

1126 Uppsatser om Audit outcome - Sida 28 av 76

Tillvänjning av labradorer att skritta och trava på löpband :

The aim of this study was to determine a method to habituate treadmill-naive Labrador Retrievers to walk and trot on a treadmill. 17 Labradors was equipped with reflective markers glued to the skin. Their motions were captured with six 240 Hz infra-red cameras as they walked and trotted on a treadmill three times a day for two days. Also the heart-rate was recorded. We then used QTM and custom built software to analyze the measurements.

Animal Assisted Therapy : ett team i behandling och terapi av barn och unga

The main purpose of this examination paper has been to do a review of recent scientific and evaluated studies performed on children 0-15 years of age, treated with an animal as an assistant to the therapist/professional. The key term is Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT). Our focus has been to describe in what fields these kinds of studies have been performed, what the results are and how effective they have been. As a supplement to our study we have performed 8 short telephone interviews with professionals in the same field of occupation corresponding to the studies we have summarized. Our results concerning the studies show that there has been a positive outcome in the treatment of children and adolescents and AAT.

Det löser sig! : Förberedelsens betydelse för gymnasieelevers lärande vid kemilaborationer

Laboratory work is a big part of chemistry education in high school. During our student training placement we have noticed that the laboratory work is not fully utilized to develop students´ chemistry knowledge. This problem made us want to investigate how the laboratory work in chemistry could be set, to become more meaningful for students. We introduced two preparation methods, and examined the outcome of students learning experiences and their acquisition of chemistry knowledge. This was examined both through surveys and observation.

Personligt Varumärke och Ledarskap : En kvalitativ studie om hur företagsledare använder sig av personligt varumärke i sitt ledarskap

The meaning of being someone and standing for something is getting more important today in the Swedish business market. Our thesis has a qualitative approach that aims to study the usage of personal branding in the upper-management of Swedish organizations. Theories collected from literature and articles include marketing branding, personal branding and leadership. Our main target is to identify components that obtain usage of personal branding which are, attributes and strengths, communication, values, and vision and mission. The empirical data is gathered from six personal interviews with managers.

Klimat för felhantering och Etiskt ledarskap : Felhantering i revision: En undersökning av ett tänkbart samband mellan etiskt ledarskap och felhanteringsklimat.

AbstractFor an audit organization, it is important to work toward maintaininga high error climate to handle errors in an efficient and propermanner. This means that it is important for accountants to worktowards high quality of work, reduce and manage errors that mayoccur in their daily work. Therefore, auditors must know how tohandle errors in order to improve efficiency, which can be affected byhow leadership is exercised in the workplace. The error climatemeans being able to act in a manner which will ensure a good jobtowards customers but also within the internal operations.The ethical leadership may thus have an impact on how auditorshandle the error environment both internally and externally. It is veryimportant for customers to have confidence in the business but also tomaintain the order and the general rules of society for accountingfirms.My study aims to show the thinkable relationship between ethicalleadership and the error climate.

Perspektiv på svensk skola - fem framgångsrika invandrarelevers erfarenheter och tankar

This is a qualitative analysis based on interviews with five students, aged 17-19, all with an immigrant background and with a history of being successful in their school work. The students were interviewed twice with an interval of 1 to 1.5 years. The main purpose of this essay is to learn more about these students? experiences and to understand their conceptions of being students in the Swedish school system. Another aim is to put focus on the chosen target group, since it is a category of students that seldom gets attention in media or research.

Nutritionspolicyn på en kirurgavdelning : En utvärdering av följsamheten till riktlinjerna

Introduction: Balance between the essential nutritive substances is important for aperson to maintain health. The surgical patient can be stricken with conditions, whichhave a negative impact on this balance and can lead to malnutrition. Working as a nurseit is important to identify patients that are malnourished or is in the risk zone ofmalnourishment since 30 % of all patients in hospitals are malnourished.Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the compliance to the guidelines fornutritional assessment and parenteral nutrition on a surgical ward. Also whether thenutritional treatment/-support was reported to the next caregivers if the patient wasmalnourished or was in the risk zone of malnourishment at the time of discharge.Method: 80 patients enrolled on the ward in the beginning of year 2011 were included.Audit of patient records was made according to the hospital guidelines for nutrition andparenteral nutrition and followed a study specific protocol.Results: The examination of the case records showed that the guidelines for nutritionwere partly complied with. Nutritional treatment/-support was reported to the nextcaregivers when needed.

Konvertering av CRM-system från ASP till ASP.NET

S2 CRM is a Customer Relations Management system built in classic ASP that runs on a web server servicing customers with varying needs. The purpose of this thesis work is to convert parts of the system to the web development environment ASP.NET. The purpose is also to gain knowledge of the framework itself. The ASP.NET environment is compared with another framework, JBoss Seam, in order to understand the differences and to evaluate the possibility of using another framework than ASP.NET, when building the new system. The outcome of this comparison is that although JBoss Seam is just as good, and in some aspects better than ASP.NET, the use of ASP.NET simplifies the continuation of development on the S2 CRM product.

Inverkan av föräldrastrategier och föräldrabarnrelation på tonåringens Interneterfarenheter

Theories about exposure and risk-taking in an everyday environment show a connection between parental strategies, parent-child relationship and exposure on the Internet. In the present study, the Internet is presented as an everyday activity. Negative exposure is seen as an outcome of risk-taking. The purpose of the study was to examine in what way parental strategies together with the parent-child relationship were related to the teenagers? negative experiences on the Internet, which consisted of three categories: 1) Exposure to pornographic sites, 2) Exposure to upsetting and violent material, 3) Digital bullying.

Standardisering och optimering av packningsprocess

This is a thesis performed at GEMS PET Systems AB in Uppsala. GEMS PET Systems AB is a company within GE Healthcare. GEMS PET Systems develops and manufactures equipment for manufacturing of radioactive isotopes for PET which is a scanner used in medical applications. The systems includes an accelerator of cyclotron type and other support equipment. One system is shipped in two or three containers depending on order configuration.

Svenska konsumenters attityd till potatis : möjligheter för potatisbranschen

Until the sixties potatoes have had a unthreatened position at the Swedish dining tables, but then different alternatives such as rice and pasta have become popular. In 2005 the Swedish potato-consumption have more than hafted compared with the sixties, we have gone from circa 90 to 40 kilograms per person and year. This paper aims to provide those who are involved within the potatoe business with an overview of the attitude and behaviour towards potatoes that are being held by Swedish consumers. In order to reach to the conclusion, in- store interviews had been held with customers in the cities of Stockholm and Malmö. The interviews showed that the typical potato-consumer prefers to choose and in pick their own potatoes to a bag in the store in favour of the pre-packed alternatives. Based on the outcome of the interviews a number of conclusions could be drawn. The consumers were of the perception that the pre-packed alternatives were too big for their households.

Valet av hög revisionskvalité : Vilka faktorer beskriver valet?

This paper analyzes the auditor choices for a sample of 300 predominantly small Swedish firms, all located in Umeå. Our hypothesis was based on the complexity of a firm, the need of external financing, leverage, and the need of extra consultance from the auditfirm. Our definition of auditor quality is based on prior studies, and is frequently used by authors in this area. The assumption is based on that the auditor quality increases with the size of the auditfirm and the degree of the auditor. The auditor quality is therefor depending on the choice between an auditor from the group ?Big 5? or not, and the choice of an auditor with an higher degree.

Frihet från ansvar : Professionellas kunskaper om sexuella riskbeteenden vid HIV-infektion utomlands

Theories about exposure and risk-taking in an everyday environment show a connection between parental strategies, parent-child relationship and exposure on the Internet. In the present study, the Internet is presented as an everyday activity. Negative exposure is seen as an outcome of risk-taking. The purpose of the study was to examine in what way parental strategies together with the parent-child relationship were related to the teenagers? negative experiences on the Internet, which consisted of three categories: 1) Exposure to pornographic sites, 2) Exposure to upsetting and violent material, 3) Digital bullying.

Svensk tjänstehundsavel : en återblick och nutidsbeskrivning samt förslag inför framtiden

In 1936 a governmental breeding project was started with aim on military use. The police later came to use dogs from this project as well. In order to utilize dogs that could fit for other purposes training and education of dogs for search of different substances and of guide dogs for blind persons was performed. A political decision to privatize the whole dog programme was taken in 1992. During most part of the time one had serious economical issues since too few of the dogs that were bred could be considered to fulfil the basic demands for service. To satisfy the need of service dogs private bred dogs were bought as well.

Utrikespolitik och krig : En fallstudie om USA:s invasion av Irak utifrån neoklassisk realism

In this essay i argue that there are three different variables that may be able to control the outcome of certain foreign policy choices. These three variables are External Threats, government division and public opinion. The Essay also tries to identify former president Bush motives behind the 2003 Iraqi War. It is partly argued that the three variables had a certain amount of influence on Bush decision making process. But the main focus lies on the motives behind the attack.

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