

2708 Uppsatser om Applied and experimental psychology - Sida 35 av 181

Psykologers gränser till gränssituationers psykologi : En fenomenologisk studie av hur psykologer kan handskas med livsåskådningsfrågor i samtalsbehandling

This qualitative studie discusses how psychologists can integrate clients' secular or religious philosophies into counseling and psychotherapy, as themes that are psychologically meaningful. The studie also discusses how psychologists can understand and respond to the psychological aspects of clients' existential and religious experiences. Eight psychologists were interviewed and their experiences were analysed using a phenomenological method.The results of the interviews suggested that the eight psychologists could handle the psychological aspects of clients' philosophies, by investigating their own personal philosophies and scientific ontologies. It was also discussed how an awareness of the psychologists' professional boundaries and personal experiences of existential and religious phenomenons, could facilitate an integration of clients' existential and religious experiences..

Utveckling av metod för utvärdering av synnervens funktion hos häst :

VEP, visual evoked potential is an electrophysiologic test that can be used for evaluating the higher visual pathways. The aim of this study was to investigate if it is possible to adapt this method to horses. This method could have a clinical use in addition to the existing diagnostic methods that are available to evaluate vision in horses. Firstly, this study contains a summary of relevant studies done on animals and, secondly, an experimental part where the possibility of recording VEP in nonsedated and sedated horses is investigated and where to position the recording electrode to obtain the best results. Our results show that it is possible to record VEP in horses in a clinical setting. VEP was best recorded in the sedated horse to avoid movement artifacts and other disturbances.

Drömmen om Sverige: En studie av Exportrådets informationsfilmer "Världens möjligheter"

Within the fields of business as well as the academic, there is a growing interest for the role images play in an organized conception of the world. This paper acknowledges the relevance of such images and ideas, and its purpose is to examine the fixed ideas and conceptions of the world as they appear in a Swedish organizational context. The Swedish Trade Council is a hybrid organization between the state and private sector with an outspoken purpose of defining an image of the outside world for small and medium size enterprises in Sweden. The underlying question in focus for this study is: What central conceptions of the world appear in the Swedish Trade Council?s information films ?Världens möjligheter?? Within organizational studies, a postcolonial theory has to a large extent been overlooked.

Betydelse av text och uttryckssätt för minnesförmåga och emotion

Hur en text ska utformas och förmedlas om man vill att den ska bevaras i minnet hos mottagaren och vad som väcker emotioner är frågor som den här studien vill söka svar på. Ett bekvämlighetsurval har använts och deltagarna har läst och lyssnat till olika texter. Efter varje text besvarades en enkät. Resultatet visar att utförandet av text och uttryck är beroende på om vi ska läsa eller lyssna till den. Vidare har ett samband mellan upplevd emotion och upplevd minnesförmåga noterats.

Webb-TV reklam : Påverkan och synpunkter. Målgrupp unga vuxna i Stockholm

In this study the authors have explored the new phenomenon Web-TV and what attitude young adults in Stockholm have towards this media and the applied advertisement. Further the study includes search outs of other studies for the authors to draw parallels to compare their result to be able make conclusions. Finally, Web-TV is discussed how the commercial on Web-TV could be developed to be as responsive as possible regarding the consumers..

Vätsketerapi : experimentell studie med två infusionsaggregat

Background: In small animal healthcare fluid therapy is an important area. To get an adequate treatment there are several factors that may play important roles in this matter. One of these factors is the correct use of the administration technique. Aim: The aim was to investigate how correct the amount of prescribed fluid was given when different people set up a fluid administration set. Method: An experimental study was performed to compare two different infusion techniques.

Högskolestudenters matvanor och kroppsuppfattning.

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka vad högskolestudenter har för matvanor och kroppsuppfattning. Resultatet grundar sig på enkätsvar som delades ut till 48 studenter vid en högskola i södra Sverige, 24 kvinnor och 24 män. Tre grupper utformades: Ekonomutbildning, Lärarutbildning och Hälsa/ vårdutbildning. Resultatet visar att det att 44 av de 48 deltagarna anser sig ha bra självkänsla men majoriteten ansåg att skolarbetet påverkade självkänslan. Många kände sig även stressade inför tentor vilket för en del fick följden att de slarvade med maten.

Uppsägning på grund av sjukdom

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how employers? rights to give employees notice because of illness are regulated in Swedish working life. This essay consists of two parts. The first part is jurisprudential and based on traditional juristic method. The second part entails the discipline Sociology of Law and is based on a qualitative survey consisting of two interviews.

NO NAME - Fenomenet förståelse

This thesis examines the experience value of the wolf and wolf hunting presented in mediaduring December 17, 2009-Feruary 15, 2010. I analyze news articles, editorials and letters tothe editor in three newspapers. In order to investigate the experience value of the wolf and thewolf hunt, I have with inspiration from a model employed in the assessment of experiencevalue of tangible cultural heritage, developed a model which I use to analyze the mediamaterial according to the criteria of aesthetic value, identity value, value of tradition andsymbolic value. In order to analyze the results of the analyze, I employ experimental andsociocultural theory and method, which means that I assume the experiences of the wolf andthe wolf hunt as related to a social and cultural perspective that partly depends on how weidentify ourselves and what kind of experiences and understandings we have of the landscapeand large carnivores. Since media affects how we perceive our surroundings and the wolfhunting attracted much attention in media, I found it interesting to examine how the wolf andthe wolf hunt were displayed in news articles and letters to the editor.

Assessing the ability of LARGE overexpression to prevent the development of muscular dystrophy

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a hereditary X-linked fatal disease that affects 1 in 3500 male births. It is the most common kind of muscular dystrophy in children and leads to death in the late teens or early 20s for many patients. The mdx mouse is a model of DMD that can be used to investigate experimental therapies. Overexpression of a glycosyltransferase, CT GalNAc, in mdx mice has been demonstrated to prevent the development of muscular dystrophy. Overexpression of another glycosyltransferase, LARGE, is currently being investigated as a treatment for another group of muscular dystrophies, the dystroglycanopathies. In this study, we overexpressed LARGE in mdx mice in order to investigate its effect on the development of muscular dystrophy.

Unga kvinnor samtalar om pornografi : en diskursanalys

I detta arbete intresserar vi oss för mötet mellan unga kvinnor och talet om och från pornografin, i syfte att förstå hur detta tal upplevs av individerna. Studien bygger på utskrifter från två fokusgruppsintervjuer. Informanter var fem unga kvinnor. Diskursanalys användes som metod för bearbetningen av materialet och resultaten diskuterades utifrån för ämnet relevant litteratur, i huvudsak feministisk och psykoanalytisk sådan.Deltagarna upplevde sig som klämda mellan den pornografiska diskursen som föreskriver ett visst utseende och en viss sexrepertoar och det motstridiga talet om pornografi som betraktar den antingen som kvinnoförtryck, eller som enbart filmatiserade fantasier. En konvergenspunkt gemensam för diskursanalysens resultat och de teorier vi använt, verkar uppstå kring kontrollen av kvinnlig sexualitet..

Career choice:The relationship between personality, state anxiety and the career decidedness among Swedish upper secondary school students

The main purpose of this study was to inquire into personality and the state anxiety in relation to career decidedness scale among students in upper secondary school. The participants were 124 students in three grades and respectively non vocationally oriented classes. The participants were asked to grade themselves on a scale in relation to the statements regarding, state of decidedness for career choice, personality (NEO FFI, Costa & McCrae, 1985. Sweden, Gerontologic Center) and anxiety (AnTI, Wells, 1994). The results showed no significant relationship between personality and state of anxiety that could be connected to the decidedness for career choice.

Genomlysning av ett lager ur ett Leanperspektiv - fokus på effektivitet och värdekapande aktiviteter : En fallstudie på Svenska Fönster

The objective of this study is to examine how Lean can make the utilization of inventory more effective and, from a Lean perspective, examine how the value-adding activities related to inventory can increase. To examine this, a case study was perfomed at Svenska Fönster. The conclusions of this study are that Lean can advantageously be applied on inventory to increase the efficiency. .

Beteendepåverkande designaspekter inom social media

This paper has it?s starting point in the midst of the debate concerning behaviour in socialmedia. Prior research has primarily been concerned with the role and responsibility of theuser while technology has been viewed as morally neutral. The base of the study isdiscourse analysis and a discursive psychology perspective is used to compare texts onTwitter and Facebook that were published during the events of the Boston bombings.The aim is to examine how platform users construct reality, groups and identities andwhat consequences those constructions bring. An interpretation of why the discourse ofTwitter and Facebook differ is grounded in aspects of design, which have been identifiedas having an influence on behaviour.

Betydelsen av coaching och samtal för kvinnors självkänsla

Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att ta reda på om mina kvinnliga informanter upplevde en ökad/ förbättrad självkänsla under coaching/ samtal. Vidare var syftet att belysa den ökade positiva ökade välbefinnandet av coaching och samtal ur individ synpunkt. Samtliga kvinnor upplevde en positiv ökad upplevelse till sig själva av återkommande coaching/ samtal sessioner. Ett resultat var att alla informanter upplevde en betydligt högre grad självkänsla och välbefinnande. Kvinnorna upplevde att de alla i högre grad kände sig mer tillfredsställda mer sig själva som personer. Även självförtroendet upplevde de hade förbättrats då de vågade ta för sig mer än vad de hade vågat innan , både i privata och arbetsrelaterade situationer och relationer..

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