

2708 Uppsatser om Applied and experimental psychology - Sida 44 av 181

Prestanda och precision pa? en enkortsdator i ett system med realtidskrav

The report aims to investigate how well a certain type of affordable embedded single board computer can hold up against today's more expensive computers in a computer system by doing various tests on a system with the specified requirements. The system has a Raspberry Pi as the single board computer which task is to control a camera based on coordinates obtained from a server as well as capture and stream a video signal on a network.The researches were conducted to check how much network traffic a single-chip computer sent in different video formats and how much CPU utilization was required. Studies were also made to ensure the accuracy of the camera control. The researches have been experimental, where several tests have been performed and analyzed.The results show that a sufficiently good accuracy can be obtained from the camera steering unit, in which two different servos have been investigated. When the video format MJPEG and H.264 are used, the single-chip computer is able to transmit a video signal up to 1280x720 at 15 fps.

Att vara fritidspedagog är inte alltid lätt. En undersökning om fritidspedagogers ohälsa som handlar om stress och utbrändhet s

Stress och utbrändhet har blivit allt mer vanligt i vår vardag och en stor bidragande faktor är arbetet. Flertal studier visar att arbetet är högt relaterat till stress och utbrändhet, specifikt i läraryrket. Dock har yrket fritidspedagoger glömts i dagens undersökningar vilket föreliggande studie anser som ett problemområde. Intentionen med undersökningen är därför att få en förståelse för ohälsa, som handlar om stress och utbrändhet bland fritidspedagoger. Studien grundas på en kvalitativ metod, som har utgått från sex semistrukturerade intervjuer.

Gemensamt konstruktivt medarbetarskap : en plattform för framtiden

Syftet med studien var att kartlägga åsikter kring ett Gemensamt Konstruktivt Medarbetarskap (GKM) för att lägga grunden till en plattform att stå på inför kommande arbete kring medarbetarskap ute i organisationer. Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning med fallstudie som grundläggande design med en ansats av positiv psykologi, vilken genomfördes på en kemisk industri. Datainsamlingen gjordes genom fokusgruppsintervjuer där fyra-sex deltagare deltog/intervju. Vid intervjuerna diskuterades fyra fokusområden; gemensamt medarbetarskap, ledarskap, medledarskap och coaching. I studien har fem teman definierats vilka kan utgöra en plattform att stå på; ansvarstagande, förtroende, kommunikation, samarbete och engagemang.

Att beträda deras mark : Kvinnliga polisers upplevelser av möjligheter att söka till piketenheten

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur kvinnliga poliser, som har ett intresse av piketenhetens arbete, upplever sina egna möjligheter att söka sig till enheten.Vi har intervjuat nio kvinnliga poliser som har deltagit i en prova på-utbildning anordnad av en av landets tre piketenheter. Syftet med utbildningen var bl.a. att försöka rekrytera fler kvinnor till enheten, eftersom den idag utgörs endast av män. Intervjupersonerna har intervjuats både före och efter utbildningen.Resultatet beskrivs genom fyra teman som visade sig vara centrala i intervjumaterialet: Betoningen av fysisk styrka, Bilden av piketen, Att vara kvinna i polisen samt Att söka eller inte. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att vår undersökning ger stöd för att det finns genusbundna processer i polisens yrkeskultur, som utgör hinder för kvinnors möjligheter att söka till piketenheten..

Dramawebben: Att välja tekniska lösningar för digitalisering

This study is predominantly qualitative. It is also descriptive to a large extent and notoriented towards hypothesis-testing. The study aims at studying what has influenceddigitization of old Swedish dramatical works through the Dramawebben projekt, whilefocusing on the technical solutions. Four different data collection methods have been applied.Interviews and a questionaire with open-ended questions were the two primary tools. Adocument analysis and observations were applied as well.Examples from earlier research to relate to questions about digitization as an institutional andsocietal practice are presented.

Prosamodernism, form och genusdebatt : En komparativ form- och receptionsstudie av Karin Boyes Astarte och Rosa Chacels Estación, ida y vuelta

The aim of this study is to compare the modernist novels Astarte (1931) by the Swedish writer Karin Boye with Estación, Ida y vuelta (1930) by the Spanish author Rosa Chacel and the reception of these literary works in contemporary academic research. The theoretical ground of the study consists of feminist and critical theory, with traits of discourse analysis.Astarte and Estación were in large part forgotten and ignored by the Western Canon of literature during most of the 20th century, but have lately gained more attention as important modernist novels by researchers (from the feminist, poststructuralist or hermeneutic theoretical fields) who primarily examine the experimental forms figured by the texts in relation to the deconstruction and shattering of human homogenous ?essence?.The results found in the study show that the literary forms of both novels can be associated with a kind of illusion rapture, which relate to the modernist inclination to what Frederic Jameson calls artificial narrative; a form technique that points back at itself to emphasize its own characteristic of being a constructed and subjective illustration of reality. The contemporary interest in these artificial literary forms expressed by Astarte and Estación is therefore probably a consequence of the vibrant academic debates carried out during later decades concerning the conception of human gender and identity as construction and performance. .

Hård eller mjuk, varför inte lite av varje ? En studie om kombinationen av modernt och traditionellt ledarskap sett ur personalens synvinkel

Dagens ledarskap har genomgått stora förändringar och gått från traditionellt, hårt och byråkratiskt ledande till ett allt mer mjukt, flexibelt och personalfokuserat ledarskap. Kommer framtidens ledarskap att enbart bestå av mjukt ledarskap medan det traditionella dör ut, eller är det så att arbetslivet behöver båda i en kombination. Syftet med studien var att undersöka ledarskap ur personalens perspektiv med fokus riktat mot kombinationen av mjuk(transformativt ledarskap) och hård(transaktionellt ledarskap) makt. Genom en enkätundersökning så framgick personalens tankar och åsikter kring ledarskap i förhållande till kombinationen av mjuk och hård makt. Resultatet påvisade att personalen inom en industriell arbetsmiljö har en positiv syn på kombinationen av mjuk och hård makt där faktorer inom båda ledarskapstilarna ses som betydelsefulla och nödvändiga..

Gör som jag menar - En studie om budskapets betydelse samt dess påverkan på inre upplevelse och yttre beteende

The purpose of this paper was to understand internal communication?s critical tradition by studying the interface of the subjective experience and the objective behavior within a management team. During almost two years this group was observed, several semi-structured interviews were conducted and a specific incident was analyzed. The interview texts where analyzed, using the Meaning Constitution Analysis developed by Roger Sages (2010) at Lund University. The observations were summarized in sociograms showing relationships in the organization.

Perceptionsanalys av tre webbplatser som använder Flash : skillnader i syn på färg och form bland kvinnliga och manliga Internetanvändare i olika åldersgrupper

Denna uppsats undersöker hur kvinnor och män i olika åldersgrupper förhåller sig till Flashapplikationer utifrån deras uppfattning om färg och form. Deltagarna som består av skolungdomar, nyexaminerade studenter och pensionärer har genom en enkät och en semistrukturerad intervjuform fått redogöra för sina intryck av Santa Marias, Eccos och Indiskas webbplatser. Undersökningsdeltagarna identifierar Flashelementen genom deras rörelser. Deltagarna vill välja om de ska se animationer och andra applikationer skapade i Flash för att inte tappa koncentrationen från övrigt innehåll. Studenterna i undersökningen har en mer kritisk hållning till färgval, formgivning och användandet av Flash än övriga.

Attraktiv arbetsgivare : en jämförande studie i tre oilka organisationer

This study was carried out at Luftfartsverket (LFV Group, SwedishAirports and Air Navigation Services), AstraZeneca and Svenska Spel. The purpose of the study was to examine and compare how these companies work towards becoming, and maintaining to be, an employer of choice. Facts were sought about the companies and their work to become an employer of choice.To get a discerning and profound picture, a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews with twelve key persons in this work was conducted. The method Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used for analysis.The results showed that an amount of factors have an input on how attractive the employer is. Common were compensation and benefits, competence development, leadership, information and health-related activities.

Facklitteratur för barn ? ett försök till analysmodell

This thesis is about how to criticize the large number of non-fiction for children which is published nowadays. I have noticed that both librarians and teachers do not know what perspective to apply with regard to this category of books. There are some good ones, but also a lot of bad ones and some really bad ones. The purpose of this essay is to search by means of criteria from history of art, history of literature ? principally history of children's literature ? and pedagogy, for prevalent attitudes towards non-fiction for children.

Perspektiv på kompetensutveckling i praktiken: en intervjustudie av HR-arbete i ett globalt företag.

During the last decade working with competence has emerged as a more strategically important area. Today the human resources in a company are considered a competitive advance and the HR-units play a significant role when it comes to HR-management. Different motives for investing in strategies that promote competence development and learning also exist. The purpose of this paper was to examine how the process of competence development was managed at a large global company. The empirical material consisted of four persons who were interviewed and the analysis of the material was inspired by grounded theory.From the analysis four major themes or core factors emerged as central to the interviewed persons' understanding of the competence development process; solid preparatory work in relation to competence development, communication, awareness of responsibilities and finally the taking action and evaluation of the action.

"Läsuppgifter i matematiken, det mest faktaintensiva språk du kan tänka dig" : En intervjustudie om undervisning av grundskoleelever med matematiksvårigheter

The aim of this study was to investigate which factors teachers and special needs education teachers view as being the main causes of mathematical learning difficulties and from these choose how to educate pupils with these difficulties. The aim was also to investigate how this education is organised at two different schools. An interview based investigation addressed these objectives by using three comprehensive questions:Which factors do the teachers and special needs teachers view as being the main reasons for mathematical learning difficulties?How do teachers and special needs teachers educate pupils with mathematical learning difficulties?How is the education organised for pupils with mathematical learning difficulties at two different schools?This study is based on four interviews of three teachers and one special needs teacher. The people interviewed work at two different primary schools in the same local authority.

Boksamtal : En språkutvecklande metod för andraspråkstalare

The main purpose of this essay is to study how classroom interaction can take place in a class for Second Language Learners (SLL).1 I have applied a case study methodology on a linguistic method used by a Teacher in Swedish as Second Language working on a primary school situated in the Southern suburbs of Stockholm. The learning method is based on extensive reading of books which comprehend several learning techniques organized into a process that support the development of linguistic skills such as discussing in a group, writing, reading and thinking in a second language. The methodology applied is based on observations, on an interview with a Teacher in Swedish as Second Language and on a questionnaire answered by 11 students that participated on ?Boksamtal?.Based on a theoretical framework about socio cultural theories on learning and scaffolding,2 I attempt to integrate theory and practice to investigate how the Teacher succeed on applying effective methods for second language learning. Through the analyses of the data is also my intention to emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of such a method.

Thoughts, feelings and experiences by students ? a study of motivation and mental health in the individual senior high school program

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka elevers tankar, känslor och upplevelser av studier inom det individuella gymnasieprogrammet. Enligt tidigare forskning och enligt teorierna framgår det att elever som går det individuella programmet har negativa tankemönster, upplever psykisk ohälsa och depressiva symtom. I undersökningen har både kvantitativa och kvalitativa data analyserats. En enkätundersökning har skickats ut hos eleverna och två intervjuer har gjorts, en intervju med en lärare och en med en kurator. Resultatet visar höga procent av negativa tankemönster, depression och psykisk ohälsa hos eleverna.

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