roger Hart and with the theory of sociology of childhood. Our findings showed that children's opinions were mentioned in eight of the verdicts. In four verdicts the children's will influenced the courts decisions.

EU:s svårföränderliga jordbrukspolitik - En studie om varför CAP är så svårföränderligt ur ett nyinstitutionalistiskt perspektiv

The European Union's long-term budget negotiations during the summer of 2005 were obstructed from being successful due to a quite fierceful debate about the future guidelines of the Common Agricultural Policy. A quarrel about money and who gets what, was the common answer as to why it took the European leaders six months to accept the budget, and quite rightfully. This essay, however, goes beneath those explanations and tries to see what other reasons there might be for such a phenomena.With a new institutionalistic approach this study seeks to see what underlying reasons for why an institution such as CAP is so resistant to change. With special attention to the new historical institutionalism and the rational choice institutionalism the study successfully shows that though the front laying reasons to the problems with the budget might have been economical, several other factors also affected the outcome of the budget negotiations.Structures, national identity and decisions taken when outlining the Common Agricultural Policy in the 1960's still affect the European union, its members and foremost of all, the Policy/institution itself..

Projektioner - subjektivitet och ansvar i gestaltandet :

With this paper my aim has been to investigate my subjectivity and responsibility as a landscape architect and to find ways to relate to it and handle it in my work. When I advocate a certain concept for a project, I influence the outcome, and in doing so I take on a personal responsibility. Even though my judgement is built upon facts and cooperation with colleagues and other consultants, I am always responsible for the part I play and how I affect the course of action. To what extent can I advocate my view and is it actually my responsibility to do it? How is my subjectivity part of my knowledge and influence as a landscape architect? I have interviewed three well known Swedish landscape architects to have their view on the matter. Since they are all strong individuals with huge experience and influence, the personal responsibility they bring upon themselves for their design action is as important. I have also used one of my own projects as a case study, analysing my design and standpoint and my relationship to the client to illustrate how these questions emerge even in the smallest projects. In the last section of the investigation I have searched for clues in diverse literature. This section is divided into three view points; the society, the profession and the individual..

Tjejgrupp - stärkande eller problematiskt kollektiv? : En analys av erfarenheter och minnen från feministiska tjejgrupper

This essay investigates the results of participation by teenage girls in feminist groups, the so called girl groups. These groups are descendants of the awareness-raising groups of the 1970?s feminist movement. The essay assumes the relevance of theories of heteronormativity and performativity, as well as theories surrounding two different ways to organize girl groups. It is done either through the Pippi-feminism, named after strong independent book character Pippi Longstocking, or through the collective empowerment feminism.

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