

978 Uppsatser om Associative argumentation techniques - Sida 2 av 66

Härskarens nya kläder : Vad händer när härskartekniker flyttar in på Facebook?

In this thesis we focus on the issue of master suppression techniques and how they take form on Facebook. The research in area of master suppression techniques online is limited and therefore the purpose of this thesis is to create a greater understanding of the online environment of Facebook. We have used a method of netnographic observation studies and content analysis to create a triangular perspective of the subject. Based on the result of our observation studies we draw the conclusion that you can see signs of some of the master suppression techniques on Facebook. We also argue why others don?t show up.

Är man farlig bör man vara ärlig : En kvalitativ retorisk analys av fem reklamfilmer för receptfria värktabletter

The purpose of this essay was to analyze rhetorical features of Swedish drug advertising and see if drug advertising could be misleading or not. The study was primarily concentrated on how pills were described and that was the overall picture of pills created in commercials. The essay uses theories of narrative, semiotic, argumentation and theories concerning social communication in advertising. In this study fife TV-ads were analyzed: Alvedon, Ibumetin, Treo, Bamyl, and Ipren. The analysis showed that drug advertising has the potential to be misleading mostly because the overall picture of pills which creates in commercials is strong and kind heroes. .

Arbetsklimatet på militärhögskolan Karlberg : Finns det skillnader i upplevelser/erfarenheter mellan män och kvinnor på officersprogrammet i kullen 07-10 vad gäller härskartekniker?

This study focuses the gendered relations of the Military Academy of Karlberg. More specific the study is investigating the experiences among young women and men cadets of suppression techniques. The purpose of the study is to get more knowledge about the work climate and suppression techniques at the officers? training program 2007/2010. The research questions employed for the study were:- Do the women and men officer students/cadets have any experiences of master suppressiontechniques at the officers? training program?- What kind of master suppression techniques occur at the officer?s training program?- What kind of master suppression techniques do women experience?- What kind of master suppression techniques do men experience?The study is a survey and data were retrieved by a questionnaire sent out to the participants.

Filosofi med barn: etisk argumentation, logiskt tänkande och språkutveckling

Examensarbetet syftar till att beskriva och analysera yngre elevers uttryck av etisk argumentation och logiskt tänkande från studiens inledningsskede till dess slutskede fem veckor senare, samt till att undersöka och beskriva vilken betydelse bild kan ha som uttrycksmedel vid etisk argumentation, för elever i lägre årskurser. Vidare syftar arbetet till att besvara hur ett passande arbetssätt och innehåll skulle kunna utformas för att elever i de lägre årskurserna ska utveckla sin etiska argumentation och sitt logiska tänkande, samt sin förmåga att uttrycka sig inom dessa två områden. Inom centrala delar av studien har jag använt mig av relevanta steg inom kvalitetsredovisning i avsikt att försäkra arbetets validitet och reliabilitet, och datainsamlingen har skett genom observationer, kvalitativa intervjuer, enkäter och gruppsamtal. Arbetet genomfördes i en skolklass, årskurs 2, under fem veckors tid, och resultaten har visat en ansenlig positiv förändring i elevernas uttryck av skriftlig etisk argumentation. Exempelvis har antalet elever som skriftligt har uttryckt argument för ställningstaganden ökat i stor utsträckning.

Då den goda smaken utmanades : estetik och marknad i svensk konst 1885

What is discussed here are the events taking place in Sweden in 1885, a turbulent year in Swedish art history. It is shown how the conception of Swedish art, in creating a Swedish identity in art, was expanded.  Two exhibitions were analyzed, Akademiens för de fria konsterna Jubileumsutställning and Opponenternas utställning. While the artists exhibiting at the Academy were using traditional strategies and thechniques, several artists at Opponenterna, were using modern techniques they had learned outside the Academy, mostly in France. These techniques were: experimenting with perspective and the use of empty spaces in mediating ambiance. The third strategy was that of individualization by moving closer to the motif.


Den här studien har sin utgångspunkt i en debatt om fosterdiagnostik och abort som fördes i Läkartidningen under slutet av 1970-talet. Likväl handlar den om en tid av historiska förändringar, om abort- och steriliseringspolitik i 1900-talets Sverige, och om en argumentation som aldrig förändras. I form av en diskursanalys har jag, utifrån maktteoretiska begrepp undersökt hur man genom skriftlig formulering och argumentation i Läkartidningen strävat efter att upprätthålla maktrelationer och könsmaktsordning i samhället..

En kanon i historia - en kontroversiell fråga i Danmark men tystnad i Sverige

Syftet med följande arbete är att presentera det förslag till historiekanon som lades fram i Danmark sommaren 2006, samt den debatt som följde i media, samt att jämföra klimatet för historieämnet i Danmark och Sverige. Svend Sødring Jensens teori om olika historieundervisningsmodeller applicerades på materialet. Genom en kvalitativ analys av de olika texterna, blev resultatet att förespråkarna för en kanon har en objektivistisk och/eller klassisk argumentation, samt att motståndarna har en formal argumentation när de inte anser att en kanon ska finnas, och objektivistisk och/eller klassisk argumentation när de anser att urvalet av kanonpunkter är felaktigt. I jämförelsen med Sverige blir resultatet att Sverige har en mer nyanserad historiesyn, speciellt när det gäller den egna kulturen..

Boktips från biblioteket: En kvalitativ textanalys utifrån Boktips.net

In this Master's Thesis a rhetorical analysis is applied to reading suggestions in the database Boktips.net. Boktips.net utilize the Internet for readers advisory by offering public libraries in Sweden to use and participate to its contents. The aim is to examine how library staff writes about literature in Boktips.net. The empirical material is delimited to reading suggestions on fiction for adults. Areas in focus of the analysis are rhetorical context, disposition, style and components from the point of view of content: summary, evaluation on portrayal of characters and setting, narrative, language use, genre and themes, entertainment, insights and external information.

Om önskvärdheten av svensk deltagardemokrati En analys av argument från åren 2000-2002

On the 17th of January 2002 the Swedish government presented a bill to theSwedish parliament, proposing ways of strengthening the Swedish democracythrough reforms for increased elements of participatory democracy. A publicreport on the state of the Swedish democracy had been released two years earlierwith similar enthusiasm for participatory democracy. However, the participatoryideals of these two documents were strongly criticised by a group of scholars.The aim of this thesis is to analyze and compare the arguments articulatedbetween the years 2000 and 2002 by the actors mentioned above, and to examinetheir relation to arguments concerning political participation, articulated bythinkers from previous times. By classifying the arguments into different groupsdepending on their content I find that both parties in the Swedish argumentationfocus on the effects of participatory democracy on political equality, on theefficiency of the political decision-making and the quality of the decisions beingmade, and finally on the personal character of the citizens. Among the argumentsarticulated by thinkers from previous times, similarities with the Swedishargumentation can be seen as well as important differences.

Brothers in arms or partners in crime? A study of the gap between EU and USA in the cooperation against global terrorism.

In this thesis I analyse and discuss what impact the 2003 U.S lead intervention in Iraq, had for the cooperation against global terrorism between the European Union and the United States. Six years have passed since the Bush administration decided to go on with the intervention, even though they did not have the necessary UN mandate. Due to unsuccessful argumentation in favour of the intervention by the Bush administration, the world got divided. George W. Bush reference to a ?war on terror?, which passed almost unnoticed by Americans, rang alarm bells in many European countries.

Argumentera mera! : Sju svensklärares syn på arbetet med argumenterande text

This essay is a qualitative study that examines seven teachers ? views on argumentative texts. The aim is to examine how teachers work and discuss argumentative texts, and how they work to develop students ? writing. The main question is: What are the teachers experience, perception and attitude about working with argumentative text? Furthermore: What specific features are important when they mark this type of text? : How do teachers work with formative grading in terms of writing this type of text? Research shows that Swedish students ? ability to write argumentative texts are inadequate.

Råttors sjukdomar :

This examination paper is about diseases of rats. The examination paper also includes sampling techniques, administration techniques and radiography. A detailed account of diseases of rats and their symptoms has been included. This examination paper is primarily written for veterinary technicians but also for others with interest in the subject. .

Cassirer och argumentationens myter : En introduktion till förståelsen av m?thos och narratio i argumentation

I denna uppsats undersöker jag hur det är möjligt att med hjälp av bland annat Ernst Cassirers teorier kring myter och genom att se hur dessa tar sig i uttryck i ett narratio, nå en utökad förståelse för argumentation genom att ta fasta på det som ligger utanför logikens och det rationella förnuftets område. Med utgångspunkt i Cassirer, kompletterad av Jean-Pierre Vernant, Cornelius Castoriadis och Jesper Svenbro, visar jag hur m?thos hela tiden är närvarande i vårt tänkande, hur m?thos skapar och omskapar mening samtidigt som denna mening sätts i spel genom olika myter. I argumentation tar dessa myter formen av det som i den antika dispositionen för ett argumenterande tal kallades narratio. En av de viktigaste funktionerna för narrationen är att skapa trovärdighet åt ett m?thos och detta sker på fyra olika sätt: prosans genrekarakteristiska, diakrona handlingskopplingar, anagnorisis, samt den synkrona sammanlänkningen.

Förbifart Stockholm - En studie av beslutsprocessen och argumentationen för och emot

The Stockholm Bypass is an infrastructural project planned to be located west of Stockholm. This study investigates the argumentation concerning the project from different perspectives. The theoretical starting point is within Decision Theory. The main theories include Bounded Rationality, Kingdon's study of the political agenda and theory regarding venue shopping, framing and lobbying. The method chosen for this qualitative case study consists of both gathering data through semi-structured interviews and through documents provided by stakeholders and information available publically through archives and media.

Undersökning av optimeringsalternativ för elektrostatlackering

This report describes a thesis done at the Jönköping University of Technology. The aim of this thesis was to create conditions to optimize an existing automatic electrostatic coating system by changing the technology for dispensing lacquer. To select the technology, a study of different dispensing techniques carried out which concluded that the piezoelectric membrane and electrostatic atomization are the most interesting techniques.In order to perform tests with dispensing techniques a demonstrator has been optimized. The controller and PC software of the demonstrator has been programmed to be able to send out PWM signals that control the dispensers. An adapter card was designed to control the piezoelectric membrane and a steering link to the electrostatic atomization has been developed for PWM signals up to 500V.The work has laid ground for a demonstrator where further testing of the dispensing technologies can be performed..

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