

2708 Uppsatser om Applied and experimental psychology - Sida 37 av 181

Chefers identitet och identitetsskapande: en studie av chefer i offentlig verksamhet

The aim of this study was to gain a comprehension of managers experience of their identity and their construction of identity in the work sphere. 14 semi-structured interviews were performed with managers in the public sector. The interviews were analyzed from a hermeneutic approach. The results showed that the managers´ experience of their identity and their construction of identity were full of nuances and was characterized by a being and a becoming. The managers had several social identities at their disposal, which were brought to the fore due to the situation.

Rädslans koreografi : Unga mäns föreställningar om rädsla, hot och maskulinitet i den offentliga vardagen

"The choreography of fear" is a discourse-analysis study which focus at how young men speaks about fear, threat and violence in the public everyday life. The study adopts socialcontructionism as theoretical approach and also uses theories about gender, hegemony masculinity, fear as a social constructed phenomenon and moral-panic. The study is based on qualitative interview whit young men in age 18-30 and the method is mainly discourse-psychology. The section of Analysis discuss subjects as what and whom the young men consider to be a threat and which areas in the public space they consider to be dangerous and how they choose to handle the menace. The Analysis also focuses on how the informants speak about fear, how they define fear and what they consider arouse fear..

Företagande som strategi: -Frihet kostar trygghet, det måste man kunna leva med

Over the last decade the conversation on entrepreneurship has been both worldwide and intense. In Sweden, as in many other countries, this conversation has also concerned women?s entrepreneurship. Parallel with this conversation has been the debate on women in leading position in large corporations. This thesis aims to find out why and how women use entrepreneurship to handle existing conditions in life (such as the hardship of combining a traditional career with a traditional family life) and to create new conditions that suit them better.

Effektiva team: Hur skiljer sig industrigrupper från andra typer av arbetsgrupper från en större population?

Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur grupper inom en industri skiljer sig från andra typer av arbetsgrupper från en större population. I den här studien användes Team Diagnostic Survey (TDS). TDS instrumentet används för att mäta faktorer som anses vara avgörande för gruppens effektivitet enligt en modell av Hackman (2002). Den statistiska bearbetningen visade på 12 signifikanta skillnader. Skillnader visade sig inom följande områden: compelling direction, enabling direction, supportive organizational context och available coaching.

Användbarheten i Business Intelligens-system : Utvecklingen av användbarheten och funktionaliteten i ett webbaserat BI-system

The purpose of this study is to evaluate an existing user interface. The company in question has a web-based user interface (available through logging in via their website), but they are interested in making the process of using the interface more convenient and the interface more accessible, so that users without a background in computing can properly manage the interface. At the same time they want to apply additional functionalities in order create and to manage increased traffic on the company?s website. For this reason it is important to take into account the issues involved in human-computer interaction (HCI) as well as aspects of cognitive psychology in order to make the tool and the web interface more usable, more motivational, and therefore more efficient and professional.

Förbättrad vakuumtätning mot kabeln under plastextruderingsprocessen

This thesis is about developing a design that provides improved vacuum seal between a lead coating and a plastic coating during plastic extrusion processes of cables. This report is a part of the course MSGC 17 for Bachelor Engineers in mechanical engineering.The work is performed at Nexans Norway AS in Halden where they have a production of high voltage cables for sea-, and offshore industry. A problem they face is that they do not get enough good seal at the attachment to the plastic extrusion machine. They want to achieve a vacuum between a lead coating on the cable and a plastic coating of the cable for plastic extrusion, which is something they do not achieve today. The thesis is thus to come up with a design that provides better sealing against the cable.The work involves a construction part with the phases of product development processes.

Compost and its effects on soilborne plant pathogens

Certain microbial residents from composts are known to possess the ability to suppress soilborne plant pathogens. Trichoderma spp. and Gliocladium spp. are commonly found in composts and are perhaps the most wellknown hyperparasites of fungal pathogens, which may also be naturally present in compost. Trials have many times proven them to be effective against plant diseases caused by soilborne pathogens such as Pythium spp., Phytophthora spp.

Utveckling av ledningsmodell : Utredning av en sektions framtida ledning och styrning på Saab AB

As a consequence of the exports of Saab AB?s airplane 39 Gripen the departmentFATPA has grown and developed substantially in a short period of time. With the aim toclearly define and describe the establishment and its new work procedures and routines,which are meant to be applied after the turn of the year 2005/2006, FATPA is aiming todevelop a management model which will contain the above. The purpose of themanagement model is to describe how the department FATPA wants to work, especiallywith consideration to the department?s management.

Automatisk genreklassifikation : en experimentell studie

This thesis aims at examining to what extent a few, algorithmically very easily extractable document features can be used to classify electronic documents according to genre. A set of experiments is therefore carried out, using only 11 such simple features in an attempt to classify 84 documents belonging to electronic academic journals into three manually identified genres: table of contents, article, and review. The 11 features are also divided into three sets, containing metrics of words and sentences; punctuation marks; and URL links, respectively. The performance when using these sets of features is then measured with regard to classification accuracy, using a k-NN classifier, four different values of k (1, 3, 5, 7), and both leave-one-out and 10-fold cross-validation. Best results are achieved when using all three feature sets (i.e.

Genusaspekter på föräldraledighet i svenska små och medelstora företag

The main intention with this study was to explore how parents, employed in three Swedish small- and medium-sized companies, experienced their combination of work and parental leave. The investigation was carried out by a questionnaire, and the 21 participants estimated the attitude from and the treatment by mainly the management and the colleagues. The answers were analyzed both from a perspective of gender and in the aspect of high- and low utilizers of parental leave. The results showed that although both men and women generally estimated the attitude from the management and the colleagues towards parental leave to be positive, the parental leave was divided traditionally and unequally between the parents..

Varför stavar vi inte som norrmännen? En jämförande studie av attityder till alternativ stavning.

I uppsatsen tittar jag på hur tre språk (svenska, tyska, engelska) har hanterat stavningsreformer, eller planer på en sådan. Jag är intresserad av hur de olika sidorna i en stavningsreform positionerar sig, och om det är samma typ av argument oavsett vilket språk det gäller. Ja det är det. Båda sidor tar till brösttoner..

Kluven solidaritet? : Att formulera feministisk politik inom socialdemokratins ramar

This thesis focuses on politically active women within The Swedish Social Democratic Women?s Association, also known as S-women. By applying discourse analysis to interviews with active s-women and to meeting conversations between the association?s members, the study approaches ideas of feminism, feminist politics and political commitment. ?Solidarity? ? the central concept of the labour movement ? serves as the point of departure for a feminist discussion about class, gender, ethnicity and age/generation.

Crossmedia & Storytelling i Marknadsföringssyfte

This paper contains a study where we apply cross media and storytelling into the design process of a practical commercial campaign. The purpose is to learn more and deeper by using cross media and the ideal of storytelling practical. We applied a qualitative method for research of the project to provide a high-quality empirical work. The result shows that by using well-structured story early in the design process you will easily succeed with your cross media design..

Ska du verkligen komma in? : Missbrukare och deras relationer till majoritetssamhället

This essay will focus on drug addicts and their relations to the majority society in Sweden. The concepts of ?subculture? and ?stigmatization? applied to drug addicts are central in the analysis. The essay is based on interviews with two different groups of informants: one consisting of drug addicts and the other of non-addicts. The essay describes, analyses and interprets the informants? ways of relating to society and the observed tendencies of being a part of a subculture as well as obejcts of stigmatization, both individual and structural..

En studie över lärare och assistenter inom särskolan, skillnader i deras upplevelse av psykosocial arbetsmiljö

Syftet med studien är att se om det finns någon skillnad mellan hur lärare och assistenter, uppfattar sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö och arbetstillfredsställelse på tre olika särskolor. Deltagarna som ingick i studien bestod av 17 lärare och 17 assistenter inom särskolorna. De arbetar med elever som inte kan nå grundskolans mål på grund av utvecklingsstörning, autism eller begåvningsmässigt funktionshinder på grund av en hjärnskada. Urvalspersonerna är kvinnor och män i olika åldrar med skiftande anställningstid. Mätinstrumentet som användes i studien var enkäter som grundar sig på teorier om psykosociala arbetsmiljön och arbetstillfredsställelse.

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