

2708 Uppsatser om Applied and experimental psychology - Sida 36 av 181

Kultur och hälsa : En fenomenologisk studie av den kulturella bakgrundens roll i individens hälsouppfattning

The aim of the study has been to see if there are cultural differences in the perception of health and, if so, analyze if this is something needed to be taken in consideration in Swedish healthcare, schools and so forth.The participants were children aged between nine and nineteen. The study was performed at Islamic center's Islamic free school in Rosengård, Malmö. We have used a phenomenological approach that encourages the participants to talk freely and in their own words about a given subject, in our case, health. To analyze the transcribed interviews we have used software, Minerva, an application of Meaning Constitution Analysis (MCA) developed by Roger Sages, lector at The University of Lund.The results show that all the participants, regardless of culture, feel that eating right and exercising are crucial for their health. Additional to this we have found that the participants have a very strong solidarity whit their family and their origin country.

Vilka hjälpbehov föreligger hos en individ som lämnar en destruktiv sekt?

Tidigare forskning pekar på att psykologiska faktorer påverkar hur individen rekryteras till en sekt. Förförståelsen inför denna intervjustudie var att det skulle kunna finnas ett behov av ett rehabiliteringscentrum i Sverige, och frågeställningen gällde vilka behov som föreligger hos en individ som lämnar en destruktiv sekt sett utifrån professionella hjälpares perspektiv. 14 personer deltog, psykiatriker, präster, politiker, terapeuter och psykologer. Resultatet visade att det finns olika anledningar till att individer rekryteras in i en sekt liksom till att de lämnar den. Resultatet visade också att det föreligger ett hjälpbehov hos individer som lämnar sekter och gemensamma svar för alla respondenter var att det behövs: (1) samtal, (2) gemenskap, (3) någon som lyssnar..

Kan man uppmärksamma mer än en sak samtidigt?

I denna uppsats tänker jag undersöka mekanismen för den mänskliga uppmärksamheten. För detta ändamål har jag lyft ut definitionen av uppmärksamheten ifrån definitionen av medvetandet. Jag är intresserad av att redovisa min åsikt om den rena uppmärksamheten. Den delen av uppmärksamheten som bara är en tankeslös struktur, konkret, en mekanisk mekanism som möjliggör den högre kognitiva processen. Utifrån denna definition ser jag en viktigdel av uppmärksamheten som en rörledning som bringar och möjliggörinformationsflödet till och från de högre delarna av vårt kognitiva system.

Dömd för brott? Sambandet mellan intagnas implicita och explicita attityder till brott och kriminell belastningsgrad

According to statistics two thirds of Swedish criminals relapse into crimes within three years (Brå, 2007). Researchers suggest a relationship between attitudes toward crime and delinquent behaviour (Andrews & Bonta, 2003), but whether these attitudes are implicit or explicit remains unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to measure both constructs. Using SC-IAT (Karpinski & Steinman, 2006) and constructs from the Theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985), criminals (N = 51) in three different prisons in southern Sweden were tested. Analysis yielded mixed results.

Inte för att jag hatar barn, men... : En intervjustudie om att inte vilja ha barn

The purpose of this study is to examine how some people who do not want children construct their identity in a context where children is the norm. The study therefore focuses on how they legitimate and present their identity in this context. 4 women and 2 men with the intention to remain childless have therefore been interviewed, and from these interviews I analyze and describe how intentional childless people construct their identity. My theoretical framework is built up by discourse psychology and gender/heterosexual hegemony theories. The thesis shows that it is hard for the intentional childless to construct their identity as once and for all given, the identity is constructed as a ?norm? against the norm, as well as affected by the norm.

Den internationella redovisningens framtida roll i Sverige - IFRS på bolagsnivå?

Throughout many years there have been discussions within the European Union (EU) regarding harmonization and improvement of accounting rules for companies with listed shares or other securities. The ambition exists to adopt, the within the union applied accounting standards, to those applied globally. These discussions lead the year 2002 to adoption by the council and parliament of international accounting standards (IFRS). The ordinance meant that all listed European companies have to adopt international accounting standards, accepted for application within the EU, for their consolidated accounts.During July 2003 the Swedish Government Official Reports issued a report (SOU 2003:71) stating, among other things, the differences and oppositions of implementing IFRS on a corporate level in Sweden, since corporate disclosure is regulated in Swedish law by Bokföringslagen (BFL) and Årsredovisningslagen (ÅRL). One of the main obstacles for the full implementation of IFRS is that a company?s annual report underlies the governmental taxation and an implementation of IFRS would affect this balance.

Unga lagöverträdare - Juridiska komplikationer i den brottsutredande verksamheten

The aim of this essay is to describe and analyse the legal complications that arise in connection with preliminary investigations involving several juvenile offenders, where all suspected persons have not attained the age of criminal liability. It is also intended to give a broad analysis of the concept preliminary investigation, with particular emphasis on juvenile offenders. It further analyses the legislation and legal complications on the basis of a rule of law perspective. The method previously used is court dogmatic, where in front law text, preparatory work, case law and legal doctrine have been used in order to present the existing sources relating to the subject matter of discussion. The criminal investigative bodies consider juvenile offenders are regulated under the Swedish RB 23 - 28 chapters, FUK and LUL.

Designerrollen i en webbdesignprocess

This study investigates if, and in that case, how design theory is applied in practice in the web development field. Prior research has focused on methods used in the web development field. We wanted to study the designers role in a web design process by comparing existing designer roles with design theory literature. We did qualitative interviews with two practitioners at two different communication agencies in northern Sweden. Based on our qualitative data and literature review we have concluded that a designer has to devote a lot of energy on requirements engineering in order to develop a clear understanding of the design situation..

Förebygg och åtgärda mobbning på arbetsplatser :

Bullying in workplaces has been a growing problem the last ten years. Anyone can be a victim or a bully. Either you are a leader or a worker a bullying situation can be activated. There is no difference between ages, line of business, education or the size of the firm. A person is defined as bullied if he or she is repeatedly subjected to negative acts in the workplace. However, to be a victim of such bullying one must also feel inferiority in defending oneself in the actual situation. Bullying often occurs when situations or conditions at the workplace are unsatisfactory. Employers are always responsible for the working environment at the workplace. Victims of bullying very often develop psychological stress. To prevent bullying you have to accept the fact that bullying exists. If the company has a clear policy against bullying and a plan for action if the problem occurs, it will be easier to handle the situation.

Att illustrera en känsla. Fyra bilder - Fyra känslor

My goal with this Project was to create four pictures which de¬scribed four different emotions. The purpose of the project was that the pictures would be placed in a psychology department and they could use them as a starting point for a discussion about the patients? emotions. My personal purpose was that I wanted to create pictures in scale 1:1 in an analogue fashion, and try to learn more about how people see and feel about pictures. What kind of thoughts can a picture give you? Can I create a picture which can be used as a platform for a discussion? Can I make a picture which describes an emotion? The making of the pictures started with developing ideas and then I took photographs of my friend Joel, in different situations and moods, which I used as reference for my paintings.

Barns och tonåringars välmående

This paper examined if childrens wellbeing affected their social and academic competence. The data was collected through an anonymous study using questionnaires, where the measuring instruments GHQ12 and EQ was used, and also a number of questions concerning academic competence. The population concisted twentytwo eight grade students, both girls and boys. The population had both Swedish and foreign ancestry. The result showed that wellbeing and the academic competence had a positive correlation.

Den demokratiska lyxen

Abstract: The fashion industry is perhaps the most unpredictable one where change occurs very rapidly. In order to be attractive and interesting in this competitive industry, a brand must constantly be up to date and differentiated from other brands to attract the consumers. This has given rise to an increasing growth of brands that cooperate for marketing reasons and more specifically, clothing retailers that perform designer collaborations with exclusive designers to create limited collections.Studies describing the effects of those collaborations on the retailers brands are rare and especially from a consumer perspective. Since H&M has been a pioneer in designer collaborations and has done it more times and for more years than any other retailer we have conducted our study on their case. Our intention was to investigate how the designer collaborations have affected the brand equity and image of H&M, if the collaborations have increased the willingness to pay for H&M's other ranges and if they have affected H&M's ability to extend its brand to higher price segments, through an experimental study.

Från tidsbrist till tidsinsikt : Socialpsykologiska perspektiv på mening och rehabilitering av utbrändhet

Denna explorativa studie syftar till att studera meningsskapande faktorer hos individer med utbrändhetsproblematik. För att belysa fenomenet har sju personer intervjuats enligt kvalitativ intervjumetodik. Samtliga har genomgått ett yrkesinriktat rehabiliteringsprogram och de har en långvarig sjukskrivning bakom sig. Analysen av intervjumaterialet har inspirerats av grounded theory, en kvalitativ metod för att generera teoretiska slutsatser av empiriska data.Resultatet pekar på att intervjupersonerna i många delar har en samsyn kring den process de genomgått. Det visar sig att trots en lång och besvärlig tid, så upplever alla en förändring som kan betraktas som positiv och meningsfull.

Jämförande studie av LEM2 och Dynamiska Redukter

This thesis presents the results of the implementation and evaluation of two machine learning algorithms [Baz98, GB97]based on notions from Rough Set theory [Paw82]. Both algorithms were implemented and tested using the Weka [WF00]software framework. The main purpose for doing this was to investigate whether the experimental results obtained in [Baz98]could be reproduced, by implementing both algorithms in a framework that provided common functionalities needed by both. As a result of this thesis, a Rough Set framework accompanying the Weka system was designed and implemented, as well as three methods for discretization and three classi cation methods. The results of the evaluation did not match those obtained by the original authors.

Inverkan av olika joner och jonconcentrationer på porstorleksfördelningen i trämassa-fibrer

The basic ingredient of paper is the individual wood fibers. The property of the fibers depends on a variety of factors e.g., method of pulp production and processing. The final sheet quality depends in part on how the fibers interface between each other and therefore factors that affect the fiber size are of interest.The flexibility of the fibers depends in part on the pore water i.e., the fiber swelling. The sheet becomes less flexible at low water content which gives a loss in strength. Thus it becomes desirable to increase the water uptake.The experimental investigation described in this report consists of exposing the wood fibers to different ions and ionic strength and then measure the pore size by thermoporosimetry where a DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter) is used.

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