

313 Uppsatser om Arkiv- och bibliotekskunskap - Sida 3 av 21

Tesauruskonstruktion i ämnet landskapsplanering

This research paper is a thesaurus construction for the interdisciplinary subject of landscape planning. The personnel doing the indexing of documents at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences had earlier expressed a need for such a work within the fields of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Engineering. However our objective was not to create a complete thesaurus, but instead a basic construction which the personnel at the Agricultural University could expand upon. The actual construction is based upon ISO 2788-1986, Documentation Ð Guidelines for the establishment and development of monolingual thesauri, and Aitchison, Gilchrist and BawdenÕs Thesaurus Construction (1997). The line of enquiry taken has dealt with the problems relating to the collection, selection and control of indexing terms.

Informationssökning i tre olika hypertextstrukturer - ett experiment

The aim of this study was to find out if hypertext structure has any relevance for the efficiency of information retrieval. An experiment, in which three variants of hypertext structure were compared, was carried out in the autumn of 1998. Three websites with different structures were constructed for this purpose: a sequential version, a hierarchical version and a webcluster version. 44 subjects, all students at the University of Lund, were randomly divided into three groups. Subjects were requiered to answer a number of questions using one of the three versions.

Den nöjda och osynliga bibliotekarien : Myt och verklighet - Vad är trivsel för bibliotekarier?

The aim of this thesis is to explore the job satisfaction of librarians and try to nuance stereotypes, which the public has and which still exist in massmedia concerning librarians and their work. The study is qualitative and based mainly on semistructured interviews with ten libraries born between 1937s and 1973s of which eight are women and two men. Furthermore, I have divided them into two groups according to age in order to see if there are differencies between the older and the younger concerning job satisfaction. In addition, I have used participant observation to some extent. My assumption is that job satisfaction is effected both by individual factors and environmental factors at work.

Marknadsföring via bibliotekets webbplats

The aim of this study is to investigate the public libraries use of their websites in their marketing. Our study is based on the websites of 60 public libraries. The libraries are chosen because of their geographical location in three different provinces? Skåne in the south, Östergötland in the middle and Norrbotten in the north. These three choices enable us to cover densely as well as thinly populated areas, the agricultural district, the woodland and cities of various sizes.

Biblioteken, upphovsrätten och de nya medierna

The explosion of new digital media puts pressure for developments within copyright law both in Sweden and internationally. These developments are taking place on two different international areas: (1) WIPO which is a part of the UN family and (2) the EU where a new directive on copyright law is being prepared and probably implemented during 2001. The aim of this thesis is twofold: (1) to study which considerations libraries must make when handling the new digital media both under today's copyright laws and under those which are being developed internationally. (2) What will be the consequences, for Swedish libraries, if the new EU-directive on copyright law is implemented in Sweden? By analysing current copyright laws, international treaties and the proposal for a new EU-directive as well as the national debate the thesis brings attention to a number of central issues for libraries.

Informationsförsörjning för nya högskolor : En modell för Helsingborgs högskolefilial

In this work we study how the information provision should be organised in a new smaller size Swedish university college in a town without previous academic traditions. Specifically, our aim is to propose a possible model for information provision in Campus Helsingborg which is currently under construction. The study consists of two parts: literature review and empirical investigation. In the literature review we summarise a selection of articles about traditional and untraditional practically realised ways of information provision in nineties. The empirical investigation consists of 19 interviews with students, teachers and librarians from Kalmar, Halmstad and Helsingborg.

Hur konstrueras användare och bibliotek på svenska folkbiblioteks webbplatser ur ett webb 2.0- perspektiv?

The aim of this thesis is to find out how users and libraries are constructed at public library websites in Sweden from a web 2.0 perspective. We discuss the development of public libraries in Swedish history and the change from an system oriented perspective to a individual oriented perspective and how these perspectives correspond to needs of the library user. We also discuss the concept of web 2.0 and library 2.0. These concepts are open for different interpretations. Some writers believe that web 2.0 and library 2.0 is something radically new and that it will change the public libraries, while other writers claim that these concepts is just a marketing plan.

Sjukhusets hjärta? : Informationsbeteenden hos läkare och sjuksköterskor på Universitetssjukhuset i Lund

This Masters' thesis is a study on the information behaviour of hospital personnel at the University Hospital in Lund, Sweden. A questionnaire was distributed to 301 nurses and physicians working in the intensive care unit, the population was reduced to 244 persons. The response rate was 52%, i.e. 125 questionnaires were completed. Nurses constituted 68 % of the population.

Studenters användning av referenstjänster: en användarundersökning vid Lunds universitetsbibliotek UB1, ht 1996

The main purpose of this study was to establish to what extent undergraduate students use reference services, what knowledge they have about those services and what their views of them are.The survey took place at Lund University Library, UB1, the main library responsible for collections in social sciences, humanities, theology and law. A total of 476 undergraduate students were asked to fill in a questionnaire, 273 accepted. The study is quantitative and was carried out during the autumn semester, 1996.The results show that the service used most frequently by undergraduate students is the reference collection. The least used service is the Internet, more than 50 percent of the students never use Internet at the University Library. In general, students are very pleased with the service given by the reference librarians, and with the collection of reference books.

Sekvenskonst eller skräp? Bibliotekariers inställning till tecknade serier för vuxna på Malmös och Lunds stadsbibliotek.

The purpose of the following thesis has been to study librarians' attitudes towards comics for grown up people. I have compared the attitudes among the staff in two public libraries in Sweden, Malmö public library and Lund public library. I have conducted five interviews with librarians and observed how the comics are handled in each library. I have also carried out a literary study of the history and theories of comics. Initially a definition of comics is presented, and then an overview of the development of comics and of some theories regarding them is offered.

NetSök : Internetvägledning för referensbibliotekarier

Internet has made information more easy to get, but also more difficult to retrieve. There is a need for information retrieval systems that assure accurate, reliable and up to date information. Quite a number of both commercial and non commercial search services has been developed on the Internet. We have made a qualitative study of one for-pay product in particular, NetS k, produced by BTJ (Bibliotekstj nst), Lund. It is a database that contains collected, evaluated and classified links, and is especially developed to suit public librarians in Sweden.

VARFÖR ERBJUDA POPULÄRMUSIK PÅ FOLKBIBLIOTEK? En studie av hur folkbiblioteken i Sverige och Danmark önskar tillhandahålla populärmusik och i vilka syften

This master thesis is written in the purpose to discover which attitudes the public libraries in Sweden and Denmark have towards offering popular music to their patrons, how they motivates their choices and why they make the choices they make. The essay focuses on the differences and similarities between the Swedish and Danish libraries and relates their attitudes to the Finnish researcher Sanna Taljas three discourses regarding music policies in libraries.We examined this by sending out a question sheet to public libraries in Sweden and Denmark, the questions were regarding popular music's place in the library and how they build up their music collection. The question sheets were sent out to a total of 116 libraries of which 46 were Danish.The conclusions we drew after our examination were that Danish and Swedish public libraries have a lot in common in the way they regard and distribute popular music in the public libraries. Both of the respondent groups puts user demand high on the priority list as well as having a collection that holds significant works of many genres..

Konsten att aktivera det kollektiva minnet - Arkivens potential för att utöva pedagogisk verksamhet

Syftet med vår uppsats är att utreda den pedagogiska potentialen i olika typer av arkiv. Vi undersöker hur och om arkiven kan bli en pedagogisk resurs samt hur arkiven tillgängliggör sig gentemot skolan. Med hjälp av arkivens styrdokument och intervjuer analyserar vi och jämför det pedagogiska arbetet och satsningarna hos arkiven. Begreppet historiemedvetande spelar en central roll i uppsatsen och i undersökningen analyseras och redogörs för hur arkivarierna och arkivpedagogerna ser på begreppet historiemedvetande. Vidare refereras och diskuteras den aktuella debatten kring detta centrala begrepp och dess roll i gällande kursplaner och läroplan.

Ämnesordsindexering av ryttmästare John Andréns specialsamling : Utveckling av en indexeringsmodell utifrån teoretiska och praktiska perspektiv

This is an explorative study about subject indexing of a special collection of books, administered by the John Andrén Foundation at the library of Ystad. The study summarises a number of theoretical perspectives as well as some practical instructions on how to carry out the task. Theories have been placed into five different groups according to their various approaches to subject indexing. These have been analysed in regard to their usefulness to the Andrén collection. The authors have tested and evaluated six practical models on a selection of books from the Andrén collection.

Folkbibliotekssponsring : en undersökning av alternativa finansieringsmöjligheter för svenska folkbibliotek

As public libraries in Sweden receive the bulk of their budget from local government funding, which has stayed static or, at best, seen small increases, libraries have been faced with inadequate resources with which to satisfy increasing expectations from users. As few libraries are over-funded in the first place, ways may have to be found to combat this situation. The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine alternative sources of funding for Swedish public libraries, and my main focus of interest is that of sponsorship. The method used is a literature study combined with an empirical study, in which interviews were conducted with five persons each with long experience of working with public libraries. The literary study deals with the concept of sponsorship, and the motivations for companies to sponsor are also examined.

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